Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis – Symptoms, Causes, Natural Treatments + Exercises Tips

Cervical spondylosis causes neck pain. In most cases, people who are getting older can experience it. Also known as neck arthritis, the condition affects the quality of your life. As you age, the discs and joints in the neck can also suffer from wear and tear. The degeneration of the cervical spine results in the condition. Want to know more about it? Then, read ahead.

About Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis, also known as cervical osteoarthritis is an age-related condition seen in people. It is a common condition among older people. The condition develops due to wear and tear of the bones and cartilages. While advancing age is the main cause of the problem, other factors also come into play.

Cervical Spondylosis Causes

The bones as well as protective cartilage can suffer from wear and tear leading to cervical spondylosis causes. The possible causes of neck pain include:

Bone Spurs

Your body tries to grow extra bone. It is to make your spine stronger. But, the bone overgrowth or bone spurs put additional pressure on the delicate areas of your spinal. So, you feel the pressure in the spinal cord as well as nerves. It results in severe pain.

Dehydrated Spinal Discs

The bones in the spinal cord have discs between them. These discs have a thick, pad-like cushion stricture. It is to absorb the shock caused when you perform activities like twisting, lifting, and others. As time passes, the gel-like material inside these disc dries out. So, it causes the spinal vertebrae to rub together. It results in pain and distress.

Herniated Discs

Herniated discs can also result in neck arthritis. Your spinal discs are prone to developing cracks. It results in the leaking of the internal cushioning material. As the leaked material starts pressing on your spinal cord and nerves, you feel arm numbness and pain in the neck that radiates down an arm.


People who have suffered an injury to the neck due to a car accident or after a fall can result in neck pain. It is because such injuries can accelerate the aging process.

Ligament Stiffness

Your spinal bones can become stiff. It is because the tough cords connecting the spinal bones to each other can feel rigid after some time. So, it affects the neck movement. Affected people makes your neck feel tighter.


Your occupation or hobbies can result in the overuse of the spine. Heavy lifting (when you work in construction) or repetitive movements puts extra pressure on your spine. So, you can experience early wear and tear, which results in neck pain.

Risk Factors Associated With Cervical Spondylosis

Not all people suffer from neck arthritis. Some people face a higher risk of suffering from the issue. Here are some of the risk factors:


It is the most common risk associated with the condition. You develop changes in the neck joints as you age. Several causes resulting in cervical spondylosis occurs due to aging like:

  • Dehydration
  • Disc herniation
  • Bone spurs

Neck Injuries

When you suffer from injuries due to a fall or accident, then you have high chances of suffering neck pain.

Repetitive Stress

When you suffer from repetitive stress due to work-related activities or holding the neck in an uncomfortable posture for a long time. Repeating the same neck movements for a long period can put an extra strain, resulting in cervical spondylosis.

Genetic Factors

If you have immediate family members suffering from neck arthritis, then you have more chances of suffering from the condition.


Some bad habits in your life can worsen neck arthritis. Among the bad habits, smoking causes more damage to your health as well as worsen neck pain. Smoking restricts the blood flow to the nerve cells that communicates with your brain. As you continue this habit, pain becomes worse.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Having a sedentary lifestyle or excess weight can put you at risk of developing neck arthritis. Even an increase of ten pounds can burden the intervertebral discs. These disc support your spine. As the excess pounds adds pressure, you at risk of developing neck pain.

Symptoms Of Cervical Spondylosis

In most cases, people suffering from neck arthritis may not show any particular symptoms. When symptoms do appear, it varies from mild to severe. You can develop it all of a sudden or gradually. The most common symptom associated with the condition is feeling pain around the shoulder blade. Pain can also occur along your arm as well as fingers. You feel severe pain when you:

  • Sneeze
  • Stand
  • Sit
  • Tilt your neck backward
  • Cough

People who suffer from cervical spondylosis also suffer from muscle weakness. It makes it hard to grasp the object firmly or lift the arms.

Other Symptoms

You can also develop other symptoms like:

  • A stiff neck becoming worse over time
  • Headache (usually in the backside of the head)
  • Numbness and tingling affecting areas like arms, shoulders, and at times in the legs

Less Frequent Symptoms

Some people may also experience other symptoms that may not occur commonly like:

  • Loss of bladder/bowel control
  • Loss of balance

These symptoms require immediate medical attention as you put yourself at risk of falls or injuries.

