Trapped Gas- Symptoms, Causes, Treatment And Prevention

Gas is a normal output of the human digestive system. At an average of 15 times, a normal person releases gas daily. Only when it is in excess accompanied by sound and foul smell it becomes a matter of concern. This brings unpleasant moments in professional and personal life.

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Trapped gas could be due to the pressure in the stomach or abdomen. The digestive system consists of different parts and the trapped gas could be because of any of its malfunction or its failures. Continue reading to know more about trapped gas.

To know more about trapped gas it is essential to know certain facts about gas. Here are a few questions normally people want to know about gas.

Is passing gas normal?

For any normal human being passing gas at an average of 15 times per day is absolutely normal. Most of the gas is absorbed by the bloodstream and only the excess is let out as gas.

When passing gas becomes abnormal?

When the gas is passed in excess than normal or when it is accompanied by pain, cramping, swelling, tightness, bloating and many other issues, it becomes abnormal.

How the gas enters our body?

There are only two ways for the gas to enter the human body. While eating or drinking air is swollen along with the food or water. The other reason is due to the improper digestive system. The food which is not absorbed by the small intestine is fermented by the colonial bacteria to create gas and heat.

What is trapped gas?

Due to improper digestive system or because of eating food which produces more gas and not suitable for digestion or due to the lifestyle the gas gets trapped in the stomach. Also, digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease could cause trapped gas.

What is the composition of gas?

Gas is composed of mostly 80 % of nitrogen and the rest of it is oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen. It is interesting to note that methane and hydrogen are flammable gases.

Why does gas have a foul smell?

This is because of the diet and the internal chemical reactions taking place within the intestines during digestion by colonial bacteria. Many foods like egg or cruciferous vegetables like broccoli or cabbage when digested create sulfurous gases. When hydrogen sulfide is formed it gives the smell of rotten eggs. Likewise, when Methanethiol and Dimethyl sulfide is formed it gives a rotten vegetable stinking smell.

Why passing gas is accompanied with sound?

This is due to the alignment of muscles within the colon or rectum. When these muscles release gas quickly it creates sound.


In most cases, trapped gas is not a symptom of a disease or a condition. But when it happens with the following symptoms over time it is time to give attention to it.

Excessive passing of gas:

When the gas is passed more than the normal level or times it is necessary to check the diet or see a doctor.

Belching or Burping:

When too much air is swallowed while taking food air is released through burping or belching and when it persists for a long period it could be a symptom of trapped gas.

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Trapped Gas- Symptoms, Causes, Treatment And Prevention 2

Abdominal bloating:

Unreleased gas causes bloating of the stomach. This causes swelling of the abdomen and occurs mostly before or after the meal.

Abdominal pain & discomfort:

When the trapped gas does not move through the intestines normally it will cause pain and discomfort.

When the pain persists with the following conditions it is pertinent to see the doctor immediately:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Pain and cramps in the abdomen
  • Change in consistency of stools
  • Bloody stools
  • Change in frequency of bowel movements
  • Recurrent or persistent nausea or vomiting
  • Constant weakness or fatigue
  • Signs of allergies like watery eyes, itchy throat
  • The sudden appearance of skin rashes, acne or hives with abdominal pain
  • Pain around the lymph nodes, groin, throat, or armpits
  • Sudden changes in body temperature, weight, sleep, and menstrual cycle


Some conditions which cause excessive gas like swallowing excess or air or due to a certain food or improper digestive system. Some of them include:


Excess swallowing air is a condition called Aerophagia. This occurs during inadvertent swallowing air while eating or drinking. Most of the people are unaware of it. This happens during the following:

  • Slurping drinks or drink with a loud noise
  • Eating too fast
  • Talking while eating
  • Drinking through a straw
  • Chewing gum

This excessive gas is then released by belching or burping. This process is triggered by changes in the muscles that intake air and also by ineffective attempts of belching that sends air to the stomach.

Changes in Microflora and Microbiome:

Gas formation depends on microflora or collective microorganisms like colonic bacteria. The microbiome or the environment of the bacteria is unique for everyone. When these conditions changes, there could be excess production of gas and more chances of it getting trapped in the larger intestines.


This is one of the major causes of trapped gas. Impaired anal evacuation produces gas retention. The fermentation process of food in the digestive system is prolonged by constipation and increase internal gas production.

Ineffective carbohydrates digestion:

Problems digesting carbohydrates can lead to gas and cause bloating. They include:

Celiac Disease:

This is one kind of immune disorder in which the body cannot tolerate gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and other cosmetic products including lip balm. When affected by the Celiac disease, eating gluten-rich food will damage the lining of the small intestine. This will cause digestive problems and trapped gas.

Lactose Intolerance:

Due to lack of certain enzymes that break down milk sugar lactose intolerance occurs. Thus when eating milk products like cheese, ice cream, yogurt and packaged foods with lactose like bread, cereal, and salad dressing could cause trapped gas.

Dietary fructose intolerance:

Fructose is a fruit sugar found in apples, peaches, pears, and others. For some people, they have an intolerance to digest these fructose-rich fruits. Hence bloating, trapped gas or diarrhea occurs after eating these fructose-rich fruits.


