Folliculitis Hair Loss – Causes, Precautions And Treatment

Folliculitis hair loss is not a rare condition. You may not know the exact name for the condition triggering loss of hair, you may have experienced it in one form or the other. It is the bacterial infection of the hair follicle, which can result in loss of hair from your scalp or other parts of the body. It also causes other symptoms like inflammation, swelling, and discomfort. In severe cases, you experience a permanent loss of hair or the discoloration of the strands of hair.  It c appear on your scalp or different parts of your skin. The condition can also cause itching and soreness. You may often mistake it for non-healing sores, acne, or pimples.

Infection or inflammation of the hair follicle is a common cause when you are trying to find the reason behind your hair fall. If you are suffering from excess hair fall, then you need to check if this condition is triggering it. Read ahead to know more about the condition and the steps you need to take to avoid the distressing issue from troubling your life.

About Folliculitis Hair Fall

When your hair follicle becomes inflamed, it results in folliculitis. A pouch-like structure helps each strand of your hair to grow out. If you see the diagram of the hair, the follicle looks like a bulb where the strand terminates. When the bulb becomes inflamed due to skin issues like dry skin or friction caused between the clothes, then you develop folliculitis. So, the condition is common on the scalp and certain parts of the body, covered all the time. So, it is common in certain areas like the thighs and groin. But, folliculitis hair loss is common in the scalp and facial region.

The common skin condition results in the inflammation triggered by bacteria or fungus. They normally look like small red bumps or white-headed pimple around the hair follicles. Each hair grows from the tiny pockets, which becomes inflamed. This infection can spread to other areas. It can also turn into non-healing sores with a crust. While the condition is not life-threatening, the sores developed causes itching and soreness. You feel embarrassed due to the condition. In severe cases, the infection causes permanent hair loss as well as scarring. Mild cases of infection heal well without any complication with some basic self-care measures. But, recurring and severe cases require prescription medication. So, it is essential to see a doctor.

Signs Of Folliculitis Hair Loss

When you suffer from hair follicle inflammation, it causes small, red bumps. These bumps resemble like an acne breakout. As time passes, the infection spreads to other follicles. So, the bumps become larger. It looks more inflamed. While the condition affects any part of the body, folliculitis hair loss is common when it affects the scalp. This infection begins along the hairline and triggers other signs like:

  • Development of clusters of tiny, red bumps with a white tip on the scalp
  • Sores with oozing pus
  • Sores having yellowish-brown scabs
  • Scalp itches
  • Stinging or burning sensation
  • Feel pain or tenderness on the scalp

Causes Of Folliculitis Hair Loss

In most cases, the infection of the hair follicle occurs when Staph (Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria attacks it. But, this condition also occurs due to fungi, viruses, or inflammation triggered due to ingrown hairs. Hair follicles are densest in your scalp. So, folliculitis hair loss from your scalp can make you worried. But, hair follicles are present in other parts of the body except for your lips, soles, palms, and mucous membrane. So, you will see the signs and symptoms associated with the condition on any part of your body. Here are some of the common reason which results in the irritation of hair follicles making the area surrounding it red and inflamed:

  • Staph bacteria and certain types of yeast infections tend to attack the hair follicles, resulting in inflammation and swelling up of the affected region.
  • At times, excessive friction of your hair follicles with clothes can cause inflammation. When the hair follicles become inflamed, it aggravates into an infection of the hair follicles.
  • When the pores of the skin get clogged due to dirt, grime, and sweat can trigger inflammation and infection of the hair follicles.
  • Shaving using a blunt razor regularly can damage your hair follicles. The massive hair follicle damage can result in itching, inflammation, and the area becoming red.

