Custom keto diet Review

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Custom Keto Diet is a boon for millions of people around the world who are trying to lose excess weight. If you are struggling with weight loss, then the weight loss regime is perfect for you. You can try it and successfully battle weight loss like thousands of people. It is the most effective and healthiest weight loss program offering you results. While you can see several weight loss plans, you need to choose one that you can follow. The main attraction of the plan is the meal structure. The structure is simple to follow unlike other programs, which treats you as static and not as an actual person.

 Read ahead to know about the specific diet loss plan, its advantages, disadvantages, as well as, other facts related to the program. Using valuable information, you can decide whether or not you can follow it. In the end, it is you who have to follow the diet and make an effort to reach your goal. So, you have to feel comfortable about the program.

About Keto Diet

Before going into the custom keto diet review, you need to know more about the ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is popular due to its huge following among celebrities and social media influencers. Most celebrities post their journey of weight loss by adopting the diet loss plan. It is a low-carbohydrate diet, which still remains significant amidst different other plans. While the diet has sparked huge debates on the pros and cons associated with it, people who have tried it swear by its effectiveness. So how does the weight loss plan work? Read ahead.

Working Of Keto Diet

The low-carb plan can make your body release ketones into your bloodstream. In normal cases, the cells in a human body use blood sugar as the main source of energy. Blood sugar usually comes from the carbohydrates in your food. When you avoid carbs from your diet, it results in low or no blood sugar. During such an event, your body breaks down the fat stored in your body into ketone. These molecules act as the fuel for your body. The process of breaking down fat into ketone is known as ketosis. So, when you reach ketosis, your body starts to use fat to generate energy. It continues until you start adding carbohydrates to your diet.

The major shift of using fat as the source of energy instead of carbohydrates occurs when you eat fewer carbohydrates for two to four days. You need to consume a diet deficit of 20grams to 50grams of carbohydrates per day. Remember ketosis is a highly individualized process. So, some people can take more time or need a more restricted diet to start producing enough ketones in the bloodstream.

Foods Included In A Keto Diet

Now, you may wonder what to eat since you cannot include carbs in the ketogenic diet. The diet is rich in fats and proteins. So, you need to include the following:

  • Eggs
  • Meats
  • Sausages
  • Fish
  • Cheeses
  • Butter
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Oils
  • Fibrous vegetables

The diet tends to become restrictive as you have to exclude carbohydrates from your diet. So, you can find it difficult to follow it in the long run.

Need To Follow Custom Keto Diet

Why do you need to follow weight loss plans? According to the latest studies, a large percentage of the population around the world suffer from obesity and overweight. The excess weight can put your life at risk as it triggers several diseases. When you pack extra fat in your body, it makes you susceptible to the following diseases:

Cardiovascular diseases

    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Cancer
    • Stroke
    • Respiratory problems
    • Sleep apnea
    • High blood pressure

When you are obese or overweight, your chances to suffer from other diseases. Studies indicate that obesity can reduce your life expectancy by 17 years. So, to live a high-quality life, you need to shed excess weight. You have several different weight loss programs available. But, all these programs may not offer effective results. When such plans prove abortive, you need to find an effective one like Custom Keto Diet to see the difference.

8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Summary

Custom Keto Diet plan ( is a ketogenic friendly weight loss plan fully customized to offer excellent results. You need to follow an eight-week regime based on your lifestyle, body type, taste buds, and weight loss goals. Unlike other weight loss programs, the customized program takes the dieter into consideration. It is vital for the success of the weight loss program as each individual is different from the other. So, one size may not fit for all. For a sustainable weight loss in a healthy manner, you need to follow a plan designed specifically keeping you in mind. In most cases, it requires detailed planning and research. So, it leads to a high cost. But, the customized plan is different as you get an eight-week ketogenic plan based on the quick and easy questionnaire you submit.

It is a perfect guide to follow a ketogenic diet offering effective results. If you are fed up with diets, exercises, and other products, then you need to give the customized plan a try. It is an amazing meal plan, which will help you break the myths and find the truth about an effective diet with several health benefits.

About 8 Weeks Custom Keto Diet Plan

You are different from the other person. So, a standard weight loss plan cannot ensure successful results. To lose weight and keep it off, you need to follow a regime customized to meet your body demands. You need a plan suiting your taste buds and one that motivates you to follow it properly. If you are looking for one such plan, then you need 8-week Custom Keto Diet Plan. You just need to follow the program put together with your specifics in mind. The plan is developed based on your goals, current boy weight, your daily routine, and habits. After completing an online questionnaire reflecting your food preferences, goals, and habits, you get a customized plan. The program takes all the factors you have entered into consideration to provide you with a tailor-made weight loss approach for the next eight weeks.

