Chlamydia Infection – Symptoms, Causes And Risk Factors, And Natural Treatments

If you have an active sexual life, then you need to know about chlamydia infection. It is the most common sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria. Many sexually active people suffer from this sexually transmitted disease but remain unaware of it. It is because the condition does not have signs or symptoms unlike other STIs such as discharge from the sexual organ or genital pain. More than one million people report the condition worldwide, but the real number may surpass it due to underreporting. It is the condition affecting young women with an active sexual life. But, it can also develop in men and women of all age groups. While it is easy to treat the condition, many ignore the problem. Leaving this infection untreated, can lead to more serious health complications causing lasting repair.

Symptoms Of Chlamydia

How can you know you suffer from this sexually transmitted infection? The early stage of infection may or may not trigger symptoms. So, many people may not know they suffer from this infection. When symptoms do appear, many find it mild which makes it easy to overlook the problem. The symptoms associated with chlamydia include:

Chlamydia Symptoms In Women

In most cases, women suffering from chlamydia show no signs or symptoms. If they do develop symptoms, it may include the following:

  • Green, yellow, white discharge or fluid from the vagina
  • Discharge with foul smell
  • Observe bleeding between the periods
  • Burning sensation or itching in or around the vagina
  • Feel pain during periods
  • Severe discomfort or burning while passing urine
  • Develop pain in the upper right side of the abdomen
  • Observe bleeding, pain, or mucous discharge from the rectum

Chlamydia Symptoms In Men

Men can also develop a sexually transmitted infection that can trigger symptoms in some while some may not see any signs. People observing symptoms can see the following:

  • Burning sensation or pain when passing urine
  • See clear or white discharge from the penis
  • Observe pain and swelling around the testicles

The bacterium triggering this sexual infection can also affect the rectum. It may or may not trigger symptoms such as rectal pain, discharge, or bleeding. When you come in contact with infected body fluids, the bacterium can cause an eye infection.

See A Doctor For Chlamydia Infection

When you observe unusual discharge from the penis, vagina, or rectum, you need to see a doctor. Consult the doctor immediately when you experience pain during urination. Make an appointment with the doctor when your sexual partner gets diagnosed with chlamydia. With the doctor’s help, you get the prescription for an antibiotic even when you show no signs.

Causes Of Chlamydia Infection

Chlamydia infection develops due to the attack of C. trachomatis bacterium. This bacterium is responsible for the most common STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection). This bacterium can spread from one person to another through oral, vaginal, or anal sex. The infected fluid coming in contact with sexual organs can cause the spread. It can also spread from an infected pregnant woman to their newborn during the delivery as they pass the vaginal canal.

Risk Factors Associated With Chlamydia Infection

Not all people suffer from this sexually transmitted infection. Here are some of the factors increasing your risk of contracting chlamydia infection:

  • Becoming sexually active before the age of twenty-five
  • Not practicing safe sex (the use of a condom with oral, anal, or vaginal sex)
  • Having multiple sex partners
  • Having a history of sexually transmitted infection

Complications Due To Chlamydia Infection

Without treatment, Chlamydia trachomatis can trigger several complications. Here are some of the serious issues linked to the sexually transmitted infection:

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory disease refers to the infection developing in the uterus and fallopian tubes. Due to the infection, you can develop pelvic pain along with fever. When the infection becomes severe, you may require hospitalization. The doctor suggests getting treated with intravenous administration of antibiotics. PID is a serious condition causing severe damage to the cervix, uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

Chlamydia Increases Risk Of Epididymitis (Infection near the testicles)

The epididymis is the tube located at the back of the testicles. It stores and carries sperm in men. Due to bacterial infection, the tube becomes inflamed and swollen. It results in pain, fever, and other discomforts. This condition leads to swelling and scrotal pain.

Prostate Gland Infection

The Prostrate is the small gland at the base of the bladder. In men, this gland secretes fluid providing nourishment to the sperm. In rare cases, the bacteria causing this sexually transmitted infection can spread to the prostate gland. Hence, it causes inflammation of the gland. It leads to the condition referred to as prostatitis. Due to the condition, men suffer pain during or after sex. It can cause lower back pain, painful urination, chills, and fever.

