Clogged Arteries – Symptoms, Causes, And Diet Tips + 11 Natural Remedies

Are you experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain? It may occur due to clogged arteries. With the pandemic situation, you may wonder if you have contracted COVID-19. But, it can also indicate something is wrong with your heart health. To conclusively detect the actual problem you need to see a doctor. The doctors can suggest a stress test to determine any blockage in the artery. When your arteries become clogged, the blood cannot flow through the blood vessel. It is similar to experiencing a giant boulder blocking the whole tunnel. If it is just a pile of rubble, you may find a narrow gap for driving. But, the complete blockage can prevent it. With the complete clogging of arteries, your blood finds it difficult to flow. It triggers such uncomfortable symptoms. Wish to know more about it? You are at the right place.

About Clogged Arteries

You need oxygen-rich blood for the proper functioning of vital organs. Your arteries are responsible for transferring oxygen-rich blood from the heart to different parts of the body. These blood vessels can go to vital organs such as the brain and the tip of the toes. When you have healthy arteries, the blood vessels have smooth inner walls. So, the blood flows through the blood vessels with ease. But, some people can experience the buildup of a certain substance referred to as plaque. It results in the clogged arteries. Arterial plaque can lower the blood flow and in extreme cases, block the blood vessels altogether. Plaque that coats the inner walls of the arteries contains different substances circulating in the blood. It may include the following:

  • Fat
  • Cholesterol
  • Calcium
  • Cellular waste
  • Fibrin (material responsible for blood clotting)

In addition to blocking the artery walls, plaque can cause the cells in these walls to multiply. It starts multiplying additional substances worsening the existing condition. You have no quick fixes to melt plaque. But, you can make some key changes to your lifestyle to stop its accumulation and improve heart health.

Causes Of Clogged Arteries

Clogged arteries can trigger serious problems. With increased plaque deposits, you can develop a condition referred to as atherosclerosis. Due to the condition, your arteries tend to narrow and finally become hard. While doctors are unclear what causes the condition to develop, it seems it stems from developing damage to the arterial wall lining. The damage can enable plaque deposition. The following factors can cause plaque deposit:

High Levels Of LDL And Low Levels OF HDL

Some people have high levels of low-density lipoprotein or LDL that contribute to plaque formation. Having high levels of good cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein (HDL) can counter the bad effects. When HDL is circulated in the blood, it can remove some of the bad cholesterol. So, it helps to transport plaque deposited in the arteries back to the liver for eliminating it from the body.

High Blood Pressure

When you have high blood pressure, it increases the arterial plaque buildup rate. A person suffering from high blood pressure also faces the risk of hardening of clogged arteries at a faster rate.

Cigarette Smoke

Smoking or second-hand inhalation of cigarette smoke can increase the risk of atherosclerosis rate in the arteries. It can affect the arteries of your legs, heart, and aorta (the largest artery in the human body).

High Blood Sugar Levels

Suffering from diabetes or having high levels of blood sugar circulating can also cause plaque deposit. People who have high blood sugar levels due to metabolic syndrome or other problems need to maintain caution.

Other Factors Causing Clogged Arteries

Apart from the main factors mentioned, there are other risk factors linked to the condition. Some of them are:

  • Family history of suffering from clogged arteries
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Obesity
  • Stress

In most cases, you start developing plaque deposits during childhood or early teenage years. It starts to clog your arteries as you reach middle age or later in life.

Symptoms Of Clogged Arteries

In most cases, people remain unaware of the clog in their arteries until a major event occurs. Unfortunately, most people become aware of the problem when a stroke or heart attack occurs. At other times, when the arteries get blocked by 70% or more, the clogged arteries can trigger symptoms including:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Weakness or feeling dizzy
  • Heart palpitations
  • Sweating
  • Nausea

Reduced blood flow to the heart can trigger chest pain. So, when you develop plaque in the arteries, you develop pain in the chest, also known as angina. Due to reduced blood flow, you feel this pressure or pain. Depending on the specific artery clogged, you can feel diverse symptoms. When clogging of carotid arteries occurs, it can result in stroke precursors referred to as transient ischemic attacks or TIAs. Due to TIA, you can develop the following signs:

  • The feeling of weakness or numbness on one side of the body
  • Difficulty to move your leg or arm
  • Slurring of words
  • Loss of vision in one eye

