Best Pilates Reformer Exercises And Benefits

When you try the best Pilates reformer exercises, it offers you great benefits. It is perfect for people who have a gym subscription, but feel no motivation to exercise. The exercises can offer better and faster results with a little effort. If your gym is equipped with a reformer machine or you own one at home, then you can work it out easily. You need to lie down on the sliding structure, which looks like a bed. The movements you do on the equipment will work on the muscles without tiring you out. So, you will not huff and puff like weight lifting or regular cardio workouts. It is a fun way to work out as you will enjoy getting fit. With regular workouts using the machine, your body will become strong, slender, and flexible within a few weeks.

If you are thinking about transforming your body, then it is the right equipment to workout. It will help you change the body for the better. Wondering what exercises on the equipment are best and how to do them? Then, read ahead to know more. You can learn the benefits of using the reformer and the different exercises to get the best results.

About Pilates Reformer

The Pilates reformer refers to the most popular exercise equipment used to perform Pilates. Joseph Pilates is credited with coming with the idea of the unique equipment. The US Navy SEAL used the machine to rehabilitate the injured soldiers. So, it is the perfect equipment for injured people to work out. Using the equipment, you can try some of the best Pilates reformer exercises. These exercises will have a positive impact on your mental and physical health. People participating in the exercises can offer improvement control, strength, and movement. If you have access to the equipment, then you are opening doors to hundreds of opportunities to exercise your body. It helps with your personal fitness.

Pilates Reformer: How It Looks?

The reformer resembles a bed. But, the equipment will help you find the right posture while effectively and safely transform your health. You can see changes in the appearance of your body by using the machine efficiently. Most physical therapists have preferred using the reformers to help their patients get amazing therapeutic benefits. Celebrities from around the world have also opted for the equipment to get incredible results.

The Pilates reformer exercise equipment has a flat platform, which slides back and forth. The platform has spring attached to it. The spring provides diverse levels of resistance. To prevent sliding off from the platform, you have shoulder blocks. A foot bar at the end of the platform is easy to adjust. So, you can use the foot bar with the hands or feet to move the body back and forth using a pushing/pulling action.

How To Use Pilates Reformer?

You can use the equipment in a sitting, lying, and standing position. You can pull and push the foot bar to operate the machine. The machine is useful in doing diverse exercises, which target various areas of the body. So, people wishing for a fit and toned body can use it to complete the best Pilates reformer exercises. For better results, beginners can take the assistance of instructors who can guide them to complete the exercises without experiencing any complications.

The Best Pilates Reformer Exercises For Beginners

Want to know how you can try the best Pilates reformer exercises, then read ahead. You will learn more about the exercises and how to perform them to get the desired results.

One Of The Best Pilates Reformer Exercises: The Reformer Footwork

Beginners can try this exercise, which targets different areas of the body like abs, calves, hamstrings, quads, glutes, and adductors.

How To Do?

  • To get the required resistance, you need to attach two to three springs to the reformer platform.
  • Now, you need to lie on the reformer platform. Place your toes on the foot bar of the Pilates reformer machine, lift the heels, and open your knees slightly. Place your hands on the sides and keep the palms flat on the platform. Look up after stacking your shoulders against the shoulder blocks.
  • Start pressing the platform and pushing the body up. You need to straighten the knees to complete the moves.
  • You need to hold the pose for a moment.
  • Slowly get back to the starting position by pushing the feet against the foot bar and by bending the knee.
  • You need to complete three sets of fifteen repetitions.

Leg Circles On The Pilates Reformer

The exercise targets your calves, hamstrings, quads, glutes, adductors, pelvis, and abs.

How To Do One Of The Best Pilates Reformer Exercises?

