How To Get Rid Of Forehead Acne: Causes And Prevention Tips

Forehead acne can make your skin look bad. It can affect your overall visual appearance. When you feel you look unappealing, it can affect your confidence levels. These solid bumps are also known as papules. When you see the bumps filled with pus on your forehead, it means you have pustules. Irrespective of where you spot the acne, you need to treat the problem properly. Let’s learn more about the skin problem and the ways you can manage it well.

About Forehead Acne

Acne refers to the inflammatory condition affecting the hair follicles and oil glands. Due to the overproduction of oil and bacteria build up in the follicle, your pores can get clogged. It leads to inflammation. As a result of this inflammation, you develop bumps in the affected area. Since your chest, face, shoulder, and upper back have oil glands (sebaceous) and hair follicles, these locations face a high risk of acne. In many people, it affects their forehead more compared to other areas. You can classify acne into the following:


The whiteheads and blackheads are commonly known as comedones.

Papules And Pustules

When the acne appears red with pus under it, you can name them papules and pustules.

Nodular Cystic Acne

It is the deep and painful bump developing under the skin. This type of acne can leave scars.

Forehead acne can affect people of any age group. Unlike popular misconception, it does not affect teenagers alone.

Causes Of Forehead Acne

Irrespective of the place the acne develops, the underlying cause remains the same. The body produces sebum, the oil used to lubricate and protect the skin. Small glands known as sebaceous glands produce sebum needed to keep the skin hydrated. The oil produced reaches the surface of the skin through small holes known as pores. These pores get clogged due to the accumulation of dead skin cells, excess oil, and diet. Bacteria can grow and thrive inside these pores. It results in swollen bumps known as pimples. Several factors play a role in increased oil production and high risk of developing acne such as:

  • Stress
  • Hormones
  • Use of certain medications
  • Puberty

When a person reaches puberty, the hormones start playing havoc. The surge in hormones causes an increase in oil production. It results in breakouts or pimples. It is the reason why many people suffer from forehead acne during puberty.

Hair And Hair Products

The state of your hair can also result in acne developing on the forehead. An oily hair or not washing the hair enough can result in this skin problem. It is because the oil starts depositing on your forehead and clogs the pores. The products you choose for your hair can also lead to the problem. The ingredients in the hairstyling and straightening products can trigger the issue. It includes:

  • Gels
  • Pomades
  • Gels
  • Waxes

Such products contain coconut oil or cocoa butter. It can leave your skin oily.

Clothes/Makeup Irritation

The rubbing of clothes or the ingredients used in the makeup can also irritate and clog the pores. It can result in forehead acne. Some people can develop acne after using a new cosmetic or wearing a new headband/hat. Touching your face with your hands can also lead to pimples. It is because the dirt and oil from the fingers get deposited on your skin. It can result in bacterial growth and the development of pimples.

Other Conditions Triggering Forehead Acne

Apart from the mentioned condition, other problems are triggering the breakouts:

  • Infected hair follicles can lead to red, painful bumps known as boils.
  • A skin infection forms around a scrape or cuts, also known as cellulitis.
  • Developing skin reactions to certain products you use or feel, such as clothing or laundry detergent causes contact dermatitis.
  • Suffer from infection of the hair follicle known as folliculitis.
  • Skin infection develops due to fungi known as ringworm.
  • Redness and pimples on the forehead and face due to skin condition known as rosacea.

Risk Factors Linked To Forehead Acne

While every person can develop acne in their forehead region, some face more risk of the condition. The risk factors linked to forehead acne include:


People of all ages and sex can develop problems. But, it is more common in teenagers. Teenage boys and girls develop pimples on the forehead, face, or other parts of the body.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes can trigger the development of acne. In puberty, the testosterone levels in the body increase. It is natural as it aids in male organ development in boys while it provides bones strength to girls. Due to an increase in testosterone levels, sebum production escalates at the hair base. These glands are sensitive to testosterone levels.

Other hormones can also result in the development of acne. In women, hormonal changes occurring due to the monthly menstrual cycle or pregnancy can result in pimples. During menopause, the fall in estrogen levels can escalate the risk of pimples.

