Shingles – Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention Tips

Shingles refer to the painful condition resulting in a rash in any part of your body. It is the viral infection appearing as a single stripe of blisters on your body. You can usually observe such painful rashes on the right or left side of the body. While these rashes may not trigger life-threatening complications, you may feel severe pain. But, you can protect yourself from painful rashes by taking vaccines. With early intervention, it becomes possible to reduce the duration of this infection. It also reduces the chances of suffering from other complications such as postherpetic neuralgia. Postherpetic neuralgia refers to pain triggered by the condition even after the clearing of the blisters.

About Shingles

Shingles develop in your body due to the varicella-zoster virus. Do you think you have heard about the virus? You are not mistaken as this virus causes chickenpox. This virus is cunning as it lies dormant inside the body after you develop chickenpox. The virus usually hides in the nerve cells of your brain or spinal column. After waiting for decades without any activity, the varicella-zoster virus can reactivate. It remerges as painful skin rash containing blister pockets. Varicella-zoster virus is also known as herpes zoster. It is the cousin to viruses triggering oral and genital herpes.

Symptoms Of Shingles

The main symptom associated with shingles is the rash. It affects a small section of one side of the body. A few days before developing the rash, you can see the following signs:

  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Muscle aches
  • Chills

Some people also experience other signs before they see the rash on the body. Other signs include the following:

  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Tingling
  • Burning sensation on the skin

Appearance OF Rash

Shingles can trigger rash that can develop mostly on the trunk. It is distinguishable due to its specific pattern. Sometimes, people refer to the rash as Shingles Band. It is because of the striped pattern of the rash. In the initial stages, the patches may have a red color. But, it can change over time and result in fluid-filled blisters. For some people, blisters tend to ooze. Seven to ten days after the rash develops, the blisters start crusting or scabbing. While it may vary, people who develop a rash can see it clearing after two to four weeks.

In usual cases, rash due to the problem can appear on the trunk. It can develop as a stripe of blisters. It can wrap on the right or left side of the torso. But, it can also develop in other areas of your body. Some people have experienced it developing on the face. If the rash appears on the face, it often develops over the nose or around the eyes. Usually, it develops on one eye or one side of the face or neck.

Pain Due To Shingles

Also known as herpes zoster, the rash causes severe pain. Most people may identify the problem due to pain. Some suffer from intense pain. Depending on the area you suffer from pain, you can mistake it for other issues affecting vital organs such as lungs, heart, or kidneys. Some people can experience pain without developing a rash on the body.

See A Doctor For Shingles

When you develop a rash along with pain, you may think it may not cause any issues. But, contacting the healthcare professional immediately can help prevent complications. You need to see a doctor immediately when you suspect shingles and face the following situations:

  • When you suffer from pain or develop a rash near an eye. It is a serious condition requiring immediate treatment. Without treatment, the infection can result in permanent eye damage.
  • You are sixty years or older. You need medical attention as advancing age can drastically increase the chances of suffering from complications.
  • Any close member of your family has a weakened immune system due to suffering from chronic illness, cancer, or taking immunosuppressants. In such cases, the chances of spreading the disease to people with weak immune system increases.
  • The rash you develop triggers severe pain and spreads to different parts of the body.

Is Shingles Contagious?

When you suspect shingles, you better take care of yourself. It is possible for a person suffering from the problem to pass the varicella-zoster virus to people with no immunity to chickenpox. Coming in direct contact with the open sores caused by the rash can result in virus transmission. Once infected, the other person can develop chickenpox.

Chickenpox may cause dangerous results for certain people. So, until the blisters developed scab over, you need to avoid contact with others. The contagious nature of the rash can result in transmitting the virus to people who have not got vaccinated or suffered from chickenpox. It is better to keep pregnant women, new babies, and people with weakened immune systems to stay away from people with a rash.

Causes Of Shingles

Shingles develop due to the varicella-zoster virus. As mentioned before, it is the virus causing chickenpox. People who have suffered from chickenpox have a high chance of developing herpes zoster. After recovering from chickenpox, the virus may enter the nervous system. It lies dormant for years. Eventually, it may reactivate due to different circumstances. Then, the varicella-zoster virus travels along the nerve pathways of your skin to develop a painful rash. Remember, not everyone who has suffered from chickenpox develops the condition.

The exact reason for developing a painful rash remains unclear. It may occur due to lowered immunity of a person to infection. Immunity lowers as you age or take drugs for other conditions. Therefore, the condition is common in older people and persons with a compromised immune system.

