Blood Clots During The Period

Blood Clots During The Period – Causes And Natural Treatment

Blood clots during the period can cause panic in you. While most women observing the condition may not suffer from any underlying issues, others see the clots due to some health problems. To eliminate the presence of any problems, see a doctor immediately. The clots consist of blood cells, tissue shed from the uterus lining, and the proteins in the blood, aiding the regulation of the flow. Some women can see abnormal clumps during their menstrual flow due to some medical conditions. Due to the underlying conditions, women can see other signs like pain. Read ahead to know the steps you need to take as well as natural treatment options available.

What Do You Mean By Seeing Blood Clots During Period?

Women who have not reached their menopause can see the monthly cycle. You can observe a thick glob in your pads during the periods. Some women may panic seeing the blood clots during the period, others feel it a natural part of menstruation. While some clots are harmless, others can indicate some kind of an underlying health condition. Blood clots are normal. They are the natural part of your body’s defense mechanism. So, clots that look like a jelly with thick texture prevents too much blood from escaping from your body. The clots you see during the monthly cycle prevent heavy bleeding and loss of blood.

Blood clotting you see during your menstrual flow is similar to the normal clotting function happening in your body when you suffer from injury to the tissue. So, to avoid excessive blood loss, your body clots after a cut or laceration. You see menstrual clots when you suffer from the heavy period flow. Therefore, the condition is common during the first two days of your period. During this time, your period is heaviest. Clots can appear darker, brighter, or deep red. The sizeable clots appear black. So, when you see darker or browner clots, it means it is older blood. It appears towards the end of your menstrual cycle as it may leave the body less quickly.

Reasons For Blood Clots During Period

What happens in your body that results in clots appearing during your periods?  For fertile women, the monthly cycle repeats after twenty-eight to thirty-five days. It occurs every month and lasts for about four to eight days. During your monthly cycle, your uterus sheds its lining, also known as the endometrium. For a healthy pregnancy, your body releases estrogen hormones. The hormone thickens the endometrium to support the fertilized egg to grow into a healthy baby. When the egg does not fertilize during the period, then the endometrial lining sheds off. This process is referred to as menstruation. You can see blood clots during the period due to the shedding of the lining. When your body sheds the endometrial lining, it mixes with the following:

  • Blood
  • Mucus
  • Blood by-products
  • Tissue

The endometrium usually pools in the bottom of the uterus and waits for the cervix to contract to be expelled. To help with the breakdown of this lining, your body produces anticoagulants. When the blood flow surpasses the number of anticoagulants produced, it results in blood clots. While the consistency of period flow can vary from one month to the other, some experience heavy flow with clots every month. In such cases, getting doctor’s advice is essential. For others who suffer from heavy flow with clots one months and lighter one the next month, the variation occurs due to changes in lifestyle, diet, or other factors.

Types Of Blood Clots During Period

It is normal to see clots during your monthly cycle. But, you need to know when it is a serious issue requiring medical intervention. So, the type of clots appearing are:

Normal Blood Clots During Period

  • They are small and not larger than the size of a quarter
  • You see clots usually during the start of your monthly cycle (It occurs occasionally)
  • Occasional (usually occur at the beginning of your menstrual cycle)
  • Dark or bright in color

Abnormal Blood Clots During Period

On the other hand, you need to see a doctor when you observe the following:

  • The clots are larger than the size of a quarter
  • It occurs more frequently

In such cases, you need to see a doctor to get evaluated and find the exact reason for the problem. Getting medical advice is essential to rule out any harmful condition.

Causes Of Menstrual Clots

In the normal menstrual cycle, your endometrial cells lining the uterus slips away. It leaves your body through the vagina. During the monthly cycle, your body releases proteins, aiding the coagulation of blood in the uterus. Due to the coagulation, the blood vessels present in the uterine lining stops continuous bleeding. The blood your body has shed already also contains the specific coagulation proteins. When you suffer from substantial bleeding, the coagulation protein present in your blood starts clumping together. So, it results in the development of menstrual clots. It usually occurs when the period blood starts pooling in the uterus or vagina before it leaves your body. While it is normal to see blood clots during the period, abnormal clots or other symptoms point to underlying health conditions. Therefore, see a doctor when

  • The clumps are larger (bigger than a quarter)
  • You see frequent clumps during the monthly cycle
  • The clumps occur with an abnormally heavy flow, requiring a change of tampon or pad at least one to two hours
  • You suffer from abdominal cramps

You can see blood clots during the period due to the following health conditions:

Uterine Polyps/Fibroids

When you develop a blockage in your uterus, it stops the normal contraction. So, the uterus finds it difficult to force out the blood as quickly as it normally should. Due to the blood leaving your body slowly, it has time to pool. This results in clots or clumps. You suffer blockages in the uterus due to growth. It includes fibroids and uterine polyps. While these growths are not cancerous, it can trigger other health issues without proper medical treatment. Early intervention and management are necessary to deal with the issue better. Fibroids and uterine polyps consist of muscular tissue or endometrial tissue. It can grow into the uterine wall and triggering the following symptoms:

