Carbuncles – Symptoms, Causes, And Natural Treatments

Carbuncles are the collection of boils that look hideous. Apart from making your skin look bad, the condition can also trigger severe pain. The contagious nature of the boils makes it worrying. So, when you develop the skin condition, it can make you worried. It is always advisable to take immediate action to resolve the issue as early as possible. Otherwise, you can experience certain complications. If you are interested to know more about the issues and the different options available to treat the problem, then you need to read ahead. With the proper information, you can understand the skin condition better and take the right action to prevent any serious issues.

About Carbuncles

A carbuncle refers to the cluster of boils developing on the area of infection. It is different from single boils developing on your skin as carbuncles can cause severe infection. The deep infection has a high chance of leaving a scar on your skin. When you develop the collection of boils, you can feel fever or chills. The condition triggers several issues in your body, making you feel unwell.

Carbuncles Symptoms

Compared to ordinary boils and furuncles, carbuncles are not common. Due to the bacterial infection, you can develop a collection of boils at one site. It is larger compared to the single boil as it measures up to four inches across. Also, it has more than one openings to drain pus into your skin. Since you develop skin infection due to an attack from Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), there are higher chances of the spread of the infection. The infection can also affect the skin deeper, which is more severe compared to the infection triggered by the furuncle. The infection also has chances of leaving scars on your skin and takes a longer time to heal. You can see the skin problem appearing on the back of the neck, back, or the thighs. The collection of boils can trigger other symptoms like:

  • Fever (body temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher)
  • Exhaustion
  • Weakness
  • A general feeling of unwell

Carbuncles are contagious. So, when you develop the cluster of boils, it can spread to other parts of the body. An infected person also faces the risk of spreading it to other people. So, people of the same household can develop the condition at the same time. The skin infection is more common in males compared to females. It is common among older men who suffer from poor health or have a weak immune system.

See A Doctor For Carbuncle

A single boil can make you self-conscious. But, a collection of boils can trigger worry. While you can manage the problem first at home when it causes no discomfort. But, you need to see a doctor when you observe any of the following:

  • The collection of boils appears on your face or it causes problems to the vision
  • Carbuncles worsen rapidly or can trigger extreme pain
  • Develop a fever
  • Gets bigger or worse despite self-care
  • Recurrence
  • Has not healed even aftercare within two weeks

In such cases, make an appointment with the dermatologist to determine the treatment plan you need to follow to manage the issue without any complications.

Causes Of Carbuncles

You develop a collection of boils when the staph bacteria or S. aureus attacks your body. This bacteria lives inside the nose and throat as well as your skin. Your body’s immune system usually keeps the bacteria under control and prevents it from attacking the body. But, a cut or small graze on your skin allows the bacteria to enter the bloodstream. It enters the body through a hair follicle. When the bacteria trigger an infection, the body’s immune system responds to it by sending white blood cells to the affected area. These white blood cells attack the bacteria and try to destroy it. The dead bacteria, dead skin cells, and dead white blood cells can accumulate into pus.

In most cases, the normal staph bacteria present in a person’s skin or nose can result in the collection of boils. But, other cases occur due to the spread of infection through the infected person’s clothes, materials, or devices. Bacteria also spread when you share whirlpool footbaths with an infected person.

Risk Factors Associated With Carbuncles

Anyone can develop a collection of boils. Even healthy people can develop boils on their skin. But, certain factors increase the risk of some people compared to others. Here are the risk factors associated with the condition:

Coming In Contact With An Infected Person

People who come in close contact with people suffering from staph infection can develop the collection of boils. So, if you are living with someone who has the boils, then you face a high risk of developing the condition.


High blood sugar levels can lower your immunity levels. So, it makes it difficult for your body to fight off infection. So, you become prone to bacterial infections like staph. It results in developing a collection of boils on your skin.

Other Skin Conditions

When you suffer from other skin conditions, it makes you vulnerable to infection. It is because the skin acts as a protective barrier. But, problems like eczema or acne can make your skin vulnerable to bacterial attack. So, you develop carbuncles.

Compromised Immunity

People with compromised immunity due to diseases like HIV/AIDS or undergo therapy like chemotherapy or radiation therapy, then they are prone to issues like boils.

Complications Associated With Carbuncles

Can carbuncles cause any complications? While the condition can cause mild to severe discomfort, it can trigger complications in some people. All people developing the collection of boils may not see the complications, but some may experience the following:

Scarring Due To Carbuncles

Large boils can cause scarring on your skin. Without proper care, the infection can penetrate deep and result in scars. These may not disappear completely. But, it may fade as time passes and become less noticeable.