FODMAP or Fermentable Oligo-Di-Mono-Saccharides And Polyols rich foods are short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. Since they are not properly sent to the bloodstream and stay in the small intestine it will get fermented by colonial bacteria and cause trapped gas in the larger intestine.

Intestinal conditions that affect the gas moves:

Due to certain conditions of the intestines, gas is trapped and causes bloating. These conditions include:

  • Dumping syndrome,
  • Abdominal hernias
  • Abdominal adhesions
  • Colon cancer or ovarian cancer.


Small bowel bacterial overgrowth is a serious condition of excessive bacteria in the small intestine. The food eaten intermingles with digestive juices in the intestines and nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. The waste is sent to the colon. But when affected with SIBO the absorption is not complete. Along with the waste some food particularly fat-soluble vitamins, iron, and others stay in the small intestine which is the root cause of trapped gas


Irritable bowel syndrome is an intestinal disorder which includes a group of symptoms like abdominal discomfort or pain and changes in the bowel movement patterns. This could affect the gas moves through the intestines. This causes trapped gas and bloating.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD is a chronic condition when the contents in the stomach flow back into the esophagus. This causes a lot of burping and also trapped gas.


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Trapped Gas- Symptoms, Causes, Treatment And Prevention 3

Food is medicine in old days. Nowadays eating the wrong or intolerant food causes many issues like trapped gas. Apart from gluten and lactose intolerance, even some vegetables which are rich in gas could be the reason for trapped gas. They include:

  • Asparagus
  • Artichokes
  • Black beans
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Kidney beans
  • Mushrooms
  • Navy beans
  • Onions
  • Pinto beans

Some common causes of trapped gas:

  • Smoking
  • Overeating
  • Drinking carbonated or fizzy drinks
  • Drinks with high fructose corn syrup
  • Drinking apple & pear juice
  • Hard candy
  • Processed foods rich with fiber like inulin and fructo-oligosaccharide
  • Fiber supplements which contain psyllium like Metamucil will increase colon gas
  • Sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners like sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol which are commonly found in sugar-free products and beverages.


If serious complications or more than one symptom persists over a period of time it is time to see a doctor. Before visiting the doctor it is preferred to be prepared to answer some of the following questions the doctor may ask.

  1. How many times the gas passes every day?
  2. From when did this excess gas start to occur?
  3. How long have you been experiencing the gas pain?
  4. What are the foods that trigger more of the symptoms?
  5. Is nausea and vomiting sensation occurs during gas pains?
  6. Is there any new food that you have started to take recently or any change in food habits?
  7. What are the medications taken for any illness?
  8. Any dietary supplements are taken recently?
  9. Is there any change in bowel habits?
  10. Is there any significant loss of weight unintentionally?
  11. Any sugar substitutes used?
  12. What are the eating and drinking habits?
  13. Is there a habit of chewing gum, sucking on chocolates, and drinking with straws?
  14. Any lifestyle changes recently?
  15. What is the personal and family history of illnesses?

Once the doctor finishes the inquiry he will perform a physical examination of the abdomen with the stethoscope for checking the bowel moments. This will help the doctor to determine how well the digestive tract is working. Depending on the inquiry and physical examination the doctor will recommend the following tests:

  • Abdominal X-ray
  • Upper GI series
  • Blood and stool tests
  • Breath tests
  • Endoscopy
  • Breath tests
  • CT Scan


When diagnosed with trapped gas for various treatments is absolutely necessary. This will not only help in recovering from trapped gas but also live a healthy life.

Over the counter medications:

There are several OTC medications for trapped gas which include:


This works well on the gas bubbles that cause the bloated feeling and the gurgling noises. The trapped gas is reduced by making the bloodstream to absorb the gas. Although it does not prevent gas formation it eases the passing of gas.This comes under the brand names of Phazyme, Flatulex, Gas-X, and Mylanta Gas.


Trapped gas also is the reason for the formation of acidity in the stomach. Antacids which contain magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, and others neutralize the excess stomach acid turning it into the water and other natural substances.


For many, the trapped gas problem is only due to their intolerance to certain foods. Some enzymes will help in digesting these intolerant foods. They include:

Lactase Supplements:

These enzymes coming in brand name Lactaid, Digest dairy plus and many more can be taken for those who are intolerant to milk products.


These are another type of enzymes in the brand names of Beano, BeanAsst, and others that can be taken for intolerance of vegetables and grains.


This medication is prescribed for a variety of digestive conditions because of is capacity to increase motility in the upper gastrointestinal tract. It also facilitates the passing of gas quickly avoiding pain and abdominal bloating.

Propulsid or Cisapride:

This medicine is also used to treat gas and increase motility in the digestive tract. But nowadays most doctors do not prescribe because of its strict regulations.

Activated charcoal:

This is one of the natural products now available as supplement tablets Actidose-Aqua, CharoCaps, and others. This is taken before and after food to prevent unwanted symptoms like constipation and nausea. The side effects are the stool may turn black which is harmless and also the inner part of the mouth may be stained.

