Bunion – Symptoms, Causes, And Natural Treatments

A bunion or hallux valgus refers to the bony bump developing on the base of the big toe. In some cases, it can occur when some of the bones in the front part of the foot moves from their actual place. This scenario causes the big toe’s tip to pull towards the smaller toes. So, it forces the joint at the big toe’s base tends to stick out. It results in the skin over the bony bump appearing red and sore. On top of it, wearing narrow shoes can worsen the condition. Bunionettes or smaller bony bumps may also develop on the little toe’s joint. You need to see a doctor about getting proper advice to deal with the condition. In some cases, it requires surgical intervention to manage the complication.

Symptoms Linked To Bunion

When you develop a bony bump, you can see changes in your feet. With close observation, you may see the following that indicates bunion:

  • A bulging bump developing on the outside of the big toe’s base
  • Develop redness, swelling, or soreness around the big toe joint
  • See corns or calluses that develop due to your first and second toes rubbing against each other
  • Suffer from ongoing pain or see the pain coming and going
  • You cannot big toes like before (limited movement)

Causes Of Bunion

While many theories exist that indicate how the bony bumps may develop, the exact reason remains unclear. The factors influencing the development of bunion include the following:

  • Suffer from foot stress or injuries
  • Inherited foot type
  • Foot deformities present at birth
  • Some experts feel footwear may contribute to the problem, others disagree with it. Tight, too-narrow, or high-heeling shoes may or may not contribute to the problem.
  • Some types of arthritis, especially inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis can lead to the development of bony bumps.

Risk Factors Linked To Bunion

Not all people develop bony bumps. Some people are more prone to the problem compared to others. The factors increasing the risk of bunion include:

Wearing High Heels

Women who wear high heels force their toes into the front of the shoes. It can crowd your toes and put pressure on them.

Using Ill-Fitting Shoes

Wearing ill-fitting shoes can increase your risk of suffering from bony bumps. Too narrow, too tight, and too pointed footwear can make you susceptible to the issue.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

A person who has developed the inflammatory conditions such as rehumatoid arthritis can face a high risk of suffering from a bunion.


Does anyone in your immediate family suffer from bony bumps? Then, you may also have the chance of developing. It may affect people who have problems with the anatomy or structure of the foot.

Complications Associated With Bunion

Due to the changes in the foot structure, you need to get the necessary assistance from the doctor to deal with the condition. The overlapping of your big toe ad second toe due to bony bumps can trigger pain and inflammation. It can lead to potential complications such as:


It is a condition caused due to the inflammation of the bursa. Due to the problem, you develop inflammation in the small, fluid-filled pads that offer a cushion to the bones near the joints. It results in pain.


In some cases, affected people can develop abnormal bends in their feet. It occurs in the middle joint of your toe, specifically the toe next to the big toe. Due to the bend, you feel pain and pressure.


It is one of the complications developing due to bunion. It can cause swelling in the ball of the foot triggered severe pain.

See A Doctor For Bunion

While bony bumps developing in most people can heal with some care at home, it can trigger severe pain in others. Hence, you need to see a specialized doctor treating foot disorder such as an orthopedic foot surgeon or podiatrist when the home remedies fail to offer relief or you see the following signs:

  • Ongoing pain in your big toe or foot
  • Develop a visible bump on the joint of the big toe
  • Reduced or limited movement of your foot or big toe
  • Trouble finding footwear fitting properly due to the bony bump

In most cases, the doctor can suggest easy remedies to manage the problem. But, when they fail to work, you need to consider surgical options. Your doctor suggests surgery as the option to get relief from pain. It also restores the normal functioning of the toe. After surgery, you can recover and perform the activities you like to enjoy. The surgery can also reduce the chances of the problem recurring. Today, doctors have various surgical options to return your affected toe to the normal position. The types of surgery depend on the severity of the problem. When the affected person suffers from bone prominence along with severe pain, surgery can only ease the problems. It is important to consult the doctor before selecting the procedure to ease the problem.

