Cracked Heels

Cracked Heels – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Cracked heels are one of the common foot problems affecting adults. In most cases, the problems, also known as heel fissures cause you a nuisance. It makes your feet look unattractive. So, you will feel embarrassed to remove your shoes. Exposing the soles of your feet becomes difficult due to the unattractive appearance. But, deep cracks can make it painful to walk or merely stand. How is it possible to overcome the condition? Simple steps at home can help you manage the problem. For severe cases, you need to get assistance from a specialist like a podiatrist.

About Cracked Heels

You develop cracked heels when the sensitive skin covering the bottom side of the feet as well as heel suffers from dryness. Without moisture, the skin becomes susceptible to cracks. They can split open the skin and cause pain. These cracks are known as heel fissures. With the cracks becoming deep, it feels painful to stand or walk properly. It also increases the chance of developing infections. Without proper management, the cracks begin to bleed. So, deep heel fissures allow harmful pathogens like viruses or bacteria to enter into the body. So, it results in infection as well as pain. It is important to handle the condition in its early stages. Without proper management, you can develop serious issues needing medical attention.

Signs And Symptoms Associated With Cracked Heels

When you feel pain while standing or walking, you need to check the sole of your feet. If you have cracked heels, then you can see the following signs:

  • Flaky patches of skin on soles
  • Redness around the heel
  • Dryness in the underside of the feet (the area just below your toes) and the heel region
  • Peeling of skin in thin strands
  • See cracks and ridges on your sole
  • Itchiness
  • Discharge from the cracks (signifies the presence of an infection)
  • Bleeding from the cracks

Causes Of Cracked Heels

Your feet can develop heel fissures due to dry or thick skin on or around the heels. In usual cases, the skin covering the feel is dry as well as dehydrated compared to the skin covering other parts of the body. It is because the skin covering the heel has no oil glands. So, the lack of oil glands on the soles of the feet results in loss of suppleness. Lack of moisture can also result in a loss of elasticity. It becomes worse when you apply even gentle pressure. Therefore, a light walk can cause soreness or pain. In severe cases, cracked heels can result in bleeding. Here are some of the common causes of developing heel fissures:


When you stand on your feet all day, you put pressure on the heels. It is specifically risky for people who stand on hand floors. Extra pressure can dry out the heel. So, people who stand all day at work or at home can develop the problem. It is because the soles of your feet bear the brunt of the weight of the whole body. So, it causes dryness of the skin.

Inappropriate Footwear

Choosing the wrong footwear can put at risk of developing heel fissures. If you walk without footwear, your feet get little protection. So, no shoes or sandals can make you prone to heel fissures.

Lack Of Moisture

The most common cause of cracked heels. The skin underneath your feet is often dry, rough, and chapped. This is because the skin around your heels has a small number of sweat glands. Fat normally supports the skin to become soft and prevents it from becoming dry. If your skin is particularly dry, then cracked skin appears more easily due to less elasticity and can exacerbate any of the below.

Dehydration Causing Cracked Heels

When you fail to drink enough water, your skin loses its moisture. So, when without drinking enough water, you can develop heel fissures. With the loss of moisture, your heel starts to develop thick areas. The rough skin forms thick areas to offer protection. So, it makes you vulnerable to cracked heels and prevents sufficient healing.

Exposure To Water For A Long Time

Water can strip away the natural oils from your skin. So, it leaves your skin rough or/and dry. So, when you stand in water for prolonged periods like the bathroom can result in dry heels and heel fissures. Here are some of the activities resulting in the condition:

Unhygienic Conditions

Not washing your feet properly using mild cleanser can result in smelly feet or fungal infection (for example tinea). It can make your skin dry and increase the risk of developing heel fissures.

Nutritional Deficiencies

The lack of sufficient nutrients in your diet can trigger the dryness of the skin. So, without enough vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, your skin cannot function properly for it to remain soft as well as supple.

Medical Conditions

When you suffer from underlying health issues, it can result in the development of heel fissures. So, you can suffer from the problem due to the following:

Skin Conditions

When people suffer from skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, they have high chances of developing heel fissures.

