Acute myelogenous leukemia – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Acute myelogenous leukemia or AML refers to cancer affecting the blood and bone marrow. Bone marrow is the spongy tissue found inside the bones. It makes the blood cells needed for the body. The term acute in AML indicates the rapid progression of the disease. So, it can spread rapidly to other areas. The term myelogenous refers to the malignancy affecting myeloid cells, the white blood cells developing into several types of mature blood cells. Myeloid cells can become white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Leukemia is the broader term to indicate malignancy of the blood cells. AML is also referred to as acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, acute nonlymphocytic leukemia, and acute granulocytic leukemia.

Symptoms Linked To Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Most people develop symptoms associated with the condition suddenly. They see the changes in the body within days or a couple of weeks. In some rare cases, a patient suffering from any illness or has suffered from Myelodysplastic Syndrome can suffer from AML. People developing acute myelogenous leukemia fall sick due to issues with bone marrow function. In such cases, the malignant cells tend to replace and crowd the normal cells present in the bone marrow. It leads to low blood cell counts in people. Due to insufficient red blood cells, the affected person can suffer from a condition known as anemia.

There are other signs linked to the condition. Most of these signs tend to mimic the symptoms of other common diseases or flu. People in the early stages of AML can experience the following signs that may indicate the problem:

  • Bone pain
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Lethargy
  • Shortness of breath
  • Suffering from frequent infections
  • Pale skin
  • Frequent infections
  • Easy bruising
  • Unusual bleeding like gum bleeding or frequent nosebleeds

Make An Appointment With Doctor For Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

When you see the signs mentioned above, you need to make an appointment with the doctor. It is better to seek professional advice when somethings seem unusual or you feel worried about it. Only a doctor can diagnose the problem. With early intervention, it becomes possible to handle the condition better.

Causes Of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

When people suffer from severe health problems such as AML, they think about the reason it developed. The main underlying cause of acute myelogenous leukemia remains the mutations developing in the bone marrow. The bone marrow cells tend to change their DNA or genetic material. In humans, the DNA of the cells has the instructions that suggest the cell perform a task. In normal cases, the DNA of the cells conveys the message to the cells to grow at a certain rate and die after a specific time. But, people suffering from AML develop mutations that instruct the cells in the bone marrow to grow continuously and divide.

When the cells grow without any control, the bone marrow tends to produce immature cells. These immature cells can develop into leukemic white blood cells known as myeloblasts. Unfortunately, these abnormal cells cannot function properly. They tend to build up and force the healthy cells out. It is not clear why a person can suffer from DNA mutations leading to AML. But, doctors have determined the factors putting a person at risk of developing such mutations.

Risk Factors Linked To Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

As mentioned earlier, some factors increase the risk of suffering from AML compared to others. It includes the following:

Advancing Age

AML develops in people above 65 years of age. Increased age can spike the chances of suffering from acute myelogenous leukemia.


Compared to women, men have more chances of developing AML.

Previous Cancer Treatment

People who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation therapy for treating certain types of cancer face an increased risk of developing this acute condition.

Radiation Exposure

Exposure to radiation increases the risk of developing AML. People who have survived a nuclear reactor accident have an increased risk of developing AML.

Chemical Exposure

If you work in an environment exposing you to dangerous chemicals, the chances of suffering from AML increase. It is specifically true for people exposed to benzene.

Smoking Can Lead To Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Smoking is a bad habit that increases the risk of several diseases. It can also lead to the development of acute myelogenous leukemia due to the presence of benzene and other chemicals increasing the risk of cancer.

Other Blood Disorders

When abnormal blood cells develop in the bone marrow due to certain blood disorders, it increases the cancer risk. The blood disorders leading to the condition include:

  • Thrombocythemia or Polycythemia vers
  • Myelodysplasia
  • Myelofibrosis

Genetic Disorders

Some genetic disorders increase the chances of suffering from cancer such as AML. It includes conditions like Down syndrome. Such people need to maintain caution.

But, it does not mean only people suffering from the problem can develop AML. Other people who have faced no risk factors indicated here have developed AML.