Varicella-zoster virus triggering the condition comes under the group known as herpes viruses. It includes viruses triggering cold sores and genital herpes. It is the reason why the condition is also referred to as herpes zoster. But, the virus, causing conditions such as chickenpox and shingles differs from the virus causing genital herpes or cold sores. Cold sores and genital herpes come under the classification of sexually transmitted diseases.

Risk Factors Linked To Shingles

Anyone who has suffered from chickenpox can develop shingles later in life. Today, you have a vaccination to prevent chickenpox. But, people who had not received the vaccination face risk of developing chickenpox. Chickenpox develops in people who have born before the advent of routine vaccination offering protection against chickenpox. The factors increasing the risk of developing shingles include:

Older People

People who are older than fifty years of age can develop the problem. The risk increases with advancing age.

Suffering From Certain Disease

Certain diseases can affect the immune system. So, people who have suffered from cancer or HIV/AIDS can face a high risk of developing the problem.

Undergoing Cancer Treatments

People undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy can face a high risk of developing the problem. The therapies can lower the body’s resistance to other diseases.

Taking Certain Medications

People taking immunosuppressants to avoid rejection of transplanted organs can face the risk of developing a painful rash. Prolonged steroid use such as prednisone can also lead to the problem.

Other Conditions That Mimic Shingles

When you see the appearance of a rash, you may suspect other skin conditions. The rash does resemble the symptoms of other skin problems such as:

  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Hives
  • Difference In Appearance

To come to the correct conclusion, you need to consult a doctor. A doctor can check the rash to identify the actual cause of the problem. Other skin conditions have distinctive characteristics. For example, if you suffer from psoriasis, red patches may appear with white scales on the skin. While hives have a raised appearance that appears like welts.

You can identify shingles from appearance. Unlike other skin problems, shingles may appear as small raised dots. The pattern of this condition differs from other rashes. Rash usually develops along the nerves of the chest and belly. A rash due to eczema or allergy can develop anywhere in the body, including legs and arms.

Duration And Other Characteristics

Rash due to other skin problems last longer compared to the rash developed due to shingles. Also, it triggers severe pain compared to other skin problems.

It is better to seek professional assistance to diagnose the problem. The doctor can determine the issue based on physical exam, medical history, and the symptoms you exhibit. Doctors may prescribe medications to promote a speedy recovery. When you take the medication within 72 hours of developing the rash, you can get quick relief.

Misconceptions Linked To Shingles

Most people think shingles affect older people. While the risk of developing the problem remains at high levels in old people, others can also suffer from the problem. People over 50 and young people can develop the problem. In some cases, the condition affects children.

Another misconception linked to the condition is that people feel it occurs rarely. It is not the case as the condition can affect people frequently. According to the data released by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, more than 50% of people aged over 85 years can develop shingles at some point in their life.

Complications Due To Shingles

Early intervention can ease complications caused due to shingles. At times, people suffering from this problem can suffer from the following complications such as:

Postherpetic Neuralgia

In some people, pain caused due to shingles can continue for a long time. Pain due to the condition may persist even after the blisters develop on the skin clear. It is the condition referred to as postherpetic neuralgia. The condition develops when the condition damaged nerve fiber sends confused and exaggerated signals of pain from the skin to your brain.

Ramsay Hunt Syndrome

It is a complication developing when the condition affects the nerves in your head. The condition requires immediate medical attention. Without medical intervention, it can lead to partial facial paralysis. In some cases, failure to get treatment can lead to suffering from hearing loss. When you get the treatment within 72 hours, you can make a complete recovery.

Vision Loss

When people develop a rash due to a problem around the eye, doctors refer to the condition as ophthalmic shingles. It can trigger painful eye infections resulting in vision loss.

Neurological Problems

Depending on the specific nerve affected, you can suffer from neurological issues. The complications include the following:

  • Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)
  • Hearing or balance problems
  • Facial paralysis
  • Skin infections

Diagnosis Of Shingles

When you suffer from pain and see rash on one side of the body, consult the doctor. The doctor can diagnose the problem by just looking at the skin. You need to inform the history of pain on one side of the body. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor can also take a sample of the tissue scraping. The doctor can also take a sample of the fluid from the blister to examine it in the laboratory. When the pathologist checks the fluid or sample of scrapping under a high-powered microscope, they can see the virus. It confirms shingles.

