Cirrhosis Of The Liver

Cirrhosis Of The Liver – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, And Diet

Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious health condition caused due to the scarring of the organ. The late-stage fibrosis of the liver occurs due to different forms of hepatic diseases (liver diseases). In most cases, chronic alcoholism and hepatitis can result in the condition. Each time your liver suffers from an injury due to suffering from a disease, excess alcohol consumption, or other causes, it tries to repair itself. During the process, scar tissue forms. With the progression of the scarring, your liver fails to function 9due to the accumulation of scar tissue). In advanced stages of the diseases, it can become fatal. You cannot undo the scarring of the liver. But, early intervention can manage the symptoms and improve the quality of your life. Medical treatment can limit the damage and in some rare cases reverse the problem.

Cirrhosis Of The Liver Symptoms

In the initial stage of the hepatic disease, you see no symptoms. This condition becomes obvious when it becomes severe. Then, you experience the following:

  • Easy bleeding
  • Fatigue
  • Bruise easily
  • Loss of appetite
  • Edema (swelling ankles, feet, or legs)
  • Nausea
  • Itchy skin
  • Weight loss
  • Itchy skin
  • Jaundice (yellow discoloration in the eyes and skin and eyes)
  • Ascites (accumulation of fluid in your abdomen)
  • Hepatic encephalopathy (it causes drowsiness, confusion, and slurred speech)
  • See redness in your palms of the hands
  • The appearance of spider-like blood vessels on the skin
  • Loss or absent period in women (not related to menopause)
  • Testicular atrophy, loss of sex drive, or gynecomastia (breast enlargement) in men

See A Doctor To Deal With Cirrhosis Of The Liver

When you see the above-mentioned symptoms, it indicates the presence of cirrhosis of the liver. So, make an appointment with the doctor and get the necessary treatment immediately.

Cirrhosis Of The Liver Causes

Several underlying causes can result in scarring of the liver. The wide range of conditions and diseases leading to the condition are:

  • Chronic viral hepatitis (hepatitis B, C, and D)
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (fat accumulating in the liver)
  • Chronic alcohol abuse
  • Hemochromatosis (Iron buildup in the body)
  • Wilson’s disease (copper accumulated in the liver)
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Biliary atresia (Poorly formed bile ducts)
  • Alagille syndrome (Genetic digestive disorder)
  • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
  • Autoimmune hepatitis (The liver disease caused due to your body’s immune system)
  • Inherited sugar metabolism disorders like glycogen storage disease or galactosemia
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis (destruction of the bile ducts)
  • Infections like brucellosis or syphilis
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis (a condition caused by hardening and scarring of the bile ducts)
  • Certain medications like isoniazid or methotrexate

Risk Factors Associated With Cirrhosis Of The Liver

What makes you vulnerable to cirrhosis of the liver? Here are some of the factors making you susceptible to the condition:

Excess Alcohol

Consuming too much alcohol will make your liver prone to scarring. It is because alcohol is difficult to break down. Due to the chemicals released by the liver during the process, it starts damaging your liver.


Being obese increases your risk of conditions that may lead to cirrhosis, such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

Suffering From Viral Hepatitis

Some people who suffer from viral hepatitis can develop scarring of the liver. Viral hepatitis is one of the leading causes of hepatic diseases around the world.

Cirrhosis Of The Liver Complications

Without medical treatment, you can develop several complications due to cirrhosis of the liver. The main complications associated with the condition are:

Portal Hypertension

It is the high blood pressure developing in the veins supplying your liver. You develop portal hypertension because the scarring slows the normal blood flow through your liver. So, it increases the pressure in the vein, delivering blood to the liver from spleen as well as intestines.

Swelling Due To Cirrhosis Of The Liver

The increased pressure in the portal vein results in fluid accumulation in the legs. So, it results in swelling or edema. When swelling occurs in the leg, it is known as edema while fluid retention in the abdominal region can result in ascites. You can suffer from ascites and edema due to the inability of the liver to make necessary albumin (blood proteins).


Also known as the enlargement of the spleen, the condition triggers due to portal hypertension. Portal hypertension can result in changes to the spleen resulting in its swelling. Due to the swelling of the spleen, it traps white blood cells as well as platelets. The reduced white blood cells and platelets in the blood are the first indicator of cirrhosis of the liver.

