Skin Allergy: Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies, And Prevention Tips

Are you suffering from skin allergy? It means you break out in a rash after coming in contact with some foreign object. You feel itching and the area coming in contact appears. While an allergist has to make the final call, it appears you are suffering from an allergic reaction. It can occur when you come in contact with a plant, while you put latex gloves, or wear nickel jewelry. Certain things can make your immune system react when you brush up against them. The allergy trigger can vary from one person to another. Read ahead to know more and how to safeguard yourself from such adverse reactions.

What Is Skin Allergy?

Skin allergy refers to the temporary outbreak of rashes that results in red bumps or scaly patches on the skin with an itching sensation. You can see welts or blisters along on the affected area. It usually occurs when you come in contact with plants, a chemical used in your makeup, or eat something that trigger an immune system response. Your body thinks foreign objects as dangerous, known as allergens. So, the immune system overreacts. The immune system releases antibodies to fight these foreign invaders to protect the body. It results in adverse reactions on your skin. To avoid such issues, you need to keep your distance from the allergens. See a doctor when the symptoms worsen or you find it difficult to breathe.

The Different Forms Of Skin Allergy

You can suffer from skin allergy due to different underlying causes. The most common kinds causing the allergic reaction on your skin are:

Contact With Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, And Poison Sumac

When you come in contact with bruised or damaged parts of the leaves of poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac, then you can develop skin rashes. It is because the damaged leaves release urushiol, an oil that can cause allergic reactions when your skin comes in contact with it. It can trigger an itchy rash with redness. The rash may occur with blisters or bumps. In some people, the allergic reaction only causes mild symptoms. These mild symptoms are easy to control at home with some home remedies. But, a severe reaction like breathing trouble needs immediate medical assistance. A doctor’s assistance is also necessary when you breathe the urushiol oil due to the burning of the plants.

Allergic Reaction Due To Coming In Contact With Nickel

It is the most common allergic reaction people suffer as nickel is used to make almost everything from belts, jewelry, eyeglass frame, to paper clips. People who work with the metal are more at risk of nickel allergy. It also causes a reaction when you work as a hairstylist, caterer, retail clerk, house cleaner, or you specialize in body piercing. People allergic to this metal can develop bumps on the sides of their fingers when they eat something containing the metal. This condition is called pompholyx or dyshidrotic hand eczema.

Use Latex/ Rubber

Using rubber products can cause a mild rash on the hands. This reaction occurs because of the chemicals used in the rubber sap to make different problems. In normal cases, sap from the rubber trees are mixed with certain chemicals to make diverse products like

  • Erasers
  • Rubber gloves
  • Condoms
  • Balloons
  • Elastic waistbands

You can suffer from a mild allergy that eases when you take self-care measures at home. But, some people suffer from life-threatening complications due to a severe reaction known as anaphylaxis. It can spread quickly throughout the body and makes it difficult to breathe properly. This condition is common among people who have undergone several surgeries or healthcare workers.

Skin Allergy Due To Clothing

Some people develop skin allergy after wearing brand new clothes. The rash develops on the trunk when you wear a shirt or on the feet when you wear new socks. So, your skin develops rashes after you try a new outfit. It occurs due to the presence of chemicals or dyes used to process the fabric. In some cases, the fibers of the clothing ca trigger the rash. To prevent such a reaction, you need to wash the new clothes before using them. Some people are sensitive to dyes and chemicals, so they need to switch to cotton or organic cotton. It is better to avoid mohair or wool.


Certain preservatives added to makeup, beauty products, and other cosmetic items can cause an allergic reaction. So, avoid products with chemicals like formaldehyde and parabens. Skip anything triggering rash.


Fragrances are added to deodorant, cologne, or perfume. It is also added to soaps. It is used to mask the foul odor. Physical therapists and massage therapists are prone to such allergies.

Skin Allergy Triggered By Medications

When you use certain over-the-counter ointments and creams, it can make the already existing skin issue worse. This occurs due to certain drugs used in the products. So, when you opt for products used to treat itching, scrapes, cuts, earaches, toothaches, and cough drops, then check for the following:

  • Bacitracin
  • Benzocaine
  • Neomycin

These drugs can trigger skin problems in some people.

