Colic In Infants – Symptoms, Diet, And Tips To Deal With It

Colic in infants is trouble for parents who bring their child home with a lot of happiness. For weeks, parents expect the arrival of their newborn. They imagine a happy life with their child. But, suddenly when your baby erupts into ear-shattering wailing that shows no signs of easing, you become flustered. The prolonged crying that does not ease after you try different techniques can make you feel incompetent as a parent. It also makes you fear for your child. When the heartbreaking and stressful crying episode repeats every night, you feel exhausted. Read ahead to know more about the common yet non-threatening problem affecting most infants.

About Colic In Infants

While it is true that all babies cry, colic in infants can cause concern for parents. Infants cry because it is the best and effective method for them to communicate their needs with their parents. Parents are programmed biologically to meet the needs of their children. But, when you have a colicky child, you feel forced to see your child’s crying all the time. Your otherwise healthy child cries without stopping. Colic is not a disease, so it has no apparent cure. Colic is not a diagnosis. It is a condition triggering baffling behavior in infants. It is a single term to define excessive crying in babies with no other problem.

Since there exists no specific cure for the condition, you can only pass time until the child feels at ease. It is a common problem affecting one in every five babies. The fussy period may last for several hours. It will sometime last late into the night. Apart from seeing your baby crying, the inability to calm your baby can make you feel worried, frustrated, and exhausted. Read ahead to know more about it.

Colic Symptoms

How can you detect colic in infants? When your baby suffers from colic, they follow rules or three. It means they can cry for three hours a day. It may last for three days of a week for at least three weeks consecutively. Here are some of the other signs that can point to colic in the babies:

  • The baby cries often around the same time every day (it may usually occur late in the afternoon or early evening, but varies).
  • Your baby may cry for no reason and not because he/she has a dirty diaper, feels hungry, or tired.
  • The baby may pull his/her legs, clench their fists, or move legs and arms more.
  • The infant can close their close often or open them wide. They can also furrow their brow.
  • Babies can hold their breath briefly.
  • Your baby’s bowel activity may increase.
  • He/she may pass gas frequently or spit-up.
  • Eating or sleeping becomes disrupted due to crying (Your child seeks a nipple only to forgo it once he/she starts sucking it or starts dozing for a few moments before waking up screaming).

Difference Between Normal Crying And Crying Due To Colic In Infants

Can you understand when your baby starts crying due to colic? There exists no clear definition of how crying due to colic in infants differs from other causes of crying. But, experts do feel the crying due to colic can become louder, intense, and high-pitched compared to normal crying. At times, you may feel, your child is screaming. Colicky babies seem inconsolable, unlike normal crying. They tend to cry throughout the day. Their cries around the clock can make parents tired and fraught. Parents of colicky babies feel the crying goes on for the whole day while in reality it only lasts a few hours. In most cases, the colic in babies may recure daily. Some babies can take an occasional night off.

Starting And Ending Of Colic In Infants

While the good is that colic in infants may not last forever, it can last for a few weeks. In most cases, the bouts may start when the baby is about two to three weeks old. In premature babies, it can start later. Colic can reach its peak around six weeks. It begins to taper off once they reach their ten- or twelve-weeks mark.

By the time your baby is three months old (in the case of premature babies, it may take a little longer), most of the infants suffering from colic find relief. It looks as if the condition gets cured miraculously. The colic may stop all of a sudden or end gradually, while the baby suffers from some bad days. When the baby feels good for most of the days, it means the condition has passed. To manage the condition and survive it until it passes, you need to know more about it.

Causes Of Colic In Infants

What exactly causes colic in Infants remains unclear. But, experts do believe it does occur due to genetics or any complications developing during pregnancy. Issues during childbirth also do not trigger the problem. It is also not a reflection of your parenting skills. You cannot blame anyone for the problem. But, experts put forward certain possible theories that can lead to colic in infants:

Overstimulated Senses

According to experts, newborn babies have a built-in mechanism for tuning any sounds or sounds around them. It allows them to eat and sleep without any distractions or disturbances caused by the environment. After the first month, this built-in mechanism starts to disappear. It can leave the babies more sensitive to the surrounding stimuli. When infants feel so many sensations coming at them, they can become overwhelmed. It often happens at the end of the day. Like adults, they too feel stressed. To release the stress, they often cry. Once colic ends, their routine returns to normal. But, the cycle continues until the baby learns to filter out the environmental stimuli to avoid sensory overload.

