Optic Neuritis Treatment – Symptoms, Causes, And Diagnosis,Tips To Prevent

Optic neuritis refers to the condition caused by the inflammation of the optic nerve. The swelling can cause damage to the optic nerve. Optic nerves are significant in producing a clear vision. The bundle of nerve fibers transmits the visual information obtained from the eyes to the brain. Due to the condition, you can suffer from temporary vision loss (one eye) and pain with the movement of the eye. While most cases reverse itself after some time, for some people, the signs may indicate MS (multiple sclerosis). The signs you exhibit indicate you are at risk of developing MS or already suffer from the condition. MS is a disease, causing inflammation and damage to the brain nerve. Multiple sclerosis can also affect the optic nerve.

Apart from multiple sclerosis, other conditions like immune diseases (for example, lupus) or infection can trigger nerve inflammation. People who suffer only a single episode of optic nerve inflammation can recover from the condition without losing their vision. But, recurrent inflammation can lead to a severe loss of vision. To avoid recurrent cases, you need to see an eye doctor. The doctor can diagnose the exact problem and get treatment.

Symptoms Linked To Optic Neuritis

The inflammation or swelling of the optic nerves usually affects one eye. People suffering from the condition can lead to the following symptoms:

Experience Pain

Pain in the eye that worsens with eye movement is the most common symptom associated with inflammation of the optic nerves. In most cases, you experience pain which feels like a dull ache behind your eyes.

Vision Loss

The condition can cause vision loss in one eye. Temporary reduction vision in one eye is common with the condition. But, the degree of vision loss varies. In the majority of cases, the affected person can observe noticeable vision loss over a few hours or days and it improves after several weeks to months. Some people can suffer from permanent vision loss.

Visual Field Loss Due To Optic Neuritis

People suffering from swelling of optic nerves can experience side vision loss. Also, known as visual field loss, it can occur in any pattern. So, people suffering from the condition can experience peripheral vision or central vision loss.

Loss Of Color Vision

When a person suffers from optic neuritis, it starts affecting color perception. So, affected people start noticing colors less vivid than normal.

Flashing Lights

With eye movements, you can see flickering or flashing lights. People with swelling of optic nerves can see the sign.

When To See A Doctor For Optic Neuritis

Eye conditions are serious. So, you need to see an eye doctor when you experience symptoms causing discomfort to your eyes or have a vision problem. Certain problems can lead to permanent vision loss and have a severe underlying medical condition as the cause of the problem. So, you need to contact the doctor immediately. Make an appointment with the doctor when you see the following:

  • See a change in your vision or develop eye pain
  • You see no improvement in the symptoms or it worsens with treatment
  • Suffer from neurological disorder symptoms like double vision, vision loss in both eyes, numbness/weakness in one or more limbs

See an ophthalmologist can diagnose the exact cause of the symptoms to get immediate treatment.

Types Of Ocular Neuritis

Optic neuritis refers to a kind of optic nerve atrophy (optic neuropathy), which can result in the damage of the optic nerves. It can occur due to several causes. In most cases, the condition affects just one eye (mono optic neuritis). But, around 30% of the affected people experience it in both eyes. Here are the common types of the condition:

Retrobulbar Neuritis

It is a common form of optic nerve inflammation. The condition affects the part of the nerve in your socket or orbit of the eye. When you suffer from retrobulbar neuritis, you feel pain with the eye movement. People also experience distress when they suffer from pressure on the eyeball. The optic disc has a normal pink appearance.

Optic Papillitis

When you suffer from the problem, it affects the head of the optic nerve. The condition is also referred to as intraocular optic neuritis. The optic nerve connects to the retina at the optic disc located at the head of the optic nerve. It has no photoreceptors at the point. Hence, it is known as a blind spot. When an ophthalmologist conducts an eye exam, the optic disc with the condition appears pale. Due to the problem, people can experience vision impairment. It ranges from slight to severe. Inflammation can also affect color perception. Some people see spontaneous recovery. But, it requires treatment of the underlying problem. Else, you suffer permanent damage.


It refers to a condition developed due to inflammation of nerve fibers in the macula and the neural retina.

Neuromyelitis Optica

It is the type of optic nerve inflammation caused due to central nervous system disorder. It affects both the optic nerve along the spinal cord and also causes demyelination. The condition has a less favorable outcome. It is also referred to as Devic’s syndrome.

