Covid vaccine for pregnant women

COVID vaccine for pregnant women is not different from the normal vaccine provided. If you are pregnant, you can take the vaccine offered to others for feeling safe. Taking vaccines is a personal choice. But, if you are not willing to take the vaccine due to having misinformation, then you need to read ahead to get details of it to make the right decision. Coronavirus infection or COVID-19 can affect anyone. There is no specific category of people the virus may infect. Anyone and everyone are at risk of developing the problem. The virus has seen diverse mutations and can trigger severe complications in some people.

When a pregnant woman develops the infection, they can suffer from a higher risk of complication compared to non-pregnant women. Hence, protecting expectant mothers is important. Taking vaccines has emerged as one of the most reliable protective measures to become safe from COVID-19 infection. Many of the countries around the world now allow vaccination of the pregnant women. Let’s see if you must decide the same.

About COVID-19

Why should pregnant women take extra precautions against COVID? It is because the disease can affect both expectant mothers and their children. Hence, you need to follow the precaution steps to avoid developing the infection. It is a disease developing due SARS-CoV-2 virus. This disease can develop in both animals and humans. It is a highly contagious disease that transmits from one person to another. It can spread from an infected person to another through contaminated respiratory droplets. These drops come from the infected person’s sneeze, cough, or talking.

After the respiratory droplets from the infected person land on another person, the virus can enter the body. The common entry point is the nose, mouth, and eyes. It can also transfer from a highly contaminated surface to your body. It usually occurs when you touch the high-risk area and then touch your nose, mouth, face, or eyes without washing your hands. According to different studies, the novel coronavirus can last on hard surfaces such as metal or plastic for up to three days. Hence, it is essential to take steps to protect yourself from the infection.

COVID Vaccine For Pregnant Women: A Safety Precaution?

So, why one ought to follow coronavirus safety tips and precautions recommended by the United Nations agency and therefore the health department of your country? It’s as a result of the infection will cause severe complications in some individuals. While healthy individuals suffer less severe symptoms and might get over it within many days to many weeks, others will suffer from serious metabolic process diseases like respiratory illness, resulting in death. Individuals who face a high risk of severe complications include young youngsters below 10 years, aged individuals, and people tormented by health problems like polygenic disorder, heart issues, or alternative complications. As per the data acquired from around the world, it becomes clear that individuals above eighty years or suffering from the underlying condition can succumb to death with this virus infection compared to people aged forty to fifty.

If you see the information coming from around the world, the countries that have registered the high death rate are of older individuals compared to people of other age groups. But, it doesn’t mean that kids or pregnant women ought to slack and avoid taking precautions. Kids and pregnant women may suffer from serious complications and need immediate hospitalization. Because the scenario is seen across the world, as the virus undergoes mutation, the death rates will go up. COVID vaccination offers a primary line of defense against the malady for pregnant individuals. Why do pregnant ladies need this protection? It’s due to the complication developing in pregnant ladies because of coronavirus infection.

How Can COVID Vaccine For Pregnant Women Keep Them Safe?

COVID-19 is not a simple infection. It can have life-threatening complications. With no indication of whether or not you can become infected by it, you need to maintain caution. When you become sick due to the infection, there are high chances of you becoming the spreader. You can spread the infection to people around you. Vaccines can eliminate this risk. The clinical trials for different vaccines must show their safety and effectiveness before it gets authorized or approved. Many countries have provided EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) for vaccines. It means the taking the vaccines must outweigh the potential risks known of the vaccines.

By getting a COVID vaccine for pregnant women, it can boost immunity levels. In humans, the body has natural immunity. When you take the vaccination, it offers protection to the body by creating an antibody. Antibodies are the immune system response that can prevent sickness. Since the infection with coronavirus can lead to severe complications and in some cases, death, you can improve the defense system of the body. The risks of infections seem to outweigh the natural immunity in humans, added protection in the form of vaccination can keep you relatively safe.

You need immunity produced by the body to get protection from harmful pathogens. When you take the vaccine, it also produced immunity. Both natural and vaccine immunity can offer you protection against COVID19. So, pregnant women who are prone to diseases due to their delicate condition need to consider taking the vaccine. COVID vaccine for pregnant women can help them reduce the severity of illness.

