Knee Joint Pain – Causes, Treatment, And Prevention

Knee joint pain affects people of all ages. But, most people suffering from it may have developed an injury or medical condition. Injuries like torn cartilage or ruptured ligament can result in severe pain. Underlying conditions such as infections, gout, and arthritis can also trigger pain in the knee. While minor problems triggering pain can ease with self-care measures, major issues require medical intervention. Your doctor may suggest physical therapy and braces for the knee to ease the pain. In severe cases, doctors suggest surgical intervention for repairing the issue triggering pain. Read ahead to know more.

About Knee Joint Pain

Most people suffering from knee joint pain develop it due to arthritis. It causes wear and tear of the joints. Injuries to the knees also result in pain. In most cases, twisting injuries can lead to discomfort. So, how do you know the difference between pain caused by medical conditions and injury? With arthritis or other types of knee pain, you may not suffer from any trauma. It causes dull pain that progresses over time. But, if you have developed pain due to an injury, you will know when and how it occurs. Injuries cause sharp pain that you can feel immediately.

Symptoms Of Knee Joint Pain

Pain in the knee joint can occur due to any condition. Depending on the underlying cause of pain, the severity and location may differ. Along with knee joint pain, you can see other accompanying signs such as:

  • Swelling and stiffness
  • Weakness or instability
  • Redness in the affected area
  • Area warm to touch
  • Crunching or popping noises
  • Inability to straighten the knee fully

See A Doctor For Knee Joint Pain

While mild knee joint pain may ease with home remedies, severe ones need medical intervention. You need to see a doctor when the pain has not eased with the remedies you try or it worsens. Also, see a doctor immediately if you suffer from the following:

  • Fail to bear weight on the knee
  • Feel like your knee has become unstable or gives out while standing
  • Have prominent swelling in the knee
  • Feel unable to flex or extend your knee fully
  • Observe a deformity in your knee or leg
  • Suffer from fever apart from pain, swelling, and redness around the knee
  • Experience pain due to suffering from an injury

Causes Of Knee Joint Pain

The underlying reason for knee joint pain can differ. It may occur due to mechanical problems, injuries, types of arthritis, and other problems. Here are some of the problems:

Injuries Causing Knee Joint Pain

Suffering from a knee injury can impact any of the tendons, ligaments, or bursae (fluid-filled sacs) surrounding the knee joint. It can also affect the ligaments, cartilage, and bones forming the joint itself. The common injuries include:

ACL Injury

When a tear develops in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), it can trigger pain. ACL is one of the four ligaments connecting the shinbone to the thighbone. An ACL injury affects anyone who plays sports such as soccer, basketball, or others requiring sudden changes in direction.

Fractures Causing Knee Joint Pain

The bones of the knee can suffer damage due to accidents or falls. It can even break the knee cap. Also, people suffering from osteoporosis can suffer knee fractures with simple actions such as stepping wrong due to weak bones.

Torn Meniscus

Meniscus refers to the rubbery and tough cartilage. It acts as the shock absorber between the thighbone and shinbone. When you twist your knee suddenly, the weight causes tearing of the meniscus.

 Knee Bursitis

Certain knee injuries can trigger inflammation in the small fluid sacs known as bursae. Bursae cushions the outside region of your knee joint. It aids in the smooth gliding of the tendons and ligaments over the joints.

Patellar Tendinitis

Tendinitis refers to the inflammation and irritation affecting one or more tendons. Tendons refer to the thick, fibrous tissues attaching the muscles to the bones. It usually develops due to an injury to the patellar tendon. The patellar tendon runs from the patella (kneecap) to the shinbone. It aids in running, kicking, and jumping. It develops in cyclists, skiers, runners, and people involved in jumping sports/activities.

Mechanical Problems Causing Knee Joint Pain

Certain mechanical problems can trigger knee pain. It includes the following issues:

Loose Body

Suffering from an injury or degeneration of cartilage or bone can lead to a piece of cartilage or bone breaking off. It can float in the joint space. When loose bone starts to impact the knee joint movement, it results in pain.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

When the iliotibial band, the tough band tissue extending from the outside of the hip to the knees outside becomes tight. Due to the tightness, the starts rubbing against the outside portion of the thighbone leading to pain. The condition is common among cyclists and distance runners.