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis

This condition is one of the rare, yet life-threatening complications of the collection of boils. It usually affects when you develop the boils on the face. The infection can result in the development of blood clots in areas behind the eye socket. The blood clot starts to enhance the pressure on the brain. In such cases, affected people can observe symptoms like:

  • Swelling of the eyes
  • Severe and sharp headache
  • Severe eye pain


There is a possibility of the bacteria presents inside the carbuncle to spread to other parts of the body. It results in the triggering of a secondary infection. One of the common secondary infection is cellulitis. The infection can affect deeper layers of your skin.


When the bacteria from the collection of boils enters your bloodstream, it travels to other parts of the body. It can trigger an infection in the inner layers of your heart and result in the condition known as endocarditis. It is a serious infection requiring immediate medical attention.

Brain Abscess

In some cases, the bacteria causing the boils can affect your brain. It can result in the collection of pus inside the brain. It is a serious problem, triggering several complications.


In some rare cases, the bacteria present in the cluster of boils can escape into your bloodstream. Through your blood, the bacteria can travel to other parts of the body and develop an infection. So, the bacteria can attack your central nervous system, lungs, heart, bones, and joints. This overwhelming infection results in multi-organ failure and ultimately the death of the affected person without proper treatment. So, sepsis is a medical emergency requiring immediate medical attention to stop fatal complications.

Diagnosing Carbuncles

When you see a collection of boils on any part of your body, you can need to make an appointment with your dermatologist to detect the severity of the problem. Ruling out any serious issues is important before you try any remedies. Your doctor can diagnose the problem in the following methods:

Physical Assessment

The doctor can look at the collection of boils to identify the exact nature of the problem. Based on the assessment, your doctor can suggest other tests.

Lab Test

Your doctor sends a sample of the pus to the lab testing. This is helpful when you suffer from recurrent infection or the collection of boils does not respond to any natural or medical treatment. When carbuncles become worse, then your doctor tries to determine the exact variety of the bacteria causing the problem. It is because certain types of antibiotics may not work the bacteria causing the problem as it has developed resistance to it. So, lab testing helps determine the exact type of antibiotic that works well for your condition.

Treatment For Carbuncles

In most cases, you can treat a small collection of boils with home remedies. Simple and effective natural treatments are available to treat the problem. These methods can also relieve the pain and inflammation caused by the problem. The natural treatments can also promote natural drainage. But, some boils may require medical attention. Larger boils require treatment prescribed by the doctor. Here are the treatment options suggested for carbuncles by the doctor:

Incision And Drainage

Doctors suggest this method for large boils. The large boil is drained by making an incision in it. For deeper infection, complete draining becomes impossible. In such cases, the boil is packed with sterile gauze to soak as well as remove the additional pus. You need to follow the instruction provided by the doctor for wound care for quick healing.

Prescribe Antibiotics

In some cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to heal the infection. This helps manage severe or recurrent infections.

Natural Remedies To Treat Carbuncles

If your boils are mild and not causing severe distress, then you can try some home remedies. You can try these simple yet effective natural remedies at home to treat carbuncles. But, if you see no improvement in the condition or see it worsening, then make an appointment with your dermatologist:

Warm Compress To Treat Carbuncles

A warm compress increases the blood flow to the affected area. The increased blood circulation can offer relief. So, it aids in draining of the boils faster by stopping the development of abscess inside it. It also promotes quick healing of the boils. Placing warm compresses can also reduce pain associated with the condition. You need to apply a warm compress for at least twenty minutes multiple times a day. Continue it for several days until you see the boils fading.

Apply Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a well-known product used for the wellbeing of your skin. You can see the ingredient in most skin products. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. So, it can heal any skin infections. Tea tree oil has the properties to fight the microbes causing infections. Applying tea tree oil can help boils dry faster. But, never apply tea tree oil directly on your skin. You need to mix three to four drops of tea tree oil in one teaspoon of sweet almond oil (Carrier Oil) and apply it on your skin using a cotton swab. You need to leave the mixture on the affected area of the skin until it dries. You can do this two times a day to see results.

Turmeric Paste

Turmeric has exceptional curcumin as its major component. It is popular for its anti-inflammatory as well as antimicrobial properties. So, turmeric is used in several home remedies to heal skin problems. These properties make turmeric the best to fight off infection. You need to make a paste using one teaspoon of turmeric by mixing it with water as required. Form a smooth paste and apply it on your boils or the affected area. You need to leave the paste to dry off before rinsing it. So, wait for at least twenty minutes before using water to wash it off. You need to do this at least once a day to see the difference.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) possesses antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, it is used for skin and hair care. You can find ACV remedies to heal different issues. It can also fight the infection resulting in developing boils. It reduces the swelling and inflammation you develop due to the condition. For effective results, you need to mix half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with half a teaspoon of water. Apply the mixture on the affected area by dipping a cotton swab into the mixture. Leave the mixture on the affected area for fifteen to twenty minutes before rinsing it off. You can follow this method for at least two to three times a day and then rinse it off.