Chlamydia Infections In Newborns

Pregnant women affected by the sexually transmitted infection can pass it to their child during delivery. It transmits when the child passes from the vaginal canal. Due to the infection, the newborn child can suffer from eye inflammation or conjunctivitis. It causes swelling, redness, and discharge. It can also result in the development of pneumonia in some people. Pneumonia can lead to rapid breathing and persistent coughing.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy refers to the condition when the fertilized egg implant in the fallopian tube or anywhere outside the uterus. It is a serious condition triggered life-threatening complication as the fallopian tube can burst and cause internal bleeding. So, the doctor recommends removing the pregnancy. It is observed that women who have suffered from sexually transmitted infections can face the risk of ectopic pregnancy. It is because they are more likely to produce the protein PROKR2 in the fallopian tube. This increased release of protein makes it more likely for the fertilized egg to implant outside the uterus.


It is observed that around ten to fifteen percent of women developing chlamydia infection face the risk of suffering from the pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). It can develop in women who observe no signs or symptoms due to the STI. This infection can result in infection developing in the upper genital tract. Hence, it results in permanent damage to the uterus, fallopian tube, and surrounding tissues. It leads to infertility in women. If you think it only affects men, then you are wrong. This infection can also cause male infertility. It can cause genetic damage in sperm as it causes more than three times fragmentation of sperm DNA.

Reactive Arthritis Due To Chlamydia

People who have suffered from this sexually transmitted disease face a higher risk of developing complications such as reactive arthritis. This problem also known as Reiter’s syndrome can affect the eyes, joints, and urethra. The urethra refers to the tube carrying urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body. Due to the problem, you develop eye inflammation and face difficulty while urinating.

Who Must Undergo Test For Diagnosing Chlamydia?

This sexually transmitted infection is prevalent among men and women indulging in unprotected sex with multiple partners. Hence, the following people must undergo screening for the disease to detect it early and get proper treatment:

Sexually Active Women Under 25 Years

Women 25 years or younger face a high risk of developing chlamydia infection. Therefore, if you come under this group, you have to undergo yearly screening. Even with a negative test result previously, you need to get tested for this infection when you have a new partner. Before you become intimate with another person intimately, it is better to take the testing.

Pregnant Women Must Undergo Chlamydia Testing

Pregnant women should check for sexual infections during the first prenatal exam. If you face a high risk of infection due to having a sex partner with the infection or changing sex partners, you need to get tested again at the later stages of your pregnancy.

Sexually Active People

People, both men and women with multiple sex partners and fail to follow safe sex by using a condom need to screen for the sexually transmitted disease. Men having sex with other men must allow following the screening. People who have multiple sex partners can also face the risk of other STIs. So, people with possible exposure to other STIs must also consider screening for the condition.

Chlamydia Infection Diagnosis

To detect the presence of the condition, you need to undergo certain screening tests. The doctor can suggest the following tests:

A Urine Test To Check For Chlamydia

You need to provide a sample of your urine. The technicians test the urine sample in the lab to check for the presence of the bacteria causing the infection.

Swab Testing

This test usually tests for the discharge from the sex organs for the presence of the bacteria causing chlamydia. For women, the doctor collects the discharge from the cervix on a swab. The lab technicians use the sample for antigen or culture testing. In normal cases, the doctor suggests the test during the routine Pap test. Some women prefer to take the swab from the vagina themselves. Some doctors allow it as it appears as diagnostic as the ones obtained by the doctor.

For men, the sample is obtained by the doctor from the urethra by inserting a slim swab into the end region of the penis. In some cases, the doctor can take an anal swab for testing.

People who have undergone testing for this sexual infection earlier need to retest in the next three months.