Thyroid problems

When you suffer from thyroid problems like hypothyroidism, it can make your skin dry, coarse, and rough. So, when you develop the condition, it thickens the skin of your palms of the hands and soles of the feet. People suffering due to autoimmune conditions like Graves’ disease develops hypothyroidism (or an overactive thyroid). It results in the thickening of the dermis and subsequent heel fissures.

Cracked Heels Due To Diabetes

Diabetics are likely to experience cracked heels because damage to nerves in the feet from uncontrolled blood sugars can cause dry skin. People with diabetes are even more likely to sustain an infection from cracked heels than non-diabetics. If you are diabetic, it is important to examine your feet frequently for signs of cracks or infection.

Weight Gain/ Obesity

Obesity or weight gain puts more pressure on the heels of your feet. With increased pressure on the heel pad, you face the risk of heel fissures. When you are overweight or obese, the heel pad is forced to expand more to support the extra weight. It results in calluses, which increases the possibility of cracking.

Climatic Condition Causing Cracked Heels

In winter months, your skin tends to lose moisture. So, the climate can make you prone to developing heel fissures.

Skin Products

Additionally, people who don’t regularly moisturize their feet with a good, oil-based lotion or moisturizer are more likely to experience heel fissures. Using harsh, drying soaps on your feet

Diagnosing Cracked Heels

Cracked heels can become painful. But, you can easily manage them at home. Taking some steps like avoiding hot showers and getting good hydration will avoid overcome the problem. Spending some time to take care of your foot by exfoliating and applying moisturizers will make your heels look better in no time. But, when your heel fissures become painful or start to bleed. Then, you need to see a specialist doctor like a podiatrist. They can help diagnose the severity of the problem and suggests treatment options. Never ignore the problem as it can indicate some underlying issues like unmanaged diabetes, which results in a more complicated issue like a diabetic foot. Here are some of the diagnostic methods used to detect the problem:

Physical Assessment

Your doctor examines your feet closely. If you have early stages of heel fissures, then the podiatrist can see dry, hard, and thickened skin around the rim of your heel. The skin called callus appears dark brown or yellow. The discolored area has small cracks, which the doctor can see clearly. You suffer from a severe form of heel fissure when the cracks appear deeper and you feel pain while standing or walking. In some cases, you see bleeding.

Blood Tests To Find Reason Behind Cracked Heels

Certain underlying conditions like diabetes can trigger the problems. So, the doctor asks you to submit a blood sample for testing. Blood tests can uncover the presence of any health conditions like thyroid, diabetes, or some other hormonal conditions resulting in the problem.

Swab Sample

To rule out the presence of infection, the doctor collects cell samples by brushing the affected skin with a cotton swab. It is examined to check for infection.

Based on the underlying reason causing heel fissures, your doctor can suggest simple treatments or prescribe medications to heal the problem.

Home Treatments For Cracked Heels

Developing heel fissures are common. Most people can experience the condition. But, with proper care, you can overcome cracked on the feet. While it is a common condition in both adults and children, but it usually affects women more compared to men. In most cases, the case is not serious. It causes trouble when you go out without shoes or sandals. But, when the cracks become deep and trigger pain, then it is a problem you must never ignore. You can treat these simple cases easily at home. The treatments suggested are easy to try at home. The options available to manage the condition are:

Heel Balms To Alleviate Cracked Heels

Heel balms are also known as thick moisturizers. It is the first line of treatment suggested for managing the condition. The balms contain effective ingredients to moisturize, exfoliate dead skin, and keep the heel soft. When you purchase a heel balm, look for the following ingredients:

  • Urea
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids
  • Salicylic acid
  • Saccharide isomerate

You need to apply the product to the heel. While the heel balms may cause minor irritation or sting. It is a normal reaction. But, you need medical assistance when using the product continues to bother you or causes other severe reactions.

