Dehydrated Skin: Causes, Symptoms, And How To Care For It

Dehydrated skin means your skin has insufficient hydration. The lack of water in your skin can make it dry and itchy. Your skin also appears dry due to the condition. Dehydration of your skin affects the overall tone and complexion. So, it makes your skin look uneven, with visible fine lines. While the condition makes you feel worried and stressed, you can manage it with some lifestyle changes. The treatment for the condition begins from the inside out. It focuses on rehydrating and maintaining the water balance throughout the body. Remember, while the condition can make your skin dry, it is not like having a dry skin type. Severe dehydration of the body and skin requires medical attention and you need to talk to your doctor about the option to deal with it. Read ahead to know more about the problem and how to manage it.


Difference Between Dehydrated Skin And Dry Skin

Most people confuse dehydrated skin with dry skin. Both are two different conditions. Skin dehydration refers to the phenomenon caused by a lack of water. So, when your body does not have enough water, it can reflect on the skin. But, dry skin refers to the lack of sebum (the natural oils released by the skin). Also, dehydration of the skin refers to a condition while dry skin is a skin type. In normal cases, you can classify a person’s skin as normal, oily, dry, and combination. People are usually born with one of the skin types. It changes as you age and with the season. With dry skin, the sebaceous glands in the body fail to produce natural oils. Dry skin also occurs due to underlying health issues like hypothyroidism. In such cases, you need to lock the moisture on your skin by using emollient creams.

Dry skin
Dehydrated Skin: Causes, Symptoms, And How To Care For It 1

The signs associated with dry skin include:

  •  Irritation
  • Scaly skin
  • Redness
  •  White flakes

The condition occurs due to diseases like eczema or psoriasis. You can also develop dry skin as a result of suffering from acne (post-acne breakouts). This is different from having dry skin by birth. It is also not the same as dehydration of the skin. So, for better clarity, see a dermatologist who can diagnose the actual problem.

Symptoms Of Dehydrated Skin

Unlike dry skin, dehydrated skin indicates your body loses more water than you take water in. The condition arises due to not drinking enough water. You lose more water due to increased urination triggered due to taking diuretics or caffeinated drinks. It also occurs when you perform intense physical workouts like hard labor or exercise. The signs and symptoms associated with skin dehydration differ from dry skin as you observe the following:

  • Dullness
  • Itching
  • Sunken eyes
  • Darker under-eye cycle
  • Overall weakness
  • Severe Dehydration
  • Feel like having shadows around the face (you see it around the nose and under the eyes)
  • Fine lines or surface wrinkles appear more visible

When you suffer from severe dehydration, the symptoms are not restricted to your skin and you can see the following:


  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Feel lightheaded
  • Fainting spells
  • Overall weakness
  • Less frequent urination with dark urine


When you see the severe symptoms, it is a medical emergency. In such cases, you need to seek medical assistance to improve the symptoms.

Main Causes Of Dehydrated Skin

What causes your skin to lose moisture and feel dry? Here are some of the common reasons linked to dehydrated skin:

Intrinsic Aging

As you age, your body goes through several changes. It is a normal process. So, the physical changes occurring can lead to dehydration of the skin. This type of aging is linked to your genetics. AS you age, the sebaceous gland activity decreases. So, it results in the decline of the natural hydration of your skin. Advanced aging can also affect the regeneration of lipids by the skin. So, it leads to the compromising of the protective lipid layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum). Advanced aging also restricts the blood flow to the skin, causing a drastic drop in sebum production.

Sebaceous gland activity tends to decrease with age and the skin’s natural hydration decline over the years. The skin’s ability to regenerate lipids comprising the protective lipid barrier layer of the Stratum Corneum also declines with age, as does blood flow to the skin, which may cause a drop in sebum production.

Environmental Elements/Weather

Prolonged exposure to external elements like sun, dry wind, or pollution can lead to loss of moisture from the skin. When you go out in the sun causes evaporation of moisture from the skin. It leads to sunburn rash. Such affected areas require more moisture compared to unexposed areas. Your skin loses moisture when you are subjected to cold winds, forced air heating, or air conditioning units. When your skin is exposed to low temperatures without protection, it can contribute to premature aging.