Clogging of the peripheral artery can result in developing other symptoms such as:

  • Delayed healing of injuries on the feet
  • Suffer from leg pain
  • Cold feet
  • Develop gangrene

Complications Due To Clogged Arteries

Depending on the exact location of arterial plaque accumulation, you can develop several complications. Clogged arteries in different areas of the body can result in the development of other multiple medical conditions such as:

Coronary Artery Disease

Due to the accumulation of plaque in the arteries carrying blood to your heart, you can develop coronary artery disease. It is a type of heart problem triggering shortness of breath or chest pain. It is a serious condition leading to heart attacks. Heart attacks are the most common cause of death among people worldwide.

Carotid Artery Disease

Carotid artery refers to the blood vessel running on both sides of the neck. Carotid arteries on either side of the neck supply oxygen to the brain. Due to the accumulation of plaque in these blood vessels, your brain cannot receive enough oxygen. It can lead to severe complications such as stroke.

Peripheral Artery Disease

What happens when plaque starts to block in the blood vessels carrying blood to the legs? Due to clogged arteries in the legs, you fail to receive the necessary amount of oxygen. This reduced blood circulation can result in pain, numbness, or serious infection in your feet and legs.

Diagnostic Tests For Clogged Arteries

Yes. There are several tests for clogged arteries. Your doctor will determine which tests to prescribe based on your symptoms and medical history. The tests may include:

Cholesterol Screening

The doctor suggests a complete cholesterol test to check the amount of good and bad cholesterol in your body. The test also referred to as lipid profile or lipid panel can also detect the triglyceride levels in the blood.

Stress Test

The doctor can order a stress test to detect the heart and arteries functioning. During the test, an abnormal result points to reduced blood flow to the heart. This reduced flow during exertion is referred to as ischemia. It normally occurs due to blockage in the heart arteries.

Chest X-ray

Chest x-rays are imaging tests that can detect the presence of clogged arteries. This test can detect the presence of calcium in the blood vessels or heart. The presence of calcium indicates the blood vessels may have fats and other substances.


When clogged arteries trigger chest pain or lead to heart attack, the doctor suggests taking ECG. This test records the electrical signals in your heart. It is the most common test used by the doctor to detect any heart problem. It helps to monitor your heart health. Any variation in ECG suggests a problem and your doctor can suggest further tests to detect the issue conclusively.


It is an invasive test used to diagnose the problem conclusively. The catheterization test can detect blocked arteries with the use of special contrast dye. This dye will show the blocked areas on low-dose x-rays. The test can also track the flow of blood. It aids the cardiologist to pinpoint the narrowed or blocked arteries.


Ultrasound is the non-invasive test suggested when the doctor suspects clogging of carotid arteries. Carotid arteries check the blocks in the extremities or the neck region. The ultrasound can rule out any potential blockages developing furthest from the heart region.

MRI or PET scanning

These sophisticated imaging tests help your doctor view issues with the heart. The images will help the doctor detect the injured or diseased areas of the heart and arteries.

Treating Clogged Arteries

The treatment for clogged arteries depends on the severity of the condition. Along with treatment, the doctor also suggests preventive measures to lower arterial plaque and prevent it from developing in the future. The treatment also depends on the severity of your condition along with your medical history. The different options available are:

Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Clogged Arteries

Irrespective of the treatment suggested the doctor will always offer advice on making healthy lifestyle changes. For people with mild issues, these changes can prevent the problem from becoming worse. While makes changes in the lifestyle can help people suffering from severe issues to lead a healthy life after getting the necessary treatment. Either way, you need a healthy lifestyle plan for managing clogged arteries. Here are some of the tips you need to follow:

  • Eat a healthy diet with less sugar, low saturated fats, simple carbohydrates, less cholesterol, and rich in vegetables and fruits.
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight by checking what you eat and including physical workout regularly.
  • Maintaining stress levels to avoid mental and physical problems.
  • Checking the blood pressure and cholesterol levels and keeping them down.
  • Control your blood sugar levels and maintain them at normal levels.

