
Anemia – Symptoms, Causes,Home Remedies, and Diet Tips

Anemia that affects people commonly is the one that results in a lack of healthy red blood cells (RBC) in the bloodstream. It is also known as iron deficiency anemia. Due to the condition, your body tissues fail to receive enough oxygen. Healthy red blood cells usually carry the oxygen to tissues of different parts of the body.

The condition can make you feel tired as well as weak. So, it affects your normal routine. The condition can affect you temporarily or for a long time. Apart from iron deficiency, there are other types of conditions causing low red blood cells. Here we will discuss the most common causes triggering low iron reserves, iron deficiency anemia.

About Anemia

Before going into the common type causing low red blood cells, you need to know the other forms of the condition. Here are some of them:

Vitamin Deficiency Anemia

It is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin B12 and folate. These are essential for producing healthy red blood cells. So, when you consume a diet lacking these along with other key nutrients, it results in reduced red blood cell production. This condition also occurs when the body fails to absorb the vitamin leading to the condition known as pernicious anemia.

Anemia Of Inflammation

In some people, inflammatory diseases can interfere with red blood cell production. So, people suffering from kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, HIV/AIDS, Crohn’s disease, and other acute/chronic inflammatory disease can result in the condition.

Aplastic Anemia

When your body fails to produce enough red blood cells. It is a rare condition that causes life-threatening complications. This condition occurs due to taking certain medications, infections, exposure to toxic chemicals, and autoimmune diseases.

Bone Marrow Diseases

The loss of red blood cells happens due to bone marrow diseases. So, patients who suffer from a variety of diseases like myelofibrosis or leukemia can suffer from the condition due to damaged bone marrow unable to produce enough red blood cells. The effects of these diseases can cause mild to life-threatening complications.

Hemolytic Anemias

It is the group of anemias that people develop when their red blood cells are destroyed faster compared to the replacing rate of red blood cells by the bone marrow. It occurs due to developing some blood diseases destroying red blood cells. You can inherit the disease or develop it later in life.

Sickle Cell Anemia

It is a type of hemolytic anemia. You inherit it and suffer from serious complications. The condition occurs due to the defective form of hemoglobin. So, it forces your blood cells to have an abnormal crescent (or sickle) shape. Due to the abnormality, these cells die prematurely. Therefore, you suffer from a chronic shortage of red blood cells.

 Iron Deficiency Anemia

It is the most common condition occurring due to the deficiency of iron. Due to a lack of sufficient iron, your body fails to produce enough hemoglobin (the protein carrying oxygen from the lungs to body tissues). This condition can leave you fatigued and short of breath.

Here, we are going to discuss the iron deficiency form of the condition. You need to see a doctor and undergo certain tests to determine the severity. Based on that, your doctor develops a treatment plan. Seeing a doctor is essential as the condition can occur due to internal bleeding, which requires immediate medical attention to prevent complications.

Symptoms Of Anemia

How can you discover the presence of iron deficiency and related low red blood cell production? People who suffer from mild cases see no specific signs. So, it mostly goes unnoticed. But, with severe iron deficiency, the red blood cell production reaches low levels. It triggers several signs and symptoms that can affect your normal life. It results in several symptoms like:

  • Weakness
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pale skin
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Dizziness /lightheadedness
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Brittle nails
  • Soreness or inflammation of your tongue
  • Craving for unusual or non-nutritive substance (like starch, dirt, or ice)
  • Poor appetite (seen in infants and children suffering from iron deficiency)

See A Doctor For Anemia

If you or your child develop symptoms linked to low red blood cell production, then you need to see a doctor. Iron deficiency and low RBC needs medical attention. So, never self-diagnose or treat yourself at home. Take any steps after discussing it with your doctor. Taking iron supplements to overcome the condition can do more harm than good. It is because overloading the body with iron can result in liver damage and other complications. So, see a doctor when you see the signs to get proper treatment.

Causes Of Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia occurs when your body doesn’t have enough iron to produce hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the part of red blood cells that gives blood its red color and enables the red blood cells to carry oxygenated blood throughout your body. Losing too much iron, the inability of the body to produce enough hemoglobin, or not consuming necessary iron can result in anemia to develop. The main causes of iron deficiency and subsequent reduced red blood cells include:

Blood Loss

Your blood contains red blood cells with iron in it. So, when you lose blood, then you tend to lose iron. You can suffer from the condition due to colorectal cancer, peptic ulcer, a colon polyp, or a hiatal hernia, which causes slow yet chronic blood loss within the body. Women can also face iron deficiency due to heavy periods, resulting in severe bleeding during the monthly cycle. Using certain over-the-counter pain relievers for a long time (for example, aspirin) can result in gastrointestinal bleeding, causing blood loss.