Family History

Your family history can play an important role in developing breakouts. If your parents suffered from acne, you have a high chance of developing it.

Coming In Contact With Oily Substances

When your skin comes in contact with oil or greasy substances, it can result in breakouts. It usually occurs when you use lotions or creams containing oil or has an oily texture.

Pressure/Friction On Skin

The friction can occur on your skin when it rubs with items such as cell phones, telephones, tight collars, helmets, and backpacks.

Complications Caused Due To Forehead Acne

Complications develop in people with darker skin types compared to people with lighter skin. The complications include:


Even after the forehead acne heals, it leaves acne scars or pitted skin behind. Some people can see thick scars known as keloids long after the breakouts have healed.

Changes In Skin

Once the acne clears, the affected area of the skin appears darker or hyperpigmented. In some cases, it affected areas appear light or hypopigmented compared to earlier.

Treatment Options For Forehead Acne

While it is not a life-threatening condition, many feel depressed due to forehead acne. It affects their skin and overall visual appearance. So, it makes them feel self-conscious. You can see a dermatologist manage the problem or try some home remedies. The treatment can vary based on the severity of the condition. When home remedies fail to give results, prescription treatment may offer relief. Here are some of the options:

Natural Remedies To Address Forehead Acne

To address forehead acne, you can try some home remedies. These are natural products available at any time in your pantry. Here are some of them you can try:

Aloe Vera To Ease Forehead Acne

Aloe vera is famous for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is the reason why many skin care products use aloe vera. The active compounds in aloe vera can reduce the pimples and acne on your forehead. You can use the fresh leaf of aloe vera and take its gel. Dab it over the affected area and leave it for at least twenty to thirty minutes. Rinse it off with water. You can try the method one to two times a day to see results.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It may improve the mild to moderate acne you develop in the forehead. The antibacterial nature of tea tree oil can also help fight the bacteria triggering acne. You can use two to three drops of tea tree oil with any carrier oil like sweet almond oil and mix it. Apply the mixture using a cotton swab. You need to leave it overnight and wash it off the next day. But, do a patch test before using as it can trigger an allergic reaction in some people.

Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV or apple cider vinegar has many beneficial properties. It possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It may aid in lowering infection triggering acne. Applying ACV can also help with the healing of acne. Never use ACV directly on your face. You need to dilute ACV with water before applying it on the face and forehead using cotton balls. For one tablespoon of ACV, you need three tablespoons of water. Before applying the mixture clean your face with a cleanser. Leave the mixture on your forehead overnight. You can try this once a day or every alternative day to see results.

Lemon Or Lime Juice

Lemon has high levels of vitamin C. You can apply it topically or drink it to minimize acne. Due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, you can see results. You apply a mixture of lime juice and water on the affected areas once a day or every alternate day. While applying lemon juice to your skin, you can feel a sting or irritation. Discontinue it if you develop allergies. Also, lemon juice can make your skin photosensitive. Use sunscreen before going out. Drinking a glass of fresh lime juice can also offer great results.

Address Forehead Acne Using Green Tea Extract

Green tea is good for your body and skin. It contains polyphenol that possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It aids in reducing sebum production in the body and helps manage acne. You need to place cool green tea bags on your forehead. Place the used tea bags in the refrigerator before using them. Remove the tea bags after placing them for twenty to thirty minutes and wash your face with water. You can do this at least once a day.

Use Honey On Your face

You can try honey on your face. It is a product with well-known antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, it aids in fighting forehead acne. Use raw honey from a reputed brand. You need to take a small amount and apply it to your forehead. Leave it one for at least twenty to thirty seconds before rinsing it off. You can try this once a day to see results.

Apply Tomato On Forehead

Tomatoes have high levels of Vitamin C. So, they can exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Applying tomatoes on your forehead can aid in eliminating acne from the forehead. To follow this method, you need to cut the tomato in half. Then, you need to rub the tomato gently all over the forehead and face. Leave the tomato juice for at least fifteen to thirty minutes before rinsing it off with water. You can do this at least once a day to see a visible reduction in forehead acne.