  • For required resistance, you need to attach two springs to the platform. You have to hook the extension straps of the reformer to the other end of the foot bar.
  • Bend your knees after lying down on the platform. Make sure to keep the feet pointed.
  • After lifting the straps over the head, you need to slide one foot after another. It secures your feet in the loop.
  • After placing the hands by the side, you need to press the pelvis down. Keep the palm flat on the reformer platform. Slide up by pushing the body. You need to extend the legs to maintain sixty degrees with the platform. Ensure the straps fall between the knees while you keep the toes pointed.
  • Now, you can start moving the legs in a small outward circular motion.
  • Once you complete five repetitions, you can start circling the legs in the other direction.
  • You can complete two sets of fifteen repetitions to get the desired benefits.

The Frog On The Pilates Reformer

Performing frog exercise on the Pilates reformer targets your back, pelvis, hamstrings, abs, and adductors. Target

How To Do

  • Start the exercise by attaching the straps to the reformer. You can get resistance by adding two springs.
  • Now, lie down on the reformer platform. Keep your knees bent.
  • Pick the straps over your head and slip a foot into each strap loop, one after another. Make sure the straps are between your knees, knees are shoulder-width apart, and the entire back is against the platform. Place your hands by your side.
  • Push your body while straightening the legs. Once you do it, you tend to slide up.
  • Now, get back to the starting position by pulling your legs back while sliding down as little as possible.
  • You need to complete three sets of twelve repetitions.

The Rounded Stomach Massage

The exercise targets your hamstrings, quads, adductors, glutes, pelvis, and lower abs. So, how to do the exercise.

How To Do?

  • To complete the exercise, you need to sit on the Pilates reformer. Keep your knees shoulder-width apart while placing the toes on the foot bar. Hold the edge of the platform to keep the body stable.
  • You need to come to the starting position by curving the back and tucking the neck in.
  • Now, inhale by engaging the abs as well as extending the legs. As you do so, you will slide back.
  • Exhale while you bend the knees again. You need to come back to the starting position.
  • For obtaining results, you need to complete two sets of fifteen repetitions.

Stomach Massage – Arms Back

It is one of the best Pilates reformer exercises targeting different areas like hamstrings, quads, adductors, glutes, pelvis, and lower abs.

How To Do One Of The Best Pilates Reformer Exercise

  • For resistance, you can set three springs. Now, sit on the Pilates reformer after placing your toe on the foot bar. You need to lift the heels while holding the shoulder block present behind you.
  • Slide back by extending the legs. You need to lower the heels.
  • Then, bend your knees again and slide forward. While performing the action, you need to lift your heels.
  • Repeat the same steps from the beginning.
  • You need to complete three sets of fifteen repetitions of the exercise.

Short Box – Round Back

The exercise targets your back and abs.

How To Do?

  • Pilates reformer comes with an extra attachment, a short box. To complete the short box exercises, you need to place the attachment over the shoulder block. For petite people, instructors suggest placing the short box in front of the shoulder block. For resistance, attach two heavy springs. Now, secure your feet by sliding the feet under the resistance loop. You can find the resistance loop attached to the foot bar. Press the feet hip-width apart.
  • Lean back after wrapping the arms, around the waist and curling the tailbone towards the heel.
  • Round back up after holding the pose for a moment.
  • You need to complete three sets of ten repetitions of the exercise.

Short Box – Flat Back

You complete the exercises with only two straps on the feet, which attaches you to the reformer. The exercise focuses on your abs and back.

How To Do?

  • For completing the exercise, you need to sit on the short box. Slide your feet on the foot bar through the strap attached to it to keep them secured.
  • Now, lean back until the tailbone comes in line with the heels.
  • Get back to the sitting position.
  • You need to complete two sets of twelve repetitions.

Elephant On Pilates Reformer

It is one of the best Pilates reformer exercises targeting several areas of the body like quads, calves, hamstrings, glutes, and abs.

How To Do One Of The Best Pilates Reformer Exercises?