Causes Of Optic Neuritis

The exact reason for the inflammation of optic nerves remains unknown. You develop inflammation when the immune system mistakenly targets the protective layer covering the optic nerves. So, it leads to inflammation and damage to the myelin. In normal cases, the myelin is responsible for aiding electrical impulses travel swiftly from your eye to the brain. The brain converts the electrical signal into visual information. Due to inflammation of optic nerves, the conversion process gets disrupted. It results in vision problems. Here is the autoimmune condition linked to optic neuritis:

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis refers to the disease, triggering the autoimmune system response, which results in the attacking of the myelin sheath covering nerve fibers present in the brain. People who suffer from optic neuritis have a high risk of developing multiple sclerosis. So, a single episode of inflammation of the optic nerves makes you 50% vulnerable to MS over the lifetime. The chances of suffering MS also increase when imaging tests like MRI show brain lesions.

MOG Antibody Disorder Triggering Optic Neuritis

MOG or myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody disorder is the condition causing inflammation to your optic nerve. It can also cause inflammation to your brain and spinal cord. Like MS, you can suffer from recurrent inflammation of optic nerves with MOG. But, recovery from it is better compared to other causes leading to the inflammation of the optic nerves.

Complicated Causes Of Optic Neuritis

When you suffer from a complex form of optic nerve inflammation, your doctor checks for other associated causes like the following:

Infections Triggering Optic Neuritis

Several infections can trigger inflammation of the optic nerves. A bacterial infection like syphilis, cat-scratch fever, and Lyme disease or viral infection like herpes, mumps, and measles can result in inflammation.

Other Diseases

Certain diseases like lupus, Behcet’s disease, and sarcoidosis can result in recurrent inflammation of the optic nerves.

Exposure To Drugs And Toxins

Some drugs and toxins have been associated with the development of optic neuritis. Ethambutol is used to treat tuberculosis, and methanol, a common ingredient in antifreeze, paints, and solvents, are associated with optic neuritis.

Risk Factors Linked To Optic Neuritis

Do all people face the risk of inflammation of the optic nerves? Certain factors can play an important part in increasing the risk of suffering from optic neuritis. It includes:

  • People in their twenties to forties can suffer from the condition
  • Women are more prone to developing the condition compared to men
  • The condition is more common among people of the white race
  • Certain genetic mutations might increase your risk of developing optic neuritis or multiple sclerosis.

Complications Associated With Optic Neuritis

Without medical intervention, you can face serious complications when you ignore optic neuritis. Inflammation of the optic nerve needs medical attention, else it can lead to the following:

Optic Nerve Damage

Suffering from inflammation can result in some degree of permanent damage to the optic nerve. Without treatment, you can see some symptoms affecting your vision. The condition may not trigger permanent symptoms.

Decreases Visual Acuity

Most people can regain near-normal or normal vision after weeks or months of treatment. But, some people suffer from partial loss of color discrimination. It can persist for a long time.

Visual Impairment

In the worst case, people suffering from the condition suffer from blindness. In children, it is more common as at least 25% to 30% of the children suffering from the condition can suffer from visual impairment. Early treatment is essential to improve vision.

Side Effects Of Treatment

While not getting treatment on time can trigger certain complications, but treatments can also lead to side effects. Do you know that steroid medication used to treat inflammation of the optic nerve can subdue the immune system? It makes your body susceptible to infection. You can also experience weight gain and changes in mood.

Diagnosing Optic Neuritis

When you see the symptoms associated with inflammation of the optic nerve, make an appointment with the ophthalmologist. With medical help, you can get the proper treatment to avoid complications. The ophthalmologist can perform the following eye tests to detect the problem:

Undergo Routine Eye Exam

Your doctor will conduct an eye examination to check your vision. During the examination, the doctor also checks your ability to perceive colors as well as to measure the peripheral (side) vision.


Ophthalmoscopy refers to the eye examination by the doctor to examine the structure present at the back of the eye. It is performed by shining a bright light into the eye. The test can evaluate the optic disk, where the optic nerves in your eye enter the retina. When you suffer from optic neuritis, it causes swelling of the optic disk in one-third of the affected people.

Pupillary Light Reaction Test

During the test, the doctor moves the flashlight in front of the eyes. Then, the doctor sees how the pupil responds when exposed to bright light. People suffering from optic nerve inflammation may not show constriction of pupils compared to healthy eyes when exposed to bright light.

