Natural Remedies To Treat Gum Disease

Are you suffering from gum disease? The inflammation caused to tissues surrounding as well as supporting your teeth is easy to reverse in its early stages. Such problems usually occur due to poor dental hygiene. The initial problem referred to as gingivitis occurs commonly and varies in severity. Due to the problem, you can see swelling of the gums. Also, the gums appear red and easily bleed when you brush or floss your teeth. But, when gingivitis escalates due to not getting attention, it leads to a severe problem known as periodontitis. Gingivitis acts as a warning sign preceding severe issues such as periodontitis. If you heed the warning and take the necessary steps, you can prevent the irreversible and serious condition.

About Gum Disease

You develop the first stage of gum disease when food particles start mixing with the saliva as well as bacteria. It in turn forms dental plaque that starts sticking to the teeth surface. You can remove such plaque formed by brushing your teeth with toothpaste and flossing. But, some plaque formed on teeth is not removed by brushing. Such dental plaque becomes mineralized and leads to tartar formation. Tartar refers to the hard deposit. Tartar is removed only by a professional dental cleaning. Both dental plaque and tartar contain harmful bacteria. So, when you fail to remove it from your teeth, it starts affecting them. It can start irritating your gums and lead to gingivitis. Without proper treatment, gingivitis can spread from the gums of the teeth to the bone. It results in the condition is known as periodontitis.

Difference Between Gingivitis And Periodontitis

You have to understand the difference between the initial stage of gum disease known as gingivitis and the severe case referred to as periodontitis. Gingivitis refers to the inflammation of the gums developing around the teeth. Without treatment, it escalates and affects the bone present below the gums. The infection or inflammation developing on the bone is known as periodontitis. Periodontitis is the word derived from periodontal. It means around the tooth, which means the structures surrounding and supporting the teeth such a bone and gums. Therefore, the study of the supporting structure of the teeth is referred to as periodontology.

With the underlying bone suffering from an infection, the gums can start to recede away from the teeth. It can form deep gum pockets. It is referred to as attachment loss. Such deep pockets can collect plaque and bacteria with ease. Unfortunately, you cannot keep these pockets clean. It results in bone loss. Periodontal disease can progress from early to moderate and finally reach the advanced stage. With more severity, you can experience loss of bone tissue. With severe issues, gum pockets can become deeper. It leads to teeth becoming loose and falls out.

Causes Of Gum Disease

Lack or improper oral hygiene causes gum disease. It allows plaque containing harmful bacteria and severe calculus to remain on teeth. It will infect the gums as lead to this condition. But, other factors are increasing the risk of developing this problem such as:

  • Chewing tobacco or smoking can prevent the inflamed gum tissue to heal properly.
  • Having overlapping, rotated, or crooked teeth increases the areas for calculus or plaque accumulation making it difficult to clean.
  • Suffering from hormonal changes in pregnancy, puberty, and menopause increases the chances of suffering gingivitis. It is because the elevated hormones cause the blood vessels in the gums to become susceptible to chemical and bacterial attacks. During puberty, the prevalence of gum disease ranges from 70% to 90%.
  • Suffering from cancer or undergoing cancer treatment such as radiation or chemotherapy makes a person susceptible to infection and gum disease.
  • Consuming alcohol can affect oral defense mechanisms.
  • Experiencing excess stress can impair the immune system response of the body when bacteria invade the mouth.
  • Breathing using your mouth can have harsh effects on your gums as they have no protection from the lips. It causes chronic inflammation and irritation.
  • Poor nutrition like taking a diet high in carbohydrates and sugar with a low intake of water. It leads to an increase in plaque formation. The deficiency of vitamin C in the diet can impair the healing of gums.
  • Developing diseases such as diabetes can impair blood circulation and limiting the ability of gums to heal properly.
  • Improper, infrequent, or no dental care.
  • Side effects caused due to medications such as anti-seizure medication.
  • Experiencing poor production of saliva.

Signs And Symptoms Associated With Gum Disease

How can you detect the presence of gum disease? Here are some of the signs and symptoms linked to the problem:

  • See red and swollen gums that can bleed while brushing or flossing
  • The appearance of white spots or plaques on the gums
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Bad odor in the mouth
  • Gums appear pulling away from the teeth
  • Develop pus between the interdental spaces or gums
  • Loss of teeth or loss of tooth
  • A change in the way the teeth fit together in the mouth or spaces opening up between teeth
  • See differences in the way partial dentures fit

Can Gum Disease Cause Bad Breath?