Immature Digestive System Causing Colic In Infants

Infants have a brand-new digestive system. Hence, it becomes difficult for them to digest food normally. As a result, the milk they drink passes through too quickly without proper breaking down. It can lead to pain caused by the gas developed in the intestines.

Infant Acid Reflux

According to studies, infant GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) can trigger episodes in babies suffering from colic. The problem does not cause colic. Infant GERD often occurs as a result of an underdeveloped lower oesophageal sphincter. It is the muscle keeping the stomach acid from flowing back into the throat and mouth. When the acid flows back, it irritates the esophagus. It can trigger other symptoms such as:

  • Poor eating
  • Frequent spitting
  • Irritability during or after the feedings

Most babies outgrow the condition by the time they become one year old. In some cases, GERD can go away before that.

Food Allergies/Sensitivity

Colic in infants using formula or cow’s milk may occur as a result of an allergy. Some babies have an allergy to milk protein found in cow’s milk or suffer from lactose intolerance. In less frequent cases, babies can develop colic due to developing reactions to certain foods in their mom’s diet. Either way, the allergy or sensitivity can trigger pain in their tummy. Hence, it sets off colicky behavior.

Exposure To Tobacco

Several studies indicate that babies born to mothers who smoke during or after pregnancy can suffer from colic. Second-hand smoke triggers the condition. While a link exists, it remains unclear how cigarette smoke can cause colic. It is better to avoid smoking or let anyone smoke near your baby.

Soothing Colic In Infants

When you have a colicky child, it often makes you feel frustrated and exhausted. You also develop feelings of guilt and inadequacy when you try to soothe your crying baby. While it is difficult to remain calm in such situations, you can try some effective strategies. These effective strategies can ease the pressure on you until your baby feels comfortable. You need to give a fair shot at each option before switching to another. Also, never try too many things at the same. It will overload your baby’s circuits and worsen his or her crying. You can consult a doctor before trying any option to learn if it can address the possible cause leading to the crying fit.

Soothing Colic In Infants Due To Overstimulation

For a newborn baby, everything is new. It can lead to the baby becoming overstimulated and tired. In such cases, you can follow the techniques suggested below:


Your baby can communicate only through crying. Crying also helps them wield any control over the new environment. When your child cries, you need to respond immediately. Staying by your baby’s side can have a powerful impact. According to studies, responding swiftly to a baby’s cries can lower the intensity of crying in the long run.

Limit Excitement

Excising excitement caused due to exposing your baby to new experiences or stimulations can lower their fussiness. A stimulating environment such as late afternoon or early evening can make colic in infants worsen. Check your baby’s response to various stimuli. Steer clear of any stimuli causing issues.

Create A Calm Environment

You need to make the environment of your baby relaxing. Reduce volume, dim the lights, sing or speak to your baby in soothing tones, and avoid distractions.

Managing Colic In Infants Due To Gastrointestinal Issues

If gastrointestinal issues trigger colic in infants, then you can try the following techniques to calm your baby.

Apply pressure

Colicky babies can find relief from tummy pain when you apply pressure on their abdomen. Also, the power of touch can soothe both baby and their parent. To apply pressure, you need to place the infant face down on your lap. You can also make your baby stay upright with their tummy against your shoulder or place the baby face-down with the belly resting on your arm. Now, gently pat or rub the baby’s back while holding.


If your baby has gas, you can try burping to ease the inconsolable fussing. Follow the effective burping steps to relieve pain.

Give Anti-gas Drops

Ask about antigas drops. Studies show that reducing gas may reduce discomfort (and crying). So ask your pediatrician about trying gas drops made with simethicone, which works by breaking up gas bubbles and can relieve your baby’s symptoms. Though research hasn’t yet shown that this treatment definitively helps with colic, your doctor may think it’s worth a try.

Consider Giving Probiotics

In some cases, giving probiotic drops to the baby may curb the crying. It may ease tummy trouble in colicky babies. Probiotic bacteria grow naturally in the digestive tract. It promotes intestinal health. While research remains limited, you need to check with the pediatrician to see if you try the method.

