Sunken Eyes – Causes And Remedies

Sunken eyes can make you physically appear unappealing. In most cases, the sunken appearance of your eyes indicates aging or less problematic health conditions. But, it triggers concern in some people. It is because the skin under your eyes appears darker compared to other areas of your face. While the condition is common among older people, it can affect youngsters as well. In most cases, a simple issue that causes no serious concerns can play a part in developing the condition. Depending on the exact underlying cause, you can try medicinal or home remedies to manage the condition.

About Sunken Eyes

When you look in the mirror, do you notice sunken eyes? Is it affecting your visual appearance? Then, you need to take action. While the appearance due to the problem may vary from one person to another, it becomes a case of embarrassment for others. The delicate skin under the eye area can get affected due to stress or other health problems. But, such issues are reversed with proper intervention at the right time. The condition, also referred to as tear trough hollows have over-the-counter options and cosmetic surgical option. To learn the options to control the problem, you need to make an appointment with the doctor.

Causes Of Sunken Eyes

Unlike other conditions, you may not suffer from any adverse symptoms due to the sunken appearance of your eyes. It is not a problem in itself and mostly develops due to some underlying condition. The simple yet treatable condition can cause the skin around the eyes to appear darker and gives a hollow feeling. In most cases, you develop sunken eyes relates to the quality of the affected person’s lifestyle. Their nutrition and healthy living come into question. But, correcting these problems can resolve the sunken appearance of eyes without getting treatment. So, it means you can avoid the causes or get proper treatment in time to prevent the condition from recurring. Here are some of the example of issues affecting the skin under the eyes:

Dehydration Causes Sunken Eyes

Dehydration is one of the most common causes of sunken eyes. The body has to maintain water balance for the smooth functioning of the body. When this balance gets disrupts, it triggers several symptoms in the body including the sunken appearance of the eyes. Consuming too much of the following fluids can have diuretic effects:

  • Soda
  • Coffee
  • Prepackaged drinks

It causes diuretic effects. So, you can see increased urine production, leading to dehydration.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Vitamins are needed for your body. Due to deficiencies of certain vitamins, your eyes appear sunken or hollow. The deficiency of the following vitamins can lead to the problem

  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Vitamin K

So, when you see the sunken appearance of your eyes, it may point to undernutrition. Lack of vitamin C can cause trouble with proper iron absorption. It makes you vulnerable to bruising. Vitamin K is essential to ensure blood clotting. The deficiencies of one or both vitamins can result in unhealthy skin and a sunken appearance of your eyes.

Sleep Problems

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your body. It helps your body to rest and relax. So you feel rejuvenated in the morning. But, if you have sleep problems, the chances of sunken appearance of your eyes increases. Disrupted or lack of sleep can lead to the condition. For overcoming the problems, establishing a good sleep pattern becomes necessary. Without good sleep, the delicate skin below the eyes starts getting dark. For good sleep quality sleep, it must have the following elements:

  • Get uninterrupted sleep in the bed for a long time
  • Never fail to fall asleep within thirty minutes of hitting the bed
  • Wake only once at night
  • Not keeping awake for more than twenty minutes during the night


It is the most common problem linked to sunken eyes. Your skin around the eye region loses its elasticity with advancing age. It is because as you age, the body starts to lose collagen. The first place of collagen loss occurs under the eyes. Collagen is the protein in the human body giving strength and flexibility to your skin. With the loss of collagen, the eyes tend to settle back in your eye socket. It results in your eyes appearing sunken.

Sunken Eyes Due To Weight loss

With lifestyle diseases causing havoc, many people are trying to get back into shape by including exercise and diet. It is good to shed the extra pounds. But, during the weight loss journey, most people tend to lose weight from the face. People who lose drastic amounts of weight in a short time due to illness or following a fad diet can see the sunken appearance of their eyes. Unhealthy weight loss can cause the blood vessels below the eyes to appear prominent. Also, your skin appears pale or transparent. It results in such a drastic appearance of your eyes. Excess weight loss following a fad diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies.


Your genetics can cause sunken eyes. It is because your DNA is responsible for determining the position of the eyes in the socket. So, your eyes may appear sunken due to the genetics


People who smoke can suffer from skin elasticity and collagen degradation. Such losses can lead the skin in the face and around the eyes to sag. So, your eyes appear sunken.

Allergies Can Cause Sunken Eyes

When a person suffers from allergies, they can see the sunken appearance of their eyes. Also, dark circles start to form under the eyes. It is attributed to the inflammation developing in the tiny blood eyes present below the eyes or nasal block. They are common signs associated with allergies.

Sinus Infections

Suffering from inflammation or infection of the sinuses can result in the condition known as sinusitis. The condition causes the sunken appearance of your eyes. You also develop dark circles under the eyes. When you see such symptoms, better consult a doctor for further treatment.


