Hypertension Causes Hair Fall

When hypertension causes hair fall, it can cause you mental stress. It is because you need to take steps to manage your blood pressure levels, but also stops the loss of hair. The tresses are your crowning glory. If you want to make an impression on others, your visual appeal has high significance. Your beautiful and well-managed hair gives you an attractive appeal. It is the direct expression of your style and personality. When you lose hair strands excessively, it becomes a troublesome problem. It affects your self-esteem, especially if you are a woman. But, when you address the root cause of the problem, it will help you control hair fall and save your locks. Read ahead to know how you need can stop the problem by managing high blood pressure.

How Hypertension Causes Hair Fall?

According to several studies a link exists between hypertension and hair loss. But, why hypertension causes hair fall remains unclear. The exact reason for the link remains a mystery. Studies also show a relationship existing between heart disease and loss of hair. High blood pressure can also result in different diseases. Also, heart diseases can trigger high blood pressure. Loss of hair is associated with both high blood pressure and heart disease. But, researchers are yet to establish a clear reason linking these conditions.

What Is Hypertension?

Before going into the details of how hypertension causes hair fall, you need to know what it is. Hypertension also referred to as high blood pressure is the condition developing when the blood pressure increases to unhealthy levels. The blood pressure is the measurement associated with the amount of blood passing through your blood vessels and the resistance met when your hearts pump the blood. When you have narrow arteries, the resistance increases. So, people with narrow arteries suffer from high blood pressure. As time passes, the increased pressure will trigger several health issues. The common health problem associated with high blood pressure is heart disease. But, people who have high blood pressure also suffer from hair loss.

Studies Indicating Hypertension Causes Hair Fall

People who have high blood pressure, observe higher than normal hair fall. Hypertension causes hair fall along the vertex. It may also occur at the crown or top of the head. So, you may not see the loss of hair on your temples. While researchers are not sure if the loss of hair is the indicating symptom of high pressure or heart disease. It is also not clear if the heart disease or high blood pressure is triggering loss of hair. A recent study by the Japanese researchers in 2012 shows the link that exists between high blood pressure and hair loss. The meta-analysis indicates the importance of getting medical advice, when you suffer from loss of hair.

Several studies over the years have proven the association between an excess loss of hair and high blood pressure. One of the popular ones is the study published in 2007. This study strongly indicated that hypertension causes hair fall in men resulting in male pattern baldness. Researchers interviewed 250 men in the age from 35 to 65 to conclude their findings.

Hypertension Causes Hair Fall And Heart Disease

Do you know that heart disease is the most common cause of high mortality and disability rates around the world? Several countries around the world have high rates of people suffering from heart disease. Such people have observed a sudden loss of hair or a specific pattern of hair loss. While several studies have linked to heart diseases to hair loss, the one published in 2000 sheds more light on it. The study published in 2000 in the Archives of Internal Medicine has studied the health records of thousands of male doctors. The health reports of 22000 doctors over eleven years indicated a link exists between heart disease and balding. Doctors with mild balding faced a 23% increased risk of suffering from heart problems. Completely bald doctors had a 36% high possibility of developing heart problems.

So, people who experience severe loss of hair or any specific pattern of hair loss need to check their blood pressure. They should also get diagnosed by the doctor to detect any underlying heart disease. While the exact reason for this relationship remains unclear, you need to take necessary precautions. So, get the opinion from the doctor when you see the signs. When you fail to treat high blood pressure at the right time, it can increase the risk of heart diseases.

Baggage Of Other Issues When Hypertension Causes Hair Fall

While scientists have not indicated that hypertension causes hair fall or hair fall causes high blood pressure, it has a strong link. In men, the vertex-type hair loss or balding indicates high blood pressure. So, see a doctor when you suspect high blood pressure as the reason behind your sudden and significant hair loss. With proper treatment from the medical professional, you can prevent several other diseases triggered due to high blood pressure like:

  • Kidney diseases
  • Heart diseases (like enlarged left heart, coronary artery disease, and heart failure)
  • Brain damage (stroke)

So, get medical assistance to manage the problem and prevent it from escalating into a complex health issue.