Soak And Exfoliate

The skin becomes thick and dry when you develop heel fissures compared to the rest of the area. So, it tends to split with excess pressure. Soaking and exfoliating the feet will help remove the dry skin. Here are some tips to overcome the dryness that results in the heel fissures:

  • You need to soak your feet in lukewarm water mixed with a mild cleanser for at least twenty minutes.
  • Use a pumice stone, loofah, or a foot scrubber to remove the thick, hard skin.
  • Then, pat your feet gently to dry.
  • Apply thick moisturizer or a heel balm to the affected area immediately.
  • To lock the moisture, you need to apply petroleum jelly over the feet. As grease from the petroleum jelly can spread to other areas, you need to wear socks.
  • You need to avoid scrubbing your feet when it is dry as it can increase the risk of damaging the skin.
  • You can also try using moisturizing heel sleeves as they mimic the effect of foot soaks. The sleeves contain necessary vitamins and therapeutic oil, which treats dry skin. These sleeves are like socks that you can wear easily. It is easily available on online platforms like Amazon.

Liquid Bandage

If you have cracks or wounds on the heel, then applying liquid bandage will seal the wound. It prevents infection from developing and avoids further cracking. You can purchase liquid bandage in the form of a spray. So, you just have to apply it and never worry about the bandage coming off. People with deep heel cracks can use the liquid bandage to manage them. You just need to follow simple instructions to apply it like:

  • Clean the heel fissures with a mild cleanser and wash it off.
  • Pat dry the area.
  • Apply liquid bandage to the affected area.

As the cracks on the heel heal, the liquid bandage coating is forced to the skin’s surface. The product is available without a prescription. You can also purchase the product from online platforms like Amazon.

Honey For Cracked Heels

Honey is well-known for its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It is used by people in many of the homemade beauty packs. It may also work well to heal fissure developing on the heels. It is a natural remedy to cleanse wounds and moisturize the skin without any side effects. You can apply it as a foot mask before sleeping and wash it off in the morning. You can also use it as a foot scrub after your bath or soak.

Apply Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, it is often recommended for healing skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, and dry skin. Applying coconut oil on the skin helps retain moisture. So, you can apply it after a foot soak. It helps retain moisture and manage heel fissures. It is beneficial when these cracks are prone to bleedings or infections.

Other Natural Remedies

Several other natural remedies are available to manage heel fissures. But, unlike the ones suggested above, the effects of these are not proven scientifically. But, these ingredients focus on moisturizing and softening the skin. It includes:

  • Vegetable or olive oil to moisturize dry skin
  • Shea butter to moisturize
  • Paraffin wax to retain moisture in the skin
  • Mashed bananas to overcome the dryness of skin
  • Oatmeal combined with oil to exfoliate dry skin

Is Superglue Effective For Cracked Heels?

Many people claim using superglue is effective in closing the heel cracks. According to a case study conducted on a small group of people, cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive like Krazy glue or superglue closes the cracks and manages pain. People who participated in the study used just two to three drops of superglue. It is applied along the cracks. Studies indicate that people held the cracks together for a minute to ensure the sealing of the fissures.

Cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives, such as Superglue or Krazy Glue, may reduce pain and speed closure of heel cracks. While it looks effective, you need to refrain from using commercial super glue. It is because it can cause toxic effects. So, you need to talk to your doctor before trying the approach.

 Treatment For Cracked Heel

When underlying health conditions trigger heel fissures, then it requires special treatment. You need to see a podiatrist (foot doctor) get the necessary medical assistance. Issues like diabetes and thyroid conditions can trigger the problem. So, seeing a podiatrist can help make the right assessment. Based on your specific situation, the specialist doctor can offer treatment options. You must also see a specialist doctor when the other home treatment options fail to offer relief. Getting a medical opinion about the condition is always preferred to avoid complications.

Severe cases of cracked heels may require a prescription-strength balm or steroid cream to help reduce inflammation and relieve itching. When you develop cellulitis as a result of the infection developed, the doctor can suggest the following treatment:

  • Elevating your feet
  • Debridement of dead tissue
  • Use antibiotics to fight the infection

Follow the advice of the doctor to ensure you follow a proper plan to alleviate the condition and get relief.

