Excessive Thirst Causes, Risks, and Remedies

You can feel excessive thirst after you eat spicy foods or complete physical exercise. It is also natural to feel thirsty in hot weather. But, if you feel thirsty, frequently, irrespective of drinking water at regular intervals or thirst becomes stronger after drinking water, you have some problems. In such cases, you continue to feel thirsty even after drinking several glasses of water. You may also experience other symptoms such as fatigue and blurred vision. These symptoms point to other medical conditions requiring immediate medical attention. So, you need to get the necessary help from the medical professional to avoid any complications. Knowing about the condition can help you make the right decision. So, read ahead to learn more about it.

About Excessive Thirst

Feeling thirsty, frequently develops due to the balance in water levels in the body. Excessive thirst is also referred to as polydipsia medically. You suffer from the condition due to urinating more. It means your body loses a lot of fluids. Without replacing the lost fluids, you can become dehydrated. This fluid loss can also occur when you perform physical processes like strenuous exercising, eating a diet consisting of high salt or processed foods, or take medications causing loss of excess fluids like diuretics.

Feeling thirsty is one of the earliest symptoms associated with diabetes. People who develop diabetes mellitus can feel this sign before they detect the problem. It is the type of condition making it difficult for your body to process glucose properly and use it. When your body fails to properly digest the sugars, the sugar levels in the blood rise to abnormal levels. Due to the increased blood sugar levels, you feel thirsty. While diabetes is the most common condition triggering the problem, other problems can also lead to the problem.

Causes Of Excessive Thirst

You can experience excessive thirst due to simple reasons or underlying diseases. For simple cases, you can get relief from the problem without medical intervention. Simple changes in your lifestyle can make a big difference. But, underlying health issues need medical intervention. Here are the causes associated with polydipsia.

Simple Causes Triggering Excessive Thirst

These types of issues are easy to rectify. You can overcome the problem with ease. Here are some of the common causes triggering a feeling of thirst:

  • Eating spicy or salty foods
  • Doing strenuous exercises
  • Suffering from illness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Suffering burns
  • Significant blood loss
  • Taking certain prescription medications like diuretics, lithium, or certain types of antipsychotics

Serious Causes Triggering Excessive Thirst

When you cannot quench excessive thirst with water, it may indicate some serious health problems. Such issues may rectify only with medical intervention. Here are some of the issues causing the problem:


It is the condition developing due to the lack of water balance in the body. Due to the imbalance, the body fails to function properly. Severe dehydration can pose a big risk to your life, especially in infants as well as young children. This condition can develop due to sweating profusely, illness, urinating more, diarrhea, or vomiting.

Dry Mouth

A dry mouth can make you thirsty. Usually, you suffer from a dry mouth due to the glands in the mouth making less saliva. In some cases, the condition develops as a result of taking certain medications. Treatment like chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer can result in dry mouth. Other issues contributing to dry mouth are:

  • Nerve damage in the neck and head
  • Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Excess tobacco use

When the glands fail to make enough saliva, it can trigger other symptoms. If you experience dry mouth, you need to see a doctor. Check out for the following signs:

  • Change in taste
  • Bad breath
  • Lips sticking to the teeth
  • Irritated gums
  • Trouble chewing

Diabetes Mellitus

Polydipsia is a common problem affecting people due to high blood sugar levels. It is one of the early signs of type 1 diabetes or indicates the person suffering from high blood sugar levels finds it difficult to manage the condition. So, how does the problem affect you? In normal cases, the insulin hormone aids the glucose to enter the cells in the body. It is then converted and used as energy. A person suffering from diabetes mellitus cannot produce sufficient insulin needed for the body or use it effectively. Due to this, the glucose you obtain from the food remains in the blood. It fails to enter the cell and results in disruption in your body.