You get a keto meal plan, which is broken into breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. You also get the proper portion size for each meal based on your personal preference as well as your weight loss goal provided in the questionnaire. Along with each meal, you get the nutritional information associated with it. So, you know why the system assigns the meals to you. It helps you learn the regime decided based on your goal as opposed to simply following the plan blindly. It makes it easy to form new, healthy habits. Therefore, you can continue it well after the specified eight weeks. The meal you consume during the day is keto-friendly because of the following reasons:

  • You eat a healthy and delicious meal
  • Eating a diet rich in highly polyunsaturated fat diet can effectively reduce your body weight and avoid chronic diseases (due to excess weight),
  • You tend to follow a meal plan, which is delicious and healthy. If you do not like the meal plan, then you have low chances of following it. Therefore, a weight loss plan also offers you an option to swap a food you dislike for another appropriate option. It makes the plan more attractive and easy to follow.

 Inside Custom Keto Diet System

You have all the items needed to follow the diet. The quick and easy option inside the eight-week custom weight loss plan comes with step-by-step instructions to prepare recipes, delectable pictures, portion sizes, and nutritional information regarding the meal you prepare. Based on your health and lifestyle, you also get healthy tips. Along with that, you also receive other items along with the plan. So, you get the following:

  • Keto 101 video as well as eBook
  • Eat Bombs
  • Keto Bacon Recipes
  • Party snacks
  • Superfood smoothies recipes
  • Savory foods
  • Peanut butter treats
  • Avocado treats
  • Chocolate treats
  • Desserts
  • Cookies
  • Fast keto recipes

All the above-mentioned products are ketogenic friendly. You get the items as soon as you get the weight loss plan. You can access the plan online. If you no online access, then download the content when you connect to the internet to your desktop, tablet, smartphone or laptop. When you access the weight loss program in digital format, the chances to succeed are high. Since you become committed to the regime irrespective of where you are, you can get effective results. You just need to have an electronic device and you are ready to go. So, you will continue the routine, even on a vacation.

How The Contents Of Custom Keto Diet Helps Weight Loss?

You may wonder how these products can aid with your weight loss. You can use the information offered by the custom keto diet system in the following ways:

  • Get a detailed and customized list of healthy herbs and minerals. You can consume it daily for permanent loss of excess weight.
  • Break the myth about certain food or diet, which you consider healthy. But, they can also promote weight gain instead of weight loss.
  • You get detox diet recipes to flush out the toxic contents in your body. It is totally healthy recipes without causing you any harm.
  • Step-by-step, easy to follow, and in-depth guideline to transform your diet. You get used to eating healthy while speeding up your metabolism for effective weight loss.
  • Get rid of excess fat around the abdomen region within a week after starting the diet by following the guide.
  • A video tutorial offering insight on how to melt the fat around your abdominal region.
  • Easy to prepare formula customized to meet the challenge of getting rid of fat around the waist.
  • Explanation and details regarding the working of the Custom Keto Diet plan.
  • The desserts, snacks, and alternative foods you can consume when you follow the diet.
  • Learn about different foods with the power to increase stamina during your normal routine.
  • Psychological support as well as other details to lose weight.

Creator Of Custom Keto Diet

Rachel Roberts has developed the eight-week Custom Keto Diet plan based on her personal experiences. Like millions of people around the world, she tried several diets, weight loss products, influencer-promoted products. In the end, the results frustrated and caused a loss of hope. Like many of us, Ms. Roberts found it difficult to get rid of the stubborn fat despite her efforts. So instead of relying on the myths, lies, and scams related to weight-loss, she started researching. The research led to different scientific studies indicating the mistakes and solutions to ensure sustainable weight loss. Then, she developed an effective weight loss plan customized for your body type, goals, situation, and taste buds.

Reasons To Choose 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan

When you access the internet for weight loss plans, you have several options. But, why should you choose the Custom Keto Diet Plan? Here are the reasons why the comprehensive ketogenic-friendly weight loss plan is the perfect one for you:

Customized To Meet Your Lifestyle

Since each person is different, one diet may not suit another person. So, you need a plan based on the following:

  • Your body type
  • Lifestyle
  • Your goals
  • The food likes and dislikes

The tailor-made plan is developed based on the above-mentioned factors. Unlike other plans, you get a plan that will suit your life and tastes perfectly. You can follow the plan for eight weeks with ease as it is tailored to meet your demands. As it takes into account your food preferences and health, you get a plan, which is easy to follow. You will love to follow the plan and never feel any pressure.

Comes With Valuable Materials

The weight loss plan contains additional material to ensure you continue the diet even after eight weeks. So, the additional information can guide you towards a healthy and long-term routine. You can transition into a ketogenic lifestyle without any difficulty. The diet is easy to follow as it follows your meat, fruits, and vegetable preferences. It also contains cookbooks, portion size, and nutritional information liked to each food item.

The weight loss plan is easy to continue after the specified eight weeks period. So, you can continue with the plan with ease for a healthy and happy life.

Success Of Custom Keto Diet

Dieters who have adopted the ultimate online program for eight weeks have shared their success on different online platforms. The customized weight loss plan offers guidance to a healthier lifestyle by taking your food preferences, your goals, lifestyle, and current weight into consideration. You get recipes, right portion size, and necessary nutritional advice to achieve success. The attractive feature of the diet is that you can continue it with ease after the two month period. You can shed excess weight and avoid it from gaining back. You can transform your lifestyle and eating habits for a better quality of life.