Apply Baking Soda Paste

Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate. The chemical name indicates its composition. But, it is highly effective as a home remedy for a different problem. From using baking soda to whiten your teeth to healing skin problems, baking soda offers miraculous results. Applying a paste of baking soda with water on your skin can help with the speedy drying of the boils. It is because it has properties to kill the infectious microbes triggering the condition. You need to make a thick paste of baking soda by mixing a teaspoon of it with half a teaspoon of water. Apply the paste on your boils and leave it for twenty to thirty minutes. Use water to rinse it off. Try this method for at least one to two times a day until the boils heal.

Apply Garlic

Garlic contains allicin. The major constituent of garlic has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, you can use garlic for cooking and as a simple home remedy for your skin problems. Garlic is the perfect item to alleviate the symptoms and offer you relief from the infection triggering the boils on your skin. You just need two or three cloves of garlic. Crush garlic cloves and apply the mixture on the affected area using a cotton swab. You need to leave the garlic mixture on your skin for at least twenty to thirty minutes. Wash it off your skin. You can do this at least once a day to see results.

Take Vitamins

Vitamins are essential for your body. It is beneficial for your skin. While taking vitamins cannot cure boils developing on your skin, it can help boost your immune system. So, with a stronger immune system, you can fight off the bacteria triggering the infection. So, taking certain vitamins will help you manage the uncomfortable and painful boils. Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C are the two vitamins beneficial for managing skin boils. Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin can heal your skin when you take at moderate levels. But, excess consumption can cause a negative reaction. Too much or too little vitamin B12 can cause trouble for your skin. Vitamin C is also essential to maintain the health of your skin. The vitamin has antioxidant properties, which prevents oxidative damage to your skin. You can include the following foods for healthy skin:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Dairy

If you are not receiving enough vitamins from the food, then you need to consult a doctor. The doctor can recommend vitamin supplements to overcome the skin problem. But, never take the vitamins without consulting with the doctor.

You can follow the natural treatments for carbuncles suggested above to ensure it does not spread to other areas.

Carbuncles Prevention Tips

While it is not possible to prevent boils from developing, you can take some steps to reduce the risk factors associated with it. People with a weakened immune system are susceptible to a staph infection, which makes them the easy target to develop boils. The steps suggested below can prevent the recurrence of boils. You can lower the risk of infection with the following steps:

Wash Your Hands

With the spread of coronavirus infection, everyone has now realized the importance of washing their hands with soap and water. This is also helpful in preventing boils on your skin. You need to use soap and water to eliminate the harmful germs from your hands. Use soap for at least twenty seconds and then rinse with water. Using an alcohol-based hand rub or sanitizer often keeps your hand free from germs. It offers the best defense against the harmful pathogens affecting your skin.

Avoid Sharing Personal Items

Sharing personal items can increase the risk of the spread of harmful pathogens. Never share towels, razors, sheets, athletic equipment, and other personal items with others. It increases the risk of staph infection as it can spread through objects.

Limit Contact With Infected People

Staph infection can spread when you come in close contact with others with the infection. So, avoid close contact with people who are suffering from the problem.

Use Hot Water For Washing

When you develop carbuncles, you need to avoid it from spreading it to other areas of the body. You need to wash your towels, clothes, and beddings with detergent. Use hot water and bleach to wash the clothes. Also, dry them in a hot dryer. This will kill the harmful pathogens that can spread via clothes.

Use Separate Towels

Many dermatologists suggest using different towels for wiping your body and face. It is essential even when you have not developed boils on your body. Towels can collect bacteria, fungus, oil, and dead skin cells. So, when you use the same towel used on your body to the face, it transfers the harmful pathogens. It increases your risk of acne flares, infections, and irritation.

Avoid Picking Carbuncle

Squeezing or picking the head of the boils can only make it worse. So, you need to keep the urge to squeeze or pick to make it go away. But, so you know bursting or squeezing the boils can create an open wound on the skin. It increases the chances of bacteria entering into the bloodstream and spread to other areas of your body. It can also increase the risk of scarring of your skin. Picking boils can also increase the risk of spread of infection to other people.

Keep Your Wound Covered

If the boil ruptures, then you need to take good care of it to avoid the infection from spreading. Keep the wounds clean and covered. You need to use sterile, dry bandages, or gauzes to help with faster wound healing. Change the bandage or gauze regularly. You need to seal the used gauze or bandage and throw it away in a garbage bag immediately after use.


In normal cases, carbuncles heal by themselves. With little care and treatment, the healing speeds up and also avoid any possibility of recurrence. It is better to rule out any complication by getting medical advice before using natural treatment. When you use natural treatment in conjunction with medical opinion, it helps avoid any complications like deep scarring. Proper care can also prevent the problem from escalating to life-threatening medical issues. So, never ignore the problem and take the necessary steps as early as possible.





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