Due to high blood sugar levels, the kidneys work harder. They work harder to remove unwanted sugar from the blood. When the body excretes sugar into the urine, it also releases fluids along with it. As your body loses excess fluid, you feel thirsty. You tend to drink more water and pee more. The common signs associated with the condition include:

When you develop diabetes, you become more prone to infections. Also, it takes a longer time for the wounds to heal. As time progresses, you develop complications such as heart problems and high blood pressure.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Triggering Excessive Thirst

A person already suffering from diabetes may feel excessive thirst than usual. In such cases, they need to check their blood sugar levels. At times, the symptom may occur due to suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis. It is the condition developing when glucose fails to enter the cells to provide energy. In such cases, the body starts to breakdown fat to get the necessary energy. This chemical reaction can lead to the production of a toxic byproduct known as ketones. Due to the buildup of ketones in the blood, it can become acidic. The change in pH of the blood can result in DKA. It is a potentially fatal condition.

DKA can trigger some early signs such as extreme thirst and a need to pee frequently. A person suffering from such symptoms needs to check their blood sugar levels. If the blood sugar level reads 240 milligrams per deciliter or more, you need to check the urine levels to detect ketones. You may develop other symptoms later such as:

  • Tiredness
  • Fruity smell (acetone) on the breath
  • Flushed or dry skin
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Confusion
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Coma

People suffering from such problems can buy kits for testing the ketone levels at home. Detecting the problem early can aid in getting medical assistance early to prevent it from becoming severe or life-threatening.

Diabetes Insipidus

It is a rare form of diabetes affecting very few people. Only one in twenty-five thousand people. It is different from diabetes mellitus which affects many people around the world. Diabetes insipidus does not have any link to trouble with insulin. This problem is classified into different types based on the cause. But, most of them are traced back to the problem with the antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin. This hormone is responsible for controlling fluid removal through the kidneys. A person suffering from the condition can pass a large volume of clear urine without any odor. A large amount of urine (around 3.4 to 22.7 liters) a day can affect the water balance. In such cases, you can suffer from polydipsia, which can also result in symptoms of dehydration such as:

  • Dry skin
  • Excessive thirst
  • Dry eyes
  • Nausea
  • Tiredness

A person who suffers from this condition should seek immediate medical help when they experience other symptoms even when they show no signs of dehydration:

  • Dizziness
  • Sluggishness
  • Confusion

Diabetes insipidus is a serious condition requiring immediate medical intervention. Without medical assistance, the problem can cause serious complications.

Mental Illness Triggering Excessive Thirst

So you know that mental health issues can trigger excessive thirst. Due to the problem, people feel the uncontrollable urge to drink water. Incidentally, they drink water even when the body does not need it. This condition is referred to as psychogenic polydipsia. Some of the mental illness triggering polydipsia includes the following:

  • Personality disorders like schizophrenia
  • Mood disorder such as anxiety and depression
  • Anorexia

People suffering from such mental disorders feel they suffer from dry mouth. So, they try to overcome the feeling by drinking a lot of water. Some people also believe that drinking water will cleanse their bodies or try to overcome the empty feeling in their stomachs. They may also do it out of habit. People suffering from OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder can drink too much water even when they do not require it. In such cases, the affected person becomes unaware that the fluid consumption has exceeded the normal levels. According to different studies, a neurobiological link exists between mental disorders and a traumatic brain injury. It may lead to excessive thirst. Water intoxication is the possible risk associated with the psychological cause of overhydration. It is a dangerous problem causing severe complications.

Normal Fluid Levels Needed In The Body To Prevent Excessive Thirst

In normal cases, you need to drink fluids throughout the day to prevent dehydration. When you feel excessive thirst, it means your water balance has become disrupted. To maintain the water balance, apart from drinking eight to twelve glasses of water, you need to include water-rich foods in your diet such as:

  • Oranges
  • Celery
  • Tomatoes
  • Melons
  • Watermelons

So, to detect if your body lacks water before suffering from dehydration, you need to check the urine. The appearance of urine can help you detect the state of your health. Light-colored urine, high in volume, and without heavy smell indicated the right water balance.