Deficiency Of Iron In Diet

When you consume a diet low in iron, then it can result in iron deficiency. Your body, mainly gets iron from the food you eat. So when you include a diet with less iron, then as time passes, your body becomes iron deficient. When you fail to include eggs, meat, green leafy vegetable, and iron-fortified foods, it results in iron deficiency. This can cause issues with proper growth and development in infants as well as children.

Trouble Absorbing Iron

You can suffer iron deficiency when your body is unable to absorb iron. In normal cases, the iron from the food you consume is absorbed into your bloodstream. This absorption happens in the small intestine. So, if you suffer from an intestinal disorder like celiac disease, you suffer from iron deficiency. It is because such diseases can make the intestine unable to absorb the nutrients from the digested food. The inability to absorb iron as well as nutrients can also occur when you have bypassed a part of the small intestine or remove it surgically.


Women who are pregnant can suffer from iron deficiency. It is because the growing fetus requires hemoglobin for its growth, which is derived from the woman’s iron stores and to serve their increased blood volume needs. So, it can result in iron deficiency. Without iron supplementation, many pregnant women suffer from the condition.

Risk Factors Increasing Chances Of Anemia

Some people are more susceptible to suffering from iron deficiency and low red blood cells. So, people coming under this group need to maintain caution:


Women suffer from the condition more compared to men due to losing blood during their monthly cycle. So, it can result in iron deficiency.

Infants And Children

Infants born prematurely or had low birth weight can suffer from the condition. Babies who fail to get enough iron from breast milk or formula can also develop the condition. Kids who are not eating a varied and nutritious diet can also suffer from the risk of developing anemia.


People who never include meat in their diet can face an increased risk of developing iron deficiency. It can result in low red blood cells when you fail to overcome the lack of iron intake by eating other iron-rich foods.

Frequent Blood Donors

People who regularly donate blood face an increased risk of developing iron deficiency. Donating blood can deplete the iron stores in your body. Blood donation can result in low hemoglobin, which is a temporary problem. It is easy to overcome it by eating iron-rich food. You need to follow the blood donation rules and avoid donating blood when you have low hemoglobin levels. Talk to your doctor about when you need to become concerned.

Complications Developing Due To Anemia

Mild iron deficiency is not a cause for concern as it causes no complication. But, it requires immediate attention. Without proper treatment, the deficiency can become severe. So, it can lead to several health problems like:

Heart Problems

Iron deficiency can lead to heart problems like irregular or rapid heartbeat. You suffer from the issue because your heart works harder to pump blood. It is to compensate for the lack of oxygen carried in the blood due to the condition. As time progresses, it can result in enlarged heart or heart failure.

Complications During Pregnancy

When a pregnant woman suffers from severe iron deficiency, it can result in low birthweight babies and premature births. To avoid such issues, gynecologists prescribe iron supplements as a part of their prenatal care.

Growth Problems

Children who suffer from severe iron deficiency can suffer from low red blood cells along with other problems. Such kids can see delayed growth and development. Additionally, the condition can also make the child vulnerable to infections.

Diagnosing Anemia

When you see the symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor. The doctor can run some tests to check if you suffer from the problem. The tests suggested are:

Blood Tests To Detect Anemia

Several blood tests can detect abnormal red blood cell levels in your body. The sample of blood you provide is tested for the following:

Red Blood Cell Size And Color

The lab technician checks the size and color of red blood cells under the microscope. In people with severe iron deficiency, the red blood cells look small and pale compared to normal cases.


It measures the percentage of blood volume made by the RBC (red blood cells). In normal cases, adult men have the hematocrit levels around 35.5 to 44.9 and adult women have 38.3 to 48.6. Depending on your age, the values may change.

Hemoglobin To Detect Anemia

Low levels of hemoglobin indicate low iron levels in the body. For men, the normal hemoglobin rage is 13.2 to 16.6 grams/deciliter while women have 11.6 grams/deciliter to 15 grams/deciliter as the normal range.


It is the protein responsible for storing iron in the body. When the blood test indicates low level of fettitin, it means your iron levels of iron reserve.