Diagnosing Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

When you see the signs and symptoms indicating the presence of AML, you need to see a doctor. Only a medical professional can diagnose the problem accurately. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to undergo several tests. It includes the following:

Blood Tests

Most people suffering from acute myelogenous leukemia tend to have too many white blood cells. But, they may not have enough red blood cells and platelets in the complete blood tests. In some cases, patients suffering from the condition tend to have low white blood cells in their blood.

Bone Marrow Test

The presence of immature cells, also known as blast cells in the bone marrow can indicate the problem. Such immature cells remain in the bone marrow and do not circulate in the blood. Hence, the doctor may suggest a bone marrow test. While a blood test can indicate AML, a bone marrow test can confirm the diagnosis.

During the bone marrow biopsy, the doctor uses a needle to remove a sample from the bone marrow. The doctor usually takes the sample from the hipbone. It is then sent to the pathology lab for further testing.

Lumbar Puncture

Also known as a spinal tap, it is the diagnostic test used to detect the presence of malignant cells in the fluid surrounding the spinal cord. To remove the fluid around the spinal cord, the doctor can insert a small needle into the lower back to reach the spinal canal. This fluid gets tested by the pathologist in the lab.

Testing Of Cancer Cells In The Laboratory

To detect acute myelogenous leukemia, the doctor sends a sample of bone marrow or spinal fluid to the laboratory. When a pathologist checks the sample, it helps them test the malignant cells to understand gene mutations better. It is vital to determine the extent of the problem, the best treatment, and the prognosis.

If the test result comes back positive, it indicates the presence of leukemia. In such a case, the doctor will refer the affected person to a specialist. A hematologist or medical oncologist can offer better guidance to deal with the condition.

Determining Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Subtype

After confirming acute myelogenous leukemia, the doctor suggests further tests to determine the subtype. The tests will determine the extent of malignancy in the body. It is classified into a specific AML subtype. The subtype is based on the appearance of the cell when examined under the microscope. A pathologist can conduct special laboratory testing to identify the characteristics of the cells. Determining the AML subtype can help your doctor determine the best treatment to address your condition. Doctors are still researching the different types of cancer treatment affecting people with diverse types of AML subtypes.

Determining The Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Prognosis

The doctor must study the AML subtype along with other information obtained from the other tests to determine the prognosis. It is vital to find the perfect treatment for better results. While other cancers use numerical to indicate the stage, the extent of its spread, and its prognosis, AML differs. The doctors cannot classify the stages of acute myelogenous leukemia. The doctor determines the seriousness of the condition by evaluating the following factors:

  • Age of the patient
  • AML subtype
  • The overall health of the patients
  • Blood test results indicating the number of white blood cells

Treatment To Address Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

As mentioned earlier, the treatment depends on several factors. Your overall health, age, preferences, and subtype of the disease plays a vital role in determining the best treatment. The treatment to address AML falls into two main phases:

Remission Induction Therapy

It is the first phase of the treatment. This phase focuses on killing the leukemia cells present in the bone and blood marrow. Unfortunately, the remission induction therapy does not wipe out all the malignant cells. Hence, you need to undergo further treatment to prevent the disease from returning.

Consolidation Therapy

It is referred to as post-remission therapy. Consolidation therapy is also known as maintenance therapy. This phase of the treatment aims to destroy any remaining malignant cells in the blood and bone marrow. It is a vital phase in the treatment as it aims to reduce the risk of relapse.

Therapies Used In Treating Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

In both types, there are certain therapies used to address acute myelogenous leukemia. Here are some of the therapies used to manage the condition:

Chemotherapy To Manage Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Chemotherapy is the major form of treatment to kill malignant cells. It comes under remission induction therapy. But, the doctor suggests chemotherapy for consolidation therapy. The chemicals in the chemotherapy kill the cancerous cells.

During the chemotherapy sessions, patients affected by acute myelogenous leukemia stay in the hospital. It is because the chemicals in the drugs destroy the normal blood cells along with the malignant cells. The doctor suggests another cycle of chemotherapy when the first cycle fails to cause remission.