Lifestyle Causing Dehydrated Skin

When you want to lose bodyweight, you need to change your diet. Most people select fat-free diets that will reduce calorie intake and help you lose excess fat. But, when you choose the fat-free diets, it can deprive the body of essential fatty acids (EFAs). These are skin-friendly fats necessary to keep the skin healthy and moisturized. A lack of EFAs can result in several issues like scaling, dryness, chronic itching, and thinning. Also, the lack of EFAs can result in the imbalance of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are the chemical messengers capable of doing many things like inflammation control and so on.

Excess Alcohol Intake

When you consume alcohol, it can lead to dehydrated skin. It occurs due to the alcohol affecting the production of vasopressin. Vasopressin is the antidiuretic hormone causing the body to hold water. So, it helps limit urine production by the kidneys. When vasopressin is suppressed, it can exacerbate the diuretic effects. So, you suffer from dehydration due to excess alcohol consumption.

Side Effects Of Medications

When you take medications for some underlying health issues, it can trigger side effects. Some of the medications can dry out the skin. Such medications can cause the top layer of the skin to lose its moisture. Here are some of the medications triggering the problem:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Diuretics
  • Statins
  • Topical acne medications
  • Isotretinoin

Diagnosing Dehydrated Skin

For people, dry skin and dehydrated skin can confuse them. But, with careful analysis, you can diagnose the problem. Here are some of the techniques to diagnose the problem:

Skin Assessment

You can perform a simple pinch test. It is an easy test to determine the hydration levels of your skin at home. For the test, you need to take a small portion of the skin around the cheek area. Then, squeeze it lightly. Observe your skin closely. If you see wrinkling or the skin fails to bounce back after you let it go, then you can conclude the lack of hydration in your skin.

Detecting Level Of Dryness

It is important to know the level of dehydration your skin suffers. To detect it, your doctor can take a close look at your skin. If the doctor sees wrinkles on light pressure or detects other symptoms like dry mouth or dry tongue, it indicates dehydration. It is the indication that the skin cells and the body crave water. The doctor also asks for other symptoms pointing to the condition.

Treating Dehydrating Skin

When dehydration affects you, it shows the first sign of the condition through your skin. Your skin reflects the state of what is happening inside the body. Your skin indicates the condition with symptoms like wrinkles, itching, dull skin, discoloration around the eyes, inflammation, breakouts, and other signs. Most people confuse dehydration of the skin to dry skin due to these signs. But, when you diagnose the problem, take action immediately. When you suffer from dehydrated skin, it is easy to treat by making some changes in your lifestyle. Unlike dry skin, you need no specific treatment. With some care and attention, it is possible to manage the condition with ease. Here are some of the treatment options your dermatologist suggests:

Drink Alcohol In Moderation

Excessive drinking can affect your overall health along with your skin. When you drink alcohol in excess, the next morning, you can see evidence of dehydrated skin. When you drink alcohol, it decreases the production of antidiuretic hormone in the body. So, it results in the loss of more fluids from the body compared to normal fluid loss. You tend to lose water in the form of excess urine. Therefore, your doctor can suggest drinking alcohol in moderation. You can try to drink less and consume more water between the alcohol servings. If possible, try to avoid alcohol.

Limit Caffeine Intake

Most people cannot imagine starting the day without coffee. Caffeinated drinks boost your energy levels and keep you focused. But, chugging caffeinated drinks can only cause dehydration of the skin. It is because caffeine has a natural diuretic effect. It means you lose water in the form of urine. Drinking coffee, makes you pee more frequently. Since you are losing fluids, you can see signs of dehydration. It is bad for your skin as cells suffering from dehydration cannot absorb nutrients easily. So, your skin loses collagen and increases the chances of inflammation. To avoid such issues, you need to drink less coffee and other caffeinated drinks.