Think About Switching Formulas

Is your baby drinking formula? Colic in infants drinking formula milk can occur due to using the standard variety. Instead, switch to a formula designed for sensitive tummies. You can also try using a formula containing no cow’s milk to see the difference. Research indicates that giving colicky babies hypoallergenic whey-hydrolyzed formula may reduce the symptoms of colic. Before switching the formula, you need to get the doctor’s approval. Also, you need to stay away from partially hydrolyzed or casein-hydrolyzed formulas as therapies for dealing with colic in infants. There is no sufficient evidence to indicate their effectiveness.

Other Remedies To Calm Colic In Infants

Apart from the tips suggested above, you can also try other remedies to calm colicky babies. It includes:

Get Close

When you cuddle or carry your baby, it gives them the pleasure of physical closeness and security. It also makes you feel closer to your baby. Since feeling secure for nine months in your womb, your baby for such closeness. It will help you tune in better to his or her needs. Never worry about carrying or holding your baby for too long. You can never spoil a newborn or make him/her clingy. Holding them can help them feel calm.


Take a warm blanket and wrap it snugly around your baby while he/she cries. Swaddling the baby can make them feel secure and the warmth of a blanket can offer them a sense of security. So, it will ease their crying.

Try White Noise

White noise can soothe babies. Try the hum of a dryer or vacuum cleaner as it reminds them of their mother’s womb. Using a white noise machine can also help them stop crying.

Play Soothing Music

Your baby can stop crying when they hear a lullaby in soothing tones. You can also try playing soft music. In some babies, the whir of a fan or sounds of nature can ease the crying. Some sounds like “ahh” or “shh” can also lower the crying. You can always try new things and find the one the baby likes.

Get In Motion

You can try rocking or swinging your child. Infants find the gentle movements soothing, It mimics the feeling they experienced in the womb.

Offer A Pacifier

Some babies suffering from colic wish to eat all the time. It is because the sucking motion can soothe them and not because they feel hungry. If you feel your baby seems ravenous even after feeding, offering a pacifier can make him/her satisfied. It is better to check with the doctor if your baby is getting enough milk or not at mealtimes.

Take Your Baby Out

Staying at home for a long time can also make a baby fussy. A change of location can magically change the mood of your baby. The movement of taking your baby outside can also help calm them. You can go for a walk with your baby in a carrier or stroller. You can also take your baby in a car seat for a drive. But, make sure you cut short the trip if the crying continues in the car. Else, too much crying of your baby can distract you from the road.

Gripe Water And Colic

While checking the remedies, the mention of gripe water may come up several times. It is the category with little evidence with lots of anecdotes. It is the most touted herbal remedy mentioned in several forums for babies to manage anything from gas to colic. While many parents swear the effectiveness of using gripe water to ease colic, no reliable studies exist to show its positive results in easing symptoms relating to colic. You need to consult your pediatrician about giving gripe water or other over-the-counter treatment option to ease colic.

Remember, you should never give your baby any medication, herbal or otherwise, without talking to your pediatrician first. And always talk to your doctor before making major changes in your diet or your baby’s.

Tips Parents Can Follow To Manage Colic In Infants

While crying for several hours every day may not harm your baby, it can leave you distressed. A crying child can tug your heartstrings and leave a mark. Your child’s cries and screams can make you feel distressed. To avoid such anxiety-provoking and upsetting episodes that take an emotional and physical too, you can try some effective strategies. You can follow different steps that can help manage colic in infants.

Break It Up

Taking care of the baby alone can put immense strain on your mental and physical health. Having a fresh set of arms to calm your baby can ease the tension. When two parents are present at home, they need to switch hours to take care of the colic duty. Make sure the duty is divided equally between the partners for best results. It means when you take care of the baby for an hour, you get an hour off or you can work a night on while taking the next night off. Find the best arrangement working for you.

Soothe Your Baby

You can provide extra skin-to-skin contact to help your child feel comfortable. Sing a song to your baby to help them feel at ease. You can swaddle your baby by wrapping them in a blanket for making them feel comfortable. To ease the discomfort, you can give your baby a warm bath. Make sure the water is not hot as it can cause harm to your baby’s sensitive skin. You can also try putting a warm towel on the stomach of your baby for feeling at ease. As your doctor about massaging techniques for easing the discomfort.