Food habits:

“We are what we eat” is an old adage which aptly applies for today’s modern day. What we eat and do not eat are the major cause of many illnesses and mainly trapped gas. Certain foods cause more gas and are intolerant to many for digestion. Hence to identify the culprit of causing gas and avoiding it could solve trapped gas. The foods to be avoided for trapped gas include:

Avoid gassy foods:

Certain foods create more gas in the digestive tract than others. This includes all kinds of food from vegetables like beans, cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, turnips leeks, and many others. Eggs are the main culprits for producing smelling gas if not digested by the small intestine.

High-fiber foods:

Even though fiber is an essential nutrient for the body it may also cause excess gas. Some high fiber foods which cause gas are beans, onions, broccoli, Brussels, sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, artichokes, asparagus, pears, apples, peaches, prunes, whole wheat, bran, and many others.

Dairy products:

If eating dairy products causes’ excess and trapped gas it is an indication of lactose intolerance. Hence to avoid dairy products for a while and trying lactose-free or milk products supplemented with lactase could solve the problem.

Sugar substitutes:

Many sugar substitutes like Sorbitol and maltitol among others cause trapped gas. Hence it is better to avoid them.

Fried and Fatty foods:

Fried and fatty foods cause dietary fat which delays the clearance gas and forms trapped gas in the larger intestine. Hence avoiding fried and fatty foods is important for trapped gas.

Carbonated beverages:

Any kind of carbonated beverages should be totally avoided since it creates immediate gas and could possibly lead to trapped gas.

Fiber supplements:

Due to lack of fiber, many take fiber supplements. But it is advised to consult a doctor before taking one because it may cause trapped gas.


Avoiding FODMAPs or Fermentable Oligo-Di-Mono-Saccharides And Polyols rich foods should be avoided. This is because FODMAPs are short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine.


For those with dietary fructose intolerance, it is hard to digest the fructose or the fruit sugar from certain fruits like a prune. Hence avoiding prunes and their juices will solve trapped gas.

Foods with sulfur-containing compounds:

The culprit for foul smell is food rich in sulfur-containing compounds. They include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, beer and foods high in protein. For those who are suffering from an excess of foul gas should avoid these foods.

The right food habits to eliminate trapped gas:


Water is a universal remedy for many ailments and especially trapped gas. Drinking plenty of water or to the required level is essential. It will not only help in the digestive system but also keeps it hydrated at all times. For those with the trapped gas problem it is advised to drink a glass of warm water in the empty stomach as soon as waking up. This will over time give good relief from trapped gas, constipation and many other digestive issues.


Tea is a natural product and mainly herbal teas aid digestion and reduce gas and its pain fast. The following best form of teas with ginger could give a soothing and comforting effort for gas issues.

  • Chamomile
  • Dandelion
  • Anise
  • Peppermint

Fennel seed snacks:

Rather than eating oily, spicy and fatty snacks a snack with fennel seeds suit ideally for trapped gas. Even chewing on a spoon of fennel seeds which is an age-old solution for trapped gas could solve the trouble.

Peppermint supplements:

Peppermint oil capsules are a good remedy for trapped gas. It should be bought only as enteric-coated capsules because uncoated capsules may dissolve immediately and cause heartburn. Also, anemic patients who take iron supplements should not take peppermint supplements as it inhibits absorption of iron.


Cloves in food is a tradition in many countries and it not only helps digestion but also controls ulcers and trapped gas. Clove oil added to water can be had for best results since it increases the digestive enzymes.


Probiotics produce beneficial bacteria in the gut. This enables to solve several digestives complains including infectious diarrhea. They also alleviate bloating, intestinal gas, abdominal pain and other symptoms of IBS or Irritable bowel syndrome. Foods rich with probiotics are Yogurt, Kefir, Kombucha, and cultured vegetables like sauerkraut or kimchi. Probiotics can be taken by supplements also. The strains of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are considered to be most effective for proper digestion.


Avoiding spicy food and adding spices to food could lead to relief from trapped gas. For time immemorial the spices have helped human beings in many ways. Some common spices include ginger, turmeric, fennel or anise, cumin, caraway, licorice, curry, and many others.

Enzyme-rich foods:

Enzymes are the major facilitators to metabolize foods. These enzymes can be taken as supplements or by natural ways. Some foods rich in enzymes include Papaya, pineapple, The digestive enzymes completely break down amino acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, simple sugars, and nucleic acids to be absorbed easily without producing gas.

Other factors to avoid trapped gas:

Do not hold the gas just let it out

  • Passing stool will relieve gas trapped in the intestines
  • Eat slowly by chewing the food well with the closed mouth
  • Avoid smoking totally
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    Trapped Gas- Symptoms, Causes, Treatment And Prevention 4

    Exercise regularly

  • Avoid chewing gum, soda, sucking candy, drinking with straw & stress
  • Maintain a food diary to identify the culprit which causes trapped gas
  • Check your dentures

Trapped gas is not a dangerous life-threatening ailment but could cause a lot of discomfort and pain. Hence to have a good lifestyle and food habits could eliminate the issue of trapped gas.

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