Bleeding Due To Cirrhosis Of The Liver

Due to portal hypertension, blood is redirected to smaller veins. The excess strain caused by the pressure of blood can make these smaller veins burst. So, the affected person suffers from serious bleeding. Portal hypertension results in varices (enlarged veins) in the esophagus, known as esophageal varices or your stomach, referred to as gastric varices. It leads to life-threatening bleeding. When your liver fails to make enough clotting factors, it contributes to continuous bleeding.


Liver scarring and inflammation can make it difficult for your body to fight off infections. Apart from that, ascites can result in a serious infection known as bacterial peritonitis.


Hepatic diseases make it difficult for your body to process nutrients and absorb them. Due to the lack of nutrients, you can suffer from weight loss and weakness.

Hepatic Encephalopathy

It is the condition developing due to the buildup of toxins in the brain. A liver damaged by the scarring cannot clear toxins from the blood as the healthy one can. So, it results in the accumulation of toxins in the brain. People suffering from the condition can find it difficult to concentrate and mental confusion. As time passes, hepatic encephalopathy can progress to coma or unresponsiveness.


Yellowing of skin or eyes can occur when the diseased liver fails to remove enough bilirubin. Bilirubin is the waste product from the blood. Due to the accumulation of bilirubin, you develop jaundice. Apart from the yellowing of skin and eyes, you can also see dark urine as a symptom of the condition.

Bone Disease

When a person suffers from scarring of the liver, they tend to lose bone strength. So, it puts them at high risk of fractures.

High Risk Of Liver Cancer

Pre-existing cirrhosis of the liver can increase a person’s risk of developing liver cancer. So, people who develop it need to maintain caution.

Acute-On-Chronic Cirrhosis

Some people suffering from the condition can lead to multi-organ failure. Researchers who have conducted studies on such people understand it is the complication a small majority suffer from. But, the exact cause of developing the condition remains unclear.

 Diagnosing Cirrhosis Of The Liver

Unfortunately, the early stage of the disease is not easily detected. It is because you may not see any symptoms associated with the condition. It is usually detected during a routine checkup or blood test. When you get such a diagnosis, you need a combination of tests to diagnose the problem conclusively. So, you need to undergo a combination laboratory as well as imaging tests to detect the problem. The diagnostic tests used to detect the cirrhosis of the liver are:

Laboratory Tests

You need to provide a sample of your blood. Several tests can detect the signs of liver malfunction like:


When the results indicate lower than the normal range of bilirubin levels, you never have to worry. It is not a matter of concern. But, elevated levels of bilirubin indicates hepatic disease or damage. When your blood shows higher than normal levels of direct bilirubin in the blood sample, it means your liver is not functioning properly in clearing bilirubin.


When you suffer from hepatic diseases, it interferes with the liver function. So, it leads to low creatinine production. If the creatinine levels become low, then it indicates a liver problem.


PT is the abbreviation for prothrombin time while INR means International Normalized Ratio. This test helps measure the time taken for your blood to clot. If your doctor suspects liver problems, then the PT/INR test can help detect it. The abnormal results of the test indicate hepatic diseases.

The different blood tests suggested by the doctor help diagnose the underlying cause of cirrhosis of the liver. It also helps identify the severity of the condition.

Imaging Tests

Imaging tests are the non-invasive tests used to detect the scarring caused by liver inflammation. The different tests used to detect the condition of your liver are:

  • MRE (Magnetic Resonance Elastography)
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
  • CT Scan
  • Ultrasound


Your doctor extracts a sample of your tissue to identify the severity, cause, and extent of the liver damage. While the tissue sample is not required for diagnosis, it is essential to develop a treatment plan.

Constant Monitoring

If you suffer liver inflammation, the regular, non-invasive tests are used to monitor the signs of the disease progression or the complications you can develop like cancer or esophageal varices. Today, doctors recommend non-invasive diagnostic methods for monitoring.

Treatment For Cirrhosis Of The Liver

Your doctor suggests a treatment plan for cirrhosis of the liver depending on the cause and extent of damage the organ suffers. So, your treatment goals include:

  • Slow the development of scar tissue in the liver
  • Try to prevent and treat the symptoms as well as complications associated with the condition

In cases of severe hepatic disease, you need to get treatment in the hospital. So, your doctor suggests the following treatment:

Treatment To Manage Underlying Causes

If your doctor finds cirrhosis of the liver early, then the treatment aims to minimize damage to the organ with medical intervention. Your doctor treats the underlying cause to manage the condition. Here are the options:

Treat Alcohol Dependency

People who suffer from hepatic disease due to the alcohol dependency need to stop drinking. Since alcohol addiction is not easy to break, you need medical intervention. Your doctor recommends an effective treatment program to address the issue. If you suffer from liver disease, then stopping alcohol use is important. It is because any amount of alcohol can become toxic to your body.

