Skin Peeling – What It Is, Causes, And Treatments

Skin peeling is one of the weird and annoying skin issues you can suffer. You feel disconcerted and uncomfortable when you suffer from the issue. So, why do you experience the problem? What are the causes of the problem? Before knowing more about it, you need to know what the problem is. Peeling of skin is the condition occurring when the top layer of the skin flakes off or peels off. It usually occurs due to an underlying inflammation or when your skin comes in contact with something. So, allergic reactions or skin sensitivity can trigger the problem. The problem can also occur due to chronic conditions like psoriasis or eczema. In some cases, the peeling of the skin can occur due to serious or life-threatening conditions. Such rare instances are not common, but you need to see a dermatologist. A medical professional can determine the exact cause of the problem.

About Skin Peeling

Skin peeling, also known as desquamation refers to the loss or shedding of the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin). Peeling of your skin can occur due to the direct damage to your skin. In some cases, a wide variety of diseases (mild to serious) or conditions can result in the problem. Depending on the underlying cause, the peeling of the skin can affect a small area or your whole body. The condition can develop in people of all age groups or populations. Depending on the underlying condition, you can experience the peeling of skin from your face or body.

The treatment for the condition depends on what causes it. So, you need medical assistance to figure the exact cause of the problem. Depending on the cause, the doctor can suggest simple home remedies, over-the-counter medications, or prescription medication treat the underlying problem causing the issue. Most people think picking the skin is a good idea. But, when you pick scaly skin, you could actually damage healthy skin. So, it can inflict small wounds, which allows bacteria or armful pathogens to attach to your skin. It can result in infection like impetigo or cellulitis. It results in further scarring.

Symptoms Associated With Skin Peeling

When you see the peeling of the skin, it can accompany other symptoms depending on the underlying disease, condition, or disorder. The other symptoms may affect other parts of your body like the respiratory system, digestive tract, nervous system, cardiovascular system, reproductive system, the integumentary system (associated with skin and others), or the immune system. The other possible signs associated with the skin peeling includes:

  • Burning
  • Bleeding
  • Blistering
  • Dryness
  • Dryness
  • Irritation
  • Inflammation
  • Itching
  • Scaling
  • Rash
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Warmth
  • Thickening

These symptoms appear in the affected areas of your skin. See a dermatologist as the doctor can determine the exact underlying condition triggering the problem.

Serious Symptoms Associated With Skin Peeling

Some symptoms point to a life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical attention. Observe your body closely to see if you suffer from other signs. Issues like Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic shock syndrome needs immediate evaluation and medical assistance. So, if you see one or more of the following symptoms along with peeling of your skin, then go to an emergency room immediately:

  • Change in vision or blurriness
  • Other eye problems like dry eyes
  • Change in state of alertness, confusion, or lose consciousness (feel lethargic or pass out)
  • Trouble breathing, wheezing, or shortness of breath
  • Vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea
  • Headache
  • High Fever (having a body temperature higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Develop hives or see swelling of throat, tongue, lips, or mouth
  • Seizure
  • Skin pain, itching, or joint pain
  • Sloughing or shedding of large sheets of skin
  • Develop lesions, sores, blister rash, or blisters on mucous membranes
  • Swollen lymph node or other signs of infections like fever, fatigue, sore throat, cough, headache, aches, and pain

Causes Of Skin Peeling

Many conditions, disorders, or diseases can result in skin to peel. It usually occurs during the healing phase of an injury. In some cases, direct contact or exposure to fire, chemical, or other substances can also result in the condition. When you see skin peeling, it is better to get evaluated by a physician. Here are some of the common causes of the peeling of skin:

Skin Peeling Caused By Sunburn

It is the most common type of condition causing your skin to peel. So, anyone who has come home after spending time on the beach with fiery shoulders or used a tanning bed for a long time are susceptible to sunburn. The prolonged exposure to UV (Ultraviolet) radiation can result in sunburn. Due to the condition, your skin appears tender, red, and at times hot to touch. You see peeling of skin after some time as the skin is trying to repair its top layer. So, why do you see the peeling of skin when you are exposed to ultraviolet radiation? The sunburnt skin cells do not live for long. As they are going to die, it disrupts the natural skin barrier. In normal cases, the skin cells are glued together. With the dying or dead cells losing the glue, the damaged skin cells start to peel.