Why Does COVID Vaccine For Pregnant Women Has Importance?

While the risk of developing COVID-19 infection remains the same for pregnant women like others, developing the infection can increase the risk. Due to pregnancy, the probability of suffering from severe illness and death increases. According to the data collected from different parts of the world, developing COVID-19 during pregnancy can increase the risk of suffering from respiratory complications. Such women require intensive care in the hospital. Pregnant women also face a higher risk of getting ventilator support.

In addition, pregnant women who are Black or Hispanic appear to be disproportionately affected by infection with the COVID-19 virus. Pregnant women who have underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes, also might be at even higher risk of severe illness due to COVID-19. According to certain research, pregnant women who develop COVID-19 can face the risk of premature delivery or C-section. The babies born to COVID-positive mothers need care in the neonatal unit. If you show COVID-19 symptoms, then you need to seek medical help immediately. It is also important to monitor for symptoms when you have come in contact with a COVID-19 infected person recently.

Consult your doctor about taking the COVID vaccine for pregnant women. But, if you contracted the disease or suspect it, take a test. For infected pregnant women, the treatment aims at relieving symptoms. Severely ill people need medical attention in the hospital.

Why Health Experts Have Not Made COVID Vaccine For Pregnant Women Compulsory?

When you can develop so many complications linked to coronavirus infection, why have the health experts made the COVID vaccine for pregnant women compulsory? It is because of the limited availability of data on the studies conducted to determine the safety of such vaccines for pregnant women. A fraction of scientists believe that these vaccines may pose a safety risk for pregnant people based on their functioning in the body. The limited data available on the safety levels of the vaccines are pulling experts back from making these vaccines compulsory.

Clinical trials that study the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and how well they work in pregnant people are underway or planned. Vaccine manufacturers are also collecting and reviewing data from people in the completed clinical trials who received the vaccine and became pregnant.

Different COVID Vaccine For Pregnant Women And Their Effectiveness

The studies conducted on animals who received COVID vaccines such as Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, J&J/Janssen before or during the pregnancy exhibited no issues or complications. Both pregnant animals and their unborn babies suffered no severe issues. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) have the safety monitoring system in place. It gathers all information regarding the different vaccines available. The information regarding the COVID vaccine for pregnant women can reflect its safety and efficacy. The early data offers reassurance to expectant mothers as the study has not identified any risk to the mother or babies. While most studies are still underway, the results offer hope.

More About COVID Vaccine For Pregnant Women

The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccine belongs to the mRNA vaccine category. It means the vaccine does not contain a live virus triggering novel coronavirus infection. Hence, it cannot cause COVID in people taking the vaccine. Also, the mRNA vaccines never interact with the DNA of the person taking or undergo genetic changes. It is because the mRNA does not enter the cell’s nucleus containing the DNA of a person.

The COVID vaccine offered by J&J/Janssen belongs to the viral vector vaccine category. It means the vaccine uses a modified version of another virus referred to as a vector. This virus delivers important instructions to the cells of the body. If you think such a COVID vaccine for pregnant women may cause harm, then you are wrong. Pregnant women of all trimesters have received such vaccines containing viral vectors for other diseases and have not suffered any complications. One such example is the large-scale trial of Ebola vaccination. Such trials have no adverse outcomes affecting the expectant mother or the infant.

COVID Vaccine For Pregnant Women- Key Considerations Before Taking The Decision

While health experts around the world feel that the COVID vaccine for pregnant women may not trigger any harm, the decision to take it or leave it rests on the individual. No separate vaccine exists for pregnant women. The vaccine available in the market is suitable for women who have become pregnant. But, make an appointment with the doctor to decide the right vaccine with authorization to prevent any complications. Making an appointment with the doctor and having a conversation can ease your mind. But, it is not a compulsory step you need to take. When you make an appointment, make sure you talk about the following points:

  • Your risk factor linked to exposure to the virus triggering COVID-19
  • The complications linked to developing COVID-19 and its potential effects on your unborn baby
  • The information regarding various COVID-19 vaccines is available at present
  • How the vaccines work to develop antibodies and offer protection to your body
  • Known side effects of vaccination
  • The information (limited but growing) on the safety of using the COVID vaccine for pregnant women
  • If or not vaccination can pass antibodies to the fetus

According to recent reports, pregnant women who received the mRNA vaccine during their third trimester have passed the antibodies to their unborn babies. So, the babies got protection from the virus after birth.