Dislocated Kneecap

Patella, the triangular bone covering the knee front can slip out of its place to the outside. In some cases, this dislocation does not reverse. You can see the problem triggering knee joint pain.

Hip/Foot Pain

People suffering from hip or foot pain tend to change their gait. The changing of the way you walk to avoid the painful joint can result in more stress on the knee joint. It can result in knee joint pain.

Types Of Arthritis Causing Knee Joint Pain

Arthritis refers to the condition that affects the joints in the body. More than a hundred types of this condition exist. The varieties affecting the knee joint adversely include:


It is the condition occurring commonly. It is also known as degenerative arthritis that develops due to the wear-and-tear occurring in the cartilage of the knee. As people age, the cartilage in the knee suffers deterioration.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is the most incapacitating form of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis refers to the autoimmune condition affecting almost any joint in the body. When it affects the knees, the chronic disease can result in knee joint pain. The condition can vary in severity that may come and go.


It is the condition developing due to the build-up of uric acid in the joint. In most cases, gout affects the big toe. But, it can also develop in the knee.


The symptoms appear similar to gout. It is because this condition is also caused due to the development of calcium-containing crystals in the joint fluid. Pseudogout affects the knees triggering pain.

Septic Arthritis Causing Knee Joint Pain

At times, the knee joint can become infected. It can result in swelling, redness, and pain. Septic arthritis can result in fever. But, you may not see trauma before suffering from pain. This condition can quickly result in extensive damage to the knee cartilage. So, if you suffer from knee joint pain along with other symptoms of septic arthritis, see your doctor immediately.

Other Problems

Patellofemoral pain syndrome refers to the pain arising in athletes between the thighbone and kneecap region. Young people with kneecaps not tracking properly in their grooves suffer from the problem. Also, old people with arthritis of the kneecap can suffer from this problem.

Risk Factors Linked To Knee Joint Pain

While all people suffer from the risk of developing knee joint pain, some people face it more. The factors increasing the risk include:

Excess Weight

Excess weight or obesity can put pressure on your knee joints. It stresses your knee during normal activities such as walking or climbing the stairs. Excess weight can also increase the risk of suffering from osteoarthritis due to the breakdown of your joint cartilage.

Lack Of Muscle Strength/Flexibility

When you have low muscle strength or flexibility, it increases the risk of suffering from knee injuries. Having strong muscles will stabilize and protect the joints. Also, muscle flexibility aids in achieving a full range of motion.

Playing Certain Sports/Occupations

Certain sports can put greater stress on the knees compared to others. For example, jumps and pivots of basketball, skiing in alpines with skill falls and risk of falling, and the repeated pounding your knees suffer while jogging or running can increase the risk of suffering from an injury to the knees. Also, jobs that put repetitive stress on the knees such as farming or construction increase your risk.

Previous Injury

Suffering from a previous knee injury increases the risk of injuring your knee in the future.

Complications Linked To Knee Joint Pain

Not all knee joint pain leads to serious complications. But, certain knee injuries and medical conditions like osteoarthritis can result in severe pain. It can also cause joint damage and disability without medical intervention. Also, suffering from a knee injury, irrespective of the severity can make you suspectable of similar injuries in the future.

Diagnosing Knee Joint Pain

When you experience severe knee joint pain, make an appointment with a doctor. The doctor can suggest the following diagnostic options:

Physical Exam

The doctor asks for the symptoms and checks the affected area. You need to inform the doctor regarding any injury you have suffered. During the physical exam, the doctor can perform the following:

  • Inspect the knee for pain, swelling, tenderness, warmth, and any bruising.
  • Check to see how far you can move your lower leg in different directions
  • Push on or pull the joint to evaluate the integrity of the structures in your knee

Imaging Tests To Detect Underlying Causes Of Knee Joint Pain

The doctor can determine the exact reason for the knee joint pain with an imaging test. The imaging tests can offer a clear picture of the underlying problem triggering pain. The test suggested include:


It is recommended when you have pain due to suffering an injury. The x-ray can detect any bone fractures in the knee region. An X-ray can also detect any degenerative joint disease.

CT (Computerized Tomography) Scan

CT scan refers to the imaging technique combining x-rays taken of your knee at different angles to develop a cross-sectional image. This image can help diagnose any bone problems as well as subtle fractures. Your doctor can recommend a special type of CT scan used to detect gout when the joint has not suffered inflammation.

