Back Labor – Causes, Symptoms and How to Prevent

Back labor pain is an uncomfortable symptom that some women have to face. While you have nine months to prepare for labor. You may have read about the pregnancy journey or received the information from the doctors. But, nothing prepares you for the unexpected pain triggered due to certain conditions. One of the conditions causing women to feel pain occurs due to the baby’s position. It triggers severe pain in the back. Back labor can cause severe, unrelenting pain. It worsens when you feel contractions. Pregnant women never have to worry as there are several options offering pain relief. The effective option can ease your discomfort. Most babies flip into the actual position facilitating easy birth at the right time. If babies fail to flip, doctors can opt for other options.


If you are pregnant and feel worried, then you need to read this. You can become prepared for one of the common issues triggering pain in the later stages of the pregnancy. Armed with the information, you can take the right steps to ease the pain.

About Back Labor Pain

In the majority of the cases, back labor pain occurs due to the abnormal position of the baby during labor. Due to the baby’s sunny-side-up position, women experience severe pain. Sunnyside up position means the head of the baby becomes nestled down the cervix of the woman. But, the baby may face the stomach instead of facing the back. Doctors normally term this position as occiput posterior position. A baby facing the tummy with the back of his/her head tends to push down the tailbone and spine. It can put pressure on the nerves of the spine triggering severe pain.

A baby positioned with its head down while facing the back has an occiput anterior position. They have their chin tucked into their chest. Such a position tends to put less pressure on the spine. So, it reduces the chances of suffering from back pain. In normal cases, the occiput anterior position can ensure easy labor. It is the ideal position to ensure the smooth delivery of the baby. Wondering why? The head of the baby is the small and most compactable part of baby. When it is lined to fit through the pelvis, the rest of the baby comes through the vaginal canal with ease.

What About The Future Of Babies Causing Back Labor Pain?

In most cases, back labor pain occurs when babies remain in the sunny-side-up position. But, odds are good that your baby can flip this position without any intervention. Studies indicate up to 20% of the babies in the heads-down position have remained in the sunny-side-up position until the labor. But, 5% of the babies may not turn to the actual delivery position triggering severe pain. In some cases, pregnant women whose baby has flipped from the recent sunny-side up position can face severe back pain. Why?  Because the back feels extra sensitive due to the child remaining in the sunny-side-up position. Some women also experience pain because they experience intense labor pain compared to others.

What Does Back Labor Feel Like?

With the approaching due date, you need frequent checkups to determine your baby’s position. Depending on the position of the baby, you can see the following clues.

Anterior Facing Baby

An anterior-facing baby faces towards your back. So, when you feel the belly, it may appear hard but smooth. It is because you are feeling the baby’s backside.

Posterior Facing Baby

A posterior facing baby faces towards the stomach. Hence, you may have a softer and flatter-looking tummy. It is because the baby’s arms and legs face forward. Unlike the anterior position, you have no hard and smooth back to feel.

With back labor, you can feel severe pain in the back after the contractions start. With each contraction, you can feel strong pain. You may not feel the pain subsiding with things progressing.

Symptoms Indicating Back Labor

How can you know whether you are experiencing back labor or not? Certain signs indicate the possibility such as:

  • Experience severe pain in the lower back
  • Pain becomes excruciating during contractions
  • Pain often doesn’t let up between contractions
  • Back contractions or back spasms

When To Go To The Hospital With Back Labor?

While pregnancy is a sweet journey, as an expectant mother, you can become concerned.  It is better to maintain caution and call your doctor when you notice any new symptoms. It is a good practice to get doctor’s opinions on things they find distressing. In early labor, the contractions may come every five minutes or more as they tend to become irregular. These contractions may last for thirty to forty-five seconds each. But, back labor pain can induce severe pain during contractions. So, check with your doctor immediately. Irrespective of the position of the baby, certain signs indicate immediate hospitalization and medical help. So, you need to go to the hospital when you see one or more of the symptoms suggested below:


Sudden onset of loose stools or diarrhea may indicate you need to go to the hospital immediately as you are in labor. While it is an unpleasant symptom, many women going to deliver have experienced it. Hence, pay attention.


If you see blood spots, get in touch with your doctor. It may happen due to the loosening of the mucus plug. It protects your baby from external germs.

Water Breaking

It is the most common sign associated with labor. The sudden gush of fluid or trickling of water throughout the day means the amniotic fluid has come out. See a doctor immediately.

Other Signs

Experiencing sudden swelling, blurred vision, or double vision requires immediate medical attention.  Pregnant women experiencing painful contractions every five minutes lasting for a minute need to go to the emergency room. These signs point towards labor.

If you experience severe back pain due to back labor, see your doctor immediately to get further advice.

Difference Between Back Labor And Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common discomforts associated with pregnancy. As your baby grows in the uterus, the weight can shift forward. Also, the release of the pregnancy hormone relaxin can affect the joints. It results in back pain. The condition can start during your second trimester and worsen as the pregnancy progresses. It is normal to feel pain in the lower back, backside, and upper hips. But, back labor differs from normal back pain. How can you tell the difference?