COVID Vaccine For Pregnant Women- Side Effects

Many countries have deemed the COVID vaccine for pregnant women as relatively safe. But, taking the vaccine can trigger some side effects. It is possible when you take any vaccine, especially after you get the second dose of the vaccine (when the vaccine requires two doses). There are no specific complaints from pregnant women who have received mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna compared to non-pregnant people. After vaccination, you need to take acetaminophen to prevent fever. Developing fever during pregnancy can result in adverse outcomes. In some cases, people have reported allergic reactions after taking the vaccine. So, if you have suffered from an allergic reaction earlier due to taking any other vaccine or while undergoing injectable therapy such as intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous, inform your doctor. Here are some of the points you need to discuss with the doctor when you have decided to take the vaccine:

  • The risks associated with developing a severe allergic reaction.
  • Benefits linked to getting the vaccine.
  • Key considerations you can discuss with your healthcare provider include:
  • People suffering from an allergic reaction can receive treatment for it to prevent any complications.

Can COVID Vaccine For Pregnant Women Offer Protection?

Experts around the world suggest the COVID vaccine for pregnant women can offer protection against the disease triggered by the virus. But, it does not mean you will not become infected. The vaccination can prevent complications from developing in pregnant women and their unborn babies. So, it can prevent fatal complications. Remember, the vaccine’s efficacy is limited to preventing serious illness or death. Also, people can get this protection two or three weeks after getting the second dose of vaccination. Getting vaccination does not mean you need to ditch the preventive measures such as mask or hand sanitization. Even after getting both doses of vaccines, you are prone to the infection and transmission of the virus from your body to others. Hence, you need to continue wearing masks to prevent the spread of the infection to others.

Remember, currently, no vaccines promise 100% protection from getting the infection. So, if you become positive after taking vaccines, it does not mean the vaccine has failed. It only protects the internal organs from the negative impact of the virus. The efficacy of the vaccine indicates it can trigger illness in a limited proportion of vaccinated people.

Safety Tips To Follow Before And After Getting COVID Vaccine For Pregnant Women

With each wave of coronavirus infection becoming deadly, you need to try to prevent it. It is specifically true for pregnant women. While the COVID vaccine for pregnant women can lower their risk of catching the virus, they need to follow the safety tips. It will prevent any complications from developing. You can follow these general guidelines suggested by the WHO and the medical professionals worldwide. Make sure pregnant women follow it even after getting vaccinated.

Hand Washing

Washing hands is a hygiene practice essential to avoid catching COVID-19 infections. It is a significant safety tip every person needs to follow. Pregnant women must also make sure they wash their hands frequently. It will keep the harmful germs and pathogens away. You need just a good soap and wat to create a lather. Rub your hands together after applying the soap to generate later. Make sure to rub between the fingers, the back of your hands, thumb, and nails to eliminate the harmful pathogens. It is important to wash your hands before the following tasks:

  • Wearing a mask
  • Preparing food
  • Consuming food
  • Touching your face

You must make sure to wash your hands after the following:

  • Removing the mask
  • Return from a public place
  • Using the toilet
  • Eating the food

Opt For Hand Sanitizer

When you face the unavailability of soap and water, you can opt for a hand sanitizer to kill the harmful pathogens present in your hands. While doing so, you need to ensure the hand sanitizer has at least 60% alcohol. Only then it has the power to kill the germs. But, you cannot substitute hand wash for hand sanitizer. The hand sanitizer can only eliminate the germs in your hands. It cannot clear the dirt or grime. So, make sure your hands are clean for hand sanitizer to do its work.