Diagnosing Bunion

It is important to see a doctor for getting assistance for bony bumps. With early intervention, it becomes possible to get the necessary treatment to avoid complications due to a bunion. Make an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon or podiatrist for diagnosing the problem and getting apt treatment. The doctor uses the following diagnostic techniques:

Medical History

The doctors will ask you questions regarding the appearance of the bony bumps. You need to provide information on when you started seeing the bump and whether or not you have the problem on one or both feet. You must also inform the doctor regarding your family history indicating the problem. In addition to it, you must also provide information on the kind of shoes you usually opt to wear. You must also tell the doctor if you stand on the feet for a long time due to the nature of your work.

Physical Exam

In most cases, your doctor detects the presence of bunion with a physical examination. The doctor examines your foot and the big toe to look for any changes in the bone structure. Your doctor also tries to move the toe gently to detect if the bony bump causes pain or restricts the range of motion. During the physical examination, the doctor checks if you suffer from tingling in the toe or foot, pain, and numbness. The doctor will also ask you to walk a few steps. It is to determine your body weight distribution across the feet and toes.

Imaging Test To Detect Bunion

In some cases, physical examination alone may not help determine the problem. So, the doctor suggests imaging tests to determine the problem.


When the bony bumps cause severe pain or change the shape of your big toe severely, then the doctor suggests x-ray imaging. The imaging test can reveal the extent of damage caused. Your doctor can detect how far your big toe joint has moved away from the others. It can also help determine if other bones in your toes or foot have suffered any problems.


This imaging test is suggested when your doctor suspects inflammation in the nerves. When inflammation develops in the nerve that runs between the bones of the feet as well as toes, then it can cause numbness or tingling in the foot. The test uses high-frequency sound waves to display the image of the nerves. When the sound waves bounce off the soft tissue such as nerves, it captures the echoes that return as images. Using this test, the doctor can detect the presence of inflammation.

MRI Scan

If your doctor suspects any changes in the bone structure of your foot have caused other types of damage, then you need to undergo MRI. It may occur in cases when the extra stress on the toes during movement results in a stress fracture, a tiny fracture. MRI is a sophisticated imaging technique that can reveal inflammation developed in your toes and feet. MRI uses a magnetic field along with radio waves to create two-dimensional or three-dimensional computer images of the soft tissue inside the body. By checking the images, the doctor can suggest an apt treatment.

Treatment For Bunion

The treatment suggested for bunion varies depending on the severity of the condition and the pain triggered due to it. Here are the treatment options available:

Conservative Treatment For Bunion

These are the non-surgical treatment suggested for mild cases of the condition. These treatment options can relieve the pressure and pain caused due to bony bumps. It includes the following:

Changing Shoes

Choose shoes with enough room and offers you comfort. The shoes must give plenty of space for the toes to move.


You can buy them over-the-counter, non-medicated pads, or cushions for the feet. These paddings act as the buffer between the shoe and your foot. Hence, it eases your pain and discomfort.


The doctor may suggest taking pain pills to ease the pain caused due to bony bumps. The common medications suggested are:

  • Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others)
  • Naproxen sodium (Aleve)
  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others)

For severe pain, the doctor may recommend cortisone to manage pain caused due to the condition.

Shoe Inserts

Using padded shoe inserts can ease the signs associated with bony bumps. These inserts can distribute the pressure on the feet evenly when you move. Hence, it can reduce the severity of the symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening. Some people get great relief from over-the-counter supports. But, others require prescription orthotic devices to get relief.

Applying Ice On The Bunion

Placing ice compress on the affected area after you stand for a long time or when you suspect inflammation can ease the discomfort. It can reduce the swelling and soreness linked to the condition. But, people who have circulation problems or reduced feeling in the feet need to check with their doctor before trying this method.