While the results are guaranteed, you can get your money back if you do not see a visible transformation. So, the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee ensures you never lose your money. You have sixty days to decide if you want to try other diets or count calories. Instead of eating a restrictive diet and spending hours in the gym, you can opt for the Custom Keto Diet to eat foods you like and reach the weight loss goal.

Factors Ensuring Custom Keto Diet Success

When you are obese or overweight, it not just triggers health problems but also causes you mental issues. You feel bothered about your physical appearance. You become subject to cruel comments and remarks, which affects your self-esteem. So, you try to lose weight by following different plans suggested online. But, you realize late that the programs suggested online may not show visible results. You tend to lose weight and gain it back again. By following a custom keto diet, you can see results because of the following factors:

Easy To Follow Diet

Most of the diets suggested online are too strict and rigid. Most people do not have the discipline or self-motivation to see things through. You tend to expend your willpower completely in the initial phases of your diet. Then, by the second week, you start to waver and break rules bit by bit. Finally, you give up and all your hard work goes waste. The first tendency is to blame yourself. But, it is not your fault. The strict weight loss plan structure can make it difficult for you to follow. It only leads to failure. Unlike other strict diet plans, the Custom keto diet is not too strict. You can follow it with ease. It has clear and easy-to-follow instructions. So, you can continue your weight-loss regime without any difficulty and see visible results.

Ideal Calorie Deficit

The customized weight loss plan works as it offers a huge calorie deficit. In normal cases, you need to consume fewer calories every day to lose weight. A calorie deficit diet and exercise can help you shed weight. To lose weight without any issue 10% to 20% calorie loss is acceptable. But, when you tend to eliminate 50% to 70% of calories in your food, it can harm your health. It is also not practical as you can suffer from several issues. Unfortunately, several weight-loss plans advise such an impossible calorie deficit. These flags raise red flags as they can only freeze your metabolism.

Such huge calorie deficits can only starve your brain. So, it can avoid the burning of fat by your body. In such cases, your body will store more fat than usual when you eat. It results in weight gain even when you follow a weight loss plan. It is because the body starts storing fat in the anticipation of your future starvation. The weight-loss industry knows it well and encourages users to follow it. It will only make them buy more products for shedding weight. The customized diet deprives your body of the right amount of calories necessary to achieve ketosis and subsequent weight loss. So, you can shed those stubborn fats healthily.

Easy To Get Ingredients

Some of the weight loss plans are not effective because they include exotic foods. While exotic foods can help you shed excess pounds, the available can cause huge concern. You cannot follow the diet as your supermarket or local store may not have the food item. The unavailability of the product can make it stressful for you to follow the diet. To ensure good weight loss, you need a plan based on simple ingredients or foods. It is easy to follow and show its visible results within no time. The custom keto diet is one such plan based on easy-to-get ingredients available in your nearby grocery stores or supermarkets. The simplicity of the plan makes it more effective compared to others.

Tastes Good

Including a meal plan with bland foods or items that do not taste good makes it difficult to follow it. While you may lose plenty of weight following such plans, it is not practical. The unpleasant taste of the food can make you feel sad and depressed. There is no point in following a meal plan, which will not motivate you. To follow through the diet, you need to include foods that you like to eat. The customized plan includes tasty foods. You will feel motivated as it is one of the best tasting meal plans for sure weight loss.

Benefits Of The Custom Keto Diet

What are the benefits of following this weight loss plan? Before deciding on the weight loss plan, you must know about its benefits to see if it meets your requirements. The specific plan offers the following:

  • You can improve your physical performance and body structure.
  • The weight loss plan supports cognition. It is because your brain works better with ketones than glucose.
  • It is effective in fighting off mental issues like depression.
  • The plan can improve your blood cholesterol levels.
  • Adopting a diet can reduce the frequency of seizures.
  • It enhances your body’s insulin sensitivity.
  • Undergoing the weight loss plan can help you fight acne.

Drawbacks Of Custom Keto Diet

Any diet plan has pros and cons. You must know about the cons associated with the weight loss plan to make a decision. The drawbacks include:

  • While the system is available for all, pregnant women must refrain from using it.
  • The system is available only on a digital platform. So, you need internet connectivity to access it. But, it is possible to download the system into any of your devices that can connect to the internet.
  • To get expected results, you need to tweak your lifestyle. Simple changes are required for seeing effective results.


If you are interested in a ketogenic diet, then the Custom Keto Diet Plan is an effective way to transform your life. You can switch to a healthy lifestyle without any hassle. The weight loss program provides you with all the necessary guidance to start an effective routine. The plan will slowly turn into a habit. So, you can continue it after completing the eight weeks of the plan. You never have to look for recipes or count calories like other plans. You never have to transform your actual diet. The plan offers you everything you need. Just follow the plan offered by to ensure you see results. Eat delicious food and lose weight effectively.


Custom Keto Meal Plan Review

Custom Keto Diet Review 2021 – Does It Work?

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