Low Estrogen Symptoms – Natural Ways To Treat Them

Low estrogen symptoms affect women nearing menopause. Women suffering from such reduced levels of estrogen can suffer from extreme mood swings, a decrease in sexual desire, issues with bone health, and more. Oestrogen is one of the two main sex hormones present in the human body. Estrogen impacts the reproductive abilities and sex characteristics in women. Along with estrogen, another hormone known as progesterone ensures menstrual cycle and pregnancy in women. While the estrogen hormone is mainly linked to female development during puberty, it may start affecting other physical and mental aspects. The reduced levels of estrogen can occur due to different problems. To know more about it, read ahead.

About Estrogen

Estrogen is an important hormone in the body that influences your actions and feelings. It also has a significant role in the body’s development, emotional fortitude, mental well-being, sexual drive, and cognitive drive. These are essential for your smooth life. As women age, they can suffer from low estrogen symptoms while men lose testosterone. It is essential to maintain the hormonal balance to take control of life. By restoring the hormonal balance, you can also reverse the signs linked to low estrogen. When your estrogen levels remain balanced, it can offer several benefits:

  • Beautiful skin
  • Ideal weight
  • Sharper mind
  • Emotional stability
  • Solid mental health

Causes Of Low Estrogen Symptoms

The underlying cause for developing low estrogen varies from one person to another. It may depend on different factors or medical conditions affecting the hormones. Oestrogen is produced by the ovaries in the reproductive system. Hence, anything causing changes to ovary function tends to impact estrogen levels. Age is the primary risk factor triggering this issue in women. With advancing age, women can suffer from estrogen drop. It is common for women reaching their menopause. Women can endure a phase several years before reaching menopause. This phase is known as perimenopause. Estrogen levels may also decline due to several other underlying reasons including:

  • Thyroid disorders
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Excessive disorders
  • Severe underweight
  • Undergoing chemotherapy
  • low-functioning pituitary gland
  • Family history of suffering from hormonal problems

These issues can result in women developing low levels of estrogen levels.

Low Estrogen Symptoms

The problem is common among girls who have not yet reached puberty or the women approaching menopause. While women and some men of all ages can develop the problem, the low estrogen signs to look at includes:

Irregular Periods

Estrogen is an important hormone that can affect vital body functions. One among them is the menstrual cycle. Progesterone and estrogen drive the menstrual cycle. An imbalance arising in the body due to having too much or too little of one or more hormones can cause an issue in the menstrual cycle. It can lead to irregular or missed periods.


To conceive, women’s ovaries must release an egg during ovulation. The egg released when comes in contact with sperm can fertilize into the egg. Estrogen levels must remain normal for the cycle to proceed without issue. When you have low estrogen levels, the menstrual cycle may experience disruption. It may prevent ovulation or becomes difficult to pinpoint the time of ovulation. It can affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant.

Weak Bones

Estrogen is the major hormone involved in regulating bone metabolism in both men and women. This hormone has protective effects on the bone. When the body suffers from loss of estrogen, it can lead to an increase in bone resorption. It may also affect the gap linked to bone resorption and the formation of bone. When the estrogen levels become reduced it can affect the health of the bone leading to its loss. It is the reason why post-menopausal women face an increased risk of bone fractures or osteoporosis.

Painful Intercourse

Painful intercourse is one of the low estrogen symptoms. Due to low levels of estrogen, the vaginal tissues may become thin and dry. It can result in women feeling the vaginal region dry or tight. It can cause unbearable pain during intercourse. Women who have low estrogen levels can feel soreness or burning feeling in the vulva or vagina after intercourse.

One Of Low Estrogen Symptoms: Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are common in menopausal women. It may occur during or after menopause. It is one of the common low estrogen symptoms. While the reason for hot flashes remains unclear, many believe the fluctuating hormones lead to the problem. Studies indicate that the decreased estrogen levels can cause the hypothalamus (your body’s thermostat) to become sensitive. Even slight changes in the body temperature can trigger issues. So, when the hypothalamus feels the body has started to feel warm, it initiates a chain of events such as a hot flash to cool your body.


Estrogen levels have a close association with the emotional well-being of women. The fluctuation in the estrogen levels can trigger depression and anxiety in women during their estrogen-producing years compared to men or women in their postmenopausal period. Due to fluctuations in estrogen, only women can experience issues such as premenstrual syndrome or postpartum depression. Why does this happen? It is because studies indicate estrogen levels may impact serotonin levels.