Exposure To Ultraviolet Light

Going out in sunlight may trigger sun rashes or sunburns in some people. But, an allergic reaction caused by ultraviolet light is different. It develops when you get hives or rash after using a tanning bed or going out in the sun. It is more prone when you have used certain products or a combination of your skin. The chemicals in skin products can cause a skin reaction when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Home Remedies For Skin Allergy

Skin allergy can trigger various symptoms in the body. It makes you uncomfortable. If you have mild symptoms, then you can try some natural remedies at home. These home remedies are effective in controlling the distressing symptoms. But, if the symptoms worsen or you have trouble breathing see a doctor immediately. Some tips to manage allergic reactions at home are:

Use Baking Soda To Manage A Skin Allergy

Baking soda is alkaline. So, it helps restore the pH lost from the affected skin. It also soothes discomfort caused by the rashes and itching. This helps in the quick healing of skin from the allergic reaction. For trying this method, you need one teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of water. Make a paste using them. Apply this thick paste to the affected area of your skin. Leave the paste for at least ten minutes and wash it off with water. You can do this multiple times a day for getting quick relief.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil offers several benefits to your skin. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil have moisturizing properties. It also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-analgesic properties. So, applying it on the affected areas of the skin, relieves itching and redness triggered by the allergic reactions. You need to take a few drops of 100% virgin coconut oil. Make it warm by rubbing the oil between the palms and apply it on the affected area. Leave it on the skin for twenty to thirty minutes. Wash it off and pat the area dry. You can do this at least three to four times daily for a few days to see effective results. But, coconut oil is not suitable for all skin types. So, you need to do a patch test before using it on the rashes.

Alleviate Skin Allergy Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar exhibits antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties as it contains acetic acid. So, it helps treat allergic reactions and the signs it triggers on your skin. It offers protection to your skin from infection. But, people with sensitive skin need to use it with caution as it can irritate. You need to dilute one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with one cup of warm water. Mix well and soak a cotton ball. You need to apply it on the affected area and allow it to dry for fifteen to twenty minutes. Try this two times a day to see results.

Use Essential Oils To Heal Skin Allergy

You can use essential oils for healing many issues, including skin problems. Here are some of the most effective options to manage skin problems:

Peppermint Oil To Alleviate Skin Allergy

Peppermint oil exhibits anti-inflammatory properties as it contains menthol. As it also exhibits numbing effects, applying it on the affected area offers immediate relief from redness, swelling, and itching. You must use essential directly on your skin. Always mix it with a carrier oil to get the desired results. Ass one teaspoon of carrier oil like jojoba oil, olive oil, or coconut oil with six to seven drops of peppermint oil. Mix well and apply it on the affected areas of the skin. Wait for at least thirty to sixty minutes. Then, wash it off. You need to apply it at least three to four times a day for a couple of days to see results.

Alleviate Skin Allergy Using Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is another excellent essential oil known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It offers immediate relief from itching and inflammation. Also, it prevents infection from spreading to other areas. Use six to seven drops of tea tree oil in one teaspoon of carrier oil. You need to mix it well. Apply the mixture on the affected areas of the skin. Wash it off after leaving oil on the skin for thirty to sixty minutes. Wash it off after the specified time. You need to repeat this for at least three to four times a day to see results.

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Tulsi or holy basil has antimicrobial properties. It is potent enough to protect your skin from different types of skin infections. The anti-inflammatory property of tulsi is effective in healing swelling and inflammation caused due to allergic reactions. So, using it on your skin can manage the symptoms like itching, redness, and other signs associated with the allergic reaction. To use it on your sin, you need to grind a handful of basil leaves in the blender after washing them. Then, apply the paste on your skin. Leave it for at least twenty to thirty minutes before washing it off with water. You need to do this multiple times a day. Continue it for a few days for effective results.