Importance Of Water For The Human Body

You may wonder why you need to give importance to water. Water is essential for every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. The body is constituted majorly of water and it helps the body to perform the following functions:

  • Maintain a normal body temperature
  • Offer protection to the spinal cord and brain
  • Protect the joint by offering lubrication and cushioning
  • Get rid of the toxic waste accumulated in the body via urination, perspiration, and bowel movements

In normal cases, the water you drink daily will help maintain regular functions. But, you need to take extra fluids when you perform the following:

  • Stay for a long time outdoors in hot weather
  • Engage in vigorous physical activity
  • Suffer from diarrhea
  • You vomit frequently
  • Develop a fever

The above-mentioned conditions can result in the loss of fluids in the body. You need to address the problem by drinking enough water. When you fail to do so, it can result in dehydration.

Complication Associated With Excessive Thirst

Polydipsia is an annoying problem. Without proper medical intervention, it can result in serious health complications. Here are some of the complications associated with the condition:


When you lose fluids from the body frequently, it can result in dehydration. Suffering from dehydration can also trigger signs such as:

  • Headaches
  • Fainting
  • Dizziness

Due to dehydration, you also pee less. As you urinate less, the toxic wastes, including excess blood sugar flushes out less from the body. Since your body cannot get rid of the excess sugar, your blood glucose levels can shoot up and result in diabetes.

Complications Due To Underlying Diseases

If high blood sugar or other issues trigger polydipsia, then you need to address the problem. Else, it can trigger life-threatening complications. Depending on the underlying condition, the complications can vary.

Risks Due To Excessive Thirst: Overhydration

When you try to quench your thirst by drinking more water, it can result in other complications referred to as overhydration. Taking in more water than what your body can expel can lead to this complication. It is common among people who drink too much fluid to compensate for the loss of fluids from the body. It is also a common problem in people who suffer from heart, liver, kidney disorders. Due to excess fluid levels, your sodium levels can drop drastically. It can result in complications like seizures and confusion when it develops quickly.

Seek Medical Assistance For Excessive Thirst

Feeling thirsty is the body’s signal to you about the low fluid levels. In normal cases, you can rectify the problem as soon as you drink sufficient water. Hence, you can quench your thirst with water. But, if the urge to drink water remains even after you drink several glasses of water, it may indicate something is amiss with your body. For serious underlying problems, you can develop other symptoms. Also, some mental health issues can trigger the urge to drink more water. You need to identify the seriousness of the condition and seek medical attention to address the problem.

Water Imbalance Triggering Excessive Thirst

In some cases, the water imbalance in the body triggers excessive thirst. This water imbalance may occur due to developing diseases like diabetes. In such cases, it is better to measure the amount of fluid you drink every day and the urine you produce. You can measure the number of fluids you drink by taking a measured container to store water and drink from it. You need to refill it when it becomes empty. Keep noting the amount of fluid you drink within twenty-four periods. You must also include the details regarding other fluids like coffee, fruit juices, and others consumed during this period.

To measure the urine produced, you need to use a special container for collection. In normal cases, people can have a urine output of around 800 milliliters to 2000 milliliters per day. This is the normal fluid output for people with the intake of fluid of two liters per day. When urine volume of more than 2.5 liters per day can indicate some problem. If you have increased urine volume due to no other reasons, see a doctor immediately.

Other Symptoms

If your feeling of thirst becomes worse or you see other signs developing, then you need to consider consulting a doctor. People who already suffer from health complications like kidney or diabetes, need to see a doctor check if they need any adjustment in their treatment plan.

Depending on the symptoms you observe, the doctor can diagnose the problem by performing several tests.

Diagnosing Excessive Thirst

Excessive thirst can develop due to different underlying reasons. Unresolved thirst can occur due to some serious problems that need medical intervention as early as possible. So, if you have not found out the actual reason for feeling thirsty frequently, you need to make an appointment with the doctor. Here are some of the tests used to determine the underlying problem:

Physical Assessment

When you consult a doctor, you need to provide your medical history. It includes previously diagnosed conditions and the medications you take to manage the problem. Provide information regarding supplements or the over-the-counter medications you take. It is because some of the medications can result in polydipsia. Listing all of the medications you take during the physical assessment can provide your doctor a better idea about your conditions. During the assessment, you need to answer the following question:

  • How long have you become aware of the excessive feeling of thirst?
  • Do you make frequent bathroom visits for urinating more than usual?
  • Did you start noticing the symptoms all of a sudden or slowly?
  • Do you feel more or less thirsty during specific times of the day?
  • Have you made any dietary or lifestyle changes recently?
  • Do you feel any change in your appetite?
  • Have you observed a change in your weight (increase or decrease)?
  • Have you suffered a burn or injury recently?
  • Are you observing any swelling or bleeding?
  • Have you developed a fever?
  • Are you sweating a lot lately?

