Diverticulitis – Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment + Diet

Do you suffer from pain in the lower abdomen? It may indicate diverticulitis. It is the inflammation of the diverticula, the small pouches formed in the digestive system lining. These bulging pouches usually develop in people above forty years of age. It usually develops in the colon or the lower part of the large intestine. In normal cases, diverticula may not cause any problems. The presence of diverticula is referred to as diverticulosis. Diverticulosis can become a problem when one or more of the pouches develops inflammation. In some cases, inflammation can lead to infection. It can trigger several issues such as abdominal pain, nausea, fever, and a change in bowel habits. Let’s see how you can manage the problem.

Symptoms Of Diverticulitis

Inflammation of the diverticula can cause mild or severe symptoms. Depending on the severity of diverticulitis, you can observe symptoms. Pain is the main sign associated with the condition. Constant and persistent pain can trouble you for several days. In most cases, your lower left side of the abdomen triggers the pain. But, in some people, the right side of the abdomen triggers pain. It is common in people of Asian descent. There are other signs accompanying pain such as

  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal tenderness
  • Constipation or less commonly diarrhea

See A Doctor For Diverticulitis

While mild cases of the disease may heal with home ample rest, changes in your diet, and intake of antibiotics, severe cases require an invasive procedure. You need to undergo surgery to deal with the problem. So, when should you make an appointment with the doctor to treat the condition? It becomes essential when you feel constant abdominal pain for no reason. If you see other symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation, then see your doctor discuss the condition and get proper treatment.

Causes Of Diverticulitis

The pouches or diverticula usually develop in naturally weak places. These weak places can give away under pressure. It results in the development of marble-sized pouches. They tend to protrude through the colon wall. Diverticulitis is a condition usually developing due to suffering from a tear in the diverticula. This leads to inflammation and infection.

Risk factors

Several factors may increase your risk of developing diverticulitis:


The chances of suffering from diverticulitis increases with age.


Increased body weight can increase your odds of developing diverticular inflammation.


People who smoke cigarettes have high chances of developing this problem compared to nonsmokers.

Lack Of Exercise

Living a sedentary lifestyle with no exercises increases the risk of developing this condition.


A diet high in fat while low in fiber can make you susceptible to the condition. But, a diet in low-fiber may or may not trigger the problem. The role of low fiber alone in the diet remains still unclear.

Certain Medications

Taking certain medications increases the risk of developing diverticulitis. So, people taking the following medication need to maintain caution:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen (Motrin IB, Advil, and others)
  • Opioids
  • Steroids
  • Naproxen sodium (Aleve).

Complications Linked To Diverticulitis

You need to make an appointment with the doctor to diagnose the severity of the condition and get appropriate treatment. A percentage of people suffering from acute diverticulitis can develop some complications when they fail to get proper treatment. Here are some of them:

  • Develop an abscess when pus starts collecting in the pouch.
  • Suffer from a blockage in the intestine developing due to scarring.
  • Development of fistula, an abnormal passageway between the different sections of bowel or other organs and the bowel.
  • When the infected or inflamed diverticula bursts, it can lead to a serious condition known as peritonitis. Due to rupturing of the pouch, all intestinal contents spill into the abdominal cavity. This is a life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical attention.

Diagnosing Diverticulitis

When you suffer from lower abdominal pain, it is better to seek medical advice. Several problems can trigger abdominal pain apart from diverticulitis. Hence, you need professional advice to rule out other conditions causing the same symptoms. The diagnostic tests used to detect or rule out the problem includes the following:

Physical Assessment To Detect Diverticulitis

Your doctor will start with a physical examination, which will include checking your abdomen for tenderness. Women generally have a pelvic examination as well to rule out pelvic disease.

Lab Tests

Your doctor suggests lab tests that require providing your blood and urine samples. These tests are used to eliminate other causes of abdominal pain. The test used to eliminate inflammation of diverticula includes:

  • Women in their childbearing age need to take a pregnancy test to eliminate possible pregnancy as the cause of abdominal pain. In cases of ectopic pregnancy, women can experience severe pain.
  • Liver-related issues can trigger abdominal pain. Hence, the doctor suggests a liver enzyme test.
  • People suffering from diarrhea need to provide a stool sample to eliminate the presence of infection.

Imaging Tests

Apart from the lab tests, the doctor can suggest imaging tests like CT scans. It is a conclusive way to detect the presence of inflammation or infection. The images generated can inform your doctor regarding the presence of infected or inflamed pouches and their severity. Based on the information, your doctor suggests treatment.

Treatment For Diverticulitis

The treatment for diverticulitis depends on the severity of the signs and symptoms developing. There are two types of the condition and the doctor suggests treatment accordingly.