Why Hypertension Causes Hair Fall?

Studies indicate that people with high blood pressure with a systolic reading above 120 and a diastolic reading of 80 can experience twice the risk of losing their hair compared to people with normal blood pressure readings. While other variables like high cholesterol levels, smoking, or age can also influence the loss of hair, when you suffer from high blood pressure, it increases the chances of losing more hair. Why hypertension causes hair fall in people? Here are the reasons:

Improper Blood Circulation Affecting Hair Growth

You may have read about the association between increased blood circulation in the scalp and hair growth. Most home remedies advise you to massage the scalp for some time to increase blood circulation. Following it for a few weeks can see improvement in your hair growth. This makes a lot of sense as proper blood flow to the scalp produces healthy and strong strands. When you suffer from high blood pressure, it affects the circulation in the scalp. Due to high blood pressure, you suffer damage to the cells of the inner lining of the arteries. As time passes, your arteries become less elastic. This constricts the blood flow to all organs as well as your scalp. It, in turn, deprives your hair follicles of the necessary nutrients needed for growing and flourishing.

Longtime smokers start experiencing hair loss. This occurs because the bad habit restricts the blood circulation to the scalp. With restricted blood flow, it depletes the countless essential nutrients. These nutrients are essential for the hair follicle to function normally. As time passes, nutrients depletion can cause hair follicles to shrivel up. So, the hair follicles dry out and die. It leads to the weakening of the hair shaft and finally you experience losing hair strands. When people suffer from hypotension and hypertension, the blood vessels become constricted. So, it depletes blood flow to the important cells as well as organs. It is essential to seek medical attention when people suffer hair loss due to either condition. Hair loss is the signs that the illness is advancing and needs treatment to avoid complications.

Medications To Manage Hypertension Causes Hair Fall

Medications used for hypertension causes hair fall in many people. So, the condition as well as the medications prescribed for managing the condition increases the risk of hair loss. Here are some of the medicines used to manage high pressure that also triggers hair loss as a side effect:

  • Cholesterol management medications
  • Beta-Blockers
  • Ace Inhibitors
  • Anticoagulants

So, before taking any of these medications, you need to talk to the doctor regarding the possible side effects. If your doctor indicates hair loss as a potential side effect, then you can request the doctor to suggest an alternative medication to deal with high blood pressure. Never stop medications prescribed without consulting the doctor. It is because while hair is important for a good visual appeal, it is not as important as your health or life.

What Can You Do When Hypertension Causes Hair Fall?

If you suspect high blood pressure is triggering excess hair fall, then it is better to seek medical help. Your doctor can evaluate your condition and suggest an ideal solution. Since hypertension causes hair fall and other severe medical problems, never decide without getting advice from a medical professional. Here are some of the steps you can take to overcome the problem:

Change/Switch Medication

If you have changed the medication or have started taking a new medication and have observed loss of hair, then talk to your doctor regarding the concerns. Your doctor can suggest an alternative medication or change the dose to reduce the side effect. But, you must not stop taking the medication without consulting the doctor. Stop medication only if the doctor suggests it. Also, follow the suggestion of the doctor.

Medications To Treat Hair Loss

Men suffering from male pattern baldness as a result of taking blood pressure medication can opt for other treatments. You can try taking the following medications after consulting with the doctor:


It is the medication only for men experiencing baldness as hypertension causes hair fall. This medication can help manage hair loss on the vertex as well as the anterior mid-scalp region. Men can experience thinning of hair on the scalp when a loss of hair occurs in excess.

Dutasteride When Hypertension Causes Hair Fall

Dutasteride is an off-label treatment option to prevent hair loss. It is also suggested for men. Women must never use it.


Rogaine, also known as Minoxidil is the most famous medication used by both men and women. It is ideal when hypertension causes hair fall as it is an antihypertensive vasodilator. So, it handles high blood pressure along with male pattern hair loss. It is prescribed as an oral tablet as will the over-the-counter topical foam or liquid.

