Beauty & Style

How To Use Green Tea For Acne Treatment

Acne is a common problem faced by many. Green tea for acne treatment is effective according to many people. While you can find a cure for the breakout on different platforms every day, not all work. Some may cause irritation to your skin or worsen the breakouts. For severe cases, […]

Dry Skin Allergies – Cause , Symptoms and Treatment

Dry skin allergies as the name suggest are common for people whose skin has lost hydration. While the condition is not serious, it causes severe discomfort. As a result of the allergic reaction, you experience severe itching and inflammation. In some cases, it can escalate to infection. Several factors contribute […]

How To Use Rose Water For Acne Treatment

Suffering from acne? Have you tried to use rose water for acne treatment? Rose water is underrated as most people fail to realize its potent effects in healing skin and manage breakouts. It is a good toner that can tighten the pores on your skin and keeps it glowing. Many […]

White Spots On Fingernails

White Spots On Fingernails – Causes And Treatment

White spots on fingernails or leukonychia can ruin the first impression you are trying to make. Many things are significant for an attractive visual appeal. Among them, the state of your nails can make others form an opinion about you. For example, unkempt or unfiled nails can make others question […]