Additional Diagnostic Tests For Anemia

When your blood tests indicate iron deficiency and low red blood cell count, then other diagnostic tests are suggested to identify the exact underlying cause:


If your doctor suspects hiatal hernia as the cause of bleeding, then endoscopy is suggested. This test can detect issues like ulcers to find the exact source of bleeding.


Your doctor suggests the test to rule out the bleeding in lower intestinal regions. Using the test, it is possible to identify any sources of bleeding.


In women, heavy bleeding can result in low red blood cells. So, pelvic ultrasound is used to check the uterus to detect issues like uterine fibroids resulting in heavy bleeding.

Treatment For Anemia

For mild cases of the condition, your doctor can suggest changing the diet. You can try it at home to see the results. In moderate to severe cases, your doctor prescribes the following options:

Iron Supplements For Managing Anemia

The doctor prescribes over-the-counter iron tablets to overcome iron deficiency. It will replenish the iron reserve in your body. With the doctor’s assistance, you can determine the correct dose. For infants suffering from iron deficiency, the supplements are available in liquid form. To enhance the chances of better absorption of iron, you need to follow the instructions like:

  • Take a stool softener recommended by the doctor when you take iron supplements. It is because these supplements can cause constipation.
  • You can also see the stools turning black. But, it is a harmless side effect.
  • Take the supplements as suggested by the doctor for the specified duration. The condition does not improve overnight. But, you can feel changes within a week of using it. Never stop the supplements without consulting the doctor.

You need to discuss with your doctor about the right time to recheck the blood to measure the iron levels. It is to see if the treatment is working or not. For better results, the doctor suggests taking the supplements for a year or more for replenishing the iron reserves.

Treating Underlying Causes Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

In some cases, taking iron supplements may not boost the iron levels in the body. Then, it indicates an iron-absorption problem or a source of bleeding. These problems require further investigation and treatment. Depending on the cause uncovered the treatment may involve:

  • Prescribe medications like oral contraceptives to women who suffer from heavy period flow
  • To manage peptic ulcers, take antibiotics and other medications
  • Remove fibroid, a tumor, or a bleeding polyp by surgery

Blood Transfusion

For severe iron deficiency that puts your life in danger, you need immediate blood transfusions. In some cases, iron is provided intravenously. These methods help replace iron as well as hemoglobin quickly.

Home Remedies For Anemia

If you have a mild case of iron deficiency, then you can try some steps at home. These methods help replenish the iron reserves in your body. Before trying any of the techniques, you need to talk to your doctor.

Drink Copper Water

In Ayurveda, drinking copper water is considered healthy as it can help you overcome mild iron deficiency. You need to store water in a copper vessel overnight. Then, drink it every morning on an empty stomach. It helps replenish natural minerals in your body.

Natural Juice

Pomegranate and beetroot have good sources of iron. So, you can drink fresh pomegranate or beetroot juice to replenish your iron reserves and also purify the blood. Many bodybuilders drink the juices for good health. You can combine beetroot that are rich in folic acid with apples or carrot for added benefits. While pomegranates are rich in iron, potassium, and copper for better health.

 Eat Sesame Seeds

To increase iron intake, you can eat sesame seeds, especially the black ones. It is a great source of iron and helps you overcome iron deficiency. You need to soak sesame seeds in water for at least two to three hours. Grind them to a paste. Mix the paste with a teaspoon of honey and have this every day.

Eat Raisins And Dates

When you eat these dried fruits it offers combined good effects of Vitamin C and iron. It helps your body absorb iron effectively. You can eat two dates and a handful of raisins for your breakfast or mid-meal.

Consume Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are well-known for their restorative and nutritive properties. It can also enhance the hemoglobin levels in your body. So, you can use it as a regular dietary supplement. So, taking fenugreek every day can help you overcome anemia. To consume it, you need to mix a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and leaves in a glass of hot water. Give it time to steep by waiting for at least ten minutes. Strain the mixture. Add lemon juice and honey to it according to your taste. Consume it daily.

Anemia Diet Plan

To handle anemia at home, you need to make some dietary changes. By including foods rich in iron as well as other vitamins will boost red blood cell production and hemoglobin. The diet suggested by your doctor also focuses on better iron absorption. The best diet plan will include all the foods necessary to improve iron levels. You can get two types of iron from your foods, namely heme iron as well as nonheme iron. You can find heme iron in poultry, meat, and seafood while nonheme iron is present in plant foods as well as foods fortified with iron. While your body can absorb both types of iron, heme iron is more easily absorbed.