You need to use these medications as suggested for a certain period. Patience is necessary to see effective results.

Hair Transplant Surgery When Hypertension Causes Hair Fall

You cannot reverse baldness. So, to overcome the problem, you need to undergo hair transplant surgery. It is the type of surgery moving the hair you already have and fill in the area with thin or no hair. You have two methods for hair transplant, Fuss (Follicular unit strip surgery) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction).

Laser Hair Therapy

Low-level laser therapy is used for hair loss. This treatment is also known as cold laser therapy and red light therapy. The therapy irradiates photons into your scalp tissues. When the photons are absorbed by the weak hair follicles, it encourages hair growth.


If you want no additional treatment to deal with hair loss, then you can opt for a hairpiece or wig to cover the baldness. Another cost-effective option is using a scarf or hat to cover your scalp.

Do you know that many people undergoing chemotherapy proudly display their new look with no hair? So, if you have severe health issues, then you never have to feel embarrassed regarding how you look. You feel proud that you are brave enough to fight it. So, you can decide the look you feel comfortable with.

Hypertension Causes Hair Fall: How To Reverse It

Once you manage hypertension or change dose/medication triggering hair loss, you can control it. But, what to do to reverse the loss of strands you have suffered due to the condition. Unless you suffer from a male or female pattern of baldness, with certain steps at home, you can reverse the loss of strands. Hypertension causes hair fall, but some natural solutions can reverse it. Here are some of the effectiveness:

Hypertension Causes Hair Fall: Diet And Supplements To Reverse It

Your diet has a direct effect on your blood pressure levels as well as hair loss. Including a balanced diet is beneficial for your hair and overall health. It supports healthy hair along with its regrowth. Try to consume foods rich in antioxidants along with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. According to a study conducted in 2015 has observed the effects of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as taking antioxidant supplements on hair growth. The study conducted on 120 females without any underlying health problem found almost all the participants (more 90%) experienced hair growth after taking the supplements for six months. The supplements reduced hair loss and increased the thickness of their hair.

People suffering from certain nutritional deficiencies can see a loss of hair and problems with hair growth. So, if you doubt any nutritional deficiency, then undergo a blood test to detect the actual deficiency. The deficiencies contributing to hair loss are:

  • Zinc
  • Biotin
  • Iron

Based on the deficiency, you can take a supplement to boost levels, which may help hair to grow back.

Minoxidil Topical Solution

Many people have observed visible changes when they have applied minoxidil, also referred to as Rogaine. It is the over-the-counter medication available for reducing hair loss. You can apply it topically to the scalp to reduce hair fall and promote hair growth. People who have used it have seen their hair growing back within three to six months. You can get it easily at the pharmacy or buy it online on popular platforms like Amazon.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Free picture (The oil from pumpkin seeds) from https://torange.biz/oil-pumpkin-seeds-46204
Hypertension Causes Hair Fall 1

Do you know pumpkin seed oil can prevent hair loss? It can reduce the effects of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for losing hair strands. According to a study conducted in the year 2014, pumpkin seed oil has shown effective results in men suffering from hair loss. Men who took pumpkin seed oil for 24 weeks have observed a 40% increase in their hair count. To get the desired effect, men in the study took 400mg of pumpkin seed oil every day. You can also try it to reverse hair loss caused due to underlying issues like high blood pressure.

It is always better to seek medical attention to deal with hair loss caused due to underlying health conditions. When hypertension causes hair fall, you need to try home remedies after consulting your doctor. The doctor can suggest the best option based on your health condition.

Hypertension Causes Hair Fall: How To Prevent It?

Suffering from lifestyle issues like high pressure has become common. With more and more people having a hectic lifestyle and bad food habits, hypertension is more prevalent. When hypertension causes hair fall, you need to take some preventive measures. These hair care tips work for achieving healthy locks.