Azelaic Acid

This acid can cleanse the pores. It is non-comedogenic. Hence, it can effectively address issues such as inflammatory and comedonal acne. You can choose an ointment or cream containing this ingredient. It will help you lower the appearance of acne. It is easy to apply to the affected area. After applying the product, wait until it dries to apply other cosmetic products. You can do this daily to see the results. Take care not to use a facial cleanser or deep-cleanser astringent while using a cream containing azelaic acid. Also, you need to do a patch test before trying the product containing azelaic acid. Some people can develop allergies while using the formulation.

Zinc To Manage Forehead Acne

According to research, zinc possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Zinc can also have an inhibitory effect on the bacteria triggering acne such as Propionibacterium. It will prove helpful in easing the problem and enhancing the appearance of your forehead. You have the option of using topical products on your forehead or taking supplements to get the desired results.

When you have opted for topical applications containing zinc, you can apply it using the fingertip on the affected area. The cream or gel you apply must dry before you apply any other cosmetic products. If you choose zinc supplements, make an appointment with your dermatologist. You can take any supplements only after consulting the doctor. In many cases, oral consumptions seem more effective to deal with severe acne cases.

Over-The-Counter Treatment Options To Address Forehead Acne

You need to invest in good skincare products. Choose products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide as it can prevent excess sebum production. A gentle cleanser or cream containing such ingredients will help address the problem. Wash your face twice a day to clear the excess oil from the skin. Moisturize your skin with moisturizer.

Prescription Treatment For Forehead Acne

When the home remedies fail to ease the discomfort or your acne has become stubborn, you need prescription medications. Making an appointment with a dermatologist will help you get a solution for the condition. In severe cases, you need prescription-strength acne treatment. Here are some of the options prescribed by the doctor:

Topical Medications

You need to apply the product to the forehead to ease the symptoms. Here are some of the options suggested by the dermatologist:


It is the common topical medication suggested for easing mild to moderate acne developing on any area of the body. It is the third-generation retinoid suggested by the doctor for managing other issues such as keratosis pilaris and other skin problems.

Tretinoin (Retin-A)

Tretinoin has more power than adapalene. Dermatologists prescribe the medication for acne caused by blackheads and clogged pores (comedonal acne). The topical medication can slough dead skin cells. It prevents the dead skin cells from sticking together. So, it avoids the clogging of the pore openings.


It is the newly approved treatment to manage moderate to severe breakouts. The topical treatment targets the hormones triggering acne. It works to prevent the local androgens from binding to the skin cells. Hence, it reduces excess oil production and inflammation. Dermatologists prescribe it to people over twelve years of age.

Oral Medications

In some cases, the doctor prescribes medication to deal with the condition. The types of medicines prescribed includes:


To kill the bacteria infecting your skin and triggering the inflammation, the doctor suggests taking doxycycline and erythromycin. It is usually suggested when you suffer from inflammatory acne. It means you can see forehead acne with red bumps and whiteheads filled with pus.

Oral Contraceptives

In women suffering from acne on their face, taking birth control pills can clear up the skin. The pills contain both progestin and estrogen.


It is a hormonal medication option suggested for women. This medicine is usually prescribed as a blood pressure pill. When used for ache, it prevents the hormones in the body from secreting too much oil.


It is a medication popular to treat painful cysts and nodules developing on your face. It helps manage deep cysts with a larger size than normal.

Light-Duty Chemical Peels

Dermatologists can also prescribe light-duty chemical peels along with acne treatment to manage the condition. This procedure exfoliates the skin rapidly. Hence, it allows the dead skin accumulated on the forehead removed effectively. As the chemical peels prevent the dead skin cells and excess oil from clogging the hair follicle, it avoids pore blockages and pimples.

Invasive Procedures To Drain Forehead Acne

Invasive options are necessary when the forehead acne becomes large and painful. It is also suggested when other treatments fail to offer results. The techniques used include:

Acne Extraction

It is the physical method to get rid of forehead acne. The dermatologists use sterile instruments to extract the whiteheads and blackheads causing the acne. It is not the first choice of dermatologists as it takes time to complete the procedure. Also, the procedure has a higher price compared to other options.