Depending on the answers you provide, the doctor can suggest other laboratory tests to detect the underlying condition causing polydipsia.

Lab Tests To Detect Underlying Cause Of Excessive Thirst

In addition to a physical exam, your doctor may order blood and urine tests to help provide a diagnosis. These tests may include:

  • Blood count and blood differential test
  • Urine osmolality, urinalysis, and urine electrolyte tests
  • Serum osmolality and serum electrolyte tests

Based on the test results, the doctor can suggest appropriate treatments. The duration and outcome of treatment depend on the diagnosis of the problem.

Treatment For Excessive Thirst Triggered By Diabetes Mellitus

When you have uncontrolled blood sugar levels, it can make you thirsty all the time. So, the treatment focuses on keeping the blood sugar levels within the normal range. To control sugar levels, a person suffering from type 1 diabetes will need insulin. While people suffering from type 2 diabetes can control the high sugar levels with changes in their lifestyle. They can control their blood sugar levels by making some healthy changes in their diet and including exercise in their routine. For people who do not see drastic changes, doctors prescribe medications like metformin, insulin, and others. When your blood sugar becomes normal, it will ease the symptoms associated with polydipsia.

DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)

DKA refers to the serious condition developing as a result of uncontrolled diabetes. It is the most common complication linked to type 1 diabetes compared to type 2 diabetes. Due to not managing the sugar levels for too long, the acids start building up in the blood. Without medical intervention, it can become life-threatening. But, in most cases, it takes many hours to become serious. When a person suffers from DKA, they require treatment in the hospital. The doctor tries to replace the lost electrolytes and fluids. Your doctor suggests treatment including providing intravenous insulin to bring down sugar levels and rehydrate the body with fluids.

Diabetes Insipidus

While the disorder affects people rarely, it can make you very thirsty due to the imbalance of fluids in the body. So, you will feel thirsty even when you have had something to drink. You tend to urinate more. A doctor will advise you to drink more water at regular intervals to prevent dehydration. It is helpful for people who suffer from the mild condition of the disease.

Some people require medications to deal with the condition. The doctor prescribes medication known as desmopressin, the man-made hormone.  The medication will decrease urination by replacing the anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) that’s missing from the body. The doctor can suggest desmopressin in the form of oral tablets, injections, or nasal spray. Desmopressin is the synthetic version of vasopressin.

Medication-Induced Polydipsia

People make feel thirstier due to side-effects caused by certain medications. In such cases, they need to consult the doctor immediately. The doctor can amend the prescription to prescribe another medication or suggest alteration of the medication dose. Never stop taking the medication or change the dose without talking to the doctor.

Manage Excessive Thirst Caused By Mental Health Conditions

Mental illness can trigger polydipsia. Due to psychological causes, you can feel thirsty frequnetly. You need to see a doctor to assess the psychological cause of your condition. They can learn what causes the compulsion to drink excess amounts of water and suggest treatment to manage it. You need to undergo counseling sessions to ease the mental issues triggering this probelm. The doctor can also suggest CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). The sessions will help you become more aware of the personal or environmental trigger causing the need to drink more water. This therapy will also teach you the methods to cope with the feeling of thirst in a healthier manner.


While you can treat excessive thirst, it requires early medical intervention. Recognizing the condition early and treating polydipsia will also help manage underlying health conditions such as diabetes or others. Irrespective of the cause, you can resolve the feeling of becoming thirsty with proper treatment. But, if the condition is a symptom indicating any underlying health problems like diabetes insipidus or diabetes mellitus, you may require medical treatment for a long time.





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