Chlamydia Infection Treatment

While timely medical intervention can treat and cure the infection, certain bacteria triggering sexually transmitted infections have shown resistance to the antibiotic. Hence, it has become difficult to treat the condition. But, seeing a doctor at the initial stages of the infection can prevent it from escalating into a serious issue. It is better to prevent the sexually transmitted infection from developing instead of worrying about it after getting the problem. The treatment for the condition includes the following:

Oral Antibiotic Medication

This infection is usually treated with antibiotic medication. In most cases, the doctor suggests taking the medication by mouth. If both you and your partner get the infection, then both of you must get treatment. For people suffering from HIV infection, doctors suggest the same treatment specified for HIV-negative people. You must follow the instructions provided by the doctor to get rid of the problem.

Points To Remember For Managing Chlamydia Infection

While you get treatment for the chlamydia infection, you have to follow certain guidelines. Adhering to these guidelines prevents developing any complications:

  • People taking medication for this infection need to abstain from any type of sexual activity for at least seven days after taking the single-dose antibiotics or until the completion of the seven-day course of antibiotics. It is essential to follow this instruction to prevent the spread of infection to the partners.
  • Never share the medication prescribed for you with others. It does not work like over-the-counter medications as the doctor suggests a specific course of medication based on your symptoms.
  • While the medication can stop the infection from spreading and making further damage, it cannot repair any permanent damage caused by the infection.
  • If you see no improvement in symptoms for more than a few days after getting treatment, make an appointment with the doctor for a reevaluation of your condition.
  • Developing the infection again is common. It is particularly common in women having sex partners who have not received treatment.
  • If you have this infection, you need to tell the partners with whom you have has an intimate relationship in the past three months regarding it. It is important as this sexually transmitted disease has no symptoms. Women, in particular, may not observe any signs or may ignore them unless their sex partners alert them.
  • Abstain from oral, anal, or vaginal sex activities until you have taken all the medication specified by the doctor. Wait to resume intimate relationships until the doctor gives the all-clear.
  • You need to get a check checked for HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, herpes, or syphilis when you develop chlamydia.

Home Remedies To Manage Chlamydia Infection

While several suggest home remedies to treat chlamydia infection, it is better to seek medical advice. You need medical treatment to clear the infection. But, you can try these remedies along with your medications prescribed by the doctor. For better results, consult your doctor. While some of the home remedies suggested here have exhibited antibacterial properties, antibiotics can only cure the sexually transmitted disease. So, to avoid facing the risk of infertility or other complicated illness you need to see a doctor. Try these remedies at home to get relief from the symptoms you develop. But, try not to depend on these remedies alone for a complete cure.

Use Garlic For Chlamydia Infection

Garlic has many proven health benefits. People have used it for several centuries as an effective home remedy to treat several ailments. Allicin is the active compound in garlic with antibacterial properties. It also has anti-inflammatory effects that can kill bacterial successfully. While no conclusive evidence exists that allicin can kill C. trachomatis the bacterium triggering the sexually transmitted disease. So, taking it helps people manage the symptoms. Eating garlic when you are taking antibiotics to treat the condition can speed up healing. Why? Because the antifungal properties prevent the yeast growth that occurs due to taking antibiotics. You can use it in your cuisines or take it as a supplement to get the desired results.


Echinacea is a popular home remedy for a certain condition. It is more popular as an effective remedy for natural cold and flu. According to certain studies, Echinacea extract can boost immunity and aid in fighting certain bacterial as well as viral infections. A small study conducted in 2017 also showed evidence of Echinacea offering relief from pain and inflammation in people suffering from conditions such as knee osteoarthritis. While these properties may help relieve some of the symptoms associated with chlamydia, there exists no conclusive evidence of offering a complete cure from it. So, you can use it with medical treatment to get relief from symptoms of infection. It offers greater relief when you use it in conjunction with standard treatment.


Goldenseal is a plant found in eastern North America. It is one of the most used ingredients in traditional medicine to treat different types of ailments. The roots and leaves are used in traditional medication to manage inflammation or infections. Goldenseal is a home remedy used to treat different conditions such as canker sores and respiratory infection. According to some claims, goldenseal can manage certain types of sexually transmitted infections. According to certain studies, goldenseal possesses antibacterial properties. But, it does not confirm its effectiveness in curing any type of STIs.