See A Doctor For Cervical Spondylosis

When you feel symptoms like tingling or numbness in the legs, arms, or shoulder all of a sudden, then make an appointment with the doctor to detect the exact cause of the condition. You need immediate medical attention when you lose bladder or bowel control. It is a medical emergency requiring immediate attention. Seeing a medical professional becomes necessary when pain, as well as discomfort, starts affecting your daily activities. Most people suffer from cervical spondylosis as a result of aging. Getting a medical treatment can reduce stiffness and pain associated with the condition.

Diagnosing Cervical Spondylosis

Arthritis of the neck needs medical attention. So, you need to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Else, it can result in severe pain and other complications. While making the diagnosis, the doctor rules out other potential conditions like fibromyalgia. So, the test includes testing your movement. Your doctor monitors the affected muscles, bone, and nerves. If your physicians suspect a problem, then the doctor refers you to specialists like a neurologist, orthopedic specialist, or neurosurgeon for further analysis and testing. Here are the diagnostic options:

Physical Exam

Physical assessment is the first test used to diagnose the problem. Your doctor discusses medical history as well as general health. The doctor also conducts a thorough examination of the arms, shoulders, neck, and also your legs. The doctor suggests different tests to observe changes or problems in the following:

  • Touch sensation
  • The strength you possess in your fingers, hands, and arms
  • Reflexes
  • The neck and arms flexibility
  • Blood flow
  • The way you walk (Gait)

During the physical assessment, the doctor presses the shoulders and neck. It is to detect for tender/trigger point or swollen glands. You need to answer certain questions regarding the symptoms you show. It includes the following:

  • When did you start feeling pain?
  • Do you feel pain at any specific time?
  • Do you feel pain constantly or does it comes and go?
  • Does performing certain activities make your pain worse?
  • Have you experienced such type of pain before?
  • Have you undergone treatment to alleviate pain before?
  • Did you sustain any injury to the neck during an accident or activity?

Based on the assessment, your doctor suggests other tests.

Imaging Tests For Cervical Spondylosis

Imaging tests are essential to confirm the diagnosis of cervical spondylosis. Different imaging tests can show the structures in the neck region. So, it helps check for any issues. Here are the common imaging tests suggested by the doctor to confirm the diagnosis of arthritis of the neck.


It provides a clear image of the dense internal structure like bones. So, the x-ray taken in the neck region shows the bone alignment along the neck. The images also reveal any degenerative changes occurring in the cervical spine. So, your doctor can uncover problems like the presence of bone spurs or disk height loss with the x-ray images.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Scans

It provides a clear and comprehensive image of the soft tissues in the body. So, it can help uncover issues with disks, muscles, nerves, and spinal cord. You need to undergo MRI when your doctor suspects soft tissue damage as the cause of your problem. Therefore, it helps detect herniated or bulging disk.

Computed Tomography (CT) Scans

For a more detailed view of your bones, the doctor recommends CT scans. It offers a detailed image compared to x-rays. So, it helps the medical professional detect bone spurs or problems with your spinal canal.


It is a sophisticated radiographic examination used to show the images of the spinal cord clearly. The special CT scan uses contrast dye to get a clear image of the spinal cord. During the diagnostic test, the doctor injects a contrast dye into the spinal cord. So, it shows the structure of the spinal cord along with the nerve roots clearly.

Electromyography (EMG)

Electromyography is the diagnostic test used to measure the electrical impulses of your muscles during contractions and at rest. So, it helps detect if your nerves function properly by sending signals to the muscles. The test is useful in measuring the electrical activity of the nerves and any issues associated with it.

Nerve Conduction Studies

Nerve conduction studies are usually performed by the doctor along with the EMG to determine the speeds as well as the strength of nerve signals. During the test, the doctor places electrodes on the skin at the exact location of the nerve location to detect if the spinal nerve is functioning properly.

 Other Tests

If your doctor wants to detect rheumatoid factors or the presence of inflammatory arthritis, then you need to submit a sample of your blood. The blood tests will help detect the presence of antibodies indicating other issues.

Treating Cervical Spondylosis

The treatment for neck arthritis focuses on providing the affected person with pain relief. It also ensures you suffer no permanent damage due to the condition and lead a normal life without distress. In the majority of the cases, the doctor suggests non-surgical methods for effective results. Surgical options are usually suggested as the last option. Here are the detailed treatment options available for treating neck arthritis.