Surgical Options To Treat Bunion

When the conservative treatments fail to offer relief for the symptoms, your doctor will suggest surgery. Surgery is not recommended if you think bony bumps affect the appeal of your feet. Instead of cosmetic reasons, your doctor suggests it only when you suffer from constant pain due to the problem or when it starts interfering with your daily activities. There are different surgical techniques available for dealing with the condition. There is no one effective technique. The surgeon decides on the right procedure based on your condition. The procedure may involve one technique or combination to solve the problem. Here are some of them:

  • The surgeon removes the swollen tissue developed from around the joint of the big toe.
  • Straightens the big toes after removing the part of the bone.
  • Realigns one or more bones in your forefoot to a normal position. It will correct the abnormal angle developed in the big toe joint.
  • Permanently joins the bones of the affected joint.

After the procedure, you may feel ok to walk on the foot immediately. But, full recovery can take from several weeks to a few months. To prevent the recurrence of bunion, you need to follow the instructions of the doctor. Also, opt for the right shoes after the recovery. For most people, wearing narrower shoes after the surgery becomes unrealistic. You need to discuss the recovery plan with the doctor before undergoing the surgery.

The Effective Methods To Prevent A Bunion

In some cases, the bony bump may develop without any symptoms. While others can see swelling, redness, and pain in the affected area. Some people may feel severe pain that they can find it difficult to wear a shoe or walk properly. The best way to manage the condition is to prevent a bunion from forming. Here are some of the tips you can follow to prevent the condition.

Wear Proper Shoes

To prevent bony bumps, you need to choose the correct footwear. It is an important thing that you must never ignore. The best shoes remain a little loose, have good arch support, a wide toe box, and heels less than one or two inches. Instead of slip-on, shoes with ties seem like a better option as they prevent the foot from moving forward every time you step. This action can put pressure on the big toe joint.

Choose Comfortable Shoes

You must never purchase shoes before making sure they feel comfortable while you walk. So, when you find a good show, try it on your feet and walk around in them. You need to ensure the shoes fit you perfectly before making the purchase. Check if the toes touch the front of your shoes? If it does, you must not buy it. In proper fitting shoes, you have enough wiggle space for the toes. You can wiggle them with ease.

Try To Limit Use Of Heels

If you are fond of the high heel, sorry to inform that they can increase the risk of bony bumps. So, restrict their use to just specific occasions. Wearing them daily can increase your risk of a bunion. If you are looking for height, then choose, platform, wedges, or blocky heels compared to stilettos. Such shoes can distribute the body weight evenly across the foot. So, they are less likely to push onto the balls of the feet.

Always Shop For Shoes In The Evening

If you are planning to purchase new shoes, then nighttime is the right time to look for them. It is because, by evening, you feel tends to swell and have the largest size. Buying shoes early during the day can lead to them feeling tight in the evening.

Use Inserts

Inserts or insoles ensure your foot has the right support. It can also align your feet properly in the shoes. For people suffering from improper alignment of feet or have fallen arches (flat feet), these over-the-counter or prescription orthotics in the shoes can offer the necessary support. Insoles can support your feet and ensure proper alignment. It also distributes your weight evenly on the foot. You also have the option to buy splints. It can keep the big toe straight while making it possible to walk.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

You need to stay at a healthy weight. It avoids several health problems and avoids bony bumps from developing. What is the relation between the bony bumps and your weight? When you put on weight, your feet bear the brunt. The extra weight puts pressure on your feet when you walk. For overweight people, the big toe joint and foot face more pressure. Due to the excess pressure suffered by the toe joint, your chances to develop bony bumps increases. It also increases the chances of inflammation and soreness of the toe. Hence, try to maintain the advised weight to avoid complications.

Take Care Of Your Feet

When your feet feel tired and aching, instead of ignoring them, give them some tenderness, love, and care. You can soak your feet in warm water mixed with Epsom salt. It will help your feet feel rejuvenated. Moisturizing the feet with a good lotion can hydrate your feet. Try to massage them often to improve blood circulation. At the end of a long and tiring day, you can prop your legs up for providing the rest. With better care for your feet, you can reduce the risk of bony bumps on the feet.