Stop Smoking

Cigarette contains nicotine in it. It can cause dehydration as it is a diuretic. Smoking can also prevent the skin from absorbing nutrients like Vitamin A and C. So, it makes the person look aged. The vitamins are essential for the skin as they contain antioxidants. Therefore, stop smoking. If you cannot quit, then seek professional assistance to kick the bad habit.

Drink Water

It is important to drink water while you work out. When you exercise, the body releases sweat to cool your body. So, you lose fluids. Drinking water during the exercise replenishes and hydrates the body. So, take water sips every twenty seconds to maintain the water balance.

Manage Illness

If you have suffered from any illness recently, then you might suffer from dehydration. So, drink plenty of water, broth-based soups, or electrolyte beverages to replenish the fluid loss.

Intravenous Fluids

In some cases, people suffer from severe dehydration. It is not easy to treat it at home. So, you need to get a doctor’s assistance to replace the lost fluids intravenously.

How To Care For Your Dehydrated Skin: The Seven Effective Steps

If you suspect your skin is dehydrated, then you need to take immediate action. Managing skin problems early can prevent the problem from worsening. You can get back the hydration into the skin with some simple yet effective steps.

Drink An Adequate Amount Of Water

Drinking water is the major step to overcome dehydration of your skin. It is the first step you need to take towards hydrating the skin. So, you need to stick to the old rule of drinking at least eight glasses or two liters of water a day. If you are indulging in strenuous activities, then you need to drink more. You need to drink the water you have lost due to the activities. Overall, drinking water will hydrate the whole body and makes your skin glow from within.

Use Hydrating Skincare Products

You need to include hydrating skin products in the skincare regime to rehydrate. Always choose water-based creams instead of oil-based products. Water-based products penetrate through your skin and rehydrates. So, such products are vital when you suffer from sin dehydration. Check the product label and only opt for it when it contains the following ingredients:

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a powerful substance that can hydrate your skin. It has the water-binding property to help your skin retain its elasticity. So, when you use products containing hyaluronic acid, it will replenish the skin. Using it will prevent early signs of aging. While the name acid may make you worried, the gel-like substance can hold the molecule. It will bind the moisture in your skin and make it plump as well as hydrated. Wondering how? Hyaluronic acid retains more than a thousand times its weight in water within your skin cells. So, it acts as an excellent moisturizer.


You may have heard about the miraculous effect of glycerin on your skin. The colorless, odorless liquid is a popular ingredient in the beauty industry. It is extracted from plant sources and has hydrating properties. So, using it on the skin can relieve itching and dryness. Glycerin is a humectant. It means it is a type of moisturizer with the ability to pull water into the outer layers of the skin from the deep levels. It can also attract water to itself from the air. When you buy products containing glycerin, it also has occlusives. It is another type of moisturizing agents. So, you get good hydration.

Products Containing Urea For Overcoming Dehydrated Skin

Urea is also a humectant. So, it can retain moisture in your skin by binding to water. So, applying products containing urea will rehydrate your skin. Urea can penetrate deep into the stratum corneum (outer layer of skin) to boost water absorption. It is one of the commonly used ingredients in the dermatological world. It is because urea is capable of loosening and breaking down hardened protein. So, applying it on your skin relieves roughness and itching.


Ceramides refer to lipids, which is one of the skin-replenishing ingredients. You can consider ceramides as the cement, which supports the bricks used for a building. It helps form the barrier of your skin. Also, it aids retain the moisture in your skin. Ceramides also protect the skin from environmental aggressors like pollution and irritation. When you use products containing ceramides, it can protect the skin barrier. It also avoids irritation, itching, and dryness.


Panthenol is considered a skin protectant. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. It can penetrate through your skin and impart moisture to the cells. Panthenol prevents trans-epidermal loss of water. So, it ensures skin hydration. Using products containing panthenol improves the function of the skin barrier by stimulating the cells and boosting them. It helps you retain the elasticity of the skin and get a smooth skin appearance.