Noninvasive Cervical Spondylosis Treatment Options

As the first line of treatment, your doctor suggests noninvasive treatment for neck arthritis. The non-surgical treatment options include:

Physical Therapy

It is the first treatment suggested for pain and prevents further complications. You need to complete specific exercises suggested by the physical therapist. These exercises strengthen the muscles. So, it helps stretch any strained or weakened muscles to alleviate pain. In some cases, the physical therapist suggests posture therapy or traction. It helps gently stretch the muscles and joints of the neck. Based on your condition, the duration of physical therapy varies in length. But, the usual duration ranges from six to eight weeks. You need to undergo physical therapy at least two to three times a week to get the necessary relief.

Medications To Eliminate Pain

To address pain and inflammation associated with the condition, your doctor suggests several medications. It is usually used together to alleviate discomfort caused due to the condition. The common medications used for the conditions are:


The doctor prescribes acetaminophen for mild pain. It relieves pain triggered and helps you carry out a daily routine.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs are usually prescribed along with acetaminophen for neck pain. In usual cases, the doctor prescribes naproxen and ibuprofen to relieve pain as well as swelling associated with the condition. You need to take the medications for a few weeks as suggested by the doctor. The duration you need to take the medication depends on the specific symptoms you exhibit. The doctor suggests other types of pain medication options when you find no relief from pain or you have reactions to NSAIDs.

Muscle Relaxants

The doctor suggests taking medications like muscle relaxants. Medications carisoprodol or cyclobenzaprine treats painful muscle spasms.

Soft Cervical Collar

It is a padded ring to maintain good alignment. The collar wraps around the neck and held in place using a Velcro. The doctors suggest affected people wearing the soft cervical collar at night. It limits the neck motion. So, the muscle in the neck region can rest. The soft collar is usually worn for just a short period. It is because the long-term wear of the product decreases the muscle strength in the neck. It addresses moderate neck pain.

Local Therapies

The doctor can also suggest ice or heat compress. While heat relaxes and lubricates the joints, cold reduces inflammation, swelling, as well as, pain. So, heat and cold compress will ease muscle spasm. Heat compress can also warm up your joints before you start any activity. Similarly, regular massage improves blood circulation. It lowers blood pressure, improves posture, and promotes relaxations. Massage improves range of motion and flexibility. It also offers stress relief. So, massage can relieve symptoms.

Steroid-Based Injections

Steroid injections offer you short-term relief from pain and discomfort associated with neck arthritis. Here are some of the techniques used to deliver steroid injections. The procedures include:

Cervical Epidural Block For Cervical Spondylosis

When you undergo this procedure, the doctor injects steroids as well as anesthetic medicine into the epidural space (space next to the spinal cord covering). It is usually used for the neck as well as arm pain caused due to cervical disk herniation. So, it is the treatment suggested when you suffer pain in the neck due to pinched nerve or radiculopathy.

Cervical Facet Joint Block

During the procedure, the doctor injects steroids as well as the anesthetic medication into the capsule of your facet joint capsule. These facet joints are located at the back of your neck. It provides stability and makes movement easier. In this procedure, the doctor injects steroid and anesthetic medicine into the capsule of the facet joint. When these joints undergo arthritic changes, it results in the development of pain and discomfort.

Medial Branch Block And Radiofrequency Ablation

It is the procedure suggested when you suffer from chronic neck pain. The technique is used as a diagnostic method as well as the treatment of painful joints. When the procedure is used for diagnostic purposes, the doctor blocks the facet joint nerve with a local anesthetic. If you experience pain relief, then your doctor can pinpoint the exact source triggering neck pain. Next, the doctor tries to block pain permanently. The doctor achieves it by radiofrequency ablation. The procedures use a burning technique to damage the nerve supplying the joint.

While steroid-based injections are a less invasive option compared to surgeries, the doctors prescribe it only after a complete assessment of the affected person. You need to talk to your doctor regarding the risks and benefits associated with the procedure for your specific condition and make the right decision after analyzing all facts.

Surgery To Manage Cervical Spondylosis

Surgery is the last option suggested by doctors for dealing with neck arthritis. So, it is not a common practice suggested by the doctors to heal neck pain. It is only recommended when your doctor detects one of the following:

  • Your spinal cord suffers compression (cervical spondylotic myelopathy)
  • Patients who exhibit progressive neurologic symptoms like weakness in the arm, numbness, or feel like falling need surgery to help with the condition.