Increased Tendency To Develop UTI

The low estrogen hormones can lower the protective tissue coating the bladder. Also, the thinning of the urethra tissue can lead to increased occurrence of urinary tract infections.

Effect On Weight

Sex hormones such as estrogen can influence fat storage in the body. It plays a vital role in weight management. It is because of the link existing between estrogen and the regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism. Therefore, women facing perimenopause and menopause can face an increased risk of gaining weight. It also puts the women at risk of lifestyle diseases such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease

The areas where fat deposits in a woman’s body also change during menopause. In normal cases, the hips and thighs are the areas the fat gets deposited. But, with the drop in estrogen levels, women can see the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region. While weight gain due to a drop in estrogen levels seems typical, it does not mean you do not prevent it. Including a healthy diet and working out regularly will lower the chances of weight gain in women.

Diagnosing Low Estrogen

When you suffer from the symptoms suggested here, you need t consult a doctor. When you make an appointment with the doctor, the healthcare professional can suggest different tests to diagnose the problem. Here are some of the diagnostic techniques to determine the problem:

Physical Examination

The doctor can ask you about the different symptoms. You need to inform the doctor about the medical history. Inform your doctor regarding the tell-tale signs of low estrogen such as missed periods and hot flashes.

Blood Test

Some of the symptoms occur due to hormone problems. If some underlying issues such as pituitary disorder or thyroid problem trigger the symptoms, the doctor uncovers it with blood tests. Blood tests can check the hormone levels to detect the underlying issues.

Other Tests

Your doctor can suggest additional tests to eliminate other conditions triggering similar symptoms. The tests suggested by the doctor depends on the specific symptoms you suffer, medical conditions, and risk factor you face. The additional tests include:

  • A brain scan to evaluate issues
  • DNA testing to assess genetic abnormalities that may develop in the endocrine system

Treatment Options To Manage Low Estrogen Symptoms

While most women may not require treatment to manage their low estrogen symptoms, others need it. Treatment is essential when the symptoms linked to the condition starts bothering women in their life. The treatment suggested depends on the specific signs exhibited by the person and the underlying cause of the condition. The different treatment options include:

Hormone Replacement Therapy To Manage Low Estrogen Symptoms

Women with severe symptoms linked to reduced estrogen levels need hormone replacement therapy (HRT). By undergoing the therapy, the low hormone levels may get a boost. With increased hormone levels, the symptoms linked to the condition seem to ease. There are different types of HRT options available. The doctor suggests the right one based on your specific symptoms. At times, the doctor can suggest a combination of hormone therapy including estrogen and progesterone.

This treatment is commonly suggested for women approaching menopause or who suffer from severe post-menopausal symptoms. But, the treatment may trigger unpleasant side effects. So, you need to discuss it with the doctor before opting for one. Women can take the HRT orally, vaginally, or topically. There is also an option available to undergo the therapy by inserting pellets under the skin. Some women prefer to inject the medication. The exact dose of the treatment varies depending on the specific needs of the patients.

Women Not Eligible For HRT

Not all women suffering from the symptoms of reduced estrogen can undergo HRT. Hormone replacement therapy may cause severe side effects to people with the following issues:

  • Face risk or already suffered from a heart attack
  • A history of stroke
  • High blood pressure

Hence, women need to consult the doctor to discuss the risks and benefits. Depending on the advice, you can make a decision.

Estrogen Therapy

In some cases, the doctor prescribes only estrogen to manage the symptoms caused due to estrogen deficiency. It is suggested in cases when a woman suffers from the problem due to the removal of ovaries. The therapy may help address some of the bothersome signs women may suffer during menopause.

Natural Ways To Treat Low Estrogen Symptoms

While you need to get a doctor’s advice to deal with low estrogen symptoms, some holistic remedies can ease the discomfort. You can include these holistic options in your life. Get all-clear from the doctor to avoid any complications caused due to the interaction of medications with the holistic options.

Foods To Manage Low Estrogen Symptoms

Some food items contain phytoestrogens. It mimics the function of estrogen levels in the body. Here are some of the food items you need to include for managing estrogen levels.


Soybeans contain phytoestrogens. The products such as tofu and miso produced from soybeans also have high levels of phytoestrogens. They bind to the estrogen receptors and offer benefits. According to a study, people suffering from breast cancer could lower the risk of death due to the condition with increased intake of soy.