Most people suffering from gum disease can experience bad breath. Bad breath, also known as halitosis usually occurs with gingivitis. Why do you develop a bad smell in your mouth? It is because the oral bacterial in the mouth releases chemical gases. The volatile sulfur compounds released by the bacteria have a strong odor. Bad breath also develops due to the buildup of bacterial plaque on the tongue. Good oral hygiene such as regular brushing and flossing along with professional dental cleaning can eliminate halitosis. While it is the best and effective method to reverse bad breath, it may take some time for the bad breath to disappear completely. Only with consistent and persistent oral hygiene, you can reverse the condition. But, gingivitis alone does not cause a bad odor. Other causes can also lead to the problem such as:

  • Partially erupted wisdom teeth
  • Breathing using mouth
  • Postnasal drip
  • Tonsil stones
  • Develop infection in lungs or throat
  • Digestive problems
  • Smoking
  • Systemic diseases such as diabetes

Complications Of Gum Disease

As the initial gum disease or gingivitis progresses, it results in chronic gingivitis. A chronic case of the problem causes various complications. Here are some of the complications linked to the condition:


Initial gum disease can progress to periodontitis. It results in receding gums or the diseased gums can uncover the root of the tooth.

Falling Out Of Teeth

In some cases, deep pockets can develop around the teeth. These pockets can trap food items, debris, and plaque. With severe gum disease, you can lose bone or gum tissue around the teeth. It can lead to a few teeth becoming loose or can fall out. Such changes may develop slowly or can affect rapidly. Hence, the condition can affect a few teeth or all teeth inside the mouth.

Gum Disease Can Progress To ANUG

Without performing oral hygiene or if your immune system becomes compromised, then it can lead to a condition known as ANUG (acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis) earlier known as trench mouth. It is a painful condition that can cause the infected gums to swell, form ulcers, and mar off dead tissue.

Peri-Implant Disease

If you have dental implants and suffer from gum disease, it can lead to another condition known as peri-implant. Due to the problem, the bacteria can affect your gums and trigger irritation and inflammation. Such problems can lead to the destruction of the gums surrounding teeth and the underlying bone just like the periodontal disease affects the structure surrounding the teeth.

In some cases, affected people may not see any symptoms linked to gingivitis or periodontitis. So, only a regular visit to the dentists can help determine the degree of risk a patient suffers. With the dentist’s help, you can assess the risk levels and the necessary steps needed for managing the problem. The professionals can diagnose any problem and offer a solution to deal with the problem.

Diagnostic Methods To Detect Gum Disease

When you suspect gum disease, you need to make an appointment with the dentist. A professional can follow several methods to check the signs and symptoms to conclude the diagnosis. Here are some of the methods to detect the problem:

Assessment Of Gums

A dentist or dental hygienist can assess the state of your gums and detect any issues. The main assessment includes:

Measuring Of Gums

The doctor can use a periodontal probe to measure the depth of the deep pockets formed around all of your teeth. You can schedule this assessment at least once per year to find the issue early and get treatment. In normal cases, healthy gums have pockets measuring one millimeter to three millimeters deep. If the dentists find deeper pockets, then you have a more severe gum problem.

Examining Sensitive Teeth

During the assessment, the dentist also examines the teeth to detect sensitivity. With receding gums, your teeth can experience sensitivity around the gum line. Your dentist can help detect it.

Check Loose Teeth

Your dentist will check for any loose teeth. It can happen due to incorrect bite or bone loss.

Examine The Gums

During the assessment, the dentists will check your gums. Any presence of red, swollen, or bleeding gums indicates the presence of gum problems.

Imaging Tests To Detect Gum Disease

Imaging tests are usually suggested when the dentist thinks you may have a severe gum problem. These imaging tests will help detect the severity of the problem. Dental x-rays are usually suggested for this purpose. The dentists can suggest bitewing x-rays to uncover the damage to the underlying bone structure or the percentage of damage that occurred to the bone due to periodontal disease.

Treatment For Gum Disease

The treatment for gum disease depends on the severity of the problem. The treatment for the early stages of the disease focuses on identifying the factors increasing the risk and eliminating them. For severe cases, doctors suggest different treatments.

