Yoga Flow to Lower Back Ache From Working From Home

Yoga flow to lower back ache is effective for those who are experiencing the discomfort triggered due to working from home. The coronavirus pandemic has affected people’s life negatively. Apart from the fear of getting infected, it has also caused major upheaval in the daily routine. Most of us are working from home. Unlike your office, your home may not have the right setup for making it easier on the body to work for several hours. Sitting in front of the laptop without a supportive chair or maintaining a poor posture while working can trigger back pain. This pain can linger for a while. In such cases you need options to manage the pain and avoid it from disrupting your life. In this article we will discuss about the holistic methods to deal with the problem.

Why Do You Need Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache?

In human history, we have heard about pandemic killing several people. But, until 2020 no one actually witnessed it for real. The earlier killer pandemics occurred centuries before with only official records to indicate such a disease existed. But, a coronavirus infection affected people with such rapidness that nobody became prepared to face tit. Most of the working people have little to no time to set up an office at their home. When companies started insisting “work from home”, most of us converted the home space into office with whatever we could find. Also, without the usual distraction you can find at work, most of use sits in front of the laptop for more than three hours without getting up. This extended period of sitting can lead to poor posture. Ultimately, you feel pain that can disrupt your life.

Is wrong posture the only reason for increased back pain? No, it is not. When you juggle your life at home and work simultaneously, it puts you under stress. Increased stress can hike cortisol levels in the body. This can trigger pain and other signs such as:

  • Shallow breathing
  • Tightness in the muscles
  • Decreased blood circulation throughout the body

These factors can contribute to back and neck pain.

So, how can you overcome this problems? You can change the ergonomics of the home office and try yoga flow for lower back ache. While changing the ergonomics can increase the strength in your lower back, yoga can address the problem and help you prevent pain.

Setting Ergonomic Home Office To Lower Back Ache

Setting up a proper office space at home can improve neck and back pain. While setting up an office, you need to remember “3Ps”. They are important to ensure you never feel pain. The three significant points to consider are:

  • Posture
  • Positional changes
  • Put it close

Let’s break down each of these techniques and see how trying these can help you get relief from pain. You can try these steps along with yoga flow to lower back ache while working from home. So, you can sit up a little taller without facing any discomfort.

Maintaining Proper Posture Apart From Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache

Maintaining the right posture can take the pressure and stress off your neck and elbows. When these areas suffer from stress, you develop back pain. When you sit for a long time, your spine loses its natural S curve. For working properly, you sit in a position that can make a C curve of your spine. This position puts strain on different parts such as:

  • Tissue
  • Disc
  • Ligaments
  • Muscles

How can you maintain a proper posture? You can follow the tips suggested below to ensure your spine does not lose its proper posture while sitting in your chair:

  • Make sure your ears stay over the shoulder and not in front of the shoulder when you bend to type on the laptop.
  • Place the elbows by the sides. Make sure your wrists comfortably rests on the soft or round surface. You can use wrist gel pads and hand towels will also work well.
  • You need to support your back using a towel roll or a small lumbar pillow placed on the chair.
  • While sitting keep your feet flat on the floor. You can also use stack of books, footrest, or reams of paper.

Put It Close

Your eyes must focus just below the screen. It is an important step to avoid pressure on your back. So, adjust the seat to make sure the height feels ok. Keep your eyes lined up just three inches below the top pf the screen when you are using a desktop. You can also tilt the laptop screen back at least 120 degrees to keep it off vertical. Whenever you are working, your body tries to find this position. To keep the screen and computer aligned with your posture perfectly, you need to try the following:

  • Ensure the screen is not at long distance. Keep the screen at your arm’s length for maintaining perfect posture.
  • Screen should be no more than an arm’s length away.
  • You need to keep the screen and keyboard directly in front of you. Keep the mouse to the side of your keyboard. You need to move the mouse back when it gets away from during use.
  • Purchase a freestanding keyboard when you are using laptop for working. It is a good investment for keeping your posture right. A freestanding keyboard will allow you to increase the height of the screen. It will eliminate the need of elevating the arms for typing.