Uncomplicated Diverticulitis

For mild symptoms, the doctor suggests getting treatment at home. The treatment can include the following:

  • Provide antibiotics to treat the infection. But, for very mild cases, your doctor may not suggest it.
  • Follow a liquid diet for a few days to heal your bowel. Once you see the symptoms improving, you can add solid food to your diet gradually.

These steps are effective in people suffering from the uncomplicated inflammation of the diverticula. With rest and care, you can overcome the problem with ease.

Complicated Diverticulitis

Complicated diverticulitis refers to the severe attack or inflammation of the diverticula when you have other health problems. In such cases, you need to get treatment in a hospital. The doctor may suggest hospitalization for managing the condition. For the complex type of inflammation, you have the following treatment options:

Manage With Antibiotics/Draining

Your doctor can give you antibiotics to heal the inflammation. During the hospital stay, the doctor gives the antibiotics intravenously to heal the problem. Intravenous antibiotics can ease the condition. Antibiotics alone may not provide relief when an abscess forms. To offer relief, the doctor can suggest draining the abscess formed. To drain the abscess, the doctor may insert a tube. It will remove the pus formed in the diverticula.

Surgery To Manage Diverticulitis

In some severe cases, you need to undergo surgery. You have to undergo an invasive procedure when you suffer from any of the issue suggested below:

  • You develop a complication due to inflammation of the diverticula such as fistula/obstruction, bowel abscess, or perforation (puncture) in the bowel wall.
  • Develop multiple episodes of uncomplicated inflammation of the diverticula.
  • Suffer from a weak immune system.

For the above-mentioned cases, the doctor can suggest an invasive procedure. There are two types of surgery available to manage the problem.

Primary Bowel Resection To Manage Diverticulitis

During this procedure, the surgeon removes the diseased segments of the intestine. It is then connected with the healthy segments known as anastomosis of your intestine. This procedure allows you to have normal bowel movements. The type of surgery required, open or laparoscopic, depends on the severity of the inflammation.

Bowel Resection With Colostomy

For severe inflammation with no chances of rejoining the colon or rectum, the surgeon performs a colostomy. Then, the doctor connects the healthy part of the colon to the opening known as the stoma created in the abdominal wall. Waste from the body passes through the opening into a bag. Once inflammation eases, the doctor may reverse the colostomy and reconnects the bowel.

Follow-Up Care After Recovering From Diverticulitis

After recovering from diverticulitis, your doctor may recommend undergoing colonoscopy. Usually, you need to undergo the test six weeks after getting well. It becomes highly essential when you have not undergone the test the previous year. While no direct link exists between inflammation of the diverticula and colon/rectal cancer, doctors suggest it for ruling out it as one of the causes for the inflammation. Colonoscopy is risky when you suffer from inflammation. Hence, after you get relief from the inflammation, the test can detect the presence of cancer or rule it out.

After successful treatment of the condition, your doctor can recommend surgery to avoid the recurrence of diverticula inflammation. To undergo surgery or not depends on individual preference. It depends on the frequency of the attacks and the complications arising due to the condition. Hence, the affected person can make a decision based on their experience.

Need For Another Surgery After Undergoing A Surgery

Many people wonder if they will suffer from diverticulitis after undergoing surgery to remove a part of the colon. If you have already undergone surgery to get relief from diverticula inflammation, then you may not need another procedure. The sigmoid colon is the common area for developing inflammation. It is the colon’s S-shaped end portion. While it is the most common location, you can develop the pouches in other areas of the colons. Since each person is different from the other, the area of diverticula formation may differ. Therefore, you need to consult with your doctor or surgeon regarding the risk of reappearance of the inflammation. Follow the instructions suggested by the doctor to avoid any complications in the future.

Diet For Diverticulitis

Making a change in your diet can help your colon heal. It will help you manage the inflammation of the diverticula. Dietary changes can also help you prevent the flare-up of the disease. Here are some of the suggestions you can try.

Foods To Eat To Prevent Diverticula

Constipation is the main issue contributing to inflammation of the diverticula. According to studies. A diet with high levels of fiber can prevent constipation. Fiber-rich foods can soften the stool. So, it can move through the GI tract more easily. It puts less pressure against the polyps, preventing the flare-ups of inflammation.