Use Manuka Honey To Handle Skin Allergy

If you want an effective natural option to manage skin allergy, then Manuka honey is the right choice. Manuka honey contains antimicrobial and immune-regulatory properties. These powerful properties help quick healing of rashes developing due to an allergy. You also get relief from other symptoms of allergic reactions like redness and itching. As Manuka honey is a natural humectant, you can reduce skin irritation by using it.

You need two to three teaspoons of Manuka honey, which you need to apply directly to the affected areas. Leave it on the rash for at least twenty to thirty minutes. Wash it off with water. You need to do this at least three to four times a day for at least a few days. You can also continue until you notice a difference in your skin.

Use Guava Leaves On The Rash

Do you know that guava leaves have strong anti-inflammatory properties as it contains ethanolic extracts? So, it can relieve the red rashes and itchiness caused due to skin allergy. For trying this method, you need a bunch of guava leaves. Wash the guava leaves with water. Then, crush these leaves and add them to the bathtub filled with water. You need to soak in the water for at least twenty to thirty minutes. Pat your skin dry. You have another alternative of using the guava leaves for managing allergies. Make a paste of the guava leaves by grinding them. Now, apply the paste directly to the affected areas of your skin. Wash it off after some time. Apply this paste for at least two times a day to see results.


Ginger is an herb used in cuisines. In India, ginger is used as a natural remedy for several ailments. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties make it one of the best home remedies to treat skin allergy. Ginger soothes the inflammation and itching caused due to an allergic reaction. For using ginger, you need to boil cup water and add a slice of ginger to it. Bring it to boil in a saucepan. Allow it to simmer for at least five minutes. You need to strain the liquid and allow it to cool. Apply the liquid on your skin using a cotton boil. Leave it on your skin for at least thirty to forty minutes. You can wash it off after the suggested time. Do this for at least three to four times daily until you see the difference.

Use Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline)

Petroleum jelly can prevent microbial infections by forming a protective layer when you apply it on the affected area. It also keeps your skin moisturized. Using Vaseline will speed the recovery and help you manage the skin issue caused due to allergies. Apply petroleum jelly on the affected area for a few days or until the symptoms disappear.

Lemon Juice For Controlling Inflammation

Lemon juice is used in several home remedies to manage a skin problem. It is loaded with vitamin C and has bleaching properties. So, it is used by people in the face pack for clear and bright skin. But, do you know lemon also possesses anti-inflammatory properties? It helps relieve the swelling, inflammation, and redness caused due to allergies on your skin. The anti-bacterial properties prevent any further infection to the already affected area. While lemon juice on the skin causes a mild burning sensation, it heals itching quickly. For making the home remedy, you need to mix half lemon juice in one cup of warm water.

Use a cotton pad and dip it into the lemon mixture. You need to apply it directly to your skin. Allow it to dry and wash it off with water. You need to do this multiple times a day to see a difference.

Manage Skin Allergy By Using Black Seed Oil

Black seed, also known as kalonji has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains antipruritic and analgesic properties. It possesses these properties due to the presence of thymoquinone. It is beneficial in treating allergies developing on your skin. For getting effective results, you need to apply the oil in the affected area. Wait for at least thirty to sixty minutes before washing it off your skin. To get the desired results, you need to apply the oil multiple times a day. Continue it for a few days to see results.

Neem The Natural Remedy For Skin Problems

Neem is one of the most popular and effective ingredients used for treating different types of skin problems. It manages the itching and inflammation caused due to allergies. It is because neem contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, it helps combat many skin ailments without side effects. Apart from alleviating redness, swelling, and itching, it also acts as a natural antihistamine. The presence of Nimbin aids in treating different skin conditions along with allergies.

For trying the remedy, you need to grind a few dried or fresh neem leaves into a fine paste in a grinder. Apply this paste on the affected areas. Leave the paste for at least twenty to thirty minutes before washing it off your skin. Continue using it for at least three to four times daily for a couple of days or until you see a difference in the condition.