Flax Seeds To Overcome Low Estrogen Symptoms

You can include flax seeds in your diet to combat low estrogen symptoms. Flaxseeds also contain high levels of phytoestrogens. Lignan is the primary phytoestrogens found in flaxseeds. It is highly beneficial for maintaining estrogen metabolism. According to a study, a flaxseed-rich diet can reduce the risk linked to ovarian cancer and lower its severity along with the frequency.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds refer to another natural dietary source of phytoestrogens. A diet supplemented with sesame seed oil may help boost bone health markers. According to research, it may have an estrogen-like effect similar to soy. But, further human studies can only establish the fact.

Vitamins And Minerals

Including important vitamins and minerals can also boost estrogen production in the body. Here are some of the vitamins playing an important role in easing low estrogen symptoms:

B Vitamins

B vitamins play a vital role in creating and activating estrogen in the body. When you suffer from B vitamin deficiency, it can lead to low levels of estrogen. Women taking higher levels of B vitamins such as vitamin B-2 and vitamin B-6 can experience a low risk of breast cancer. It is because of the positive impact of these vitamins on your estrogen metabolism.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital for several body functions as it works like a hormone in the body. The combination of estrogen and vitamin D reduces the risk linked to cardiovascular disease. Why does this vitamin play such a vital role in your heart health? It is because of its prominence in estrogen synthesis. Hence, vitamin D supplementation can work well for managing estrogen levels.

Boron To Manage Low Estrogen Symptoms

Boron refers to the trace mineral linked to different roles in the body. Researches underway suggest that it can provide positive results to the body. It includes reducing the risk linked to certain types of cancer. Boron also plays an important part in the metabolism of sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. According to researchers, boron may influence the estrogen receptors to help the body make use of the available estrogen more easily.


Dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA refers to the naturally occurring hormone. It is possible to convert it to testosterone and estrogen. Within the body, it becomes possible to convert DHEA to androgens first. It is further converted to estrogen. According to a study, DHEA may provide the body with similar benefits to estrogen.

Herbal Supplements To Manage Low Estrogen Symptoms

When you have low estrogen symptoms, you may resort to different options to increase the hormone levels in the body. Taking an herbal supplement is one such option. It is often chosen by people who find it difficult to continue hormone replacement therapy. Due to the side effects and the inadequate data linked to the results of the therapy, most people opt for holistic options.

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh refers to the Native American herb. It has historical significance as it can treat a wide variety of conditions. Women have used it to address problems such as menstrual issues and menopause. A study revealed that black cohosh may also contain a specific compound capable of stimulating estrogen receptors. While more research is required to establish the claim, the preliminary studies indicate that using black cohosh may supplement low estrogen symptoms.


If you are looking for a traditional herbal treatment addressing several gynecological issues, chaste berry may fit the bill. It may help address signs caused due to PMS. According to a study, chaste berry may exhibit an estrogenic effect when you take specific doses. The available Vitex species literature indicates the ideal dosage as 0.6 to 1.2 grams per body weight in Kilograms. Scientists believe the benefits may come from apigenin, the phytoestrogen present in Chasteberry.

Evening Primrose Oil

EPO or Evening Primrose Oil refers to the traditional herbal remedy containing enhanced levels of omega-6 fatty acids. Hence, it has huge popularity as an herbal supplement to address the symptoms of menopause and PMS. But, research remains limited to understanding the benefits of evening primrose oil to boost estrogen levels.

However, a study conducted on 2,200 women who used evening primrose oil after stopping hormone replacement therapy experienced effective results. Many women reported the use of EPO aided in controlling the low estrogen symptoms linked to menopause.

Red Clover

Red clover is full of beneficial compounds referred to as isoflavones. It is an herbal supplement with the ability to act like estrogen in the body. The isoflavones in red clover include:

  • Formononetin
  • Biochanin A
  • Genistein
  • Daidzein

A study examining the effects of red clover on hormones levels and hot flashes indicated a significant increase in estrogen levels after using red clover supplements.

Dong Quai To Manage Low Estrogen Levels

Chinese medicine uses the herb Dong Quai. Using it may help address symptoms associated with menopause. Like the other herbal supplements suggested here, Dong Quai can contain a compound with the capability to offer function similar to phytoestrogen. A study conducted on different supplements indicated that Dong Quai may exhibit estrogenic activity.