Avoid Very Hot And Long Showers

A long shower after a tiring day of work sounds heavenly. But, it can only do more harm than good. Bathing for a long time can only result in harming your skin’s barrier. The longer you shower, the longer the body sweats. It is because the body tries to cool itself. So, sweating in your shower can result in a considerable loss of water. Instead of feeling fresh and hydrated, long showers cause dehydration. Many people have experienced increased thirst after a long shower. So, limit the time you take a bath. Also, using hot water for showering can lead to dehydration of your skin. When you take showers with overly-hot water, it strips the natural oils from the skin. It also hastens water loss from your skin. You need to use lukewarm water while you bathe.

Use Face Masks/Sheets

Many skincare blogs advise people to use face masks or sheets to bring back the glow in their skin. You can try it when your facial skin loses its hydration and makes you look dull. Pamper yourself with the face masks or sheets. It will offer hydration to the skin and makes the fine lines appear less visible. Face masks contain hydrating ingredients. So, incorporating it into the daily skincare regime will keep your skin moist and plump. Your skin will regain its elasticity, which will reduce the appearance of fine lines and dark circles.

Use A Humidifier

Your skin loses its moisture when exposed to dry air. It is common among people who are exposed to the heating system or air conditioner. So, using a humidifier is the best option to avoid loss of moisture from the skin. The humidifier can add moisture to the air and avoid the occurrence of dry or cracked skin. It is helpful during the winter months when you stay inside the house for a longer time with the heating system.

Use Sunscreen While Going Out

When you go out in the sun, it can cause dehydration of your skin. It is because the sun can draw water from your skin. Other environmental factors like wintry winds and dry air cause evaporation of water from the skin. So, it can leave your skin irritated, flaky, and itchy. Sun’s rays can make your skin lose moisture and result in the breaking down of collagen as well as elastin. These two are responsible for your skin’s elasticity and strength. Apart from dehydration of your skin, it also increases the chances of premature aging. So, before you go out in the sun, use sunscreen. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen to prevent ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB). It shields your skin from the damaging sun rays.

Eat Foods Rich In Water To Overcome Dehydrated Skin

Include fresh fruits and vegetables to hydrate your skin. Apart from hydrating, fresh fruits and vegetables can improve skin texture and enhance immunity. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also rich in several nutrients that can enhance overall skin health. Here are some of the food options you need to include for rehydrating the skin.

Cucumber For Managing Dehydrated Skin

Do you know that eating cucumbers can replenish your body with eater? It is because the vegetable is made of 96% water. It the highest water percentage in any food item. Also, cucumber has low calories. So, eating it will not increase your weight. Cucumbers also have fiber and vitamins. So, you can add it to your salads, snacks, or eat it raw. You can also bend it with mint and lemon for a refreshing drink.

Eat Citrus Fruits

Include citrus fruits like oranges, clementine, lemons, and satsumas. They contain high water and vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary to maintain the skin texture. So, include at least one citrus fruit in your diet for replenishing the body with water.


Watermelons are the most sought-after fruit during the summer. It contains more than 90% water. So, quenches your thirst without increasing the calorie intake. It is also low in sugar. So, eating melon will not spike your blood sugar levels. It is also a good source of vitamin A, which is beneficial for your immune system, skin, and eyes.


Spinach is a green leafy vegetable beneficial for your body. It offers good hydration and provides your body with the necessary nutrients.


You might have heard about the numerous good characteristics of apple. Eating one apple a day will keep the doctor away. It is because it contains several nutrients while low in calories. It is a rich source of fiber and antioxidants. So, it enhances overall health and boosts your skin health.


While dehydrated skin can pose a complex problem, you can make it manageable with proper care and attention. It is important to diagnose the exact reason for the condition to ensure proper treatment. You can confuse it with dry skin as both conditions have similar symptoms. Unlike dry skin, you can treat dehydration occurring in the skin with lifestyle changes and diet. See a dermatologist get prescription treatment when home remedies fail to offer results. With the right steps, you can overcome the uneven complexion and ease the fine lines, which becomes noticeable due to lack of water in your skin. The right steps will help you get a clear complexion and make you look young.



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