Suffering trauma or injury to the face can make your eyes appear sunken. When an injury affects the bones around the eyes it can also lead to the problem. People suffering from orbital fractures can see it healing within a few weeks or months. But, most people suffer from orbital blowout fractures. It means the bony rim of your eyes stays intact while the eye socket’s thin flood becomes ruptured or cracked. According to several reports, the injury to the eye has become common with most people suffering orbital fractures.

Medical Treatment For Sunken Eyes

To get rid of sunken eyes, you need to find out the exact cause of the problem. In some cases, underlying medical conditions can lead to the problem. While such issues may not cause lasting complications, it is better to get medical attention. Here are some of the treatment options available:


When you suffer from sinus problems or allergies, your doctor can suggest medications to treat the problems. For sinus infections, you need to take antibiotics. For easing allergies, you need to take antihistamines.

Surgical Treatment

The sunken appearance of the eyes can occur after accidents or injuries to the eye. In such cases, surgical intervention is essential to rectify the problem. It is usually necessary when you suffer from an injury in the eye orbit, lose eye regularity, or suffer from an eye fracture.

Cosmetic Surgery

Women who see observe the sunken appearance due to aging or genetics usually opt for cosmetic surgeries to rectify the problem. They also choose dermal fillers to restore the appearance. It involves using an injection containing hyaluronic acid on the sensitive tissue under the eyes. But, such procedures have risks linked to them. So, take a decision only after consulting the doctor and learning about the side effects of the procedure.

Home Remedies For Sunken Eyes

Most women feel embarrassed by the appearance of the skin around the eyes. When they feel it affects their appearance, they opt for medical treatments. But, there are several home remedies to overcome the problem. While they have no side-effects, it can take some time to see results. But, all the items listed below are natural and available easily at all homes. Using it on your skin may not trigger any side effects. The home remedies include:

Use Almond Oil

When you notice the sunken appearance of your eyes it means the skin below the eyes has lost its nutrients. To replenish nutrients, you can apply almond oil. It is rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E is vital for skin nourishment. You can also try vitamin E oil for rejuvenating skin under the eyes.

Raw Potatoes For Sunken Eyes

Raw potatoes contain starch, vitamin C, and enzymes. Placing potato slices on your eyes can nourish the thin skin around the eyes. Also, the potato slices offer coolness. So, it will reduce inflammation of the blood vessels. You can see the selling or dark appearance around the eyes fading away. It is one of the simple and easy methods. You can place potato slices below the eyes while you lie down. Place it for at least twenty minutes.

Tea Bags

If you want your eyes to feel refreshed, then use teabags. It contains antioxidants and promotes circulation around the eye region. So, it improves the sunken appearance by relaxing the nerves and muscles. To try this method, you need to steep two tea bags for at least five minutes. Then, squeeze the liquid from the tea bags. Avoid placing hot tea bags on your eyes. The thin, sensitive skin below the eyes can burn. Place the tea bags under the eyes for at least ten minutes. Do this regularly to see the difference.

Place Cucumber Slices For Sunken Eyes

Cucumber slices can enhance your eye health. Placing it on the eyelids can manage dark circles. It also helps you overcome the sunken appearance. It is a popular home remedy offering cooling effects. Placing it below the eyes can lower swelling or puffiness. It also eases skin discoloration.

Use Fish oil

Fish oil is rich in fatty acids. It has anti-inflammatory properties. So, it promotes the healing of damaged skin cells. Open a fish oil capsule and apply it under your eyes before you go to bed. Let it stay on your skin overnight. Try this for at least four weeks to see results.

Opt For Vaseline Petroleum Jelly

Vaseline can moisturize and hydrate your skin. Applying it under the eyes can help overcome the dryness causing the eyes to look sunken. It can penetrate deep into your skin to smoothen the fine lines and prevents wrinkles. It will keep your skin healthy. It is one of the best remedies for the sunken eye that many celebrities have tried and achieved good results. So, apply a thin layer of Vaseline under your eyes to keep the area healthy. Leave it overnight. You can try this method for a few months to see the difference. Rinse your eyes with water if the Vaseline gets into the eyes.

Overcome Sunken Eyes By Applying Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a part of several do-it-yourself home remedies for glowing skin. It is nature’s bleach. It means it can eliminate dark circles around the eyes. When you apply a few drops of lemon juice below the yes, it removes dead skin cells. Also, it can overcome discoloration. But avoid using lemon juice directly on the sensitive skin below your eyes. It can trigger irritation. So, dilute lemon juice with few drops of water and apply it under the eyes. Try to keep away from the eyes to avoid irritation.

Organic Castor Oil

You can also try applying organic castor oil around the affected area. Massage with your fingertips to condition your skin and keep it healthy. Castor oil contains antioxidants that can eliminate the free radicals that affect the area under your eyes and making it dull. Apply a few drops of castor oil every night before sleep to overcome the sunken appearance of the eyes.

