Melanoma – Types, Stages, Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

Melanoma refers to the type of skin cancer with serious repercussions. It is an invasive type of cancer affecting people with fair skin or ones having blond/red hair. The condition is also known as a black tumor. It is a serious problem with fatal complications. But, people have high chances of recovering from it with early treatment. If you wish to know more about the condition, read ahead.

About Melanoma

Melanoma or black tumor in the melanocytes. These are the cells producing melanin, the pigment giving color to your skin. This cancer has dangerous consequences due to its ability to spread to any vital organ. Around 30% of people suffering from this type of skin cancer can develop it in the existing moles in the body.

The majority of people suffering from the condition can develop it in their skin. The black tumor can also form in the eyes. In some rare cases, it develops inside the body such as in your throat or nose. Hence, you need to pay attention to the changes occurring in the skin. This cancer may not start as moles. The number of moles in the skin can help predict the amount of risk you face in developing the condition.

Determining The Risk Of Melanoma

Why is it vital to know the risk of melanoma?  People coming under the high-risk category of this type of skin cancer need to get monitor the condition. It will help them get medical assistance as early as possible. Due to the fast-growing rate of this type of malignant cell, early intervention can help you beat death. Knowing the risk helps you to maintain caution in watching the skin changes. When caught early, this type of cancer has a 99% cure rate. Hence, early detection of the problem will directly impact the success rate. In the early stages, the depth of cancerous growth remains low.

Cause Of Melanoma

The specific reason for developing melanoma remains unclear. But, the skin’s exposure to UV (ultraviolet) radiation plays a major role in developing the disease. The ultraviolet rays from the sun or tanning lamps/beds increase the risk of suffering from the disease. You need to limit your exposure to UV radiation to lower the risk of this type of cancer.

People over the age of forty need to pay attention to skin changes. Women above forty must maintain caution. Report any changes to the doctor as it will help you get the necessary treatment before cancer spreads.

Symptoms Linked To Melanoma

Melanoma can develop anywhere in the body. It usually affects areas exposed to the sun. So, areas such as the face, arms, legs, and back have a high risk of developing this skin cancer. But, it does not mean the areas receiving less sun exposure remain safe. In some people, skin cancer affects the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and fingernail beds. It is common in people with darker skin. The symptoms linked to the condition include:

  • A visible change in the already existing mole
  • Observe the development of an unusual-looking or newly pigmented growth on the skin

This type of skin cancer may not begin only as a mole. It can also occur in normal-appearing skin. But, how will you know if the moles on the body have become cancerous? The difference between normal and cancerous moles are:

Normal Moles

Normal moles tend to have a uniform color. So, these moles may appear black, brown, or tan. They tend to have a distinct border that separates the mole from the surrounding skin. They have a round or oval shape. These moles tend to appear smaller. So, they are only six millimeters in diameter. These moles appear during childhood. Also, new moles can form until you reach forty years of age. In most cases, people who reach adulthood can have at least ten to forty skin moles on the body. These moles can change their appearance over time. Some disappear with advancing age.

Unusual Mole Indicating Melanoma

To help identify the characteristics of unusual mole indicating melanomas or other types of skin cancers, you must remember the letter ABCDE.

  • A means asymmetrically shaped mole. The moles tend to have irregular shapes. They have two different-looking halves.
  • B means the moles have an irregular border. It seems scalloped or notched that may mimic melanomas.
  • C indicates changes in the color of the moles. Any growth has a different color or seems to have an uneven distribution of color.
  • D refers to the diameter. Any new growth in the mole that has more than six millimeters inch.
  • E means evolving of the mole. These moles change with passing time. Any mole that changes in size, shape, or color. It may also evolve to trigger new signs such as bleeding or itchiness.

Malignant moles tend to vary in appearance. Some of them show the changes listed above. While others tend to have one or two unusual characteristics.

Hidden Melanomas

Melanomas can also develop in areas of your body that have little or no exposure to the sun, such as the spaces between your toes and on your palms, soles, scalp, or genitals. These are sometimes referred to as hidden melanomas because they occur in places most people wouldn’t think to check. When melanoma occurs in people with darker skin, it’s more likely to occur in a hidden area.