Maintain Social Distancing

Pregnant people must keep a distance from others when they go out. Because they never know if the others who come out in public have COVID-19 or not. It is observed that a small percentage of people suffering from COVID-19 infection have no signs. Coming in close contact with symptomatic people can increase the chances of the spread of infection. Hence, pregnant women must maintain a distance of at least six feet. Social distancing is a significant step to avoid the infection’s spread. After getting the vaccine never think the virus cannot affect you. Hence, considering your unborn baby’s safety, maintain social distancing.

Opt For A Mask

Pregnant women who go out must wear a mask to prevent respiratory droplets from others to reach them. A mask can offer protection while they step out in the public. You can opt for a double-layered face mask. If you have a high chance of coming in contact with infected people, then you need to use an N-95 mask along with a single-layer mask. So, if you have high chances of coming in contact with people who are ill or quarantined must choose double masking. A pregnant healthcare worker who cares for coronavirus-infected patients every day needs to wear an N95 respirator.

Coronavirus Safety Tips And Precautions While Caring For Sick Person

Every coronavirus-infected person can get treatment in the hospital. Doctors advise people with mild infections to stay home and recover. With proper care at home, they can recover. Only when the symptoms escalate or the oxygen levels go down, they need medical care immediately. When someone in a pregnant person’s house has tested positive for coronavirus infection, it is important to follow certain guidelines. Following the safety tips and precautions can protect you even when you care for a sick person.


Pregnant women must keep away from infected people. Infected people who suffer from the infection need to stay away from others members of the family, especially from expectant women. It is better to let them stay in a separate room that has an attached bathroom. Expectant women must stay away from the room or bathroom used by the infected person.

Good Ventilation

Pregnant women who have to share the same house with an infected person need to ensure good ventilation when they come into a common area. Good airflow is essential to eliminate the chances of virus spread. Therefore, keep the windows open.

Use A Face Mask

Ask the infected person to cover their face and nose with a face mask. Using a face mask at home is encouraged as it prevents the contaminated respiratory droplets from depositing on other surfaces or reaches other people. It is also important that they follow the right technique to place or remove the mask. Ask the person to clean and dispose of it after use of the mask for ensuring safety.

Use Tissue

Ask the person who is sick to cough or sneeze in tissue by covering the nose and mouth. They need to throw the tissue in a trash bag-lined garbage can. After disposing of the tissues, they need to wash their hands with soap and water or use a sanitizer.

Never Share Personal Items

When you have a person self-quarantining or recovering from a coronavirus infection, they must have separate items. Use separate cups, eating utensils, dishes, and glasses. Try not to use these items and avoid share these items with others. At times a pregnant woman needs to take care of the infected person. In such cases, wash them well in hot soapy water separately. While using a dishwasher, put the vessels used by the infected person alone in it. It is also necessary to keep their towels, beddings, and other personal items separate from other people’s items. Use only hot water with laundry detergent to wash them.

Avoid Visitors

When you have an infected person in the home, avoid visitors. Ask them to stay away from your home until the infected person recovers. Young children, people with other medical conditions, or older people can catch the infection easily compared to others. It is better to avoid other people as they can also act as a carrier of the disease. It can put the pregnant woman at risk.

One Of The Safety Tips And Precautions: Clean And Disinfect

When pregnant women have to wash the sick person’s clothing, they need to maintain caution. In such cases, the need to wear gloves before handling the clothes. Always wash the clothes of the infected person separately. Use hot water to clean clothing, towels, and bedding in hot water. Use the hottest temperature setting of the washing machine. While ordinary laundry detergent can help wash off germs from the clothes, you can use antiseptic lotion for added protection.

After handling the clothes, you can remove the gloves. Then, wash your hands with soap and water. Also, remember to clean and disinfect the high-touch areas. For cleaning, you can use the household cleaners first. Use disinfectant to wipe the objects for sanitizing. Focus on high-touch areas like light switches, counters, doorknobs, phones, remote controls, and sink handles. If you have a sick child at home, isolate their toys from other items.


Many of the countries have given acceptance to the COVID vaccine for pregnant women. Many countries have also urged pregnant women to take these vaccines to keep themselves and their child safe. Better consult your gynecologist and make a decision. It is always better to stay safe during the pandemic situation.


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