Surgery is also recommended when you suffer from severe pain that does not ease with nonsurgical treatment. But,every patient suffering from severe neck pain are eligible for surgery. It is because of the widespread nature of the neck arthritis or they suffer from other medical issues like fibromyalgia (underlying cause of pain).

Home Remedies For Managing Cervical Spondylosis

When you suffer from a mild form of neck arthritis, then you can try some home remedies to alleviate the conditions. Here are some of the popular and effective remedied to try:

Consume Turmeric

Turmeric is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin in turmeric is a popular remedy to heal neck arthritis. Consuming turmeric increases blood circulation. So, it reduces muscle stiffness and pain associated with the condition. You need to drink a glass of milk mixed with one teaspoon of turmeric and honey. Drink this mixture at least two times a day for seeing results.

Eat Sesame Seeds

It is one of the popular Ayurvedic remedies to deal with neck arthritis. Sesame seeds have high amounts of magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, phosphorous, zinc, vitamin D, and Vitamin K. So, it is effective in strengthening your bones as well as overall health. You can also apply sesame oil on your neck to reduce pain and discomfort.


Taking ginger is another remedy you can try at home for dealing with neck arthritis. You can drink ginger tea, which is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It also improves blood circulation. So, it will deal with the pain and discomfort associated with the problem.

 Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has alkalizing properties. It is also effective in healing inflammation due to anti-inflammatory properties. So, ACV is one of the good remedies for soothing pain in the neck region. It eases the neck inflammation and distress caused due to neck arthritis.

 Neem/ Indian Lilac

Neem is an ayurvedic remedy well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming neem leaves can ease inflammation, swelling, and alleviate pain in the neck caused due to neck arthritis.

Exercises Tips For Cervical Spondylosis

Apart from the treatment options, you can also try some exercises at home to get relief from neck pain caused due to cervical spondylosis. Before including any of the exercises in your routine, you need to get advice from the doctor. Here are some of the simple exercises you can try at home for alleviating pain in your neck:

Head Turns

It is a simple and easy exercise you can try at home. Practicing it at home will help you get back the range of motion in your neck. You can also avoid soreness and stiffness of muscles in the neck region. Sit straight with your spine erect and move your neck to one side. The motion must appear as if you are looking over the shoulder. Never drop your head. Keep it upright while coming back to the center. Repeat the same motion on the other side. When you are holding the neck in position, stay for at least ten to fifteen seconds. Repeat this exercise at least ten times on each side.

 Neck Bends

It is as simple as the head turns and you need to bend your head sideways without moving it from one side to another. You need to perfrom neck bends and head turns are together to ensure a 360-degree motion of your neck. To complete the exercise, you need to keep the head upright and bend it to one side gently. Hold it in place for ten seconds and repeat the same on the other side after you move the head to the center. You need to repeat the exercise ten times on each side.

Neck Rolls

As you perform the neck bend, drop the head to one side. Move your head in a circular motion. Start from bringing the chin to your chest and swing your head gently to the other side. Stop your movement when you reach the other side and you need to trace back the motion. You have to repeat the exercise for twenty motion. But, you need to stop the exercise when you feel giddy.

Isometric Movement

When you perform this exercise, you target the affected muscle with little or no joint movement. To complete the exercise, you need to sit with an erect spine. Next, place the palm on the temple. You need to apply pressure in the opposite direction. So, you need to try to move your head to the side, but the pressure applied by your palm on the temple will prevent it. Repeat the same on the other side. You need to complete ten repetitions on each side.

Neck And Shoulder Stretch

While trying the exercise, you need to place your hand under the butt or on your lap. Then, bend the neck to one side while holding it down with the other hand. When you feel any strain or pain, gently pull or stop the exercise.


Cervical spondylosis affects people as they age. The age-related condition can make it difficult to move your neck. You feel discomfort, stiffness, and headaches. Due to neck pain, disruption of regular activities can occur. While the condition is not reversible, with medical attention, you can overcome discomfort as well as pain. It will also avoid the problem from escalating. So, get medical assistance for improved quality of life. By controlling the symptoms, you can lead a life without pain or distress.






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