Risk Factors Associated With Folliculitis Hair Loss

When you develop inflammation or infection of the hair follicle, it leads to folliculitis hair loss. While anyone can develop the condition, certain risk factors make some people more susceptible to the condition compared to others:

  • When you have an underlying medical condition reducing the immunity levels (suffer from conditions like HIV/AIDS, chronic leukemia, diabetes that reduces your resistance to infection)
  • Suffer from other skin problems like dermatitis or acne
  • Use some medications like steroid creams or undergo long-tern antibiotic therapy to manage acne
  • You are male with curly hair on your head and shave it frequently
  • Soak in a hot tub or swim in swimming pools with contaminated water
  • Suffer from hair follicle damage due to waxing or shaving
  • Regularly wearing clothing that traps heat and sweat, such as rubber gloves or high boots

Complications Associated With Folliculitis Hair Loss

When you fail to give proper attention to inflamed or infected hair follicles, it can result in several complications. The possible complications of the condition include:

  • Permanent hair loss due to destruction of hair follicles
  • Develop boils under the skin (furunculosis)
  • Develop life-threatening skin infection (cellulitis)
  • Spread of infection to other areas of the body
  • Recurrent infections
  • Permanent skin damage like dark spots and scarring

When Should You See A Doctor Folliculitis Hair Loss

When you suffer from the infection of hair follicles, try some home remedies to get relief. In most cases, the condition is easily treatable at home. But, with some cases, you may require medical attention when the condition becomes worse or you see no improvement. Here are some of the symptoms indicating the need to see a medical professional immediately:

  • The sores you develop seems to worsen or spread to other areas after two full days of treatment at home.
  • The skin appears red or experience pain around the hair follicles.
  • You develop a fever with body temperature 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius).
  • The infection develops due to shaving, but it becomes difficult to stop shaving.

Diagnosing Folliculitis Hair Loss

When you see the symptoms associated with the condition or experience excess hair fall from the scalp, then see a doctor. Your doctor can determine the underlying cause and offer the right treatment. If your physician suspects infection or inflammation of the hair follicle, then they suggest you see a dermatologist. Here are some of the diagnostic technique used to detect folliculitis hair loss conclusively:

Physical Examination To Confirm Folliculitis Hair Loss

The doctor can diagnose the condition by looking at the skin. During the examination, the doctor can ask about your medical history. You need to inform regarding any skin disorders suffered in the past.


In some cases, the doctor uses dermoscopy, the technique to examine your skin microscopically. It is a useful tool used for diagnostic purposes. It can detect certain forms of infection of the hair follicles with accuracy.

Lab Assessment

Some people may not see improvement in the condition as the infection fails to clear up. The doctor suggests taking a swab sample of the infected hair or skin. It is tested in the laboratory to determine the exact reason triggering the infection.

Skin Biopsy

This diagnostic test is suggested only in rare cases. Biopsy means taking a skin sample and testing it in the lab to rule out other skin conditions.

Treatment For Folliculitis Hair Loss

Treatment for folliculitis hair loss depends on the severity of the condition ad what causes it. Most people get medical assistance when the condition does not improve with self-care measures at home. While discussing your treatment, you need to mention the home remedies you have tried. It helps the doctor develop a treatment for effective results. Unfortunately, even when the treatment offers your relief, the chances of the infection coming back are high. So, talk to your doctor regarding the steps you need to take to prevent the problem from recurring.

Medications To Manage Folliculitis Hair Loss

For moderate cases of infection, you need medical assistance. Your doctor suggests medications to manage folliculitis hair loss. The options available are:

Antibiotic Medication For Folliculitis Hair Loss

To control the infection, your doctor prescribes antibiotic medication. You get these medications in cream, gel, or lotion form. In most cases, oral antibiotics are not suggested for the condition. But, in severe cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics pills. People suffering from a recurrent infection must also take oral pills.

Manage Fungal Infections

A fungus is one of the main causes of infection of the hair follicles. So, the doctor prescribes antifungal options. Usually, this option is suggested for yeast infections rather than a bacterial infection. Antibiotics cannot cure fungal infections. Antifungal options are available in creams, shampoos, or pill format. The doctor can recommend the right one based on the severity of your condition.

Reduce Inflammation

If the infection causes severe itching or inflammation, then your doctor prescribes pills or creams to reduce them. For people with a weak immune system, the doctor suggests antiretroviral therapy for better management of the condition. So, you can see improvement in the condition.

Light Therapy

According to some research, the use of light therapy for treating folliculitis hair loss offers effective results. It is suggested for patients who suffer from deep folliculitis. You may know light therapy as an effective treatment option to treat acne. But, it is also effective for managing infection of the hair follicles. This treatment option uses light along with chemical substances to kill pathogens like viruses, fungi, or bacteria causing the infection.