Other Tests To Diagnose Optic Neuritis

Apart from the eye examination, your ophthalmologist can suggest other tests to diagnose the inflammation of the optic nerves:

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

An MRI is a sophisticated imaging test that uses pulses of radio wave energy and a magnetic field to generate pictures of the internal organs of the body. Using the MRI, the doctor can check for inflammation of optic nerves. During the imaging test, the doctor injects a contrast solution to make the nerves as well as other parts of the brain clearer on the images. The imaging test will help determine the presence of any damaged areas or lesions (if any) developed in the brain. Such lesions point to the high risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS). The MRI also helps the doctor rule out other causes of vision loss like the presence of a tumor.

Blood Tests To Detect Optic Neuritis

Your doctor can order a blood test to rule out infection or the presence of specific antibodies. When you suffer from neuromyelitis optica, you may have the presence of an antibody, which causes severe inflammation of the optic nerve. People suffering from severe optic nerve inflammation need to undergo this test to determine if they can develop neuromyelitis optica in the future. A blood test to detect the presence of MOG antibodies is suggested for atypical cases of inflammation.

Optical Coherence tomography (OCT)

This test measures the thickness of the eye’s retinal nerve fiber layer, which is often thinner from optic neuritis.

Visual Field Test

The test is helpful in measuring each eye’s peripheral vision. With the test, the ophthalmologist can determine any vision loss. Inflammation of optic nerves can lead to visual field loss of any pattern.

Visual Evoked Response To Detect Optic Neuritis

You need to sit before a screen for a test. The screen displays a checkboard pattern alternatively. During the test, wires with small patches attached to your head record the response of the brain to what you view on the screen. The test can help your doctor detect if the electrical signals reaching the brain has become slower due to optic nerve damage.

You need to undergo follow-up exams to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor can advise you to visit after two to four weeks for a proper diagnosis.

Treatment For Optic Neuritis

In some cases, the inflammation of the optic nerves heals by itself. No medication or specific treatment is necessary to manage the problem. For others, the ophthalmologist can suggest other treatment options like:

Steroid Therapy For Optic Neuritis

For people who see no improvement with time, the doctor suggests steroid therapy. You need to take steroid medication to reduce the inflammation affecting the optic nerve. Your doctor can offer the therapy in two ways:

  • Intravenous administration of steroid offers quick recovery from the symptoms triggered by optic nerve inflammation. But, people may not recover 100% of their vision. A certain percentage of vision loss can occur when you recover.
  • The doctor can prescribe corticosteroids. You need to take it orally to improve your vision. Taking it can help restore the vision. But, vision loss can occur in people suffering from optic nerve inflammation due to MS or other serious conditions.

Unfortunately, taking steroids can trigger some side effects. Mood changes, weight gain, stomach upset, facial flushing, and insomnia are some of the side effects associated with the condition. Talk to your doctor regarding the possible side effects before taking the medication.

Plasma Exchange Therapy

In some people, steroid therapy fails and affected people suffer from severe vision loss. In such cases, the doctor can suggest a treatment known as plasma exchange therapy. The therapy focuses on recovering the vision. During the procedure, the affected person’s blood is passed through an apheresis machine. The machine filters plasma and removes it from the blood. After discarding filtered plasma and reinfused with red blood cells as well as replacement fluids. While it remains unclear how effective the therapy is, doctors suggest the test to detect a change in the affected person’s vision.

Preventing Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

If you have optic neuritis, and you have two or more brain lesions evident on MRI scans, you might benefit from multiple sclerosis medications, such as interferon beta-1a or interferon beta-1b, that may delay or help prevent MS. These injectable medications are used for people at high risk of developing MS. Possible side effects include depression, injection site irritation, and flu-like symptoms.

Prevention Tips To Avoid Optic Neuritis

While you have no sure method to prevent inflammation of the optic nerve, you can take some steps to prevent it. These safety measures will reduce the chances of suffering from the condition. Here are some of them you can follow:

Include A Good Diet

You need to include a diet in nutrition to boost your immune system. Avoid pro-inflammatory foods that can result in swelling of the opting nerve. When you reduce inflammation, it aids in better healing from the existing symptoms and avoid them from worsening.