Treatment For Sunburn Causing Skin Peeling

For mild sunburns, you can try some home remedies. But, serious cases require treatment from a doctor. Here are the options available to ease pain and ensure quick healing:

Take Bath

You need to take cool baths or showers immediately after sun exposure. It helps your skin to cool and provides temporary pain relief. Avoid hot or warm water until your burn heals. Only use cool water on your skin to alleviate discomfort.

Apply Cold Compresses

You can apply cold compresses on the affected area to manage discomfort caused by the sunburn rash. If you are placing ice packs, never place ice directly on the burn as it can cause further damage. Use a barrier like cloth or tissue to cover the ice and then place it on the affected area.

Apply Aloe Vera Gel

You can opt for store-bought aloe vera gel or pure aloe gel to apply after a shower. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties and also moisturizes the skin. So, applying to the affected area will reduce the amount of peeling. For getting relief, you can keep the aloe in the fridge. It offers a nice cooling effect.

Take Over-The-Counter Painkiller

For reducing pain and distress, you can take an over-the-counter painkiller like aspirin or ibuprofen. Taking it within a few hours of sun exposure will limit the swelling and manage the sunburn pain. But, if your doctor has advised against taking these medications due to underlying health conditions, then consult your doctor for other options.

Over-The-Counter Hydrocortisone Cream

You can apply over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream on the affected area of skin. You need to follow the directions on the package to get relief from the bothersome symptoms associated with the condition.

Stay Hydrated

Sunburn can cause flaking and dehydration. So, drink extra water to rehydrate. Hydration can help skin heal better.

Opt For Protective Clothing

If you need to go outside in the sunlight, then you need to wear protective clothing while your skin heals. The burned skin takes longer to heal. Also, your skin is more prone to damage from ultraviolet rays for several weeks. Therefore, maintain caution. Irrespective of the severity of your sunburn, you must refrain from picking it.

Dry Skin Triggering Skin Peeling

Dry skin is one of the most common causes of skin peeling. Some people are more prone to the problem as the skin loses its moisture fast. Anyone can suffer from this problem as the environment or chemicals can strip the skin of oils and moisture. It is common when you live in a low-humidity environment like n apartment with heating using forced air. People can also dry skin due to using harsh soaps or when they take scalding-hot showers. These actions can strip the natural moisture from the skin and damages its barrier. A healthy skin barrier keeps everything bad out and ensures the proper balance of water as well as other nutrients. When the skin barrier is disrupted, your body loses water and becomes dry. So, you can experience the following symptoms:

  • Tightness of skin
  • Itching
  • Develop cracks in the skin
  • High chances of skin to start flake or peel off.

Treatment For Dry Skin

The treatment for dry skin focuses on repairing the skin’s barrier and restore the lost moisture. So, here are the treatment options available to manage the condition:

Use Moisturizer To Avoid Skin Peeling

Using a thick-cream based moisturizer is recommended for people with dry skin. Using it on areas prone to dryness like the face, hands, or other parts of the body after washing can avoid damage to the skin barrier. When you wash your hands or body, the natural oils are stripped. So, it results in irritation and causes little breaks in the skin, leading to inflammation. For better results, using the moisturizer immediately after showering or washing hands/face can restore lost moisture. It is essential to put moisturizer on wet skin for better absorption and restore the oils of the skin. It will pull in the water and offer rehydration of the skin.

Use Humidifier

When you suffer from dryness of skin and subsequent peeling due to staying indoors with a heating system, then invest in a humidifier. Humidifier adds moisture to the air and prevents dryness of the skin. So, it is effective in preventing irritation caused due to dryness.

Avoid Hot Showers

Taking a hot shower at the end of the day may sound appealing and relaxing. But, a long and hot water shower can only remove oils and moisture from the skin. So, you need to choose warm water instead of hot water. Also, limit your bath or shower to five to ten minutes.

Use Mild Cleanser

Using soaps containing harsh chemicals can dry your skin. So, you need to choose gentle skin cleansers that remove dirt and grime from the body without stripping off the moisture. You can also opt for shower gels with added moisturizers for your bath.

Wear Gloves

With coronavirus infection, most people are following handwashing using soap and water to eliminate harmful pathogens. But, frequent hand washing can increase your chances of suffering from skin peeling. So, use hand moisturizer to restore hydration. Healthcare professionals who wash hands frequently can opt for wearing gloves.