Turmeric is a natural compound used to deal with several problems. It has shown evidence of providing several health benefits. Curcumin, the chemical found in turmeric has shown powerful anti-inflammatory properties. According to a study conducted in 2008, a topical cream containing curcumin as the main ingredient has shown effective results in fighting chlamydia infection. This cream also containing three other plant compounds. So, including it in your treatment plan can help manage the problem better. Turmeric has natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that offer different health benefits without causing any side effects when used in the right dosage.

Olive Tree Extract

Olive tree extract has a phenolic compound. This major phenolic compound is well-known for its pharmacological activities. It has exhibited antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral activities. According to some studies, it may have a possible anti-cancer effect. With so many health benefits, olive tree extract can serve as an effective home remedy to fight sexually transmitted infections. While no evidence exists to support the claim, the proven health benefits of olive tree extract make it worth including it in your treatment plan.

Some people cannot use olive tree extract as it is. In such cases, you can take this in capsule form. Also known as olive leaf extract, you can check online shopping sites such as Amazon to get the capsules with ease. Similar health benefits are available when you eat olives and include olive oil in your diet.

Diet To Manage Chlamydia Infection

While many claim a special diet containing lots of fruits and vegetables can help get this infection, no such proof exists. But, eating this diet can help when you are taking antibiotics. Including fresh fruits, vegetables, and probiotics can offer protection to your gut. Including this diet before and after taking antibiotics can boost the growth of healthy gut bacteria. So, it may ease the side effects triggered due to taking antibiotics. Including a good diet containing fresh foods can aid in improving immune function. Here are some of the tips you need to follow while taking antibiotics for dealing with the infection:

  • Include nutritious food in your diet. Try to add only fresh fruits, poultry, eggs, nuts, cereals, and fresh vegetables to the diet for better results.
  • Avoid processed foods in your diet and ensure your diet is light.
  • For better results, you need to eat sweets and sour foods.
  • Avoid foods causing indigestion. Also, you need to refrain from using astringent materials, alcohol, and salt from the diet until you heal from the infection.

Tips To Prevent Chlamydia Infection

Sexually transmitted diseases cause severe discomfort. So, it is better to prevent it. The best method to prevent the condition is to abstain from getting intimate sexually. But, it is difficult for some people to abstain from sex for long. In such cases, it is better to practice safe sex. Here are some of the tips you need to follow to prevent chlamydia:

Use Protection

Sexually active people need to use protection. While men can use a latex condom, women can opt for a female polyurethane condom during sexual contact. Women can use a dam, which refers to a thin piece of material made of latex or soft plastic. It can cover the female genitals during oral sex. It also reduces the risk of spreading infection when female genitals rub together. Using such protection options properly during every oral, anal, or vaginal sexual encounter may reduce the risk of infection. But, it does not eliminate the risk of infection.

Limit Sex Partners To Prevent Chlamydia

Having multiple sex partners increases your risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections by eight times. Therefore, try to have only one sex partner to prevent the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases.

Refrain From Sex With Infected Person

If your sexual partner has an infection, it is better to refrain from having sex until the infected person completes their treatment. So, try to get the all-clear from the doctor to have sex with your partner. Women are prone to reinfection when their partner fails to get treatment or have sex before they heal.

Use Sex Toys With Caution

Since chlamydia can transmit from one person to another by sharing sex toys, refrain from doing so. If you like to use sex toys, it is better to cover them with a new condom each time you use it. Also, wash them after each use to reduce the chance of transmission of infection.

Avoid Douching

Many women follow douching, the process of washing or cleaning the vagina. They use water or other fluid mixture to clean the inside of the vagina. It is followed after monthly periods or before/after sexual intercourse to avoid or prevent foul smell. Some try it to treat vaginal discharge or itching. But, this practice can increase the risk of sexual diseases as douching reduces the good bacteria residing in the vagina. Due to low good bacteria, the risk of developing infection increases.


Chlamydia is a condition that you can treat in its early stages. But, failure to get treated at the right time can lead to life-threatening or irreversible complications. This infection can affect both men and women, but women face a high risk of reoccurrence. To prevent the problem, you need to practice safe sex and adhere to the doctor’s advice. With proper medical assistance, you can get cured of the infection.


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