Weight Loss

Some people develop the condition due to suffering from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. In such cases, they become healthier when they start losing weight. Talk to your doctor regarding the right weight loss plan. Also, control your blood sugar levels to see changes in your condition.


Your doctor prescribes medications to manage several issues. The prescription medications can help deal with the following:

Control Hepatitis

With liver inflammation or scarring, you face an increased risk of developing hepatitis B or C. Suffering from the disease can cause further damage to liver cells. So, medication is provided to limit the damage caused due to these viruses.

Manage Other Symptoms Caused By Cirrhosis Of The Liver

To control other causes and symptoms associated with the condition, your doctor prescribes medications. Medications are effective in slowing down the progression of certain types of cirrhosis of the liver. For example, when some people who suffer from primary biliary cirrhosis, proper treatment with medication delays the progression to scarring.

Relieve Symptoms

People suffering from the condition can develop several symptoms like:

  • Fatigue
  • Itching
  • Pain

So, the doctor prescribes medications to manage these symptoms. Some people suffer from malnutrition due to the condition. It can make the bones weak and lead to osteoporosis. So, the doctor prescribes nutritional supplements.

Treating Complications Associated With Cirrhosis Of The Liver

It is possible to develop other complications due to cirrhosis of the liver. So, your doctor also suggests treatment to manage other issues cropping up due to the condition. The doctor offers treatment for the following problems occurring due to hepatic diseases:

Fluid Retention

Due to hepatic diseases, your body tends to retain excess fluids. So, a diet low in sodium is suggested along with medication to prevent water retention in the body. It helps control ascites as well as swelling. In people with more severe cases of fluid buildup, invasive procedures are required to drain the fluid or relieve the pressure.

Portal Hypertension

People suffering from severe hepatic diseases can also experience portal hypertension. It is the increased pressure on vein supplying blood to the liver. This condition can also cause severe bleeding. To deal with the condition, your doctor performs upper endoscopy. It is performed at regular intervals to check for enlarged veins in the stomach (varices) or esophagus causing bleeding.

Control Bleeding Varices

People who develop varices need medications to reduce the increased risk of bleeding. If you observe signs indicating bleeding of the varices or higher chances of bleeding in the future, then a procedure is required. The procedure known as band ligation can reduce the risk of varices bleeding. For dealing with severe cases, the doctor places a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt into the vein. The small tube reduces the blood pressure in the liver.


Hepatic diseases can trigger infections. So, you receive antibiotic treatments or others to manage infections. You also receive the vaccination to prevent diseases like hepatitis, pneumonia, or influenza.

Liver Cancer Risk

Due to suffering from liver damage, you face a high risk of suffering from developing cancerous cells in the liver. So, the doctor recommends periodic blood tests as well as ultrasound exams to look at the presence of cancerous cells.

Hepatic Encephalopathy

Hepatic encephalopathy can cause a decline in your brain function. This is a common condition in people who suffer from severe hepatic diseases. A damaged liver cannot remove toxins from the blood. So, the accumulation of the toxins in your bloodstream, leading to brain damage. So, the doctor prescribes medication to reduce the toxic build up in your blood.

Liver Transplant Surgery

In advanced cases of liver damage, the organ ceases to function. So, it can result in the death of the affected person. In such cases, a liver transplant is the only treatment option. During the transplant, the surgeon replaces the damaged organ with a healthy liver from a deceased donor or a part of it from a living donor. Cirrhosis of the liver is one of the most causes of transplant. Before undergoing the transplant, extensive testing is required to check if the patient is healthy enough to have a good outcome after undergoing the procedure.

In earlier times, the doctors suggested transplant option for people with diseases causing liver damage. It is because of the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis candidates turning back to harmful drinking. But, in recent times, carefully selected candidates with severe alcoholic cirrhosis have similar survival rates of that of people with other hepatic diseases after the transplant. So, the doctor suggests a certain condition that alcoholic people need to follow for a successful transplant:

  • Find the best program to work well for people suffering from hepatic disease due to excess alcohol consumption.
  • People who wish to meet the requirements of the program need a lifelong commitment to abstain from alcohol. It is also important to meet the specific requirements of the transplant center.