Eczema is the skin condition causing skin peeling, itching, extremely dry, and inflamed patches. The patches appear red on your skin. It is a chronic condition developing due to the lack of protection from the skin barrier. A weak skin barrier allows bacteria and irritants to attack your skin. But, most people mistake eczema for regular dry skin. It is due to the similar appearance of dry skin and eczema. Also, the condition occurs commonly in winter. But, certain triggers like allergens can worsen eczema. So, you require further treatment to manage it.

Treatment For Eczema Causing Skin Peeling

You have no treatment for curing eczema. The treatment aims to heal the affected skin region. Also, the treatment suggests steps to prevent flares of the symptoms triggered by the condition. See a dermatologist when you suffer from skin peeling due to eczema. The doctor makes a treatment based on the age of the patient along with the current state of health.

Home Remedies For Skin Peeling Caused By Eczema

In mild cases of the condition, the doctor recommends home remedies to manage the problem. It includes the following:

  • Apply moisturizer on the dry skin.
  • Keep the skin clean by using a mild cleanser.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals and fragrances along with unknown allergens.
  • Use humidifier.
Prescription Treatments For Skin Peeling Triggering By Eczema

For severe cases, it is important to see a dermatologist. It is important for people already suffering from the issue to see a medical professional when they notice a flare. The doctor can suggest the following treatment to calm down the inflammation:

  • Topical and systemic corticosteroids
  • Antibiotics
  • Antiviral and antifungal treatments
  • Phototherapy

Skin Peeling Caused Due To Contact Dermatitis

Skin peeling can also occur due to contact dermatitis. It is the skin problem occurring due to a negative reaction caused by something in the environment you contact. You can classify contact dermatitis into two types:

Skin Peeling Due To Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Allergic contact dermatitis refers to the skin condition developing when you come in contact with something allergic. So, when you use or touch the product like poison ivy, nickel, or certain ingredients present in the skincare products, it causes skin breakouts. It is an immune system reaction caused when your body releases chemicals when you contact with the allergens.

Skin Peeling Caused By Irritant Contact Dermatitis

Irritant contact dermatitis is different from contact dermatitis as it is not caused by allergens. It is the condition triggered due to damage suffered by the skin’s protective barrier. Due to the damage to the skin barrier, it results in rash development. This occurs due to your skin coming in contact with fertilizers, rubbing alcohol, and other harsh chemicals.

Treatment For Contact Dermatitis

It becomes a tricky issue to differentiate between eczema and contact dermatitis. They appear similar in appearance as well as symptoms. The treatment for the condition depends on the cause of

With that in mind, the best way to prevent contact dermatitis is to identify and avoid your specific set of triggers (which can include things like weather, irritants, and allergens). That may take some trial and error, but talking to your dermatologist will help.


When you suffer from a skin condition like psoriasis, it can cause the development of dry, red, itchy patches. These thickened patches of skin are known as plaques. It differs from another skin condition known as eczema. It is because the skin in psoriasis is thicker than patched observed in eczema. So, people suffering from psoriasis are more likely to experience flaking. Psoriasis is a condition occurring when the body starts attacking its skin cells. So, it causes the skin renewal process to speed up. People with the condition can see skin cells multiplying up to ten times faster than normal. Instead of a 28-day cycle for the skin cells to shed, it just takes four days. So, skin build-up can result in bumpy red patches. These patches are covered in white scales.

The skin condition can develop anywhere. But, affected people usually see it on their lower back, scalp, knees, and elbows. While the skin condition is not contagious, it can develop in members of the same family. Psoriasis is a condition appearing like dry skin. So, you can get confused. But, if you see no improvement in your skin with a moisturizing regime, then you are dealing with psoriasis. It is better to seek assistance from dermatologists when you see no improvement in your skin condition or when it starts to peel or flake more.

Treatment For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a complex skin condition causing skin peeling. It is difficult to understand and manage the skin problem. The affected person requires customized treatment based on the types and severity of the symptoms. So, here are the treatment options available to manage the problem:

  • Topical Medications
  • Light Therapy
  • Retinoid
  • Biologic treatments

In some cases, a combination of treatment helps manage the problem. The dermatologist suggests the affected people avoid factors causing flare-ups. So, it is better to avoid injury or trauma to the skin, infections, and stress.