Fiber-Rich Foods

A high-fiber diet can prevent the inflammation of the diverticula from developing. You need to intake 14grams of dietary fiber per 1000 calories you consume to increase the fiber levels in the diet. You can include the following to reach the recommended fiber levels:

  • Beans and pulses such as chickpeas, navy beans, lentils, and split peas
  • Ready to eat bran cereal high in fiber
  • Fruits like apple, prunes, pear, and avocado
  • Vegetables such as potatoes, green peas, squash, and parsnips
  • Grains such as quinoa, bulgur, whole wheat, and barley

Earlier, doctors suggested not including vegetables such as zucchini and cucumber. But, recently doctors have allowed people to include these vegetables and berries such as raspberries and strawberries. When you consume this diet, if any of the foods aggravate the symptoms, then you need to talk to your doctor regarding the issue. In some cases, the doctor may suggest the affected person take a fiber supplement such as psyllium (Metamucil) or methylcellulose (Citrucel) to ease the problem.

Take Probiotics

Probiotics refer to the beneficial bacteria that help our gut maintain its health. According to a study, taking probiotics can effectively manage the symptomatic diverticular disease. It is the result obtained after combining probiotics with medication. You can take probiotics as a supplement. But, there are natural foods with high levels of probiotics. Fermented foods such as miso, tempeh, kefir, and sauerkraut contain probiotics. Natural yogurt also contains good gut bacteria. People taking antibiotics need to include probiotics in their diet to increase the gut bacteria levels in the gut. According to a study, fermented food can prove beneficial to health and can support a healthy digestive system. Hence, it may ease signs linked to irritable bowel syndrome. But, the effect of their impact remains inconclusive.

Seeds And Nuts

In the past, the doctor suggested removing nuts and seeds from the diet due to the fear of inflammation of the diverticula. But, new studies indicate that seeds and nuts are beneficial for the body. People with the condition can eat the following:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Nuts
  • Popcorn
  • Seeds in tomatoes

Each person is different. Hence, the food beneficial to some people may cause issues for others. You need to try the food and eliminate the ones that cause pain or worsens the symptoms. Before, changing the diet, see your doctor and discuss your concerns.

Food To Avoid With Diverticulitis

Certain food items can increase the risk of suffering from inflammation of the diverticula. Hence, you must avoid the following foods from the diet to eliminate the inflammation of the diverticula. According to a study, a Western diet with refined grain and red meat can increase the risk of suffering from diverticula inflammation. It happens because of the low fiber content in it. Here are some of the foods you need to avoid.

High FODMAP Foods

What is FODMAP? It is the abbreviation meaning fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAP). It indicates the foods containing carbohydrates that can trigger digestive symptoms such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Bloating

According to a hypothesis, taking FODMAP foods with a high fiber diet can cause the formation of gas and trigger diverticulitis symptoms. Therefore, you need to reduce the intake of FODMAP if you want to reduce the risk of inflammation of the diverticula and manage the symptoms associated with it. So, which foods do you need to restrict? Here are some of them:

  • Garlic, onion, cauliflower, and mushrooms
  • Legumes and pulses
  • Fruits such as peaches, pears, dried fruit, apricots, and apples
  • Dairy foods such as cheeses, milk, and yogurts
  • Cereals and bread
  • Sugars and sweeteners

But, some of the above-mentioned food contains fiber beneficial for your body. Hence, you need to discuss the food choices along with the elimination of certain foods with your doctor. Since each person has different dietary needs and sensitivities, you need customized suggestions from the professionals.

Red Meat

According to research, people who intake a high amount of red and processed meat face a higher risk of inflammation of the diverticula. Sticking to a healthy diet and a good lifestyle can reduce the risk of suffering from diverticulitis by 50%. It is important to note that you must consume no more than 51 grams of red meat a single day while eating around 23 grams of dietary fiber. You need to include two hours of rigorous exercise every week to maintain a healthy weight. Also, avoid smoking to prevent bad effects on your health. Intake of higher amounts of meat or intake of processed meat can increase your risk of diverticular inflammation. You can swap red meat with chicken or fish to lower the risk.

Other Factors Linked To Diverticulitis

Apart from your food habits, the use of certain medications increases the risk of diverticular inflammation. Regular use of medications such as non-aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioid analgesics, or corticosteroids increases the risk of suffering from diverticulitis.