Types Of Hidden Melanomas

Melanomas can also occur in areas that you do not expect. Some of the types include the following:

Melanoma Under The Nail

The condition also known as acral-lentiginous refers to the rare form of the condition occurring under the toenail or fingernail. In some people, it also develops on the palms of the hands. Others may develop it at the soles of the feet. This type of condition develops in People of Asian descent, black people, and individuals having dark skin pigmentation.

Melanoma In Mucosal Membranes

Cancerous cells can also develop in mucosal membranes such as the vagina, urinary tract, digestive tract, or mouth. It can also develop in mucous membranes lining the mouth, nose, anus, and esophagus. It is difficult to treat the cancerous cells in the mucous membranes due to delay in detecting it. It is because the condition is often mistaken for other common conditions.

Melanoma In The Eyes

In some people, melanoma can develop in the eye. It is known as ocular melanoma. Here the cancerous cells can develop in the uvea. Uvea means the layer beneath the sclera (the white of the eye). It is the condition causing vision changes. Your doctor can detect the problem during an eye exam.

See A Doctor For Melanoma

Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice any skin changes that seem unusual.

Causes Of Melanoma

Why do people suffer from melanoma? It is the condition when something bad occurs in the melanocytes, the melanin-producing cells. Melanin is vital for giving color to the skin. In normal cases, skin cells develop in the body in a controlled manner. It occurs in an order where the healthy new cells replace the older cells. Older cells get pushed to the surface of the skin. There the skin cells die and fall off.

In some people, these cells may suffer from DNA damage. It can result in the cells growing out of control. It can result in the formation of cancerous cells. Why the cells suffer from DNA damage that results in a black tumor remains unclear. It may happen due to a combination of different factors such as genetic factors and environmental factors. But, doctors believe exposure to ultraviolet rays is the main culprit.

Many doctors believe that exposure of the skin to sunlight or tanning lamps/beds can lead to this issue. But, it remains unclear how melanoma occurs in the body areas hidden from the sunlight. This indicates that other factors also contribute to the increase in the risk of this skin cancer.

Risk Factors Enhancing Melanoma Risk

Not all people suffer from melanoma. There are certain factors that make people more prone to the problem. Here are some of them:

Fair Skin

If you are fair, it means you have less pigmentation or melanin in the skin. It translates that you have less protection from UV radiation damage naturally. People with red or blond hair, freckles on the skin, light-colored eyes, and a tendency to sunburn easily can develop this skin cancer compared to people with a darker complexion. But, some darker complexion people such as Hispanic or African people can suffer from this condition.

History Of Sunburn

If you have suffered from sunburn or sun rash poisoning one or more times, you have a high risk of this condition.

Exposure To Excessive Ultraviolet Rays

If you go out in the hot sun, your skin becomes exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays. It can increase the risk of skin cancer of any type. The use of tanning beds or lights can also put your health at risk.


People living close to the equator have high exposure to the direct sun’s rays. It means their skin gets high amounts of UV radiation compared to people living farther north or south. Also, people living at high elevations can get exposed to more UV radiation.

Several Moles

If your skin has more than fifty ordinary moles, you have a high risk of suffering from melanoma. Also, when you have unusual moles, it increases the risk of suffering from this skin cancer. The unusual moles referred to medically as dysplastic nevi have larger sizes compared to normal moles. They also have irregular borders with mixed colors.

Family History

People with family history need to remain alert. If you have a close relative like a parent, sibling, or child with the condition, you have a high chance of developing skin cancer.

Weakened Immune System

People with a weak immune system can face a high risk of suffering from any type of skin cancer. Hence, the condition is common among patients who have received an organ transplant as they need to take medications to suppress their immune system.  People suffering from AIDS can also face a high risk of melanoma.

Diagnosing Melanoma

When you suspect any changes in your skin, consult a doctor. Your doctor can perform certain tests to diagnose melanoma. Here are the diagnostic tests used to detect the problem:

Physical Exam

When you see the doctor, you need to inform about your signs and suspicions. The doctor will examine your skin to detect any signs indicating melanoma. During the physical examination, the doctor also asks about your medical history.