Skin Peeling Caused By Seborrheic Dermatitis

Skin peeling can also occur due to seborrheic dermatitis. It is a scaly and flaky rash developing in an area with a high concentration of oil glands. So, it crops in areas like:

  • Scalp (You mistake the condition as a severe case of dandruff)
  • Face
  • Groin
  • Armpits (Due to high friction)
  • Between the finger

The peeling of the skin due to seborrheic dermatitis occurs when the oil glands produce more oil or sebum. It results in overproduction of yeast leading to inflammation. So, it results in flaking of the skin’s top layer. You can identify the problem with the following symptoms:

  • Itching
  • Scaling
  • Redness
  • Presence of excess oil

Treatment For Skin Peeling Due To Seborrheic Dermatitis

Sometimes mild cases of seborrheic dermatitis clear without any medical intervention. But, other cases require treatment and management to prevent the accumulation of oil and yeast. Unlike other conditions causing peeling of the skin due to dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis does not occur in such a manner. So, moisturizing may not help to treat the problem. Instead, take steps to address the yeast buildup. Here are some of the options:

Over The Counter Options

Over-the-counter medicated shampoos, creams, and lotions are used to treat the condition. It is easy to manage the problem with home remedies. It is suggested by the skin doctor before considering the prescription treatment. Your doctor suggests it when the over-the-counter options fail to provide results.

Control Inflammation

Creams, ointments, and shampoos are used to control inflammation caused due to peeling of the skin. Your doctor can suggest hydrocortisone to control the inflammation in the affected and prevent it from spreading to others. It is easy to use and highly effective. But, use it according to instruction as using it continuously for weeks or months without a break can result in side effects. So, people who do not follow proper dosage can see lines or streaks on their skin or thinning of the skin.

Antifungal Medications

For serious conditions, you need to take antifungal medications in the pill form. So, the doctor the treatment option when other treatment options fail to offer relief from the condition. Apart from that, antifungal creams, gels, or shampoos are alternated with other medications to offer relief.

Athlete’s Foot

It is the condition resulting in the peeling of skin on the feet due to fungal infection. The fungus starts to create a home in the top layers of the skin. It causes the fungus to secrete enzymes, which starts breaking down the top layer. So, it results in developing a rash with scaling and skin peeling. The area looks red. Fungus usually thrives in a warm and moist area. Therefore, your feet attract fungus after a workout as it creates an ideal environment due to excess sweat. It is important to treat the condition as early as possible. Without proper intervention, your skin can break down to a point as it can suffer from secondary infection.

Treatment For Athlete’s Foot

To treat the condition, your doctor first advises over-the-counter options. The topical antifungal medications will treat your infection. But, when it fails to offer you relief, then you need prescription treatment to treat the infection. The topical or oral prescription-strength antifungal medications will manage the infections. Some home treatments will also clear the infection.

Prevent Athlete’s Foot

The peeling of the skin caused due to Athlete’s foot is easy to prevent. You need to follow the pointers suggested below:

  • Wash your feet with soap and water. You need to follow it daily. Dry your feet thoroughly, especially between your toes.
  • You need to wash the socks, towels, and beddings in hot water (temperature of more than 60 degrees Celsius or higher).
  • Wear shoes and socks made of breathable materials and fibers.
  • Change your socks regularly to avoid fungus development on your feet.
  • Put antifungal powder on your feet every day.
  • Never share your shoes, socks, or towels with other people as it increases the risk of the Athlete’s foot.
  • Wear sandals in public showers, around public swimming pools, and in other public places.

A Serious Underlying Condition Triggering Skin Peeling

In some rare cases, the peeling of your skin is a symptom of a more severe health condition. The condition may require immediate medical attention. For example, conditions like Steven Johnson syndrome needs immediate medical care. It is the condition occurring due to an adverse reaction to a new medication. Taking the medication can cause skin problems like a red rash, painful blisters, and shedding of skin. Toxic shock syndrome is another serious condition that has peeling of skin as one of the symptoms. Along with that, the affected person also suffers from vomiting, fever, body aches, diarrhea, and confusion. The serious condition may not sneak up on you. It is possible to see other symptoms before it becomes serious. But, if you see peeling of skin in large sheets or sin peeling is accompanied by fever or tenderness, then see a doctor immediately.


The severity of skin peeling depends on the underlying cause of the problem and the person affected by it. You need to understand the exact reason triggering the problem. So, see a doctor immediately. You need to take the steps suggested by the doctor to manage the problem and prevent any complication. With appropriate treatment, you can manage the problem. Some people can experience flare-ups of the condition triggering the peeling of skin throughout their lives. So, you need to follow the preventive measures suggested for lasting results.


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