  • Persistent pain in your lower back
  • Dyspareunia or pain during intercourse
  • Fertility issues
  • Feeling bloated
  • Irregular spotting


Endometriosis is the common cause of heavy or painful periods. Due to the condition, the tissues of your uterine lining starts to grow outside the uterus. While the condition can trigger several symptoms, it becomes worse during your monthly cycle. The symptoms associated with the condition include the following:

  • Cramping in your lower back or pelvis
  • Dull or severe pain in the lower back or pelvis
  • Menorrhagia or heavy periods
  • Dysmenorrhea or feel severe pain during the monthly cycle
  • Pain or severe discomfort during sex
  • Fertility issues


When you suffer from the condition, it results in the uterine lining growing into the muscular wall of your uterus. This condition can result in the uterine wall, as well as endometrial lining, becoming thicker. So, you can see a heavier flow during your periods. The condition can also result in the appearance of more blood clots during period.

Hormonal Imbalances

A balance of hormones in your body can also ensure a healthy uterus. When you suffer from hormonal imbalances due to an increase or decrease in specific hormones, it affects your uterus health. The unbalance of hormones can trigger several issues. So, women can see clotting or heavy periods.

Blood Clots During Period Due To Pregnancy loss

Women of childbearing age with an active sex life can see blood clots during the period due to a pregnancy loss or miscarriage. These conditions can result in passing a large number of large clots. The severity depends on the stage of your pregnancy. Pregnancy loss usually occurs in women who may not know they are pregnant. They see the heavy discharge some days after their period date. So, they mistake early miscarriage for a delayed menstrual cycle.

Enlarged Uterus

If you have given birth earlier, then your uterus remains larger than its size before the pregnancy. An enlarged uterus can also occur due to structural problems like fibroids. Due to the large size of the uterus, the blood has additional space to pool in. So, it results in clotting before the blood leaves your body through the vagina. You see clots as a result of the condition.

Bleeding Disorders

People who suffer from bleeding disorders can also suffer from the abnormal period flow. It is because the disorders can affect the coagulation proteins, which your endometrium lining requires to stop the period flow. Heavy menstruation can occur due to disorders like VWD (von Willebrand’s disease) or platelet function disorder.

See A Doctor For Blood Clots During Period

When you see heavy menstrual bleeding or see huge blood clots during the period, then see a gynecologist immediately. Clots with size larger than a quarter can indicate some underlying issues. If you see other signs like the ones discussed above, then you need to get medical advice. A person with heavy menstruation or/and large clots requiring a change of pads, menstrual cup, or tampon for once every two hours can find it difficult to complete their everyday activities. In such cases, make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Complication Due To Abnormal Blood Clots During Period: Anemia

People who experience heavy blood flow or abnormal clots face a high risk of developing iron-deficiency and subsequent anemia. You suffer from anemia when you have fewer red blood cells in the body compared to the healthy range. Due to the low iron level, your body finds it difficult to make healthy blood cells. Women suffering from the condition can experience the following:

  • Weakness
  • General fatigue
  • Shortness of breath

When you see abnormal clots in your pad during the monthly cycle frequently or suffer from other symptoms, then you need to see a doctor.

Diagnosing Blood Clots During Period

Since abnormal clots during the menstrual cycle can cause complications, you need to see a gynecologist. The professional with expertise in women’s health can determine the underlying problem. After the diagnostic tests, your doctor can determine if the clots can cause any damage to your health or not. The doctor can use one method or combination of different techniques to diagnose the problem.

Medical History

The doctor will try to determine the cause of your abnormal periods by checking about things that can have an impact on menstruation. So, you need to inform the doctor regarding the use of birth control pills, any previous pelvic surgeries, or your previous pregnancies.

Physical Assessment

To detect any problem with your uterus, the doctor also performs an assessment. You need to convey the details regarding the signs and symptoms you experience along with the passing of clots.

Blood Tests

Based on the physical assessment, your doctor suggests a blood test. The technicians test the sample of your blood to look for any hormonal imbalances.

Imaging Tests

Your doctor orders for imaging tests to check issues with your uterus. So, imaging tests like ultrasound or MRI can check for issues like endometriosis, fibroids, or other obstructions.

Treatment For Blood Clots During Period

When you see blood clots during periods, it is better to seek a medical opinion before taking any action. It is important to rule out any underlying issue. With medical intervention, you can find the actual reason for the problem. Finding the cause, is essential to determine the appropriate course of treatment. Here are some of the treatment options suggested:

Take Iron Supplements

When the abnormal clots increase your risk of becoming anemic, then the doctor suggests taking iron supplements. Iron supplements taken as per the instruction from the doctor will overcome the blood loss due to abnormal flow.

Avoid Taking Aspirin

People with abnormal period flow need to avoid taking medications like aspirin as they can make the bleeding worse. Aspirin avoids clot formation, which makes the period flow worse.

Healthy Diet

Including a balanced diet with iron-rich foods will ease the problem to an extent.