Positional Changes

Avoid sitting in the same position for a long time. Staying stationary can only affect your back. Instead, you need to get up every 45 to 50 minutes. Simple activities like walking around the room can prevent the stress on the back. Why should you change position? The body has 360 joints. These joints need to move frequently to stay healthy. So, you need to move the body for better blood circulation through the body. With a boost in circulation, you feel reduction in stiffness and pain. Wish to know how to reduce pain and stiffness? You can try some quick and simple movements. Try these during a stretch break for easing pressure from back:

  • You can complete big shoulder circles by moving the shoulders backward. Try this at least three times to see difference.
  • Try neck rolls by rolling forward the neck along the chest to one side of the shoulder. You can complete three neck rolls.
  • Take two large breaths to fill the lungs with air and then blow out air forcefully.
  • Complete five squats. You can do it front of the desk chair.

Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache

Yoga is another approach to deal with back pain. It is the holistic approach to strengthen your back and ensure you manage pain. It is the mind-body therapy offering effecting results. It treats your back pain and also helps deal with stress that may accompany with the condition. There are several poses you can try to relax the body and strengthen it. Do you know trying these yoga poses at least a few minutes a day can help you gain awareness of the body. Performing yoga will help you detect the specific region in the body holding tension or imbalances. With this awareness, you can bring alignment and balance. Here are some of the yoga poses you can try to treat back pain.

Cat-Cow Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache

It is one of the pose ensuring yoga flow to lower back ache. This pose is gentle and easy to try. You can try these backbend stretches to strengthen and mobilize your spine. Trying these pose will stretch the neck, shoulders, and torso. This yoga pose will work the following muscles:

  • Rectus Abdominis
  • Erector spinae
  • Triceps
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Serratus anterior

How To Do Cat-Cow, The Yoga Flow To Lower Back

  • First, you need to get on all fours.
  • Next, place the wrists underneath the shoulder and place your knees underneath the hips.
  • Try to balance your body weight evenly on all four points.
  • As you look up, you need to inhale. Allow your stomach to drop downward the mat.
  • When you tuck the chin into the chest, exhale. When you breathe out, draw the navel towards the spine. Also, arch your spine towards the ceiling.
  • While doing this movement, you need to maintain awareness of the body.
  • You need to focus on detecting and releasing the tension built in the body.
  • You need to continue this movement for at least one minute.

Downward-Facing Dog

It is a yoga pose offering rejuvenating effects. Your body feels restful. When you practice this pose, it will relieve pain and discomfort. It also offers relief from sciatica. Trying this pose will eliminate any imbalances in the body. You can improve strength by trying this pose as it works on the following muscles:

  • Deltoids
  • Hamstrings
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Quadriceps
  • Triceps

How Can You Do Downward-Facing Dog?

  • To do this classic yoga flow to lower back ache, you need to get on all fours.
  • You have to place the hands aligning under the wrist. Also, place knees under the hips.
  • Lift up the knees by pressing into the hands and tucking the toes under.
  • Now, try to bring the sitting bones towards the ceiling.
  • While keeping a slight bend in the knees, you need to lengthen the tailbone and spine.
  • Keep the heels slightly off the ground.
  • Put pressure into the hands.
  • Try to distribute your body weight evenly on both sides of the body while paying attention to the shoulders and hips.
  • While keeping the chin slightly tucked, you need to keep the head in line with the upper arms.
  • Maintain this pose for up to one minute.

Do Extended Triangle: The Effective Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache

It is a classic standing posture helpful in alleviating different types of pain. It can aid in managing neck pain, sciatica, and backache. Completing this yoga pose stretches your spine, groin, and hips. It also strengthens your legs, chest, and shoulders. It helps you relieve stress and anxiety. This yoga pose can work on the following muscles:

  • Hamstrings
  • Internal oblique
  • Latissimus Dorsi
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings

How To Do This Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache

  • While you are standing, you need to walk your feet about four feet apart.
  • Now, turn your right toe in a way that it faces forward while the left toe remains out at an angle.
  • Lift your arms to keep them parallel to the floor. Let the palms face down.
  • You need to tilt forward and pivot at the right hip. It will help you come forward with the torso and arm.
  • Bring your hand onto the floor, a yoga block (if using), or to the leg.
  • Now, extend the left arm up towards the ceiling.
  • You need to look up, down, or forward.
  • Hold this pose for around one minute.
  • Repeat the same steps on the left side.