Apply Extra Virgin Olive Oil

To make your eyes appear less sunken, you can try massage the skin around your eyes with extra virgin oil. Olive oil contains high levels of antioxidants. So, it acts as a wonderful remedy to treat the sunken appearance of your eyes. The oleuropein in olive oil will offer skin protection and slows down the aging process. You need to take half-a-teaspoon of olive oil and massage it under the eyes every night before going to sleep. You need to continue it for at least a month to see improvement in the condition.

Use Avocado Oil To Overcome Sunken Eyes

Avocado oil has essential fatty acids present in it. So, it is capable of thickening and nourishing the under-eye skin. Also, avocado oil boosts collagen production in the body. It can also speed up the wound healing process in your body. You have to take a few drops of oil and massage it under the eye area. Leave it overnight. Repeat it for a few weeks to make the under-eye area healthy, supple, and glowing. It also aids in fading of black circles around the eyes.

You need to maintain caution while applying any of the oils or Vaseline around the eyes. If it gets into your eyes, it may sting. In case you accidentally let the oil or Vaseline get into the eyes, wipe it immediately using a cotton swab. Rinse your eyes with clean water to avoid stinging.

Lifestyle Changes For Managing Sunken Eyes

While the home remedies can make a difference in the sunken appearance of your eyes, you need to make some changes in your lifestyle. Simple issues like not drinking enough water or a bad diet can also cause sunken eyes. So, make the changes suggested below to note the difference.

Diet To Overcome Sunken Eyes

A healthy diet is essential for a healthy body. For a little eye care, try to add foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin K to your diet. These foods will keep your skin healthy and glowing. Try to include four to five portions of vegetables and fruits every day. It will provide your skin and body with the essential nutrients. When your skin gets the necessary vitamins and minerals, the sunken look of the eye vanishes.

Also, include Vitamin C in your diet. Fruits like sweet lime, oranges, amla, and so on can aid in collagen production. So, it can regenerate your damaged skin. In some cases, people suffering from anemia can observe their eyes becoming sunken. So, get the hemoglobin levels checked and consult a doctor. You need to include the following foods to keep up your iron levels:

  • Black raisins
  • Apples
  • Figs
  • Dates

Hydrate Your Body To Treat Sunken Eyes

The sunken eyes are a symptom of dehydration. So, drinking water will help overcome the problem. You need to drink water to maintain balance in the body and stay healthy. Dehydration can affect every organ in the body, including the skin. When the skin around the eyes becomes dehydrated, your eyes may appear sunken. So, limit the intake of diuretic beverages and drink more water. Drink up to 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to overcome the problem.

Get Good Sleep

A good night’s sleep can cure several health problems. Your eye may seem sunken when you suffer from insomnia. So, try to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Infants, older children, young adults, and older adults may require more hours of sleep. If you are suffering from sleep disorders, addressing them with the help of a doctor will help you overcome the problem.

Exercises For Sunken Eyes

You include exercises to keep your body fit. So, why not try some simple isometric eye exercises to boost your eye appearance. These exercises can help you manage the hollowness and sunken appearance of the eyes.

Dancing Eyes

To try this exercise, you need to hold your head erect. Keep it still while moving the eyeballs from left to center. Then, from the center position, move your eyeballs to the right. Again, go back to the center and move your eyeballs to the left side. You need to repeat the motions ten times.

Eye Squeeze

You have to shut your eyelids and squeeze your eyes. Hold this position until you count five. Now, pop your eyes open, Move your eyeballs from left to center and then to the right. Repeat the exercise ten times.

Closed Eye Squeeze

Place your fingertips under the eyes. Make sure your fingertips make a semicircle. Now, close your eyelids tightly for five seconds. This action will make the eye muscles work. You can feel it working under your fingertips. Repeat the exercise five to seven times.

When To See A Doctor For Sunken Eyes?

While home remedies are worth a try, you must not rely on them. If you feel the problem is worsening despite trying these tips or see other symptoms developing, then you need to see a doctor. Make an appointment with the doctor when you develop additional signs that may point to other issues. Here are the symptoms requiring medical interference:

Digestive issues

The doctor can suggest diagnostic tests to detect the exact reason for the problem. In most people, life-threatening conditions may not trigger the problem. Usual problems like genetics or aging can result in the eyes becoming sunken. These problems may not trigger life-threatening complications. But, it’s better to address the concerns you may have with the doctor. It is specifically needed when women suffering from the problems observe their self-esteem taking a hit. Wondering why your eyes have become sunken and mulling over it can lead to mental issues like anxiety and depression. Therefore, consult a doctor.


Sunken eyes are a normal occurrence. It develops due to aging or underlying simple diseases. But, it affects people who are concerned about their physical appearance and self-esteem. To overcome it, several treatments are available in the market. You can try using them or try some home remedies suggested here. If you see no difference, you can think about cosmetic procedures. Remember, cosmetic procedures can have side effects. Therefore, consult a doctor before making a decision.



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