Surgical Procedures To Treat Blocked Arteries

In severe cases of clogged arteries, the doctor can suggest invasive procedures. It is required to treat the condition and prevent any additional plaque from developing on the arterial walls. The different procedures suggested include:

Stent Placement

A stent containing medication is placed in the artery to ensure adequate blood flow. A stent refers to the small tube used for the procedure. The surgeon uses a catheter through the artery in the leg to reach the heart. The surgeon then places the stent through the catheter in the area of the block.

Bypass Surgery

During the invasive procedure, the surgeon redirects the blood around the section of the partially or completely blocked artery in the heart. The procedure involves using a healthy blood vessel from the other parts of the affected person’s body such as the chest, arms, or legs, and connect it below as well as above the blocked arteries in the heart. Using the new pathway, the affected person can feel the improvement as the blood flow to the heart muscles restores. It helps the oxygen-rich blood to reach the target destination.

Balloon Angioplasty

It is suggested for people with partial or fully blocked arteries. This procedure helps open such arteries. During the procedure, the doctor uses a specially designed catheter to open the block. It pushes the plaque to the sidewalls of the arteries. The special device has a tiny balloon that inflates when carefully inserted through the artery. This balloon is inflated for widening the opening. Hence, it increases the blood flow to the heart. During the procedure, the doctor places a stent to keep the artery open after the deflation and removal of the balloon.

Medications To Treat Clogged Arteries

If your doctor suspects clogged arteries, then the medical professional can prescribe medication to control the certain factors contributing to the deposition of arterial plaque. The medication includes:

  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs
  • Drugs to lower blood pressure

For people who suffer from angina or face an increased risk of heart attack or suffered from it, medications are prescribed to ensure the protection of their heart.  The doctor prescribes aspirin or other blood-thinning medications. It lowers the stickiness of platelets. So, it prevents blood from clotting and increasing the risk of fatal complications.

Diet Tips To Prevent Clogged Arteries

There are several health complications linked to the build-up of plaque on the artery wall. Your overall lifestyle is one of the major factors responsible for this plaque deposit. The foods you choose can either increase plaque deposits or help clear them. Some food items can help you lose weight and avoid unnecessary deposits of plaque. You have no magical diet to prevent clogged arteries. But, having an active diet and including a good diet in your routine can prevent the clogging of arteries and subsequent complications. Here are some of the tips you can follow:

  • Eliminate processed foods and fried foods must from the diet. Such foods contain a high amount of unhealthy fats.
  • Instead of eliminating fat from your diet, switch to healthy fats. You can include extra virgin olive oil or mustard oil. Also, try to increase the intake of fats from healthy sources such as seeds, fish, and nuts.
  • Make a healthy switch from high-fat diary to light or skimmed versions.
  • Limit your intake of refined carbohydrates and try to cut down all types of sugar.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption to up to two standard measures a day to safeguard your heart health.
  • Excessive salt can increase your blood pressure. Hence, avoid a salty diet and reduce adding salt to foods.
  • Check the ingredient list of the foods you buy. Limit the food items containing salt as a flavoring agent or preservative.

11 Natural Food Remedies For Clogged Arteries

Are you wondering if it is possible to unclog arteries naturally without any medical intervention? Yes, you can halt and prevent plaque buildup in the arteries. But, it is impossible to remove existing plaque deposited on the artery walls. While research indicates the inefficiency of removing plaque due to following a specific diet, a healthy diet can reduce the chance of its formation in the first place. Hence, you need to follow healthy eating habits for better health of arteries. If you are looking for heart-healthy foods to include in your diet to eliminate the risk of heart problems, then here is the list compiled to ensure you can avoid heart problems due to clogging of arteries. You can include these foods in your diet for a healthy heart.

Eat Fatty Fish To Eliminate Risk Of Clogged Arteries

Well, has the choice confused you? You may think about why you need to eat fatty fish when you are trying to avoid fat. Remember, fat is not the enemy. It is the type of fat you consume that can make a big difference. So, pay attention to the kind of fat you choose in your diet. Fish contain Omega-3 fatty acids that are highly beneficial for your heart. It reduces the triglyceride levels in your body and keeps your heart healthy. Finding it difficult to include natural fish in your diet? Then, you can include fish oil supplements for getting Omega-3 fatty acids. But, if you can get your hands on natural fish, opt for tuna or mackerel.