The Best Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache: Sphinx Pose

Are you searching for the best yoga flow to lower back ache while working from home? Then, you can try sphinx pose. It is a gentle backbend stretching your chest, abdomen, and shoulders. This pose strengthens the spine and buttocks. You can get relief from stress accumulating due to physical and mental issues. The backbend can work on several muscles such as:

  • Gluteal Muscles
  • Erector spinae
  • Pectoralis major
  • Latissimus Dorsi
  • Trapezius

How To Do This Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache?

  • You need to lie flat on your stomach. Keep the legs extended behind.
  • Now, you need to engage the muscles on the thighs, buttocks, and lower back.
  • Try to bring the elbows under the shoulders. While you try this position, make sure you place the forearms on the floor with the palms of the hands facing down.
  • Lift your upper torso and head slowly.
  • You can support your back by gently lifting and engaging the lower abdominal regions.
  • Make sure you lift up the lower abdominal region through the spine and out through the head’s crown. Never collapse into the lower back.
  • Focus straight ahead and fully relax. You need to remain active and engaged at the same time.
  • You need to stay in this pose for up to five minutes.

Cobra Pose

This yoga pose is a gentle backbend stretch, which stretches the shoulders, chest, and abdomen. So, practicing this pose will strengthen your spine and soothes problems triggered due to sciatica. It can also relieve the fatigue and stress linked with back pain. The yoga pose can work on the following muscles:

  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Hamstrings
  • Deltoids
  • Serratus Anterior
  • Triceps

How To Do This Yoga Flow?

  • You need to lie on the stomach with the hands under your shoulder. Place the fingers facing forward.
  • Now, draw the arm tightly to the chest. While in this position, avoid the elbow to go out to the side.
  • Press into the hand and lift the head, shoulders, and chest.
  • You can try lifting partway, half the way, or all the way up.
  • While you lift up, maintain a slight bend.
  • To deepen the pose, you can let the head drop.
  • On an exhale, you can release back down to the mat.
  • You can rest your head by bringing the arms by the side.
  • Slowly move the hips from side to side as it can release tension from the lower back.

Locust Pose

This is a gentle backbend yoga flow to lower back ache and fatigue. It also strengthens the arms, back torso, and legs. It works on the following muscles:

  • Erector Spinae
  • Trapezius
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Triceps

How To Do Locust Pose?

  • You need to lie on the stomach and place the arms next to the torso. Place your palms up.
  • Now, try to touch your big toes together while turning out the heels to the side.
  • Your forehead must rest lightly on the floor.
  • Slowly lift your head, chest, and arms partway, halfway, or all the way up.
  • You may bring your hands together and interlace your fingers behind your back.
  • To deepen the pose, lift your legs.
  • Look straight ahead or slightly upward as you lengthen the back of your neck.
  • Stay in this pose for up to one minute.
  • You need to rest before repeating the pose.

Bridge Pose

This yoga pose is a backbend as well as an inversion. So, doing this can stimulate or restore. When you do this yoga pose, it stretches the spine. It aids in providing relief from headaches and backaches. This pose works on the following muscles

  • Hamstrings
  • Rectus and transverse abdominis
  • Erector spinae
  • Gluteus muscles

How To Do Bridge Pose?

  • To try this pose, you need to lie on the back with the knees bent. Draw your heels into the sitting bones.
  • Keep your arms rested alongside the body.
  • You need to press the arms and feet into the floor when you lift the tailbone up.
  • Continue lifting until you see the thighs feel parallel to the floor.
  • Offer support to the hips by bringing the palms together under the hips. You can either interlace the fingers or place the hands under the hips to provide necessary support.
  • You need to hold this pose for up to a minute.
  • Now, release slowly by rolling the spine back down vertebra by vertebra to the floor.
  • You need to drop the knees in together.
  • Try to relax and take a deep breath in this position.