Exercises For Bunion Relief And Prevention

Do you know that performing leg exercises can act as both treatment and prevention to avoid bunion? These exercises can offer pain relief if you are suffering from bony bumps or protect you from developing one in the future. Performing them regularly can keep your feet healthy and lower the risk of surgery. Here are the effective exercises you can add to your routine to see the difference:

Toe Points And Curls

It is an effective workout, working on your toe joints. How does it work? It flexes the muscles under your feet to prevent the formation of bony bumps. To try this exercise, you need to sit on a surface. Your feet must maintain a distance of six inches away from the floor. Now, point your toes and curl them slowly. You can do this for at least twenty repetitions. Complete two to three sets of this workout.

Toe Spread-Outs For Preventing Bunion

You can try this exercise while sitting. Make sure you place the foot on the floor. While placing the foot, you have to fix the heel to the ground. Now lift the heel and spread the toes. You need to repeat this exercise ten to twenty times on each foot.

Toe Circles

By doing these exercises, you can mobilize the joint present in the toe region. It also lowers stiffness in the region. To do this exercise, you need to sit on the chair and lean over to grip the big toe. Now, start circling the toe in the clockwise direction at least twenty times. Stop it and then reverse the direction for another twenty circles. You can complete two to three sets on each toe.

Assisted Toe Abduction With An Exercise Band

While performing this exercise, you use an exercise band around the big toes. Wrap it around both the big toes. With the band, you need to pull both of your big toes away from the other using a small exercise band. After extending it fully, you need to hold it for five seconds, release and repeat this exercise for twenty reps.

Ball Roll

Your heels need a good massage and it will prevent the bony bumps from developing. While it is not possible to pay some to rub the tissues present at the bottom of your foot every day. You have a simple and cheap alternative in the form of using a lacrosse or tennis ball to get the foot massage. Wondering how? Just place the ball on the floor and then put your foot on top of the ball. Now, gently roll the foot back and forth over the ball for a few minutes. It will avoid bony bumps and loosen up the plantar fascia. It lowers the possibility of irritation of the plantar fascia. You can repeat this motion on each foot for three to five minutes. Do this on each foot even when the bony bumps develop on one foot.

Towel Grip And Pull

As the name suggests, you need to grip and pull the towel. But, instead of using your hands, you use your toes to grip and pull it. To do this exercise, you need to place a washcloth or towel on the floor. Now, sit down and try to grip the towel with the toes. You need to pull the towel towards you. While performing this exercise, you must use only the toes to scrunch the towel. You can repeat these exercises for up to five minutes.

Marble Pickup

It feels like a fun exercise but offers great results. For this exercise, you will need ten to twenty marbles and a bowl. First, place the marbles on the floor while placing the bowl close by. You can sit on the surface and keep your feet close to the ground. Start picking up each marble with your toes and place them in the bowl. While picking up the marble, you need to grip the toes around the marble tightly.

Figure Eight Rotation

This exercise seems similar to the toe circle. But, instead of moving the toe in a circle, you will move it to make the figure eight. The figure-eight motion can help boost flexibility. This exercise also increases the range of motion. You can repeat the exercise ten times on each toe for a single set. Complete two to three sets for better results.

Barefoot Beach Walking

Walking on the beach sounds fun, isn’t it? But, do you know that it is good for your feet? Depending on your location, it is the best exercise to prevent bony bumps. If you have a beach nearby, you can try walking on the sand without wearing shoes or sandals. It acts as a foot massage while strengthening the muscles in the toes and feet.

Heel Raise

As the name suggests it involves raising the heel. You need to try this exercise sitting on the floor. While sitting, you have to keep your foot flat on the floor. Now, lift your heel while putting most of the weight towards the outside of the ball area of the foot. You have to hold this pose for at least five seconds and then return to the floor. You can repeat the exercise ten times on each foot.


While bunion is a common condition, it can leave you frustrated and in pain. But, with ample care strategies, you can manage the problem. It is important to have some diligence to manage bony bumps on your feet. Try home remedies and exercises to get relief from the problem. But, if you fail to receive relief or the problem starts affecting your mobility, then see a doctor immediately. Once the bony bumps interfere with your quality of life, you need to get medical assistance to overcome the problem. Follow the suggestion provided by the doctor. Undergo invasive procedure if your doctor suggests it to get relief from the condition. Never consider the problem small and ignore it as it can lead to complications.





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