It is the diagnostic test used to detect the presence of malignant cells. The doctor removes a sample of the suspected skin lesion for testing. It is sent to the lab for a thorough examination to detect cancerous cells.

The exact type of biopsy procedure suggested by the doctor depends on the specific situation of the patient. In most cases, the doctor recommends removing the growth as much as possible. The different biopsy techniques used includes:

Punch Biopsy

A punch biopsy involves taking the suspicious mole using a circular blade. It is pressed into the skin to get the sample or remove the mole.

Excisional Biopsy

It is the technique involving the use of a scalpel to cut the entire mole away. The technique also removes a small amount of healthy tissue around the mole.

Diagnosing The Melanoma Extent

Once you have received a positive diagnosis of melanoma, the doctor will try to determine its stage. The stage will help determine the extent of cancer. To determine the melanoma stage, the doctor follows the steps suggested below:

Determine Thickness

The thickness of the cancerous mole or tissue can help the doctors decide on the treatment plan. A pathologist carefully examines the melanoma under the microscope. The professional uses a special tool to measure the thickness. A thicker tumor indicates a more serious form of the disease.

Thinner melanomas require simple surgery to remove the malignant cells. The doctor also removes normal tissue around the affected area. For thicker melanoma, the doctor can suggest additional tests to determine the extent to which cancer has spread. It is vital before deciding on the treatment options.

Sentinel Node Biopsy

To see if cancer has spread to the surrounding lymph nodes, the doctor can suggest a sentinel node biopsy. The doctor injects a dye into the affected area after removing the cancerous cells. The dye can flow to the nearby lymph node. The doctor removes the nodes that take up the dye and test it for the presence of cancer cells. If the sentinel lymph node (first lymph nodes) remains cancer-free, it means cancer has not spread to other areas beyond the affected region.

Look For Signs Of Cancer Beyond Skin

In some cases, people suffer from an advanced form of skin cancer. In such cases, the doctor can recommend sophisticated tests to detect the spread of cancer to other areas of the body. The following tests can help detect high-risk of melanoma:

  • X-rays
  • CT scans
  • PET (Positron Emission Tomography)

The imaging tests are not suggested for smaller skin cancer with a reduced risk of spreading beyond the skin.

Other Factors

In some people, other factors also impact the cancer risk. When cancer metastasizes (spread of cancer to other areas). The doctor also checks the skin for any ulceration (open sores) and the mitoses (the dividing cancer cells) found under the microscope.

Staging Of Melanoma

Doctor stage melanoma using the Roman numerals. It is staged from stage 0 to Stage IV. When a patient suffers from stage 0 and stage I, the condition has a successful treatment rate with high chances of survival. The higher the numeral of the stage of cancer, have low the chances of recovering fully. When a patient reaches stage IV, cancer spreads to vital organs such as the lungs or liver.

Treatment For Melanoma

After your doctor assesses the condition, you can expect immediate treatment. The treatment depends on the size and stage of the problem. It also depends on the overall health of the patient and their personal preferences. The treatment suggested for melanoma includes:

Treatment For Small Melanomas

Again, the treatment depends on the stage of the disease. The treatment includes the following:

Treatment For Early Stages Of Small Melanoma

Treatment for the early stages of black tumors includes an invasive procedure to remove the malignant cells. In some cases, the melanoma can appear thin. So, the doctors can remove it during the biopsy. Due to removing everything, it requires no further treatment. In other cases, the surgeon will remove the cancerous area along with the border of the skin and a tissue layer present beneath the affected area. For the early stages of this disease, the suggested treatment can handle the problem.

Treatment For Melanomas Spread Beyond The Skin

For patients who suffer from melanoma that has spread to other areas, the doctor can suggest a different treatment option. It includes:

Surgery For Melanoma

The doctor suggests removing the affected lymph node. The surgeon can remove the affected lymph nodes. After or before the surgery, the doctor can also recommend additional treatments.


Immunotherapy helps a person to have a strong immune system to fight cancer. It involves drug treatment for enhancing the immune system’s ability to fight cancer cells. It becomes impossible in normal cases as the cancer cells produce certain proteins that hide them from the immune system. Immunotherapy can help the immune system identify cancer cells.