Ultrasound To Detect Cause Of Knee Joint Pain

If damage to any soft tissue structures within or around the knee causes pain, your doctor uses ultrasound to detect the product. This imaging technique uses sound waves to generate real-time images of the knee structure. To take images, you need to move your knee in different positions to check problems accurately.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

It is the imaging technique using a powerful magnet to generate 3D images of the structure inside the knee and its surrounding region. It helps in revealing injuries to different sot tissues such as muscles, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.

Lab Tests For Knee Joint Pain

When your doctor suspects inflammation or infection as the cause of knee joint pain, you need to undergo blood tests. At times, the doctor can also suggest a procedure known as arthrocentesis. During the lab procedure, the technician removes a small amount of fluid from within the knee joint using a needle. It is tested in the laboratory to detect the problem.

Treatment For Knee Joint Pain

The treatment for knee joint pain depends on the underlying condition that triggers the discomfort. Based on the location and severity, your doctor can suggest the following options to ease the problem:

Medications For Knee Joint Pain

In some cases, conditions such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis may trigger pain. To get relief from the discomfort, the doctor can prescribe medications. Taking the medications as prescribed by the doctor will help get relief from knee joint pain.

Physical Therapy

Strengthening the muscles around your knee will make it more stable. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy or different types of strengthening exercises based on the specific condition that is causing your pain. For physically active people and the ones playing a sport, professionals need to adopt an exercise routine that will correct their movement patterns causing harm to the knees. It is essential to establish a good technique during the activity or sport. When you complete the physical therapy, it will improve the balance and flexibility of your knee.

Foot Accessories

Your doctor can suggest arch supports with wedges. The wedges on one side of the heel may aid in shifting the pressure away from the knee. It is suggested for people affected by osteoarthritis. Depending on the condition, the doctor can suggest a brace from the diverse types available to protect and support the knee joint.

Injections To Ease Knee Joint Pain

In certain cases, the doctor you consult can suggest injecting substances or medications to ease the pain. The doctor will inject the substance directly into the joints. The medication/substance used to inject includes:


The doctor suggests injecting corticosteroid injection into the knee joint. It may ease the signs linked to arthritis flare. Hence, taking the injection may provide pain relief that can last for a few months. But, the effects vary with people. While some may find it effective, others may not.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid has the appearance of thick fluid. It seems similar to the fluid lubricating your joints naturally. Hence, the doctor injects into the knee to lubricate the joints and improve mobility. It will also help relieve pain. Taking one-shot or a series of them may last up to six months.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP has a concentration of diverse growth factors. It may lower inflammation and optimize healing. According to some studies, PRP can offer results in people suffering from osteoarthritis.

Surgery To Eliminate Issue Causing Knee Joint Pain

In some cases, an injury can lead to knee joint pain. Your doctor suggests surgery as an option when all other techniques fail to offer relief. So, it is the last option suggested by the doctor. Before you decide on the surgery, understand the pros and cons linked to it. Discuss the nonsurgical rehabilitation and surgical option to determine the perfect option suiting your purpose. If you opt for surgery, you can choose from the following options:

Arthroscopic Surgery

The doctor examines your injury with the help of a fiber-optic camera. It is a long, narrow tool inserted into the knee with the help of a few small incisions made in the area. After examining the damage, the doctor repairs it. Using this invasive procedure, the surgeon can remove any loose bodies from the joint of your knee. It is also helpful in repairing the damaged cartilage that leads to the locking of your knee. This procedure also aids in reconstructing the torn ligaments.

Partial Knee Replacement Surgery

It is the procedure chosen by the surgeon to replace only the severely damaged portion of the knee. The surgeon opts for parts made of plastic and metal. The damaged parts get replaced with new ones. To complete the procedure, the doctor makes small incisions in the knee. So, it heals more swiftly compared to complete knee replacement surgery.

Total Knee Replacement To Ease Knee Joint Pain

During this procedure, the surgeon removes the damaged cartilage and bone from the kneecap, shinbone, and thighbone. The surgeon replaces the damaged area with artificial joints made from high-grade plastics, metal alloys, and polymers.


It is the procedure used to remove the bone from the shinbone or thighbone for better alignment of the knee. It also relieves arthritis pain. The procedure can help in delaying or avoiding total knee replacement surgery.