  • To complete this exercise, you need to stand on the Pilate reformer platform. Now, put the heels against the shoulder blocks. You need to use your hands to bend and hold the foot bar. Maintain your hands shoulder-width apart during the exercise.
  • Arch your spine while inhaling. Now, drop your head and point your gaze at the navel.
  • Push the platform back by squeezing the glutes, engaging the abs, and exhaling.
  • Slide the platform forward to the initial position while inhaling. You need to keep the back arched.
  • You need to complete three sets of fifteen repetitions to see the benefits,

Knee Stretch On Pilates Reformer

The exercise will help with your coordination, stamina, and vigor. When you perform the exercise, it targets your abs, calves, quad, and hamstrings. Here are the instructions to perform the exercise:

How To Do One Of The Best Pilates Reformer Exercises?

  • First, you need to kneel down on the platform of the machine. You need to come up to the knees. Now, place the hands on the foot bar of the machine. You need to ensure the hands, as well as shoulder, are shoulder-width apart. Now, you need to place the feet soles against the shoulder block along with the legs apart (approximately hip-width apart).
  • You can now sit back on the heels while curling the spine. Relax your shoulders. Bend your neck in such a way that the ears come between the elbows. When you are bending, make sure never to over curl the back.
  • With the starting position, you need to exhale as well as contract the abdomen.
  • Now, inhale and lift the buttocks slightly. Slide back the platform by pressing it out.
  • Again, you need to exhale and contract the abdomen. Also, you need to slide the platform to the starting position by pressing back.

Sets And Reps

You need to complete three sets of twelve repetitions to get the desired results.

One Of The Best Pilates Reformer Exercises: Running

It is different from running on the treadmill. But, the exercise focuses on your quads, hamstrings, and calves.

How To Do?

  • Unlike other running exercises, when you perform it on the Pilates reformer, you need to lie down. Place the toe on the reformer’s foot bar and keep your hands by the side. You need to place the palms flat on the platform.
  • To slide up, you need to extend the legs.
  • To slide down, you have to drop the heel and bend the left knee.
  • You can slide back again on the reformer by extending the left leg and you can raise the right heel.
  • Slide down after dropping the left heel down and bending your right knee.

Sets And Reps

You need to complete two sets of twenty-five repetitions.

You can try these fun and easy exercises. The best Pilates reformer is effective in maintaining good health. It is best to try the exercises if you are trying to lose weight quickly. It also offers other benefits, which makes it ideal to include it in your life.

Best Pilates Reformer Exercise Benefits

If you are including regular Pilates reformer exercises in your life, then you can develop the greater strength flexibility, and balance. These benefits can in turn offer you better movement, posture, and mental health. Here are some of the advantages you can enjoy:

A Full Body Workout

Using the Pilates reformer to work out will impact all the muscles in your body. The fully choreographed movements of the machine can offer you a balanced workout. So, using it can strengthen your body. Wondering how. The subtlety of the springs targets the small as well as the big muscles of the body. So, it can transform the body by creating a balance throughout. You can work one side at a time (unilaterally). So, people suffering weakness on one side of their body can see big changes.

You Can Build Strength And Tone Muscles

Exercises you try on the machine helps you strengthen the muscles and tone them. Reformer Pilates refers is a dynamic exercise. Using the machine’s springs as well as the lever, you can create resistance. It also offers an equal focus on the contraction of the muscles along with the eccentric release. Therefore, you can develop lean muscles. The machine is versatile. It allows users to access different levels of resistance. It makes it easier for the user to push themselves.

Low Impact And High-Intensity Exercise

If you have suffered an injury and cannot include any other workout in your routine, then using a reformer is the best option. But, it is better to speak to your doctor regarding the situation before you try anything new. If your doctor gives the all-clear, you can use the reformer. It is wonderful equipment for anyone who has suffered injuries. Wondering why? It is because you can work in the horizontal plane with the help of springs ad ropes in the reformer instead of using body weight. It is a low-impact workout, which means your joints and bones are not impacted. But, the high intensity of the workout improves your health and fitness in several ways.