With normal back pain, you can feel soreness, aching, and stiffness in the lower back and upper hips constantly, while back labor is an intense pain that starts when you are in labor. The pain gets worse during the contractions and subsides between the contractions. Consistent pain can distress you until you deliver.

Difference Between Back Labor And Regular Labor

Now, you can identify the normal backache and the abnormal pain in the back. But, how to tell the difference between actual labor pain and back labor? In normal labor contractions, you can develop pain in the lower abdomen or back and the lower abdomen. In normal labor contractions, you can feel an intense pain similar to menstrual cramps, but more severe. It may come and go with increased intensity. You can feel regular contractions only slightly in the back. But, back labor can trigger intense pain in the lower back. It can continue between contractions and make you uncomfortable at the peak of the contractions.

Risk Factors Linked To Back Labor Pain

You have no sure way to know if you will suffer from back labor when you get pregnant. Each person is different and each pregnancy may trigger different signs. The risk may vary from one person to another. But, some studies indicate that some women are at greater risk of the problem compared to others. The risk factors of the condition include:

Shape Of Pelvis

Women with a gynaecoid-shaped pelvis can give birth with ease. It has a round shape with a shallow and open structure making it possible for the baby to flip easily. Instead, when a woman has an android pelvis, they can face issues such as back labor pain. Such a type of pelvis has a close resemblance to the male pelvis. The heart-shaped pelvis has a narrow structure that may look like a wedge. Such a structure can keep preventing the baby from flipping into the backward-facing position.

First Time Birth

First-time moms have a high chance of suffering from the problem compared to others.

Women Shorter In Height

It is observed that women of short stature tend to suffer from this kind of pain as the baby tends to press their spinal cord.


Overweight mothers also have an increased risk of suffering from such pain. Hence, see a doctor ensure you gain weight correctly during the pregnancy and no more.

Complications Of Back Labor

Like many women, you may also wonder if the back labor may cause harm compared to normal labor. But, it does not cause any more complications than normal labor. But, the condition can make it uncomfortable and distressing for you. In some cases, women may suffer from some complications. Here are some of the complications linked to the problem:

Severe Discomfort Due To Back Labor

Compared to normal delivery, back labor takes a longer time. It is because the baby may find it difficult to extend its head from the current position under the pubic bone. Apart from taking a long time to deliver, you also experience severe pain. Due to the baby putting pressure on the spine, you tend to feel severe pain. Many women may opt for an epidural or other pain relief options.

Intensive Care For Baby

It is observed that babies born in the occiput posterior position (sunny-side up) may tend to have a lower 5-minute Apgar score. But, never worry as their score tends to reach the same as babies delivered normally (occiput anterior) within ten minutes of their birth. But, these babies may require care in the neonatal intensive care unit.


In such a condition, it takes a longer time for the baby to deliver which can affect the development of the baby. So, the doctor can suggest C-section.

Assisted Delivery

In assisted delivery, the gynecologist uses instruments such as vacuum extractors (ventouse) or forceps to deliver the baby safely. Due to the use of these instruments, it is also called instrumental delivery. Using both the instruments is safe for the baby and your doctor uses it only in case of emergency.

Inducing Labor

To induce labor the doctor may suggest using Pitocin, a synthetic version of oxytocin. Oxytocin refers to the hormone produced by the body naturally to induce contractions in pregnant women. The use of the medicine can have the effect of contractions that may lead to birth.

Perineal Tears

The perineum area refers to the area between the anus and the vaginal opening. Due to back labor, you can suffer from perineal tears of the third or fourth degree. The recovery of the perineal tear may vary depending on the woman and the severity.

Postpartum Hemorrhage

Due to undergoing C-section to deliver the baby, you can suffer from postpartum hemorrhage. Early postpartum hemorrhage can also develop. It is the condition that causes more bleeding than normal after the birth of the baby.

Preventing Back Labor Pain

While it is not possible to prevent the problem as your child can remain in the sunny side up position when the due date approaches. But, some midwives suggest certain tactics that may encourage the baby to change position and make it easier to deliver. Remember, it may or may not work as each person is different. Also, consult a doctor before you try the following:

Try Pelvic Rocks For Easing Back Labor Pain

To try this, you need to get on all fours. Then, rock the pelvis back and forth while you arch your back. These steps may encourage your baby to get in the correct position that makes delivery easier and less painful.

Place Warm And Cold towels

It is believed that babies in the womb shy away from cold. Hence, some midwives suggest placing cold towels on the front side of the belly and place warm towels on the back. It may encourage the baby to change position as they may seek warmth. Even if the baby does not change position, placing a warm towel on your back may ease the pain caused due to back labor.

Communicate With Your Baby

Doctors believe babies in the womb can hear the voices of their mothers and loved ones. So, they encourage mothers to talk to their baby in the womb or the belly (in the case of the father). It is one of the effective methods to make a strong bond with the child. Communicating with your baby to change position is also a fun method to encourage them to change position. You can also ask your partner to get down to the lower back and ask the baby to flip over or come there. Listening to the sound of a loved one may capture the attention of your child. Your baby may head in the direction of the sound.