The doctors usually recommend immunotherapy after undergoing surgery to remove the lymph nodes or other areas where cancer has spread. This type of therapy can also aid in treating cancer when surgeons cannot remove the melanoma completely. Injecting immunotherapy drugs directly into the cancerous region can show results.

Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy focuses on certain weaknesses present in the malignant cells. The aim is to target the weaknesses resulting in the death of the cancer cells. After providing the treatment, the doctor tests the cells from the melanoma to check the effectiveness of the treatment. Doctors suggest this treatment when cancer spreads to the lymph node or other areas of the body.

Radiation Therapy

This treatment uses high-intensity energy beams such as protons and X-rays to kill the malignant cells. The doctor can direct the radiation therapy to the lymph node when melanoma has spread there. Radiation therapy can offer effective results when the doctor cannot remove the malignant cells through invasive surgery. Radiation therapy can ease the symptoms triggered when the cancerous cells spread to other areas.


The doctor suggests chemotherapy drugs to kill the cancer cells. Your doctor can provide this therapy intravenously or in pill form. For some people, a combined form is provided to help it travel throughout the body.

A procedure known as isolated limb perfusion can ensure the chemotherapy drugs reaches the body through a vein in the leg or arm. During the procedure, the medical expert prevents the traveling of blood in the arm or leg to other areas of the body for a short time. It aids in the chemotherapy drugs to travel to the affected area and not to the other parts of the body.

Preventing Melanoma

It is possible to prevent melanoma and other kinds of skin cancer when you follow some guidelines in life. The steps to reduce the risk of such dangerous skin cancers include:

Avoid The Sun During Midday

While you can go out during the early morning hours, try to limit your trip out during the middle of the day. For people residing in countries such as North America, the sun’s rays seem strong after ten a.m. It continues until four p.m. in the evening. Try to limit your outdoor visit during this time. You can schedule your activities at other times of the day.

It is applicable even when the season turns to winter or the sky appears cloudy. It is because the skin can absorb the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun irrespective of the season or during cloudy days. Avoiding the sun when it emits the strongest rays can offer protection from skin damage. You can prevent conditions such as

  • Sunburns
  • Sun rash poisoning
  • Tanning triggering skin problems

Such issues can increase the risk of developing melanoma in the future. Hence, limit your sun exposure.

Wear Sunscreen

Sunscreen can protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Apply sunscreen year-round to keep your skin protected. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 at least. Wear it even on cloudy days to protect your skin. Apply sunscreen generously on the exposed areas of your skin. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or more depending on your activity. If you are perspiring or swimming, you need to reapply sunscreen.

Wear Protective Clothing

You need to cover your skin to protect it from UV rays. Choose tightly woven, dark clothes covering your arms and legs during summer days. You can opt for a broad-brimmed hat instead of a visor or baseball cap to protect your face.

There are some companies selling protective clothing to keep your skin safe. Consult a dermatologist to get advice on the best brand of protective clothing. Like clothing, protective accessories also help you safeguard your skin. Wear sunglasses to keep your eyes and the sensitive skin around the eyes safe from UVA and UVB rays, the two types of UV radiation.

Avoid Tanning Beds And Lamps

Exposure to UV rays from the tanning lamps or beds can increase the risk of suffering from skin cancer. Hence, you need to stay away from them to safeguard your skin.

Observe Your Skin

You need to become familiar with your skin. It will help you notice any changes happening in your skin. Examine your skin for changes in existing freckles, moles, birthmarks, or bumps. You must also make sure to detect any growths. Use a mirror to check the scalp, ears, neck, and face.

A thorough examination of the trunk and chest area can help you discover any changes. Also, check the top and undersides of the hands and arms. Never leave out the front and back of the legs. Check your feet, soles, and the space between the toes. While examining, check the genital area along with the area between the buttocks.


Melanoma can progress aggressively when you fail to get treatment at the right time. With early intervention and treatment, patients tend to have a good outlook. So, you need to monitor your skin. Any changes occurring in the moles or other areas on the skin needs medical assessment. Inform your doctor about the changes, irregularity, and growth occurring on your skin. Also, follow the preventive measures suggested to prevent the condition from developing. With a little care and caution, you can overcome the problem with ease.

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