Lifestyle And Home Remedies To Manage Cirrhosis Of The Liver

If you show signs of severe liver damage, then apart from getting treatment, you need to make some changes in your life. These changes will help prevent further liver damage. Here are some simple yet effective steps you need to follow:

Stop Drinking Alcohol

Irrespective of the underlying causes of triggering liver damage, you need to avoid drinking alcohol. While most people suffer from liver diseases due to chronic alcohol consumption, other issues like diseases can also lead to the condition. But, stopping the alcoholic beverages will prevent further liver damage.

Eat A Low-Sodium Diet

A diet high in sodium can result in fluid retention. It results in swelling in your legs and abdomen. With a high-sodium diet, the swelling worsening. So, use herbs instead of salt as seasoning. Choose foods prepared with little or no salt for better health.

Include A Healthy Diet

Hepatic diseases cause malnutrition. So, you need to overcome the deficiency with a healthy diet. Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. A plant-based diet is beneficial to manage liver damage. Choosing lean protein (from poultry, fish, or legumes) can improve your health. Try to avoid raw seafood.

Avoid Infections

Hepatic diseases can make your immune system weak. So, it becomes difficult for you to fight off infections. So, you need to take the following steps:

  • Avoid coming in contact with sick people.
  • Wash your hands frequently using soap and water. It will wash all the harmful pathogens (like coronavirus) and keep you protected.
  • Get vaccinations to keep yourself safe from pneumonia as well as hepatitis (A and B).
  • Protect yourself by avoiding people who are sick and washing your hands frequently. Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and B, influenza, and pneumonia.

Use Over-The-Counter Medications With Care

Using over-the-counter medication for a long time without caution can cause hepatic disease. You can develop a liver problem which makes it difficult to process the drugs. So, you need to ask your doctor before taking any medications, including nonprescription drugs. The OTC painkillers like aspirin and ibuprofen can affect your health. So, talk to your doctor before taking pain medications. Medications like acetaminophen or low doses of pain relief medication will not affect your liver.

Liver Cirrhosis Diet

Do you know that liver is the largest organ in your body? It is responsible for crucial functions. So, you need to take proper care of it. Apart from taking steps to heal any hepatic diseases, you must also follow a good diet. It will help the proper functioning of the organ to its optimal potential and prevent cirrhosis of the liver. Here is the list of foods you can include in your diet and the ones you have to stay away from to restore the health of the degrading liver.

Foods To Consume To Avoid Cirrhosis Of Liver

  • Oats
  • Whole grains
  • Lean meat
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Beta-carotene rich foods like carrots

Foods To Avoid

  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Fried or fatty foods

Preventing Cirrhosis Of The Liver

You need to reduce the risk of liver damage by taking some steps. These effective steps will help you care for the liver:

Stop Drinking Alcohol

Liver damage occurs when you develop inflammation. As time progresses, it can result in scarring of the organ and its loss of function. Since liver damage is a serious and life-threatening condition, you need to maintain caution to prevent further damage. While damage to the liver is irreversible, you can prevent further damage by avoiding alcohol. So, stop drinking alcohol when you suffer from the problem.

Eat A Healthy Diet

Hepatic diseases rob your body of nutrients. So, it weakens your muscles. To overcome these negative effects, you need to eat a lot of healthy foods. So, include the following:

  • Fresh vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Lean protein (present in fish or meat)
  • Whole grains

People who suffer from such issues need to avoid oysters and other raw shellfish. It is because they contain bacteria, triggering infection. Also, reduce fried and fatty foods as they can affect your health adversely.

Maintain Healthy Weight

You need to maintain a healthy weight to avoid hepatic diseases. Overweight or obese people have an excess amount of body fat. It can damage your liver. So, you need to follow an effective weight-loss plan to shed the excess fat. Talk to your doctor about the options available and choose the right one.

Reduce Hepatitis Risk

You need to reduce your risk of catching hepatitis. So, refrain from having unprotected sex and sharing needles. It puts you at risk of hepatitis B and C. To avoid such issues, you need to talk to your doctor about hepatitis vaccinations.


While cirrhosis of the liver is not curable, you can get the necessary treatment to manage the problem. Early medical intervention helps stop further damage to your liver and prevent complications. With better care and caution, your prognosis is good. Severe cases need transplantation of the organ to improve the quality and quantity of life. You need to talk to your doctor regarding the severity of the condition and the ways you can reduce the risk. Follow the instructions from the doctor to live a good life.


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