One Of The Best Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache From Working From Home: Half Lord of the Fishes

This is a twisting yoga pose. When you try this pose, it can energize your spine. It will also help get relief from back pain. Completing this yoga pose will stretch your shoulders, hips, and neck. Trying this pose also helps get relief from fatigue. It also helps in stimulating your internal organs. When you try this yoga pose, it works on the following muscles:

  • Psoas
  • Serratus anterior
  • Rhomboids
  • Erector spinae
  • Psoas
  • Pectoralis major

How To Do This Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache?

  • You need to sit for this yoga pose. While in the seated position, you need to draw the right foot close to the body.
  • Now, bring the left foot to the outside of the leg.
  • Try to lengthen the spine as you make a left twist of your body.
  • You can use the left hand and take it to the floor for support.
  • You need to move the right upper arm to the outer side of the left thigh. You can also wrap the elbow around the left knee.
  • Try to keep your hips square to deepen the twist in your spine.
  • Turn the gaze to look over your shoulder.
  • Hold this pose for at least one minute.
  • Repeat the same steps on the other side.

Two-Knee Spinal Twist

This restorative yoga pose can offer relief from back pain. When you do this restorative twist, you can restore the movement and mobility of the spine and back. Completing this pose can stretch the back, shoulder, and spine. So, you can practice this yoga flow to lower back ache from working from home. How does it relieves pain and stiffness in your hips and back? It works on the following muscles and eases the stiffness and discomfort:

  • Rectus abdominis
  • Erector spinae
  • Pectoralis major
  • Trapezius

How To Do This Restorative Yoga Pose?

  • To try this yoga pose, you need to lie on your back with the knees drawn to the chest. Keep your arms extended to the side.
  • Now, bring your legs to the left side by slowly lowering it and keep the knees close. Your knees must stay as close as possible.
  • If you find the position uncomfortable, you can place a pillow between the knees or under both knees.
  • Use your left hand to gently press down the knees.
  • You need to keep the neck straight or you can turn it to either side.
  • You need to focus on breathing deeply while you stay in this position.
  • Hold the pose for at least thirty seconds.
  • Repeat the same steps on the opposite side.

Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache By Trying Child’s Pose

It is a gentle forward fold yoga pose. It offers relaxation by releasing tension from your neck and back. By trying this pose, you can lengthen and stretch the spine. This pose also stretches other parts of the body such as ankles, things, and hips. So, by practicing this pose, you can get relief from stress and fatigue. By practicing this pose, you can put the following muscles into use:

  • Hamstrings
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Rotator cuff muscles
  • Spinal extensors

How To Do This Yoga Flow To Lower Back Ache

  • To do this yoga pose, you need to sit back on your heels. Keep your knees together while sitting back.
  • If you need support, you can use blanket or bolster under the forehead, torso, or thighs for support.
  • Now, bend forward and try to walk with the hands in front.
  • You can rest the forehead gently on the floor.
  • Either bring the arms alongside or keep the arms extended in front of the body. Place the palms up.
  • Put all your focus on releasing the tension in the back when your upper body falls heavy into the knees.
  • You need to remain in the same pose for at least five minutes.

Will Yoga Flow To Lower Back Work?

Does practicing yoga offer you benefits? According to a small study, people who practice yoga can get desired benefits. This study monitored people practicing either yoga or physical therapy for over a year. The participants who suffered from chronic back pain showed similar improvement in activity limitation and pain. People undergoing physical therapy or yoga found pain relief and stopped using pain medication after three months.

Another research found people practicing yoga found small to moderate decrease in pain intensity. Participants found relief from pain by practicing yoga within a short term. The study also revealed that yoga practice improved the participant’s short and long-term function. The study conducted offer hope to people who practice yoga. But, further studies require for confirming effectiveness of yoga flow to lower back ache.


While you can try yoga flow to lower back, it may not work for everyone. Yoga is a holistic approach to strengthen your back. But, some people may not find it that effective. So, you need to talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program. Your doctor can help you identify any risk linked to trying these poses. With expert monitoring, you can avoid any complications. If your doctor gives an all-clear for trying these poses, you can start home practice. But, start slow and gradually ease into it. Start with ten minutes a day and increase it as you become comfortable. You can use online classes, articles, and books for guidance. Once you become proficient, you can create sessions based on your comfort levels. Whether you choose studio classes or try it at home, make sure the session meets your specific needs.


Working from home? Follow these tips to avoid neck, lower back pain

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