Take A Break

While you need to respond to your child’s crying, you need to take a break. Crying is the only mode of communication for infants. It is the way they can communicate with their parents. But, taking a break every ten to fifteen minutes between the crying spree can help you get through the challenging phase of colic.

Talk About It

If you feel distressed, a little crying on a willing shoulder can relieve mental stress. Talk to people you trust. Remember, you are not alone in the world. You can get the necessary help to console your baby without losing your mind.

Get Help To Deal With Colic In Infants

Persistent crying of your child can make you frustrated. If you feel at the end of your rope, never hesitate to ask for help. You can ask your close ones such as your partner, your mother, babysitter, or friend for help. Some mothers can feel consistently feel overwhelmed. They may also face trouble coping. In such cases, it is better to talk to a doctor or mental healthcare professional. It will make you feel calm and better. Parental counseling can reduce infant crying.

Colic In Infants: The Role Of Mother’s Diet In It

If you are breastfeeding your child who suffers from colic episodes, you need to check your diet. What a mother eats can increase or reduce colic. The condition affects one-fifth of all babies. While it is impossible to pinpoint a specific reason for triggering the problem, studies do indicate the role of a mother’s diet in baby colic. Making small changes in the diet can mitigate or prevent the occurrence of colic in infants. Breastfeeding your child can outweigh the fussiness your baby may show. Hence, mothers need to include a diet with adequate amounts of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products. It is also essential to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

Foods To Avoid For Preventing Colic In Infants

Like the foods you need to include, there are some food items to avoid. It is advised to such food items to prevent colic. Allergens like nuts can also result in breastmilk causing colic. You need to abstain from foods that can trigger has such as beans, broccoli, or cabbage. If you are taking any medications for underlying health conditions, check with your doctor. At times, certain medications can pass into breast milk. It can irritate your baby’s digestive tract. Some of the foods you need to avoid while breastfeeding includes:

  • Aerated drinks
  • Legumes
  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Energy drinks
  • Hot and spicy food items
  • Junk food

Tips To Prevent The Onset Of Colic In Infants

Since seeing your baby in distress can make you feel disheartened, you may try everything to ease their pain or comfort them. Here are some of the tips you can try to prevent the onset of colic in infants.

  • When you feed breastmilk to your baby, give smaller amounts. Giving milk in smaller quantities at regular intervals can promote good digestion.
  • Consult the doctor on finding the best diet for breastfeeding mothers. It will prevent colic in your baby. It is essential to exclude all triggers from the diet.
  • Reduce dairy products from your diet. Increasing it may not boost milk production. Instead, they can cause digestion issues. It is better to get advice from the doctor regarding the ideal intake.

See A Doctor For Colic In Infants

When your baby suffers from colic, it doesn’t mean they suffer from any health issues. You can try different methods to soothe your baby. If you give extra attention to your baby, it does not mean you will spoil them. Holding him or her for extended periods can make your baby comfortable. When to call the doctor to check colic in infants? When your baby starts crying a lot due to colic, you need to see a pediatrician immediately.  Seeing a doctor can help you get peace of mind. With professional assistance, you can learn extra soothing strategies.

Talk to your doctor explaining the symptoms you observe. Describe your child’s crying by offering a detailed version of its duration, pattern, intensity, and its variation from the normal crying. You must also explain other symptoms accompanying the crying. It will help your doctor rule out other conditions triggering crying such as:

  • Milk allergy
  • An infection
  • Reflux
  • Your doctor can offer tips and suggestions to deal with a colicky baby.


Keep in mind that colic in infants will pass as they grow older. Also, it may not cause any short-term or long-term problems for your baby. While it becomes hard for parents to care for babies who cannot stop crying, you need to keep your hopes up. Give yourself a pat on the back as you have come this far in the major challenge of parenthood. When you feel wiped, frustrated, or overwhelmed, never hesitate to ask for help. Ask someone close to you to watch your baby. Take time to refresh yourself. Also, never feel guilty as you have not caused this problem for the baby. If you feel like shaking or harming the baby, get help immediately.

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