Targeted Therapy

As the name suggests, the target drug treatment focuses on the abnormalities of the cancer cells. The drugs used in the therapy target the issues within the cancer cells. Due to blocking the abnormalities, the cancer cells die. Before the therapy, the doctors test the malignant cells to see if the therapy may prove effective for you. The doctors can use targeted therapy in combination with chemotherapy or used alone for both induction and consolidation therapy.

Bone Marrow Transplant

This procedure is also known as a stem cell transplant. It is usually used in consolidation therapy. With this treatment option, your doctor tries to re-establish healthy stem cells. It is achieved by replacing the unhealthy bone marrow with healthy stem cells. Healthy stem cells without malignancy can regenerate healthy bone marrow.

Before you get a bone marrow transplant, you need to receive a high dose of radiation or chemotherapy. It is to destroy the cancer-producing bone marrow. After the chemotherapy or radiation, you receive stem cells infusion from an allogeneic transplant/compatible donor. It is also possible to receive your stem cells. This procedure is known as an autologous transplant. It is possible only when you have previously remained in remission and harvested your healthy stem cells. The stored stem cells can come in handy for a future transplant.

Clinical Trials

Some people with acute myelogenous leukemia opt for clinical trials. They enroll in such experimental treatments to manage the problem. The clinical trials come with a new combination of therapies to combat the problem.

Treatment Results Of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Most people wonder if the treatments can manage acute myelogenous leukemia. For some people, the treatments suggested by the doctor can get rid of the malignant cells developed due to AML. When the course of treatment completes, the patients can feel relief. It is also caused by stress due to fear of leukemia coming back. Since AML can relapse or recur (developing leukemia after getting treatment), patients need follow-up care.

Some people can get the treatment but leukemia may never go away. It requires regular treatment or therapies to keep the malignancy under control. Such treatments can ease the symptoms triggered due to the condition. For such people, learning to live with AML that never goes away can cause stress. The uncertainty can make them frustrated. It is vital to get professional help to manage emotional stress. Also, go for follow-up check-ups to detect the relapse early and get necessary medical assistance.

Follow-Up Care After Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Treatment

Patients who have completed the treatment or undergoing the treatment need the doctor’s constant monitoring. The doctor will watch the patients closely to detect any issues early.

Exams And Tests After Acute Myelogenous Treatment

Even after the treatment ends, affected people need to see the doctor for frequent follow-up exams. The doctor can suggest check-ups after every month at first. As time passes, you may need a check-up less often for at least a few more years. The affected person needs to go to all appointments suggested by the doctor. It is vital as during these visits the doctor will ask about any signs developed, subject to examination, or suggest any blood tests or bone marrow exams. Follow-up checks are a mandatory part of the treatment plan to detect leukemia recurrence as early as possible. It is also vital to address any possible side effects of the treatment suggested.

Side Effects After Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Treatment

Any type of cancer treatment can trigger side effects. It is because the treatment kills healthy cells along with malignant ones. But, the type of side effects and the severity experienced depend on the treatment suggested by the doctor. The side effects can also vary depending on the person’s response to it. In less intensive treatments, the side effects may last only for a short time. Intensive treatment can result in severe side effects that can last for a long time. When you suffer from any abnormal changes or signs, convey the issue to the cancer care team immediately. In most cases, the doctor treats the signs and symptoms to reverse them.

Professional Assistance To Deal With Side Effects Caused Due To Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Treatment

Certain side effects of cancer treatment require immediate medical attention. So, people who suffer from the following issues after acute myelogenous leukemia need to go to the doctor immediately:

  • Develop a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or higher
  • Any episode of uncontrolled shivering
  • See bleeding in the gums, blood in the urine/feces/sputum, persistent nose bleed
  • Bruising
  • Severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, or constipation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Develop rash or reddening of the skin
  • Skin itching
  • Persistent headache
  • Develop soreness or pain anywhere in the body
  • Notice pain, redness, pain, or pus anywhere on the body

Relapse Of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

In 50% of the patients who have received successful treatment to curb acute myelogenous leukemia relapse has occurred. People who achieved remission can suffer from the condition several months or years after the initial successful treatment. While all patients who have suffered from AML carry the risk of relapse, it occurs within the first two or three years of initial cancer treatment.