Steps To Relieve Back Labor Pain

Since you are pregnant and any type of discomfort needs quick addressing, you must visit your doctor. During your hospital stay your doctor tries to bring your baby back to its normal position to relieve pain. If it does not succeed, you have several options to ease the pain caused due to back labor. It includes the following:

Consider Epidural

If you feel a lot of pain, then you can ask your doctor for an epidural. It is not necessary to wait for a long time to ask for it when you feel immense pain. The doctor can offer pain-relieving medications. You may require a higher dose of the medication compared to other times for complete pain relief. Hence, you need to discuss the options with the anesthesiologist to come up with a proper plan.

Check Other Pain Relief Options

You need to talk to your anesthesiologist to earn more about the different options available to ease the pain. Ask the doctor regarding taking narcotics to get pain relief. Some studies indicate the effectiveness of sterile water injection in easing back pain labor. What is sterile water injection? Exactly what it sounds like. The injection contains sterile water. It is injected under your skin at specific trigger points in the lower back to ease the pain. While getting the injections, it causes a stinging sensation for a brief period. But, it lasts only for thirty seconds and wears off after the specified time. To distract women from the stinging sensation, the doctor provides the injection during the contraction.

Around 85% of the women suffering from pain due to back labor can get relief by taking SWI (Sterile Water Injection). Taking such an injection can offer support and encouragement to women in labor. As the sting of the injection eases, women start feeling relief from pain. The pain relief effect may last for up to two hours.

Relieve Pressure Caused Due To Back Labor

When your baby’s head presses the spine, you feel immense pain. To relieve pressure, you can try kneeling against a birthing ball or get down on your hands and knees. When you get down, make sure your lace your head and shoulders on a pillow placed on the ground. It can avoid your arms from getting tired.

Move Around

To ease the pain you can move around. Check if walking, crouching, or squatting can ease the pain. You can also try straddling a chair and lean over to ease the pain. Choose any position that may reduce the pain and make it comfortable for you.

Ensure Hydration

While drinking water may or may not ease pain, you need to ensure proper hydration to endure labor better. Drinking water can help your muscles in the body to work effectively. The uterus is a giant muscle that works by contracting and squeezing during labor. You need to overcome pain in the back to ensure smooth labor. Hence, sip your water as much as possible.

Lie In Spider Position

It is the position suggested to relieve pressure from the back. Make sure you stay on your side when you lie down. Try not to lie on your back as it increases pain due to elevated pressure. By trying spider position, you lie on the side that may feel as if you are lying on your belly. You must keep your bottom leg extended while the top leg remains bent towards your belly. Place a pillow to support the top leg. Keep the back well-rounded to ease the pain.

Place Heat And Cold Compress

Placing a hot compress can offer relief from the severe pain you develop. Alternating it with a cold compress can help you relax. You must find the right temperature offering relaxation to try this option.

Apply Pressure

If you have your partner or labor coach with you in the hospital, ask them to run your lower back. When they apply counter pressure on the lower back using a closed fist or a tennis ball, it may ease some pressure caused by your baby’s position. Asking one or two people with you to apply pressure against your hip when you lean forward can also offer relief. This method is referred to as double hip squeeze. While applying pressure, the skin around the area can suffer from irritation. So, before applying pressure, using oil or cream can lower the chances of suffering from skin irritation.

Try Reflexology

Reflexology refers to the acupressure technique using a type of massage. Your partner can apply different amounts of pressure on certain parts of the body to relieve pain. This method works on the theory that certain pressure points are connected to organs and body systems. Trying this method can help you get relief from pain. Ask your partner to use his finger to apply strong pressure on the area directly below the center of the ball of the foot.

Try Hydrotherapy

It is the therapy using warm water to ease pain and offer comfort when you suffer from pain. It can relax you. But, do not confuse it with water birth. With hydrotherapy, you can relax in a tub filled with warm water. If your labor room does not have a birthing tub, then you can get in the shower. Aim the showerhead at the lower back where you experience pain.

Other Pain Relief Tactics

You can try other natural pain relief for labor such as meditation or self-hypnosis. Meditation is an alternative therapy used by people for thousands of years. It involves focusing your attention and breathing for a specific period to get relief. Similarly, self-hypnosis refers to the individual practice that helps you become highly focused on an experience. Due to becoming absorbed, you tend to provide positive suggestions to help you reach the goals. You can give help get relief from pain. These techniques may or may not work for you. But, it is worth a try.

Most expectant mothers like a normal delivery. They tend to suffer pain to make it possible. But, if your baby’s position remains in the face-up during the second stage of labor, your doctor may advise C-section. It is also suggested when the labor takes too long. It is usually suggested after the doctor tries to turn the baby manually by reaching into the vagina. If it is not a success, you need to give consent for C-section delivery.


As an expectant mother, you need to gain information on back labor as much as possible. Work with your healthcare team to find a different option that may offer pain relief. Knowing the pain-relieving techniques and trying them can make you feel calm. During labor, you must never feel stressed. So, try the options to ease the distress. Remember, you can get over the pain quickly after the birth of your baby. Seeing your baby’s angelic face will make you forget all the pain and sufferings you have endured throughout the pregnancy.

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