Lifestyle And Home Remedies To Address Knee Joint Pain

To ease mild or moderate knee joint pain, you can take some steps at home. It will help you address the issue. But, if the measure fails to offer results, see a doctor immediately:

Over-The-Counter Medications

You can take over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium. It is available in drug stores. Taking it can ease knee pain. Some people find relief from pain caused in the knee by applying topical creams. Such creams contain numbing agents such as capsaicin or lidocaine as their main ingredient. It only provides temporary relief. So, if some underlying issue triggers the pain, you may not get lasting relief.

Self-Care Measures For Knee Joint Pain Due To Injury

If an injury causes pain, you need to take self-care measures at home. The steps to follow include the following:


You need to rest your knee by taking a break from normal activities. It will lower repetitive strain on your knee. It will give time for the injury to heal properly. Rest also prevents any further damage. If you suffer from pain due to a minor injury, rest for a day or two can heal the problem. But, the more severe problem requires a longer time to recover.


Placing ice on the affected region will reduce pain and inflammation. Never place ice directly on your skin as it can cause freeze burn. Instead, you can use a bag of frozen peas to place it on your knee. It will cover your whole knee. Try to wrap the ice pack with a thin towel to keep your skin protected. In normal cases, ice therapy offers effective results without any complications, never use it for a long time. Avoid icing for more than twenty minutes at a time. It is because prolonged icing increases the risk of damage to the skin and nerves.


Like ice therapy, heat therapy can also offer temporary relief. You can apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to your knee to ease the pain.


It is the method to avoid fluid build-up in the damaged tissue in your knee. It also helps maintain knee alignment and stability. While choosing a compression bandage, choose a lightweight and breathable option. Find a self-adhesive one with correct tightness to keep your knee stable. Make sure it supports your knee without cutting the circulation.


Keep your knee elevated to lower swelling. You can prop your injured knee on the pillow or rest your leg by sitting in a recliner.

Prevent Knee Joint Pain

You can suffer from any injury to your knee or develop any illness affecting the knee joints. While you cannot prevent knee joint pain, you can take some steps to reduce its development. Try to follow the steps suggested to lower the risk of joint deterioration and injuries resulting in pain:

Keep Your Weight In Check

Keep your weight in check. Extra pounds can put a strain on your knees. It increases your risk of suffering from injuries or developing osteoarthritis. Hence, maintaining a healthy weight is the best thing to reduce such risk. Try to include exercises to shed the extra pounds from the body.

Keep In Shape

If you are a professional player, your chances to develop muscle injuries increase. It can escalate the chances of developing knee joint pain. You need to keep in shape to ensure you can play your sport without any complications. Ensure you prepare the muscles in the body, especially the leg area to meet the demands of sports participation. You need to take the time needed for conditioning.

Perfect Your Practice

Irrespective of the sports or dance you perform, make sure you master the technique and the movement patterns. Practicing the moves as best as you can prevent injuries. Try to take lessons from a professional to avoid mistakes that can injure your knee.

Build Muscles

By building the hamstrings and quadriceps, you can protect the knee. Why? Because the muscles present on your front and back of the thighs support the knee. You suffer from knee injuries due to weak muscles. Training your thigh muscles will help you avoid such issues. You can undergo balance and stability training to strengthen the muscle around the knees. It will help them work together effectively.

Stay Flexible

And because tight muscles also can contribute to injury, stretching is important. Try to include flexibility exercises in your workouts. You need to include stretching in your exercise routine. Stretching the muscle will help support the knee to improve the entire joint’s mobility. You can also include gentle strengthening exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the joint of your knee. When you have stronger muscles, it lowers the stress and impact on the knee. Hence, it aids in your knee joint moving with ease.

Include Exercise Depending On Your Condition

You need to choose to exercise with caution. If you already suffer from knee joint pain due to arthritis, recurring injuries, or other issues, change the exercises. You can consider switching to low-impact activities like water aerobics or swimming for a few days of a week. In some cases, limiting high-impact activities can offer relief.


It is impossible to prevent knee joint pain. The discomfort caused can occur due to diverse conditions. In some cases, the condition can have lasting results. If the home remedies fail to offer relief, see a doctor. In some cases, you need invasive or extensive treatment to deal with the problem. With medical assistance, you can prevent flare-ups and lower irritation.



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