Recommended Dose Of Iron To Manage Anemia

In normal cases, the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of iron is 12 milligrams (mg) for women and 10 milligrams (mg) for men. While anemia treatment plan is customized to meet the specific needs of a person, most of them require 150mg to 200mg of daily iron dose. So, your doctor recommends prescription iron tablets or over-the-counter iron supplements to replenish the reserve in your body. While you are taking the supplement, you must also consume an iron-rich diet to fight the deficiency better. Here are some of the foods you need to include in the diet. Talk to your doctor regarding the diet and try to include the following:

Leafy Greens To Manage Anemia

The leafy green is the best sources of nonheme iron, especially the dark ones. So, you can include the following to your diet:

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Dandelion greens
  • Collard greens
  • Swiss chard

Certain leafy greens like collard greens and Swiss chard also contains folate. In some cases, a diet low in folate results in folate deficiency anemia. So, you need to include, beans, whole grains, and citrus fruits to get the necessary folate. Some of the iron-rich green leafy vegetables also have high levels of oxalates. Since oxalates bind with iron, it prevents the absorption of nonheme iron. Therefore, include these vegetables as a part of your overall diet to overcome iron deficiency. But, never depend on them alone to overcome the condition.

Similarly, you can opt for leafy greens containing vitamin C as it helps your stomach absorb iron. Eating foods like strawberries, red peppers, and oranges increase iron absorption. Add Swiss chard and collard greens in your diet as they contain both vitamin C and iron.

Meat And Poultry

All poultry and meat contain heme iron. While poultry and chicken have lower amounts of iron, lamb, red meat, and venison contain high-sources of iron. When you consume poultry or meat with nonheme food sources, it increases iron absorption. So, you can eat meat and poultry along with fruits containing Vitamin C and leafy greens for better iron absorption.


Organ meats are not liked by many people. But, many fail to understand that they are a great source of iron, especially the liver. It is the most popular organ meat that is rich in folate as well as iron. Other organs rich in iron are:

  • Beef tongue
  • Kidney
  • Heart


People who love seafood with rejoice to know that it provides heme iron. You can opt for shellfish options like shrimp, crabs, scallops, oysters, and clams as they are good sources of iron. You can also choose fish with high levels of iron like:

  • Fresh/canned tuna
  • Mahi Mahi
  • Mackerel
  • Fresh Perch
  • Pompano
  • Fresh/canned salmon

While sardines are also a good source of iron, it also contains high levels of calcium. Since calcium binds with iron, it reduces the absorption power. So, when you consume iron-rich foods, avoid eating foods high in calcium at the same time. Examples of calcium-rich food include:

  • Dairy milk
  • Yogurt
  • Fortified plant milk
  • Kefir
  • Tofu
  • Cheese

Fortified Foods

Today, you can get many foods fortified with iron. Adding these foods to your daily diet when you are struggling to eat other food rich in iron or you refrain from eating meat. You can include the following:

  • Fortified ready-to-eat cereals
  • Fortified orange juice
  • White bread and other foods made from refined flour
  • Fortified pasta
  • Fortified white rice
  • Food items made from fortified cornmeal

Include Beans

For vegetarians who refrain from eating meat, adding beans to their diet can fulfill the iron requirement. The inexpensive source of iron is versatile and you can use it in your cooking to create tasty dishes. So, try to choose from some of the options:

  • Chickpeas
  • Kidney beans
  • Soybeans
  • Pinto beans
  • Black-eyed peas
  • Peas
  • Black beans
  • Lima beans

You can get these online or from the supermarket as it is easily available.

Eat Nuts And Seeds

Do you know that many types of nuts and seeds can help you manage anemia? They are good sources of iron and have great taste. You can eat them or add them to your salads/yogurt to replenish the iron store. The common nuts and seeds containing iron are:

  • Cashews
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Pistachios
  • Pine nuts
  • Hemp seeds
  • Sunflower seeds

You can find several of the above-mentioned nuts online from popular sites like Amazon. Raw and roasted contain similar amounts of iron. While almonds are a good source of iron, it also contains high levels of calcium. So, eating it may help you enhance your health but will not increase your iron levels.


When you experience symptoms associated with iron deficiency anemia, see a doctor immediately. You can get professional medical advice to deal with the condition. For mild cases, you can overcome the problem by making dietary changes alone. For others, with timely medical intervention, you can prevent life-threatening complications. So, see a doctor manage the problem better.





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