Stronger Core And Better Pose

One of the benefits of the best Pilates reformer exercises is to help create a strong core as well as better posture. It is one of the best exercises focusing on your core strength. So, men including the workout can build a six-pack. It is also effective in improving posture.

 Gives Fast Results

If you are looking for exercises offering fast and effective results, then try the best Pilates reformer exercises. Including it in your regular routine will help you get a toned, fit, strong, and flexible body. Within a short time, you can see the transformation in your body.

Failing to see results indicates you are committing some errors. The mistakes can affect the effectiveness of your workout. Therefore, figure out the errors and rectify them to get the desired results.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When You Perform The Best Pilates Reformer Exercises

People who are new to the exercise or perform it for several years can make some common mistakes. To get the benefits by performing the best Pilates reformer exercises, you need to move as suggested by Joseph Pilates in the Reformer classes. Here are some tips to get the best results:

Seek Guidance From The Instructor

Employ the Pilates reformer with the guidance of the instructor to avoid complications. Most newbies feel they can use the reformer without the help of the professional. It is the most common mistake that most people commit. You need to keep in mind that instructors have specific training on utilizing the reformer safely and effectively. With an instructor, you get specialized attention. The instructor can guide you in completing specific exercises you wish to try. The instructor can also help determine your correct resistance for getting the right results. The proper level of resistance is necessary for achieving the benefits.

Using Inadequate Resistance

One of the common mistakes causing people to use inadequate resistance (too much or too little) while using the reformer bed. You need to take note that it is possible to change the resistance (lower or add) using the springs. Many people find it difficult to get the right balance. You need to remember that too low resistance may not make things simpler for you. You need appropriate support during the Pilates exercises for effective results.

Trying Big Movements

Pilates focuses on small muscles. So, if you are trying big movements, it can lead to more damage than good. The reformer machine utilizes the partial array of motion aiming the little deep muscles to train them. But, beginners who think big movements result in bigger outcomes make grave mistakes. You need to train the small muscles first before employing the bigger muscle groups.

Not Breathing Properly

Breathing during the exercise is a common problem beginner’s face. They find breathing difficult. If you are going to a gym with breath coaching, you will learn how to breathe properly during every rotation. Since Pilates was created as a type of rehab, it requires proper training to tune the natural movements of the body, including breathing. When you take some time to master your breathing, it offers effective results.

Moving Too Fast With The Best Pilates Reformer Exercises

Some people who think sprinting and intense Tabata activity can only offer results can make the mistake of moving too fast with the Pilates reformer exercises. When you perform the precise as well as gentle movements in the reformer classes, it may feel strange. But, the exercise while looking simple is not easy to complete. Slow does not mean you cannot get the desired results. It is important to have proper control when you are doing an eccentric part of the exercise. It is a significant move to follow inside a class. So, when you are using the reformer machine, you need to remain attentive and prevent the carriage clam closed due to tension, specifically when you have set the springs on heavy for a forward lunge.

Calories Burned In The Best Pilates Reformer Exercises

When you try the best Pilates reformer exercises, you can burn calories easily. With a single session of exercise, you can burn 250 calories to 450 calories with ease. When you include the exercises for four days of a week, it can help you burn 1000 calories to 1800 calories. But, you need to remember the calories you burn depends on the exercise levels, your body weight, and the duration of the exercise. Using the reformer alone will not help you burn high calories. With instructions from your instructor, you can include the right move for better results.


The best Pilates reformer exercise is highly beneficial for your health. It tones and keeps your weight under check. It is the perfect exercise you need to include to achieve weight loss. The exercises offer amazing results to shed pounds quickly. The equipment makes you feel you are not exercising. So, it is fun equipment, keeping you motivated to attend the sessions regularly. It helps you get a fit and tone body. It also helps you with several mental health benefits. So, if you are one of the people who cannot exercise without going to the gym, then join a Pilates Reformer class immediately to get the benefits.


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