Treatment For Early Stage Gum Disease

For treating gingivitis, dentists suggest consistent and thorough oral hygiene. You need to undergo professional cleaning to eliminate the issue and follow good oral hygiene practices for avoiding it in the future. Here are some of the suggested treatments for gingivitis.

Controlling Risk Factors

The preliminary treatment focuses on controlling certain risk factors such as uncontrolled diabetes or smoking. These underlying issues can contribute to gum problems. Therefore, your dentist suggests addressing them or eliminating them to successfully reverse the problem.

Professional Cleaning

The dentist will remove the plaque and tartar accumulated on the teeth using professional cleaning methods. After a professional cleaning, you need to brush and floss after every meal to eliminate gingivitis.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

For patients who cannot follow the oral hygiene practices such as brushing flossing properly due to old age or having special needs, the dentist prescribes prescription mouth rinse. It targets oral bacteria causing the disease of the gums.

Treatment For Severe Gum Disease

When the disease has progressed from gingivitis, you need more aggressive therapy or treatment for managing the condition. The different options to treat severe gum disease includes:

Invasive Procedures

For severe conditions such as periodontal disease, the affected person may develop deep pockets. These deep pockets become difficult to clean. So, you need professional assistance. Dentists can use deep scaling along with root planing for cleaning the teeth that have deep pockets surrounding them. The dentist will suggest a surgical procedure to gain access to all the affected tooth surfaces. It will ensure a thorough cleaning. The dental surgeon can suggest flap surgery along with pocket-reduction surgery to ensure easier cleaning of areas around the teeth while brushing and flossing. During the procedure, the dental surgeon will numb the gums and then lift them back. It is to expose the area and clean the teeth. This procedure can reshape the bone. The dentists reposition the gums back around the teeth to avoid the deep pockets that existed earlier.

Soft-Tissue Grafts

It is the treatment suggested for gum disease that can expose the root surface due to receding of gums. Soft-tissue grafts can protect the root surface and eliminate sensitive teeth. It can overcome the softness of the root surfaces making them difficult to clean.

Laser Therapy For Gum Disease

It is the therapy suggested for enhancing gum health. During the treatment, a soft-tissue laser targets the gum pockets to eliminate the harmful bacteria accumulated deep in the periodontal pockets. This treatment also removes any unhealthy tissue and promotes healing.

Effective Home Remedies To Manage Gum Disease

Several studies indicate the effectiveness of following home remedies for gum disease. These remedies are easy to follow and can offer desired results. The goal of natural treatments is to stop the spread of infection. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the degree of infection and the oral structure. If you feel the natural remedies are not working, you need to see a doctor immediately. With early treatment of gingivitis, the primary stage of gum infection, you can prevent the infection spread and severity that may lead to loss of teeth. To prevent any type of gum problem, you can follow the home remedies such as:

Try Saltwater Rinse

A saltwater rinse is an effective remedy for many mouth problems.  Why? Because salt is well-known as a natural disinfectant. So, rinsing your mouth with salt water can lower inflammation and ease pain triggered due to the gum tissue. It is the most easiest and affordable remedy available. This rinse will offer you temporary relief. Hence, you can try it at least three times a day.

Apply Turmeric Gel

Turmeric has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. A recent study has revealed that turmeric can be effective in preventing plaque and gingivitis. You can apply a paste of turmeric and apply to the gums. You should wait for ten minutes before washing it off.

Manage Gum Disease By Oil Pulling

It is an ancient method to manage or reduce oral infection. In this procedure, you need to swirl the oil around the mouth for at least thirty minutes. It will reduce the bacteria growth inside the mouth. For trying this method, you can swish two teaspoons of almond or coconut oil in your mouth. Do this for at least thirty minutes and spit it out.

Place Cold Compress

In most cases, diseases affecting the gums can cause severe pain and inflammation. To manage pain and discomfort, you can apply a cold compress. It will lower swelling and reduce pain sensation.

Apply Clove Oil

At times, dental pain can accompany the infection. Using clove oil may ease pain caused due to dental issues. It is a home remedy tried by people for centuries. You can apply clove oil in concentrated or diluted form on the gums. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties can fight off infection-causing germs. Also, clove oil can help you get rid of bad breath.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Apart from using hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening, you can use it to prevent gingivitis. But, try to use mild hydrogen peroxide for applying on the gums. Swishing a solution consisting of equal parts of water along with 3% of hydrogen peroxide around your mouth and spitting it out can lower plaque formation and the bleeding of gums.