Food Items To Include To Prevent Optic Neuritis

You need to add food items providing anti-inflammatory properties. Here are some of the best choices to prevent optic neuritis:

Fresh Fruits And Vegetable To Prevent Optic Neuritis

You need to choose fresh vegetables and fruits. But, ensure they are organic and have reduced exposure to the chemical as well as pesticides for better results. You can include the following in the diet:

  • Tomatoes
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Squash
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Carrots
  • Mango
  • Melon
  • Cherries
  • All types of berries
  • Sea vegetables
Lean Protein

Protein is the significant nutrient needed to support vital body functions like cell maintenance, tissue repair, enzymatic reactions, hormone function, and muscle building. You can add protein with lower fat content to get anti-inflammatory effects. You can include the following foods:

  • Pastured eggs
  • Fish
  • Grass-fed meat
  • Poultry
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are also a vital part of a good diet that can reduce inflammation. Your body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids, so you need to include food items containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. Include wild-caught fish like sardines or salmon.

Consume Probiotic Foods

Probiotics refer to the good bacteria present in the body. The microorganisms present naturally in the digestive tract will help with digestion and reduces inflammation. You can include the kefir, yogurt, and cultured vegetables for increasing the good bacteria.

Stay Hydrated

Apart from including a healthy diet, you need to maintain the water balance in the body. It prevents dehydration and reduces the chances of inflammation. You can drink eight to ten glasses of water, herbal teas, and fresh vegetable juices.

Foods To Avoid

While you need to include foods, preventing inflammation, try to avoid certain food items. These food items promote inflammation in the body. It increases the chances of suffering from inflammation of the optic nerves. Here are some of the food items

  • Fried foods
  • Processed foods
  • Fast foods
  • Foods made from refined grains
  • Items containing added sugar
  • Food items with ingredients
  • High levels of sodium
  • Foods containing preservatives
  • Foods triggering allergy (like dairy or gluten)

Protect Your Eyes To Avoid Optic Neuritis

Eye injuries can increase the risk of suffering from inflammation of optic nerves. So, you need to protect the eyes from injuries. Wear eye accessories during sports or other activities. Protective gear can prevent such injuries or accidents.

Get Enough Rest and Relaxation

Stress can make inflammation worse. Therefore, you need to take steps to keep the stress under control. Get enough rest to keep anxiety under control. Practice the stress relaxation techniques to avoid worsening of pain and aggravating the immune system. You can try the following to manage stress better:

  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Prayers
  • Acupuncture

While the above-mentioned activities can help you relieve the stress, you can also spend time in nature. It will help you drain all the negative energy from the body.

Avoid Drugs And Alcohol

When you are stressed or suffer from pain, turning to drugs and alcohol seems the easiest way to forget about it. Due to the sedative effects of alcohol and drugs, you feel numb and fail to recall the problem causing stress. But, using drugs and alcohol only offers temporary relief. It can result in a flare-up of symptoms. So, try to avoid drugs and alcohol. If you find it difficult to kick the habit, then seek professional help.

Quit Smoking

Smoking means you inhale tobacco smoke. It can lead to inflammation of the optic nerve. It affects your vision and results in the loss of color vision. The problem is common in smokers. Therefore, you need to quit smoking. If you cannot quit the bad habit, then you need to talk to your doctor or see a therapist to look for options for quitting. You can take part in smoking cessation programs or try some relaxation techniques to overcome the habit.

Visit Ophthalmologist

Making an appointment with the ophthalmologist to check your eye health yearly can prevent any problems. A regular checkup can prevent any potential condition from worsening as you get early medical attention.

Prognosis Of Optic Neuritis

What is the prognosis of optic neuritis? People suffering from the inflammation of the optic nerves can regain their close to their normal vision. So, you can back your vision six months after you experience the first episode of the condition. If the affected person suffers from the inflammation of the optic nerve again, then they face a greater risk of developing neuromyelitis optica (NMO) or MS. The inflammation can recur in people without suffering from any underlying conditions. Such people have a better prognosis for their vision compared to people suffering from NMO or MS.


Optic neuritis is a condition requiring immediate attention. Your eyes are an integral part of your body. You need to take good care of your eyes and treasure it for seeing things properly for a long time. So, see an ophthalmologist when you experience the signs. You can follow the yips and remedies after consulting with the doctor. The doctor can perform diagnostic tests to determine the exact cause of the problem and offer appropriate treatment. With medical assistance, you can see things properly and experience visuals with clarity.





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