Crepey Skin: What Is It, Causes, And Treatments

Crepey skin refers to the skin condition that makes your skin look like crepe paper. It has a crinkly appearance with sag. The skin feels loose and wrinkly. While such type of skin seems similar to wrinkles in several ways, the condition tends to affect larger areas of the body. In such areas, your skin feels fragile and thin. In people, this condition is common under the eyes. It can also affect the upper inner arms. Read ahead to know how you can manage the condition and prevent it.

About Crepey Skin

When you have crepey skin, it resembles crepe paper. Your skin feels thin and has visible wrinkles marring its beauty. Such skin also indicates the resilience or elasticity loss of the skin. It means when your skin becomes stretched, it does not return to its normal tone quickly. In young people and children, the skin returns to its normal form quickly.

Most people suffer from crinkled skin in sun-exposed areas. Such areas also have a high risk of developing brown spots. Such spots are referred to as age spots or liver spots. Crinkled skin can also result in broken red capillaries. Sun exposed areas include your face, neck, shoulders, arms, and legs. In some people, crinkled skin appears in non-exposed areas. It affects the inner parts of the upper arms. Such issues affect women more compared to men.

Causes Of Crepey Skin

Several factors are contributing to crepey skin. When you understand these factors, it becomes easier to make informed decisions. The effective choices will prevent crinkly skin and avoid it from getting worse. Crinkly skin develops due to the depletion of collagen. The depletion can occur due to diverse reasons. It varies from the common reason of sun exposure to smoking. Crinkly skin occurs when collagen and elastin break down. These two proteins give your skin its supple form. Due to losing elasticity, you can see the difference in your skin appearance. Here are some of the reasons due to the sagging or crinkly skin:

Sun Exposure Causing Crepey Skin

Sun exposure can cause damage to the skin. Excessive sun exposure is the main cause of crinkly skin. While other factors can lead to the problem, sun exposure remains the top problem triggering the skin issue. Sun exposure means your skin absorbs ultraviolet rays. UV rays can affect elasticity. Due to UV absorption, the collagen in your skin starts to break down. It results in your skin becoming laxer. So, when it stretches, it does not return to its normal position. In normal cases, your skin can bounce back to its actual position after you stretch it. While your skin can heal, due to long-term UV exposure, it becomes difficult to repair any damage. UV ray exposure can also occur when people use tanning beds. So, it is better to limit the use of tanning beds.


Age is also a big factor triggering the development of crinkly skin. As your body ages, it produces less elastin and collagen. They are the two main fibers helping the skin look smooth and smooth. As you age, your skin produces less oil than it did when you were younger. These oils create an important lipid barrier that protects your skin and helps seal in moisture. Hormonal changes can also lead to drier skin and less natural oil production. Dryness for any reason can cause crepey skin. If you have crepey skin that comes and goes depending on the day or the season, a lack of moisture is most likely the cause. happens naturally as a result of the aging process, since the body slows its production of these proteins over time.

Other Factors Resulting In Crepey Skin

Apart from the above-mentioned common reasons, other reasons are resulting in crepey skin. If you experience any one of the factors mentioned below, you can see sagging skin in different parts of your body:

  • Significant fluctuation of weight
  • Excess consumption of alcohol
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Lack of moisture in your skin
  • Smoking
  • Exposure to pollution
  • Heat exposure
  • Not eating a balanced diet
  • Use of medication like prednisone
  • Increased cortisol levels due to stress

The above-mentioned factors can lead to damage of skin and disruption in skin repair. Some genetic issues can also disrupt skin health or result in premature aging. The condition triggering skin problems that cause systemic and visible issues include:

  • Werner syndrome
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  • Progeria

Treatment For Crepey Skin

You have multiple treatments aimed to manage skin issues. You can choose one to maintain good skin health. The right treatment for the issue depends on the underlying cause of the condition and the location of the problem. Irrespective of the time of treatment you choose, the sooner you opt for one, the better the results you can see. With early intervention, you can see a noticeable change in the appearance, thickness, texture, and support of your skin. It is better to see a dermatologist diagnose the problem and get suggestions. Here are some of the treatment options suggested for the condition:

Home Remedies For Crepey Skin

Having crinkly skin can make you look older. It is disheartening for most people as it kills confidence and self-morale. Instead of letting this condition kill your confidence, you can try some home remedies that can help you ease the skin problem. It may work wonders for people suffering from initial cases of crinkly skin.