Injecting Corticosteroid

This technique is suggested by the dermatologist when you have a deep painful nodule or cyst on your forehead. Your dermatologist will inject a corticosteroid into the bump. It will help with healing while lowering the risk of scarring. It is generally suggested by the doctor to treat a painful cyst or nodule. But, it may not help when you have several acne blemishes. It is because receiving too much corticosteroid can lead to unwanted side effects. Only a qualified doctor can inject corticosteroids. So, never try it at home.

Incision And Drainage

The procedure is used to drain a large cyst, nodule, or pimple by incision using a sterile needle/surgical blade. Removing what is inside the pimple can speed up healing.

Popping Forehead Acne: Is It Safe?

It is not advisable to pop the pimple on your forehead or other parts of the body. Due to its impact on your visual appearance, you feel like popping it. But, it is better to avoid the urge. The diet under your fingernails can get into the skin when you pick the acne. It can result in developing an infection. So, when you pop the pimple, it will take a long time for it to heal. Also, popping the pimple can leave a permanent scar on your forehead.

Prevention Tips To Avoid Forehead Acne

To prevent forehead acne you can try some tips. These tips can prevent the risk of developing the problem on your forehead:

Use A Cleanser

You need to give importance to your skincare routine. Invest in a good cleanser that will clean all the impurities in your face without causing any adverse effects. A gentle cleanser can help remove the dirt and oil from the forehead. Rinse with warm water and pat dry gently.

Avoid Scrubbing

To get rid of forehead acne, you may feel tempted to scrub your skin. While exfoliating can remove the dead skin, scrubbing can only irritate your skin. It can lead to acne flaring up and worsening. Instead, you need to maintain caution while washing your face and forehead. Gentle cleaning by using the fingertips in a circular motion can avoid acne from getting worse while cleaning the dirt. While cleaning, use your fingers alone.

Wash Your Hair

Your hair can trigger acne on the forehead. If you have oily hair or avoid washing your hair often, then oil can deposit on the forehead. It can clog the pores in the area. In some cases, a breakout can also occur due to your hair products. Clean your hair often and keep them clean to avoid greasiness.

Choose Skincare, Haircare, And Makeup Products With Care

The products you use on your skin can contain oil and other ingredients triggering acne breakouts. If your skin starts reacting badly to such products, stop them immediately. Using such products continuously can lead to blemishes. Instead, choose products labeled non-comedogenic or will not clog pores. Such products do not trigger breakout in the majority of people. In case you have any product containing oils, wipe your forehead with a damp washcloth.

Check the label of the skincare or cosmetic product. It is better to stay away from products irritating skin. For example, using cleansers containing alcohol will affect your skin adversely.

Keep Hair Away From Forehead

You must keep the hair away from the forehead. You need to cut the bangs you have to prevent forehead acne. To keep the hair away from your skin, use a hair tie. It will help you pull the hair away from the forehead. Change your hairstyle if you have bangs. When your hair becomes oily, bangs can trigger breakouts.

Avoid Wearing Accessories Touching The Forehead

To avoid forehead acne, you need to stop wearing headbands. Even hats with brims touching your forehead can cause acne.

Keep Hands Away

Try to keep your hands away from your skin. Touching your face with your hands can introduce bacteria that can clog the pores. If you wish to touch your face/forehead, wash your hands.

Avoid Sharing Of Makeup Products

Sharing makeup, makeup applicators, or brushes can lead to blemishes. While forehead acne does not spread from one person to another, the dead skin cells and oil on others’ skin can transfer to yours with the applicators or brush sharing. It clogs the pores and results in breakouts. Avoid sharing makeup. Ensure only you use the products, applicators, and brushes. Clean them periodically.


While forehead acne may not cause any life-threatening issues, it affects your visual appearance. Failure to address the problem early can result in scarring. Hence, take action immediately. You can see improvement a few weeks after starting the treatments. But, if you observe no results or flare-ups, you need medical intervention. Taking immediate action can prevent the condition and offer the best results in the long term.


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