Vitamin D Deficiency

In some cases, low levels of Vitamin D can trigger inflammation of the diverticula. Vitamin D is obtained when your body becomes exposed to sunlight. When your body becomes exposed to sunlight, the UV light absorbed by the body converts the compounds in the skin into Vitamin D. The body’s liver, as well as fat cells, also store vitamin D to use when the sunlight levels become low. Hence, it is used during the winter season when the light levels lower. Most people link sun exposure to issues like sun rash poisoning or other damages. But, you can use sunscreen to avoid UV radiation from causing harm. Also, stay away from the UV radiation obtained by tanning beds. Certain foods have a small amount of vitamin D. The food sources include:

  • Eggs
  • Beef liver
  • Fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, and tuna
  • Eggs
  • Some type of mushrooms, including the ones grown under UV light
  • Fortified foods like margarine, plant milk, and breakfast cereals
Dietary Supplements

To increase vitamin D levels in the body, you can take it as a supplement. It is useful during the winter months when the light levels go low. It is also ideal for people who do not consume enough vitamin D-rich foods. You can access vitamin D supplements in two forms namely:

  • D2 or ergocalciferol
  • D3 or cholecalciferol

Among the two, vitamin D2 has less potency compared to vitamin D3 when you take it in higher doses.

Food To Take When You Have Diverticulitis

When your doctor has diagnosed diverticulitis, you need a different diet plan compared to the diet used to prevent the development of the condition. It is because when you suffer from inflamed diverticula, the polyps have inflamed, upset, or in some cases, infected. Hence, it is important to reduce the traffic in the GI tract to reduce irritation. Therefore, you need to lower the intake of fiber in your diet. People who have experienced a flare-up of diverticula inflammation need to make changes to their diet.

Clear Liquid Diet For Ongoing Diverticula

If you are currently suffering from inflammation of the diverticula, then you need to follow a clear liquid diet until you see an improvement in the symptoms. It is suggested by the doctor when you are on antibiotics or you need surgery to manage the condition. Once your inflammation reduces, your doctor suggests following a low-fiber diet. Since you cannot follow a liquid diet for long, the doctor suggests solid foods after two days even when you suffer from pain. Following a liquid diet for a long time can leave you malnourished. When you follow a clear liquid diet, it includes the following:

  • Clear juices without any pulp such as cranberry or apple juice.
  • Clear broths (avoid soup).
  • Jell-O.

Low-Fiber Diet

After you off the clear liquid diet, you need to eat a low-fiber diet. It is also advisable for people suffering from mild cases of diverticular inflammation. Hence, your diet must limit the fiber intake to eight to twelve grams fiber depending on the severity of the flare-up experienced.

Preventing Diverticulitis

Is it possible to prevent inflammation of the diverticula? With some simple tweaks to your lifestyle, it is possible to prevent the condition. Here are some of the steps you can try:

Exercise Regularly To Prevent Diverticulitis

Including a workout in your routine can increase blood circulation. It can also reduce the risk of developing inflammation of the diverticula. Wondering how? Exercising can ensure normal bowel function. It also reduces the pressure building inside the colon. You must try exercising at least thirty minutes on most of the days of the week for lowering your risk of suffering from inflammation of one or more pouches in your intestine.

Maintain A Normal Weight

Excess weight or obesity can increase the risk of suffering from the disease. Do you know that several digestive diseases can develop due to obesity? Some of the common problem linked to excess body weight are:

  • Gallstones
  • Cirrhosis
  • Colon cancer
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Esophagus cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer

According to scientists the obesity-related mechanism that may play a role in the above-mentioned disorder can also influence complications linked to diverticula. It is also possible due to the link existing between obesity and inflammation. In addition, the differences found in the intestinal flora of obese people indicate the high chances of developing the inflammation of the diverticula. Therefore, you need to shed weight. Follow a good diet and workout plan to manage your weight.

Eat More Fiber

Including a high-fiber diet in your routine can lower the risk of suffering from the inflammation of the diverticula. High-fiber foods can soften the waste material. Hence, it becomes easier for the stool to pass more quickly through the colon. You need to include fiber-rich foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits along with the whole grain. Eating nuts and seeds may not lead to the development of diverticula inflammation. A high-fiber diet also prevents constipation. It lowers the pressure in the colon and avoids any flare-ups of the disease.

Drink Lots Of Water

When you take a high-fiber diet, the chances of suffering from constipation increase. It can put pressure on your intestine and flare up the inflammation of the diverticula. Wondering why? Fiber works when it absorbs water. It results in increasing the soft, bulky waste accumulated in the colon. So, it can do more harm than good. When you fail to replace the water absorbed, it can lead to constipation. Instead of increasing your risk of such inflammation, you need to drink at least eight glasses of water.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking is not good for your health. It also increases the risk of suffering from diverticula inflammation. According to a different study, nicotine can hurt the working of your colon. It reduces the tone along with the activity of the smooth muscle in the sigmoid colon. It reduces the conic contraction. This can lead to an increased risk of developing diverticula and subsequent inflammation.


Mild cases of diverticulitis require care to heal the problem. But, severe cases require medical attention as they may require attention from professionals. Without proper treatment, the severe cases can escalate to a life-threatening problem. So, take the necessary steps as early as possible.





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