Aloe Vera Gel

Applying aloe vera gel is one of the best home remedies for crinkly skin. It may offer effective results. Aloe Vera can tighten the skin as it contains malic acid. It also improves the elasticity of the skin.

Apply Egg On Your Skin

You can also apply eggs to the affected areas of your skin. It is a great remedy to manage the sagging of skin caused due to over sun exposure. The albumin protein in the gg can rebuild the skin cells to improve their texture. So, applying it can make your skin healthy after some time.

Oil Massage

Massaging is going for your skin. It improves blood circulation and helps with cell regeneration. Use oil such as olive oil for massaging. It tightens the skin and ensures it remains clear. Olive oil contains Vitamin E and Vitamin A that offers benefits for your skin. It also has anti-aging benefits. So, massage your arms, legs, and face with olive oil to leave it soft and supple.

Apply Rosemary Oil And Cucumber

Rosemary oil is effective in toning the skin. Applying it to your skin also improves blood circulation. This oil is rich in antioxidants that can help delay skin aging. Mix it with cucumber and massage it on the skin to see improvement in elasticity.

Exfoliate Skin

Gently exfoliating the skin can help you maintain skin health. You can use homemade remedies to exfoliate the skin. You can make coffee scrub for this purpose. Coffee contains caffeine that can make your skin soft and firm. It can eliminate fat and ensure moisturization. Coffee also contains antioxidants. Hence, it can exfoliate your skin gently while delaying the aging process. You can also try homemade scrub from sugar and olive oil. You can gently massage the affected area one to two times a week. It helps overcome crinkly skin and maintain healthy skin.

If you are not willing to use a coffee scrub, you can try a simple sugar scrub at home. Massaging with sugar scrub removes the dead skin from the massaged area. It can enhance the appearance of the massaged skin.

Choose Good Skincare Products

You need to choose skincare products with care. You must use products on the face and body to clean without stripping the body of its natural moisture. Using harsh chemicals can strip the skin of its lipid and protein barrier. So, use skin-friendly products. Always moisturize after cleansing the skin to avoid sagging or wrinkles. A good skincare routine can prevent and help already crinkly skin look better.

Include Physical Exercise

Apart from skincare, you must also include exercise in your routine to overcome crinkly skin. Exercise can enhance your overall health. It also helps fight the appearance of loose skin causing you sleepless nights. While skin products can target the lines, wrinkles, and crinkles, the workouts can help tone muscles. It is useful when you have crinkly skin on your arms or legs. Exercise can offer a toned, tighter, and lifted appearance.

Reduce Stress To Manage Crepey Skin

Experiencing stress can impact your skin health. Stress triggers the release of cortisol hormones in the body. It results in the formation of wrinkles. Also, cortisol can break down collagen and elastin found in your skin. Hence, it increases the risk of sagging skin. According to research, chronic stress can lead to inflammation. It results in skin aging. Stress can also put at risk of the formation of wrinkles.

Sleep Well At Night

A good night’s sleep is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. There exists a scientific truth behind the notion of getting enough beauty sleep. At night, your skin rests and repairs by itself. Wondering why? At night, you face no risk of ultraviolet exposure. During this time, you also feel no dynamic contraction of facial muscles. Hence, your skin foes into the repair and restore mode at night. It flushes out toxins, repairs any DNA and cell damage triggered by the environment, replaces any aging cells, and promotes the creation of new cells. It is the reason why after a good sleep at night, your skin looks younger, radiant, and fresher.

Before you try any of the home treatments using holistic products, you must eliminate allergies. Also, consult the doctor regarding the at-home remedies you wish to try to avoid any issues.

OTC Products For Crepey Skin

You have many over-the-counter products that you can include in your skincare routine to overcome crepey skin. You can try using products containing the following:


It is the member of the Vitamin A family that can help your skin overcome the damage caused due to overexposure to sun or aging. Retinoids in skincare products you use can encourage new skin cell growth. It also removes the damaged or dead skin cells. So, it leaves your skin looking young and soft. Not everyone can use products containing retinoids as they can cause allergic reactions. Hence, check the product before including it in your routine.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids For Crepey Skin

Products containing alpha hydroxy acids have become a craze in recent years. Anecdotal evidence indicates that these products have a positive impact on the elasticity of the skin. Hence, it can also aid in reducing wrinkles. You can access AHAs as it is available in different forms to include them in your skincare regime. But, while including it, follow the instructions suggested to prevent skin problems. Properly formulated AHAs can exfoliate your skin’s uppermost layers. It helps reveal refines and fresh skin. The new skin appears hydrated and smoother. As time goes by, your skin becomes firm visibly.