What Causes Relapse Of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia?

After getting successful treatment, you may feel relieved. But, some people suffer from a relapse. The relapse of acute myelogenous leukemia occurs due to a wide variety of reasons. It includes:

  • It can relapse when the AML you developed remains resistant to the initial treatment suggested by the doctor.
  • The treatment you have undergone has not removed all the malignant cells from the body.
  • The malignant cells have spread to other parts of the body that the pathologist couldn’t detect due to their small size.

Signs And Symptoms Linked To Relapse Of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

How does a patient know his/her acute myelogenous leukemia has relapsed? The affected person develops signs and symptoms similar to the ones during the initial AML diagnosis. It can include the following:

  • Bruising
  • Recurrent infections
  • Anemia
  • Aching of the bones
  • Feeling tired and exhausted
  • Swollen glands
  • Develop fever and night sweats
  • Blurred vision
  • Breathlessness

Treatment To Manage Relapse Of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

You require more treatment to manage the relapse of acute myelogenous leukemia. If you have already undergone treatment, you need to decide on the next treatment steps. The main decisions include if you wish to undergo intensive treatment or non-intensive treatment. Intense treatment of AML aims to increase the quantity of your life that will most possibly achieve remission. While non-intensive treatment provides you with the best quality of life for as long as possible. Intense relapse treatment involves the use of chemotherapy using different drugs or the doctor suggests a stem cell transplant. Patients who have suffered a relapse can find it difficult to achieve remission. But, patients who have achieved a relapse before that lasted for several years can try a stem cell transplant when the doctor finds the person medically fit.

Coping And Support For Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Acute myelogenous leukemia needs quick medical intervention. It means cancer developed has an aggressive form. Only prompt decision-making on the appropriate treatment can help manage the condition. It can leave the person affected and the caretakers with taking vital decisions about a condition that they have not understood yet. You feel robbed of time to understand the problem better to take the proper action. Hence, you may feel emotionally drained and stressed. It is significant to take steps to cope with the problem. Here are some of the tips that affected people and their caretakers can follow:

Learn About The Condition

The term leukemia can trigger confusion in people as it refers to the umbrella term that indicates a group of cancers with no similarity. The only common factor among these conditions is that the condition affects the bone marrow and blood. Many people tend to research information regarding conditions that may not apply to your diagnosis. Before researching, talk to your doctor to know more about the specific condition. Your doctor can help you understand and gain the main information about your condition. Based on the information received, you can narrow your search and get valuable data for better decision-making.

Before consulting the doctor, you need to write down the question you need to ask. The questions you ask must offer you the necessary information. You can also check the internet for support groups or dedicated sites that provide information on AML. You can browse authentic sources such as the American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to gather more data. Check your local library to get books that can offer more information.

Lean On Family And Friends

People affected by AML and their caretakers go through emotional turmoil. So, they need to support of their close ones to get through the difficult phase. When you first talk about the diagnosis to your loved ones, you feel uncomfortable. You can expect a range of reactions from your loved ones. But, you need to share your feelings linked to the diagnosis and treatment. Talking can help affected people and their primary caretakers to unload their emotional turmoil. It can reduce stress linked to the diagnosis and treatment.

Take Good Care

People who are affected by the disease need good care. Primary caregivers need to focus on the health of the person suffering from AML. The tests, treatments, and other therapy procedures tend to catch up with the affected person. Hence, they need to focus on their health. Try to include time to exercise. Also, try some things that will entertain you and divert you from the stress of handling the disease.

It is also applicable to the caretakers. They feel the stress and pressure to take care of the affected person. Giving medicines, taking them for diagnostic tests, and the changes in life due to the disease can put pressure on the caretaker. Hence, they must also focus on their physical and mental health.


When you suspect some problem, get in touch with the doctor immediately for a conclusive diagnosis. With a doctor’s assistance, you can find the best treatment option suiting your needs. Detecting and treating the condition early can help manage the problem better. Researchers are studying new techniques and approaches to find the best therapy to cure the condition. See an oncologist for managing the condition better. Get emotional support from your loved ones or professionals to handle this health scare better.


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