Use Olive Oil

To keep your heart healthy, doctors suggest staying away from oily foods. But, not all oils have the same properties. Some oils such as olive oil are beneficial for your heart health. You can add in your salads or use them for cooking. Why is it different? Olive oil contains monounsaturated oleic acid, which comes under the healthy fat. So, including it in your food can slash the heart risk.

Eat Nuts

Instead of eating a pack of fries as your mid-day snacks, you can consider switching them with a pack of nuts for better heart health. It can quench your craving and provide much-needed vitamins, magnesium, and fiber. You can consider snacking on macadamia, cashew, almonds, and peanuts. Nuts are a great choice for enhancing your heart health.

Include More Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. So, adding it to your diet can improve your overall health. Vegetables such as spinach and kale also contain high levels of vitamin K and nitrates. Hence, consuming it can lower the blood vessels while improving the health of cell linings in the arterial walls. Green leafy vegetables contain low levels of carbohydrates and fat. So, eating them can fill your stomach without exceeding the calorie count. You can include them in your diet in the form of salads or sabzis.

Eat Different Types Of Berries

Berries contain a high amount of antioxidants along with anthocyanins. They can reduce the inflammation developing in the body. Also, these berries can act as low-calorie desserts to curb the temptation of sweets. It will satiate your sweet tooth without harming your health. You will not experience any side effects that can develop due to consuming refined and processed sugars. You can include blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries. It can make your diet interesting as they add color and sweetness to your otherwise bland heart-healthy diet.

Include Avocados

Avocado is considered a superfood that can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. The fruit is rich in healthy fats. So, it increases the HDL (good fats) levels while keeping you satiated for a long time. Avocado has a creamy rich texture and adds taste to your diet. As the fruit is rich in monounsaturated fats, potassium, and antioxidants, it can maintain your heart health and lower the risk of heart disease.

Include Beans In Your Diet

According to studies, resistant starch can aid in better heart health. You can find resistant starch in beans. So, including beans in your diet can unclog your arteries naturally. It reduces LDL cholesterol and triglycerides to accomplish this task. Eating a diet with high amounts of beans can lower inflammation considerably. It can also help manage high blood pressure that can cause coronary artery disease.

Add Tomatoes To Your Diet

Do you know tomatoes contain high amounts of Lycopene? Lycopene refers to plant pigment with antioxidant properties. With high natural antioxidants, you can clear arteries with ease. So, include tomatoes in your diet. Also, the antioxidants can neutralize the threat caused due to harmful free radicals in the body. Free radicals are responsible for high-risk heart disease. Hence, including tomatoes in your diet can aid in better heart health.

Eat Seeds Regularly To Prevent Clogged Arteries

Do you know that seeds are great sources of fiber that boost heart health? Pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, chis seeds, sunflower seeds, and others also contain omega 3 fatty acids. According to several studies, including seeds in your diet can slash the risk of high blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation. So, include it in your diet for making your heart healthy.

Include Garlic In Your Diet

Are you looking for superfoods to clear your arteries? While garlic may not rank the highest on your list, it still can help maintain heart health. It is the best source of allicin, the therapeutically beneficial compound for heart health. According to studies, eating high doses of garlic for a long time can have an impact on reducing bad LDL cholesterol and blood pressure. What’s more? Including it in your dishes can give a flavor to the food items and make them tasty. So, it is a win-win situation as you can include heart-boosting food without compromising on the flavor.

Eating garlic can reduce the plaque deposit in the arterial lining and reduces blood pressure. It also reduces the enzymes constricting the blood vessels. If you do not like it in your food, you can take it in pill form to reduce the plaque buildup by up to fifty percent.

Eat Apples

You have heard the magical effects of apples that can keep diseases and doctors away. It is true for heart health. While Apple is not classified as a superfood, it contains nutrients beneficial for your heart health. Apples have an abundance of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that can aid in lowering blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of heart diseases. You have so many varieties of apples that you can mix them up and eat. It will help you avoid a trip to the doctor due to clogged arteries.


According to experts, people worldwide suffer from heart disease due to clogged arteries. Many people ignore the advice of the doctors to eat a balanced diet. Professionals also recommend people live a healthy lifestyle by including exercise in their routine. But, the current lifestyle of eating processed, greasy, and food high in sugar can clog the arteries. Making small changes in the diet and following a good workout routine can prevent coronary artery disease and fatal complications.


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