Take Vitamins And Minerals To Manage Skin Allergy

You can prevent allergies when you keep the skin healthy. For healthy skin, you need vitamins like A, C, and E. These vitamins contain a powerful antioxidant. So, they aid in repairing damaged skin. It also prevents any toxic reactions. Vitamin C is also good for boosting your immune system to fight against allergies. Vitamin E effectively manages inflammation as well as swelling as it contains anti-inflammatory properties. So, add foods in your diet containing fresh vegetables and fruits. Here is the list of foods containing these essential vitamins:

  • Broccoli
  • Carrot
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Garlic
  • Kale
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Citrus fruits

When you are not getting enough vitamins from your diet, then you can take supplements. Consult a doctor to get the additional supplements for these nutrients. So, you can manage the deficiency of these vitamins.

Similarly, minerals like magnesium are essential to prevent an allergic reaction. It is because the mineral is a natural antihistamine. You can include the following magnesium-rich foods for allergy relief:

  • Cashews
  • Almonds
  • Kelp
  • Wheat bran

Taking it in supplement form can assist in alleviating allergy symptoms.

You can follow the tips mentioned below to help these remedies work even better.

Preventive Measures To Avoid Skin Allergy

Instead of suffering from the distressing symptoms caused due to skin allergy, you need to take steps to prevent it. The main preventive measure is to identify the allergen triggering the immune system reaction. For each person, allergens differ. It is usually something harmless that triggers an immune system reaction as your body mistakes it for harmful foreign bodies. Here are some of the preventive measures you can try:

Maintain Personal Hygiene

Bathing daily and keeping your skin clean is essential for preventing any allergic reactions. When you bath daily, it reduces allergen exposure. Using body cleanser or soap will wash away dust, pollen, or other allergens from your skin as well as hair. According to experts, you need to take a shower immediately after you spend considerable time outdoors. It is because a polluted environment increases your risk of suffering from allergies. Showering daily keeps you stay fresh and healthy.

Clean Clothes And Bed Encasing

You need to wash your clothes regularly. Not washing creates hygiene issues and increases your risk of suffering from skin problems. This extends to your beddings. You need to wash them using laundry soap and dry in the sun before using them. You can also use an allergy-safe bed encase for the bedding to prevent the presence of dust mites or bed bugs. An effective bed encasing can prevent dust mites and bed bugs from infesting your bed. So, you can keep away such allergy-causing pests.

Use Air Purifier For Managing Skin Allergy

You develop skin problems due to dust or mold allergy. In such cases, installing an air purifier in your home is a good idea. The air purifier can eliminate pet dander, smoke, dust, and pollen from the air you breathe inside the home. So, it is the best-recommended option when you have high chances of suffering from indoor allergies.

Identify Allergen And Avoid Them

You need to identify the allergens triggering the immune system reaction. Keeping from the allergens is important to avoid skin allergies. For example, if you are prone to UV allergy, limit your sun exposure. Use a sunscreen or other accessories like hats when you go out. Similarly, avoid areas where poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac grows when you are prone to skin allergy caused by these plants.

Wash Off Allergens To Prevent Skin Allergy

If you suspect coming in the contact with allergens, then you need to wash it off. Use a gentle cleanser or soap to wash off the potential allergens from the skin. Rinse with water to ensure the allergens do not stay on the skin and trigger reactions.

Avoid Excessive Perspiration

If you are suffering from allergic reactions, then excessive perspiration can aggravate the condition. It is evident in the areas you have sweat glands concentration (for example armpits). So, the condition worsens when you play a sport or exercise. The humid weather along with excess heat emitted by the body can worsen allergic issues. To avoid such issues, you need to take a shower immediately with cold water after an intense physical workout. Also, avoid wearing tight clothes. Wear loose-fitting clothing of breathable fabrics.

Pay Attention To Diet

Your diet also plays an important part in the worsening of the existing skin allergy. So, you need to avoid some of the common food allergens that people with allergic reaction need to avoid:

  • Soybeans
  • Milk
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Shellfish
  • Wheat
  • Tree nut (like pecans, walnuts, and almonds)


Suffering from a skin allergy is an annoying experience. Various allergens like insect bites, metals, pet hair, food, and others. Mild issues are easy to manage with some effective home remedies. But, serious symptoms need immediate medical attention.



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