Treatment For Shingles

Remember, there is no cure for shingles. But, early medical intervention can help prevent any complications of the disease. Treatment with prescription antiviral drugs can promote healing of the condition. It also reduces any complications. The medication to deal with the condition includes:

  • Acyclovir
  • Valacyclovir
  • Famciclovir

To deal with severe pain caused by the condition, the doctor may prescribe the following:

  • Anticonvulsants
  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • Numbing agents available in the spray, cream, gel, or skin patch
  • Narcotic medications
  • An injection (corticosteroids and local anesthetics)

Shingles generally last between two and six weeks. Most people get shingles only once, but it is possible to get it two or more times.

Home Remedies For Shingles

It is always preferable to consult a doctor when you develop shingles. But, you can try some home remedies along with the treatment for relief. Consult your doctor regarding the steps suggested preventing any issues. Trying the remedies may help you relieve pain and itchiness. It will improve healing.

Apply Essential Oils

Applying essential oils to the rash formed on the skin can ease irritation and promote healing. Many people have used essential oils as an alternative option to ease discomfort. It has offered relief from different skin conditions to many. Some essential oils may work well in managing skin irritation. It also promotes healing to lower the discomfort. Some of the essential oils you can try to ease the problem includes:

  • Chamomile essential oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It can ease pressure and ulcer sores. Chamomile oil can promote skin-cell regeneration for quick healing.
  • Eucalyptus essential oil also possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It can ease the symptoms linked to cold sores or herpes. Applying it to the rash may increase the speed of healing.
  • Tea tree oil also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can promote wound healing.

While using essential oils, you need to dilute them with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or almond oil before applying. You can also opt for pre-mixed essential oils from the pharmacy as they act as a safe topical ointment for application. Applying pure essential oils may cause allergic reactions. If you want to use a pure essential oil on your skin, do a patch test before trying. Since FDA has not approved the use of essential oil to treat skin problems, you need to maintain caution. Always talk to an expert before using any of the essential oils to avoid complications.

Place Cold Compresses

Holding something cold against the rash can ease the itch. Placing a cold cloth or cold compress can reduce inflammation and discomfort. You can lightly soak a towel or a cotton cloth in cool water. Wring it out before placing it on the sore or itchy areas. Since it may not cause any side effects, you can repeat it as necessary.

Try not to expose your skin to extreme temperatures. So, avoid very hot or ice baths. When you use hot water, it can increase the blood flow. Increased blood flow can slow down the healing of sores. Similarly, ice increases skin sensitivity. It is not good for the healing of rash developed due to shingles.

Apply Witch Hazel

As witch hazel works as astringent, it can ease itching and pain caused due to the rash. Some studies indicate that witch hazel works more effectively than chamomile for lowering the inflammation caused by the rash. Witch hazel is available in different forms. You have witch hazel water or cream. You can choose the one suitable for you. Apply the product containing witch hazel topically to the areas where you feel irritation or inflammation. It can reduce the discomfort to offer relief.

Cool Baths To Manage Shingles

A cool bath can ease irritation and itching. Taking cool showers or baths every day with minimal scrubbing can keep the blisters and sores clean. It also reduces the risk of infection. As the cool water eases irritation and itching, you can prevent scratching, which can lead to scarring. You can soak in cool water or take a cold shower for at least fifteen minutes to get relief from the discomfort caused due to the condition. Keeping the skin clean also lowers the possibility of infection.

Avoid using harsh soaps to clean the body while taking cold showers. Also, avoid scrubbing the areas with blisters vigorously. You need to gently cleanse the skin using a mild, fragrance-free cleanser

Take Oat Baths

To get relief from pain and itching, you can also add colloidal oatmeal to the cool bath. According to some studies, oat extract may moisten your skin to prevent dryness. It also soothes your sensitive and inflamed skin. The FDA in the USA has also approved the use of colloidal oatmeal. It is one of the safest and effective natural options to ease irritation. Colloidal oat products may not trigger allergic reactions as they do not contain oat protein. It contains active ingredients such as saponins and flavonoids to lower inflammation. Using oat products in the cool bath lowers pain and itching sensation.

Use Gentiana Scabra For Shingles

Gentiana scabra is touted with properties that may relieve caused due to shingles. The purple or blue flower blooms in areas in North America. Researchers believe it may offer pain relief. Its use can also reduce the chances of suffering from postherpetic neuralgia. The anti-inflammatory properties in the flower may ease inflammation developing on the skin due to rashes. So, it lowers pain and promotes quick healing. You need to get the herbal formula containing Gentiana Scabra from a reputed Chinese medicine practitioner. They can prepare the herbal formula by boiling the plant in water. You can take the herbal formula orally to see results.