Preventing Cracked Heels

You can prevent cracked heels by taking steps to avoid dry skin on the feet. It helps avoid heel fissures and prevents them from holding you back. You can take the following steps:

Avoid Drying Of Heel Skin

People who are prone to heel fissures need to avoid soaking in the bath or using a shower for too long. It makes the skin dry and the condition worse. So, if you are susceptible to the problem, then you need to follow the suggestions:

Limit Use Of Hot Water To Avoid Cracked Heels

Avoid hot water as it can strip off moisture from the skin. It disrupts the natural moisture balance of the skin by robbing the natural oils, proteins, and fats. These keep your skin healthy. So, you need to opt for warm water instead to take a bath.

Limit Bath Time

Taking long baths or shower can make your skin dry. So, you need to limit the time in the shower or bath to five to ten minutes.

Use Right Cleanser

You use soap to remove dirt and grime from the skin. But, choosing the right cleanser is important when you suffer from heel fissures. When you choose antibacterial soap, it kills too much bacteria even the good ones beneficial for your skin. So, it allows the bad bacteria to flourish that are resistant to antibiotics. It only makes your skin vulnerable to more damage. Choosing harsh soaps can cause excess drying out of the skin. Therefore, you need to stick to mild soaps or cleansers. It must contain gentle cleansers and added oils. You can also choose shower gels with added moisturizers. People suffering from skin problems like eczema or sensitive skin need to avoid scented soaps as they can irritate the skin. Choose fragrance-free, mild soaps, or cleansers.

Gentle Pat To Dry

Rubbing your skin vigorously with a towel is a big no as it can harm your skin. So, use a towel and gently pat the skin to absorb water.

Apply Moisturizer To Manage Cracked Heels

After taking a shower or bath, it is important to use a moisturizer. You must use the moisturizer on your feet. It is important to use it even after a foot soak. When you choose the product for moisturizing, opting for ointment and creams are better. Compared to lotions, creams and ointment works well on your skin and causes less irritation. It also keeps the skin well moisturized. You need to apply cream or ointment containing shea bitter or moisturizing oils. Also, check the ingredient list of the cream or ointment as the following ingredient soothes dry skin and helps overcome heel fissure:

  • Glycerin
  • Lactic acid
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Urea
  • Dimethicone
  • Petrolatum
  • Lanolin
  • Mineral oil

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

To avoid dryness of skin, it is better to stop using harsh soaps as well as scented skincare products. Harsh chemicals can dry out the skin further and worsen the heel fissure. You need to keep the fissures on the heels clean and dry to avoid developing an infection. So, use a mild cleanser that does not contain any harsh chemicals. It helps retain moisture in the skin covering the heel. You can use emollient products instead of soap when you bathe or shower. Certain ingredients in the skincare products can make your skin dry. So, avoid the following product to retain the skin’s natural oils:

  • Alcohol
  • Fragrance
  • Alpha hydroxy acid
  • Retinoids

Choose Footwear To Manage Cracked Heels

Wearing poor-fitting shoes or footwear can aggravate the existing heel fissures. So, always choose footwear that fits your feet. You can follow the suggestion provided below to ensure your feet stay healthy:

  • You need to opt for closed heeled shoes or boots. It aids in healing as well as preventing heel fissures. Closed heel shoes also offer support with its cushion. So, it can prevent the cracks from developing at the back of the foot as it offers support to the problematic area. You need to avoid open-heeled shoes with thin soles.
  • When you wear shoes, opt for padded socks. Opting for non-slip sole shoes and orthotics or inserts suggested by a foot health specialist also offers protection to the soft tissue present in the foot.
  • You can also wear cotton socks along with the shoes to prevent or reduce friction. Cotton is a breathable fabric, so it can soap up a sweat as well as moisture. It allows the skin to breathe. Therefore, you can prevent the skin covering the feet from drying out.


Cracked heels are a common problem affecting anyone, anytime in their life. You can deal with them easily at home by using good moisturizers. Using products, thinning the skin is also effective in dealing with heel fissures. But, always prevention is better than cure. So, you need to include a moisturizer in your bath routine to keep your skin soft. Using it on the feet daily will prevent drying out of the heel. If you are suffering from underlying conditions like diabetes or thyroid problems, then get the proper treatment to manage it. Seeking a doctor’s assistance is important to eliminate any health issue triggering the problem. When cracks are severe, get immediate medical attention to prevent the wounds from becoming infected. With proper care, you can ensure better healing and prevent any complications.


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