Lifestyle Changes To Manage Low Estrogen

While getting professional help is important to keep the estrogen hormone in check, you can make some lifestyle change for better results. Apart from the diet, these lifestyle changes can also help you manage low estrogen symptoms. The steps you need to follow includes:

Include Exercise

While some studies indicate intense exercise can cause estrogen levels to drop, moderate exercise can benefit your body. You can include some moderate level physical activity to enhance your health and cut the risk of suffering from breast cancer. It can also improve your bone health that can get affected due to low estrogen levels. You can include weight-bearing exercises along with a well-rounded diet in your diet for better health.

You can find other ways to move your body. It can help flush out toxins from the body that dwells comfortably under the fat reserves. Once you can get the toxins to circulate in the bloodstream, your body can easily flush them out. Maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle can keep your hormones in check.

Increase Your Fluid Intake

Increasing your fluid intake throughout the day can help you keep the hormones balanced. You can drink water, coconut water, lemon juice, green tea, or juice of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, celery, lettuce, kale. Gulping these fluids throughout the day can help you flush away the toxins accumulated in the body. By drinking green juices, you can quench your thirst and get the phytoestrogens in your body. Similarly, green tea and lemon can provide you with Vitamin C and antioxidants to lower oxidative stress from the body. With lowered oxidative stress, your body can produce hormones as needed by the body.

Quit Smoking

Since smoking can impact the endocrine system detrimentally, stay away from cigarettes. Also, smoking can limit the body’s ability to produce estrogen. Kicking a bad habit can reduce the risk of low estrogen symptoms.

Change Your Diet

If your doctor suspects low levels of estrogen, it’s time to make changes to your diet. It is because your body requires the correct amount of estrogen to function properly. To ensure enhanced health, you need to opt for organic food. Choose non-GMO food to avoid harming the endocrine system. You need to include food containing phytoestrogens. So, include foods such as

  • Soy nuts
  • Tofu
  • Edamame

These products may mimic the estrogen effects in the body. But, you need to understand that your body may find it difficult to digest soy. While some people cannot use soy as they may suffer from an allergic reaction to it. Therefore, it is important to tread lightly while using soy products. You can also include other products containing phytoestrogen such as the following:

  • Raw pumpkin seeds
  • Peas
  • Cranberries
  • Lima beans
  • Apricots
  • Broccoli
  • Prunes
  • Flax seeds
  • Red clover sprouts
  • Whole grains
  • Mung bean sprouts

Other Foods To Include

Magnesium-rich foods can also help boost estrogen levels in the body. Add foods or supplements containing magnesium that can ease the symptoms of reduced estrogen levels. It is also essential to consume foods with a low glycemic index, high-quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and fats. Also, include natural herbs in your diet as they lower inflammation in the body. It is vital for improving cell receptivity that helps with different hormones in the body.

Foods To Avoid

You must also control your sugar intake. Excess sugar intake affects natural hormonal balance. Also, excess sugar in your body contributes to the overgrowth of yeast. It results in the release of yeast toxins. These toxins block the hormone receptor sites.

Ways To Boost Progesterone Naturally

Why should you think about boosting progesterone when you have low estrogen symptoms? It is because women suffering from low estrogen levels can also suffer from low progesterone. Women reaching menopause can suffer from this problem. It is because menopause can result in a drastic dropping of female hormones. When you consult a doctor, you may get a prescription for medications or creams containing progesterone. But, there are natural ways to boost progesterone levels in the body. Here are some of the techniques:

Herbal Supplements

There are herbal supplements that can enhance progesterone levels in the body. Herbs such as chaste berry can increase the progesterone levels during the mid-cycle. While some herbal supplements offer effective results, others may lower progesterone levels. Certain Chinese herbal supplements cause low estrogen symptoms. Hence, it is better to use them with caution.

Diet And Lifestyle

Following a healthy diet and a good lifestyle is another method to raise progesterone levels. Include a diet with varied items containing nutrients that can boost progesterone metabolism in the body. So, include cruciferous vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. Also, managing to keep the weight under control, a good sleep pattern, and managing stress will help balance the hormones in the body.


Estrogen is the hormone playing a key role in several functions in the body. But, different underlying conditions such as advancing age, certain diseases, or other problems can result in low estrogen levels. The reduced levels of this hormone can cause havoc in the body. It interferes with sexual functions and development. It also puts you at risk of suffering from cardiovascular problems, osteoporosis, and obesity. Today, you have the latest treatment offering effective results. With a doctor’s assistance, you can find the actual reason for triggering low estrogen symptoms. It helps get the necessary treatment with an accurate duration and dose.



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