Other Products

You can use other products that contain other effective ingredients. Look for products that contain the following for good skin:

  • Lactic acid
  • Salicylic acid
  • Hyaluronic
  • Malic Acid
  • Glycolic acid
  • Tartaric acid
  • Peptides
  • Citric acid

The products containing these acids can help moisturize your skin. It improves its texture and appearance with regular use. You can use face wash, serums, moisturizers, or masks containing these ingredients to improve the appearance of your skin. If you have crepey skin on your arms, try using products containing ammonium lactate. Lotions with AmLactin or Lac-Hydrin can help you combat the problem better.

Always do a patch test before trying any of the products containing the ingredients suggested above. Stop using them when it starts to sting or burn. Always follow the instructions on the products. Also, you need to remain patient while using these products. Never overuse products on the skin as they can do more harm than good. You can never expect a result overnight. It takes some time to see results on the skin. So, wait for a few months to see visible results.

Prescription Treatment For Crepey Skin

For people who see no difference in their skin texture with the over-the-counter treatment, seek the assistance of the experts such as a dermatologist. Remember, crinkly skin may seem difficult to treat. So, you need to undergo cosmeceutical products to improve the skin texture. To undergo the treatment, you need to go to a doctor’s office. At times, you need to undergo the interventional procedure for the best results. Here are some of them you can try:

Prescription Topical Treatment For Crepey Skin

The doctor can prescribe tretinoin cream that can manage the crinkly skin. It is a topical cream containing retinoid. Apply it directly to the affected area for better results. As retinoids belong to the family of Vitamin A, you can apply them to your face to get protection from the UV rays while going out in the sun. Retinoids in creams or gel encourage exfoliation. It also promotes speedy cell turnover. So, it helps eliminate dead skin cells and promote new skin.

Retinoids can dry out your skin. Hence, it can increase the chances of making crinkly skin worse when used without precautions. Use it only as directed by the dermatologist.  After using retinoids, apply hydrating moisture to prevent drying of the skin. The skin doctor can also suggest topical treatment containing stabilized Vitamin C or lower concentrations of peptides.

Laser Treatment

When the doctor suggests laser treatment, the small areas of the skin experiencing crepey skin become heated with a device. The device can put energy deep into the affected skin. It stimulates collagen production in the affected area. So, it helps remodel, smoothen, and tighten the affected skin. Among the different types of laser skin therapies, laser resurfacing may offer faster results. Fractional laser treatment, also known as FRAXEL can help the crinkly skin around the eyes. It responds well to treatment using FRAXEL dual laser. The recovery time of the treatment may last from one to two weeks depending on the device used by the doctor. Using this treatment, you get treatment for the crinkly skin from inside out.


Fillers are suggested when wrinkles mar the visual appeal of the skin. Fillers refer to the relatively non-invasive treatment used to restore the appearance of the skin. Usually, doctors suggest injecting the affected area with calcium hydroxylapatite or hyaluronic acid to reduce the wrinkled skin. This type of treatment seems beneficial for people suffering from crepey skin on their upper arm. Fillers also promote collagen growth that can enhance the thickness and texture of the skin. In usual cases, dermatologists suggest the use of bio-stimulatory filling agents such as Sculptra or Radiesse.

Ultrasound Treatment For Crepey Skin

It is a treatment similar to laser treatment. It is also referred to as Ulthera treatment. During this treatment, the doctor uses heat to stimulate the skin’s collagen production. The targeted ultrasound therapy can heat the supporting tissue present below the skin. Due to this intense heat, some of the cells break down. It in turn stimulates collagen growth. It helps tighten and firm the skin. It is the treatment used to treat the areas such as the neck and face.

This therapy is not suggested for areas such as your upper arm. It is because topical anesthetics may not prove effective in those areas. Also, the nerves present in the upper inner arm can make it impossible to use ultrasound in the area. It makes the area uncomfortable. One session may only provide modest results. So, you need to go back to undergo the treatment multiple times to see visible results.

Cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting)

It is another non-invasive procedure suggested by the doctor when the crinkly skin has fat storage. This procedure helps remove any localized fat deposits. The treatment can freeze the lipids present in the fat cells. It results in the slow dissolving of the fat. By removing the excess fat under the skin surface, it tightens the skin.


Invasive surgery is suggested for people who have lost weight and have crepey skin as a result of a large amount of weight loss. A plastic surgeon can operate to remove any excess skin. Surgery is suggested only when you have a skilled professional willing to perform it. It is because the procedure carries some risks. The surgical procedure suggested includes neck lifts to manage the crinkly skin in the neck area, facelifts, and blepharoplasties to tighten the upper eyelid.

Preventing Crepey Skin

There are several things a person can do that may help protect their skin against premature aging and the development of crepey skin.

Sun Protection

While the effective method to prevent crepey skin includes not going out in the sun, it may seem impossible. So, you need to protect your skin from harmful UV rays exposure by wearing sunscreen, sun-protective clothing, and staying in shade. When you choose sunscreen, opt for one with SPF 30 or higher. A broad-spectrum sunscreen can act as a barrier against UV rays and protect your skin during daylight hours.

It is vital to wear a sunscreen that offers protection against both UVA and UVB radiation. It acts as a safety shield to protect you from issues such as early aging and skin cancer. People with sensitive skin must never forget to use sunscreen before they go out of their homes.

Avoid Tanning Beds

UV ray exposure may not occur with sun exposure alone. The use of tanning beds can also expose you to harmful rays. Using tanning beds for a long time can cause damage to the DNA of your skin cells. It can put you at risk of developing skin cancer or premature aging of the skin. Experts recommend not to use tanning beds due to the high risk of complications.

Good Skincare Routine

As you age, your skin needs something extra. Hence, you need to up your skincare regime to include products that will help your skin produce more collagen and elastin. With increasing age, your skin can become suspectable to irritation and inflammation. Hence, choose products that can calm your skin and make it look youthful according to your age needs.


You need to keep your skin hydrated by using a good moisturizer. Such products can trap water under your skin. Hence, it looks youthful and healthy. Hyaluronic acid is one of the hydrating ingredients for your skin. Choose a skincare or cosmetic product containing this hydrating ingredient.

Maintain Elasticity

It is essential to maintain the elasticity of the skin to avoid crepey skin. You need to include topical creams containing retinol to avoid sagging of skin. Retinol also helps in enhancing the skin’s elasticity and encourages collagen production in your skin. Using products containing retinoids aids with cell regeneration faster in your skin. So, it brings down the chances of developing saggy or crinkly skin. While using retinol products for your skin, you need to add moisturizer. Use at least a small amount of moisturizer to avoid drying out the skin. Retinol is available in both over-the-counter and prescription forms.

You can also use products containing peptides. A peptide is an active ingredient used in many topical creams. This ingredient can send a signal to signal regarding its damage and the need to make new collagen. It in turn helps with the elasticity of the skin. The peptide can serve as the building block for elastin fibers and new collagen. Depending on the concentration, you can find it in prescription creams or over-the-counter products.

Good Nutrition To Avoid Crepey Skin

What you eat can also reflect on your skin health. Eating the right food can also help with skin health. While a good skincare routine remains the frontline defense against crinkly skin, your diet has a larger impact on visual appearance. Including certain foods in your diet can repair and replenish your skin. It also prevents certain specific skin woes suffered by people. If you have noticed sagging or crepey skin, including certain foods can help you get a taut and tight complexion. Try to include foods rich in the following nutrients to see a difference:

  • Vitamins E, D, C, and A
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Antioxidants like flavonoids, tocopherols, carotenoids

You can try to include the following food items in your diet to see a difference in your skin health and overall appearance:

  • Salmon
  • Bone broth
  • Pomegranate
  • Olive oil


As people age, their skin loses its elasticity and seems to sag. But, crepey skin does not occur due to aging alone. It is different from developing wrinkled skin. The main cause of the condition remains overexposure to the sun. Going out without ample protection to the skin can result in this skin condition. Therefore, you need to take steps to prevent such environmental issues from affecting your skin. As the skin starts to lose elasticity, it causes the skin to look thin or fragile. Some people can also develop the problem due to genetic predisposition and other issues. Unlike wrinkles, this problem affects large areas of your skin. It is better to intervene early to prevent it from marring your visual beauty. Consult a dermatologist to get expert opinions and suggestions to prevent the problem.

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