Medication To Avoid Blood Clots During Period

When hormonal issues cause the problem, the doctor suggests taking medications to maintain the hormonal balance. Here are some of the options suggested to control your period flow and make it normal:

  • Taking birth control pills
  • Using IUDs (Intrauterine Devices containing progestin)
  • These birth control methods may help control abnormal flow during your monthly cycle.
  • Take NSAIDs For Other Symptoms

If you feel pain and cramping during your monthly cycle, the doctor suggests taking NSAIDs. The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the period symptoms like cramping, pain, and other discomforts. In some people, it also controls the abnormal flow.

You need to see a doctor and talk about the different treatment options. Some people may not prefer hormone treatments. In such cases, the doctor suggests taking medications to control blood clotting. So, speak to your doctor about the different options and find the one suiting your needs.

Natural Treatments For Blood Clots During Period

If you are experiencing blood clots during the period that causes no complications, then you can try some natural treatment at home. These treatments are suggested for women who experience minor clots with no anemia or severe pain. Before you try any of these natural treatments at home, speak to your doctor. It is important to seek medical advice and how the treatments may affect you. If the doctor feels it safe to try it, then you can try any of the natural treatment options at home. So, the home remedies to ease the clots during your menstrual cycle:


Different massaging techniques improve blood circulation around the uterus and keeps the reproductive system healthy. With good massage, you can ease away the clots naturally. So, it is one of the natural methods to prevent clots.

Cold Compress

Placing a cold compress on the abdominal region offers a numbing effect. It constricts the blood vessels and eases the clots during the periods. Applying a cold compress in the lower abdominal region during or before your monthly cycle offers good results.

Include Vitamins

Taking vitamins can relieve heavy bleeding or passing clots during your menses. So, try to take the following vitamins:

Vitamin A

It is well-known for its antioxidant properties and the replication of red blood cells. So, it protects your cells from damage.

B Vitamins

B vitamins are beneficial for your body. Including B vitamins, especially B6 helps produce prostaglandins. It helps reduce the blood clots developing during your monthly cycle.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D balances hormones to alleviate excess bleeding. So, you need to take Vitamin D supplements to get the desired results.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C along with enhancing iron absorption in your body can also strengthen the fragile cells as well as blood vessels. So, it helps ease the development of clots.

Drink Ginger Tea

One of the effective home remedies to alleviate blood clots during the period is to drink ginger tea. Taking ginger regularly can reduce the heavy period. It also alleviates clots during menstruation. Add chopped ginger into a cup of boiling water. Simmer it for a few minutes. Allow it to cool for a while and strain the tea. Consume it immediately after adding honey to it.

Eat Garlic

Garlic contains sulfur. It is an important compound in the garlic that offers antimicrobial properties as well as exhibits anticoagulant activities. So, it is effective against clotting disorders like thrombosis. So, when you add garlic in your diet, it will help get rid of menstrual clots. You can add minced garlic in your cuisines or chew raw garlic to get rid of abnormal clots. You can do this daily, specifically during the days you are menstruating.

Drink Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea contains coumarin, which helps with blood thinning. So, it reduces clots. The tea also has anti-inflammatory properties. So, drinking the tea daily will help you deal with period cramps and pain.

Prevention Tips To Avoid Blood Clots During Periods

You will see clots during the monthly cycle. It is normal for a woman’s reproductive cycle. Some of the clots may look alarming, but they are common and no serious. Even clots that appear bigger than the size of a quarter may not cause you any harm. But, the regular occurrence of clots can make you worried. So, to prevent the passing of large clots, you can try some steps at home. Along with following your doctor’s advice, these steps help control heavy bleeding and the appearance of clots.

Avoid Consuming Vitamin K

When you consume foods containing Vitamin K, it can worsen clot formation. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that makes proteins for blood clotting. So, it plays a major role in blood clot formation or coagulation.

Consume Foods Rich In Vitamin C

Vitamin C is responsible for absorbing iron in your body. So, it prevents anemia. Due to passing big clots, you are at risk of suffering from iron deficiency. You need to include citrus fruits in your diet to get the necessary Vitamin C. Fruits like grapefruit and oranges contains Vitamin C. You can also find Vitamin C in the following:

  • Strawberries
  • Kiwis
  • Red/green peppers
  • Tomato Juice

Drink Water

Hydration will help balance the blood volume. So, it will reduce the clots in the period blood. Drink at least four to six cups of water extra during your monthly cycle.

Include Exercise

You need to include exercise in your routine. Physical exertion will improve blood circulation. So, you will see the normal flow during your menstrual cycle.

Reduce Stress

Stress can make the monthly cycle worse. So, try to relax by trying some techniques like Yoga. It will help with the monthly cycle to become normal.

These tips will help you in preventing blood clots during the period.


While blood clots during the period are quite common and a symptom of the heavy menstrual cycle, you need to consult the doctor when you feel something is wrong. The clotting or heavy flow along with other symptoms signifies some health conditions requiring medical attention. So, seek medical help to address abnormal menstruation. With a medical professional’s help, you can access the effective methods to treat the underlying problem and control large or frequents period clots.


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