Hypertension Causes Hair Fall: Control High Blood Pressure

When you suffer from high blood pressure, your blood tends to move through the arteries with more force. So, it puts excess pressure on the tissues. When delicate tissues in your arteries or blood vessels, it causes damage to it. This can affect your overall health. Since you see no symptoms associated with high blood pressure, the condition can damage vital organs like the heart without your knowledge. So, hypertension causes hair fall and other serious complications. Referred to as a silent killer, it leads to fatal complications. Therefore, you need to take steps to avoid it with the following:

Handle Stress When Hypertension Causes Hair Fall

Physical and mental stress can trigger several health problems. It can also increase your blood pressure, which results in hair loss. Stress also disrupts the natural process of hair growth. It can also lead to premature greying. To handle stress, you need to try some relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises regularly. It is a good stress buster and avoids loss of hair.

Include Regular Exercise

Include physical activities in your daily life. It helps deal with your high blood pressure. Regular physical activities benefit your strength, mood, and balance. It will reduce your risk of lifestyle diseases like blood pressure, heart diseases, and high blood pressure.

Hypertension Causes Hair Fall: Avoid It By Following A DASH diet

Your dietary choices influence blood pressure levels. So, the doctor has suggested DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension). Following this diet can lower your blood pressure levels by at least 11mm Hg systolic. When you follow the DASH diet, it consists of the following:

  • Include fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains
  • Include fish, lean meats, and fish
  • Eat only low-fat dairy products
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Refrain from including full-fat dairy products
  • Eliminate fatty meats (high in saturated fats)

Reduce Body Weight

Your body weight can have a direct influence on your pressure levels. When you are overweight, it increases your chances of suffering from high blood pressure. So, losing at least 10 pounds (around 4.5 kilograms) of body weight can lower your blood pressure levels. It will also prevent loss of hair. It is not just the number on the scale that matters, but also your waistline. An increasing waistline means you have high chances of suffering from high blood pressure. The fat around the waistline referred to as visceral fat can affect your health adversely. It is because the fat surrounds various vital organs in the abdominal region. So, try to lose weight from the region to lower blood pressure levels.

Take Care Of Your Hair

Apart from the lifestyle changes, you need to take good care of your hair to ensure its regrowth. If you are suffering from underlying issues triggering loss of hair, then apart from managing it, you need to take the following steps to maintain hair health:

Regular Trims

Irrespective of the underlying cause, you need to take proper care of your hair. Your hair tends to get damaged at its tips. So, you need to take time to get good trim at least six to eight weeks. It will help manage your hair woes to an extent. Damaged hair is more prone to breakage. It also has a straw-like texture. So, you need to chop it off to remove split ends and promote its growth.

While Hypertension Causes Hair Fall Avoid It From Worsening By Restricting Hot Showers

Taking a hot shower can make you feel relaxed. It also offers relief from aches and pain in your body, but it is bad for your hair health. Hot water strips the moisture from the hair strands just like your skin. It also strips the natural oil from the scalp. Therefore, it results in hair becoming dry and brittle. Such a texture of hair can lead to breakage. You need to opt for lukewarm water for washing your body. Try to rinse your hair with water at the coolest temperature.

Avoid Combing Wet Hair

Some people comb their hair immediately after taking shower. But, it will only lead to hair fall and breakage. This occurs because wet hair strands are fragile. So, they are prone to breakage. Before you indulge in any form of styling, let your hair dry. Air drying before using any comb on your hair can avoid breakage. Also, use a wide-toothed comb for styling.

Refrain From Selecting Tight Hairstyles

While hypertension causes hair fall, certain habits can also lead to excessive breakage. For example, pulling your hair tight from its roots can result in its damage. So, you need to avoid hairstyles resulting in such issues. Avoid tying your hair tight while sleeping can protect your hair strands.


If hypertension causes hair fall, then it is better to seek medical advice. Excess loss of hair indicated high blood pressure or high blood pressure can trigger hair loss. With medical assistance, you can determine the best course of action to deal with the problem. If the medication you take is triggering the loss of hair, then your doctor can adjust its dose or suggest an alternative to ease the symptoms. Never stop taking medication for lowering blood pressure without discussing it with your doctor. Your doctor can suggest other options with fewer side effects.








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