Disease & Condition

Lyme Disease – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Lyme disease refers to the highly infectious disease, triggered by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi (B.burgdorferi). These bacteria are transmitted to humans when they get bitten by a deer tick or black-legged tick. How does the tick become infected? It happens when they feed on the blood from infected mice, birds, […]

Is It Normal To Feel Soreness After A Workout

It is normal to feel soreness after a workout. Since you have decided to focus more on your health, you need to know the issues that can crop up with starting an exercise program. While these problems are temporary, you must never give up on your goal. When the workout […]

Home Remedies For Hand Foot And Mouth Disease (HFMD)

Hand foot and mouth disease (HFMD) refer to the contagious viral infection affecting children. But, the infection appears mild, it can cause severe discomfort to the children. Kids who suffer from HFMD develop sores in their mouth along with a rash on their feet and hands. Do you wish to […]

What Is Epilepsy? The Types, Causes, And Treatment

Epilepsy or seizures refer to the neurological disorder occurring due to abnormal brain activity. It develops due to problems in your central nervous system. Due to abnormal brain activities, you can observe unusual behavior, loss of awareness, and unusual sensations. Anyone can develop seizures. So, the condition affects both men […]

Ways To Heal A Jammed Finger , Causes And Symptoms

A jammed finger can occur anytime to anyone. This common occurrence can develop due to small accidents involving your finger during a football or basketball match. When the ball smashes into the tip of the finger instead of sailing smoothly, it can hurt your finger. This problem can also occur […]