Use Of Baking Soda For Gum Disease

It is one of the affordable and effective natural remedies to treat gum disease. It can offer relief from gum infection. You should swish your mouth with a solution of baking soda in water along with a pinch of salt. You can swish the mouth with this solution three times a day to reduce plaque formation and gum infection.

You can try these home remedies as a part of gum disease treatment. For some, the treatment may offer relief but others need to visit the dentist to get a cure for the problem. The dentist can suggest the right treatment needed to solve the problem. Irrespective of it, following these remedies, can help you reduce the severity of the problem.

Can You Reverse Gum Disease?

As long as the gum disease gets identified in the earlier stage (gingivitis) and you take the necessary steps, you can reverse the problem. But, following good oral hygiene along with treatment from the dentist can eliminate the problem from escalating. The prognosis of reversing the problem remains best with the early stages of gingivitis. During this, the affected person just needs dental cleaning from dentists along with thorough brushing as well as flossing to reverse the problem. Once the bacteria causing the problem spreads to the bone in periodontitis, you can experience irreversible change. You can face issues such as loss of attachment of the gums along with bone loss. This stage causes irreversible damage. Hence, it is essential to catch the problem early and get treatment swiftly.

How To Prevent Gum Disease?

Instead of searching for a solution for your gum problems, you can take preventive measures to avoid them from developing. Preventing periodontitis and gingivitis is possible with plaque control. Proper control of plaque eliminates the need to search for natural remedies to treat gum disease. Here are some of the tips to achieve it:

Good Oral Hygiene

Practicing good oral hygiene means brushing your teeth two times a day to remove plaque deposited on the outer surface of the teeth. You must also floss after brushing your teeth to remove the food particles stuck between the teeth. It also removes plaque formed in between the teeth. You can choose electronic toothbrushes to make it easier to remove plaque from areas hard to reach in the mouth. After brushing and flossing, you can use mouthwash to reduce bacteria growth causing gingivitis.

Eliminate Stress

Apart from following a good oral hygiene practice, you need to pay attention to certain other factors that can influence the chances of suffering from gum disease. Do you know stress is one of the factors increasing the possibility of developing gum problems?

Your immune system is vital in controlling the attack from bacteria triggering gum problems. Your immune system produces cells that can fight against bacteria. But, when you feel under stress, the delicate balance of your immune system becomes off. It leads to an increase in inflammation offering a favorable environment for the bacteria to thrive and develop gingivitis.

Also, when your body experiences stress, it can produce more cortisol hormone. Cortisol is the anti-inflammatory agent that when produced peripherally in the gums stimulates the mast cells to produce proteins. It further increases inflammation. So, if you already suffer from gingivitis, it can progress to periodontal disease. Therefore, you need to take steps to get relief from stress. Sleeping well and other techniques can lower stress to help your immune system fight gum disease.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is a bad habit affecting your health. Do you know it can also affect your dental health? When you smoke, it starts affecting your immune system. A weak immune system can prevent the body from fighting effectively against infection-causing pathogens. So, smokers can face finding it harder to fight off a gum infection. It increases the chances of smokers developing gingivitis and periodontitis. Smoking also worsens the existing gum damage. It becomes difficult for the gums to heal properly. Hence, you need to avoid tobacco products to achieve healthy gums.

Wear Orthodontic Braces

It becomes difficult to remove plaque from overlapped or crooked teeth. Removing plaque from straight teeth is easier. Hence, if you have crowded teeth, you need to visit a dentist to wear braces. Braces can make a huge difference in having healthy gums.

Check Your Diet

Including too much sugar and carbs in your diet can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. It is one of the common dental issues due to the plaque deposited coming in contact with the sugar in the food. It results in the acid attacking teeth. It makes it difficult for the tissues inside the mouth to resist any infection from developing. You need to limit the frequency of food containing plaque-causing sugars and carbohydrates. It can lower plaque formation and other problems to the gums. Try to include a well-balanced diet that can keep your immune system healthy and prevent any infection.


You need to maintain good oral hygiene to prevent gum disease. But, if you develop the problem, make sure to catch it earlier for better chances of controlling it without any lasting effects. With proper cleaning and professional assistance, you can control it. But, it can come back. Hence, you need to take good care of it. Make an appointment with the doctor and take good care of your teeth. Without getting proper treatment and care, it can escalate into a serious issue known as periodontitis. It is a severe condition damaging the structure aiding in keeping the teeth anchored.


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