Good Diet

A healthy diet can strengthen your immune system and defend the body against illnesses. You need to eat a diet comprising fresh vegetables and fruits. Make sure to include whole grains in the diet for nutrition. Your diet must also include lean meats and nuts. People should include colorful food. Adding red, green, and orange foods to the diet can offer great benefits. These food items contain carotenoids, lutein, lycopene, provitamin A, and zeaxanthin. Carotenoids are vital for boosting immune function. They can occur in the following food items:

  • Red Foods
  • Cherry
  • Watermelon
  • Grapefruit
  • Red pepper
  • Orange Foods
  • Pumpkin
  • Carrot
  • Apricot
  • Green Foods
  • Endive
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Parsley
  • Lettuce


Also, limiting saturated and trans fat can offer great benefits to your well-being. Reduce the consumption of salt and sugar to manage inflammation. Avoiding such foods can strengthen the immune system.

Take Vitamin Supplements

For people who are immune-compromised, then taking vitamins may help reduce complications associated with rash developed. While healthy people can skip taking supplements. But, an immune-compromised individual over fifty years of age needs to consider taking supplements for good health. It also helps strengthen their immunity. So, what vitamins should you take? Studies suggest a link exists between vitamin D and immune function. Older people have low levels of vitamin D reserve in their bodies. So, they need to get vitamin D from sufficient sun exposure or by taking vitamin D supplements.

Other Supplements

  • Apart from Vitamin D, older people prone to developing shingles need to take other supplements such as
  • Vitamin C
  • Selenium
  • Zinc

But, take vitamins in the recommended doses as high doses can harm your body. You can opt for multivitamins containing lower and safer levels of vitamins and minerals for a strong immune system.

Quit Smoking

Smoking offers no health benefits. Unfortunately, it is a bad habit causing health issues. Smoking can cause several life-threatening diseases such as cancer. It also lowers the immunity of a person. So, a person smoking can become vulnerable to infections. It is especially true for old people. Smoking can also delay recovery and healing in people suffering from shingles.

Reduce Stress

If you have developed shingles, stress can worsen the symptoms. When you feel emotionally stressed, it can make the itching and burning feeling worse. Stress tends to exacerbate your plight. With extreme stress, it takes a longer time to recover from the condition. Emotional stress remains a trigger for the condition can it weakens the immune system of your body. You need to try some techniques such as meditation to relax and rest. It reduces your stress symptoms and offers relief from pain.

Preventing Shingles

You can prevent shingles by taking the vaccine suggested. In the USA, eligible people can get the Shingrix vaccine. This vaccine has approval from the food and Drug Administration. It received its approval from the FDA in the year 2017. According to studies, Shingrix may offer protection from shingles for more than five years. It is a non-living vaccine made from the component of a virus. You need to take two doses of the vaccine within two to six months gap between them.

This vaccine has approval. Hence, people over the age of fifty or older need to take. People who have received vaccination such as Zostavax or suffered from shingles can also take the vaccine. While the US has discontinued the use of Zostavax, other countries still use it.

While taking a vaccine does not mean you will not develop the problem. But, the vaccine can lower the intensity and severity of the disease. It also lowers the risk of suffering from complications such as postherpetic neuralgia. Taking vaccines is a preventive strategy and cannot act as a treatment option for people suffering from the problem. Consult a doctor for getting the right course of action you need to take.

Other Strategies To Prevent Shingles

Apart from vaccination, you need to try other strategies to manage the condition without any discomfort. The other strategies to prevent the problem include:

  • Getting sufficient sleep
  • Quit smoking
  • Proper management of any ongoing health issues
  • Get regular health checkups by the doctor, especially for people who suffer from any condition affecting the immune system.
  • Following the treatment regime suggested by the doctor when you get consultation for shingles.


Unfortunately, doctors have no cure for shingles. But, it is a preventable disease. You can try the different techniques. The most effective one is getting a vaccine for preventing the disease. Herpes zoster vaccine can help vulnerable people from developing the disease. People who face the risk of developing the disease can consider taking the vaccine. For those who have developed the disease, eating a healthy diet and resting well can aid with recovery. It also lowers the risk of developing complications like postherpetic neuralgia.


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