Other Interventions For Folliculitis Hair Loss

For severe cases of infection affecting hair follicles, you need other intervention techniques. Here are some of the interventions suggested:

Minor Surgery

When infection of hair follicles causes a large boil or carbuncle, then the doctor suggests minor surgery to drain the pus to prevent further complications. The doctor makes a small incision on the large boil to drain the pus. This technique relieves pain, heals wound faster, and reduces the chances of scarring. The doctor covers the wound with sterile gauze if the pus continues to drain.

Laser Treatment For Folliculitis Hair Loss

When other treatments fail, laser therapy for removing the affected hair clears up the infection. You need several sittings of the treatment to get the desired results. Also, it is expensive, which makes it the last choice to deal with hair loss caused due to hair follicle inflammation. The drawback of the method is that it removes hair follicles in the affected area permanently. So, it reduces the density of the hair in the treated area. Apart from that, the treatment also causes scarring, discoloration, and blistering.

Lifestyle Changes To Manage Folliculitis Hair Loss

When you suffer from mild cases of folliculitis hair loss, then some steps at home can improve the condition. You can adopt the following approaches to ease the discomfort, quicken the healing process, and prevent infection from spreading to other parts of the body. Here are the steps you need to take:

Warm Compress

Apply a warm compress eases the discomfort associated with the condition. If you have no warm compress, then using a warm, moist washcloth on the affected areas several times a day can ease the distress. If you have developed pus, then this step drains the area. To ensure quicker wound healing, you can moisten the warm compress with a saltwater solution. For making the saltwater solution, you need to mix one teaspoon of salt in two cups of water.

Apply Over-The-Counter Antibiotics

If you feel mild discomfort due to the condition, then you can apply over-the-counter antibiotics available in the form of washes, gels, and creams. Non-prescription products are available in a drug store.

Maintain Skin Hygiene

You need to clean the infected skin to promote healing. For keeping the affected area clean, you need to wash the infected area using an antibacterial soap at least two times a day. Always use a clean washcloth and towel while cleaning your skin. Always wash the towels and washcloths used in the affected area with hot soapy water. Then, dry in hot temperature. It is to kill any harmful pathogens that have transferred from your skin to cloth.

Home Remedies For Folliculitis Hair Loss

You can try some home remedies with effective results to manage folliculitis hair loss. It has helped several people who have suffered from the condition.

Use Hydrocortisone Cream

A skin disorder can trigger itching. It only worsens the skin problem as the infection has a high risk of spreading to other areas. So, applying soothing lotions can prevent itching and irritation. Hydrocortisone creams are effective in treating skin problems like irritation, itching, and swelling. It is effective in dealing with several skin conditions. Before using the cream, you need to use a moist cloth to wet the affected area. Use warm water and anti-bacterial soap to form a generous lather. You can use the reputed brand of anti-bacterial soap or liquid. Use a washcloth on the affected area and you need to soap skin gently for at least thirty seconds. This action will exfoliate the dead skin developed near the affected follicles. Rinse off the skin thoroughly with warm water and pat dry. After cleaning, you need to treat the skin with a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream. It will relieve acute itching and inflammation.

Vinegar Compress To Manage Folliculitis Hair Loss

You can apply a vinegar compress to manage hair loss caused due to inflammation or infection of the hair follicle. For making the compress, you need to mix four parts of the water with part of vinegar. Choose high-quality white vinegar for making the compress. You need to dip a clean washcloth in the vinegar mix. Wring the washcloth till it dries and place it on the affected area. Keep the vinegar compress for at least half an hour. You can apply the vinegar compress at least two times a day to see effective results. For quick healing, you can apply hydrocortisone cream.

Prevention Steps To Avoid Folliculitis Hair Loss

If you have suffered from folliculitis hair loss in the past or fear of it, then you can take the following measures:

Use Clean Water

Contaminated water can cause inflammation of hair follicles when it stays on your skin or scalp for a long time. Using a hot tub with untreated water can also cause this condition. Some develop hot tub rash when you use a poorly maintained spa or tub. It usually appears a few days after you come in contact with contaminated water. So, you need to use only clean heated pools or hot tubs. If you are using a hot tub or pool at your home, then ensure you clean it regularly. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to keep the hot tub clean. Use chlorine as recommended to ensure the water remains clean.

Maintain Caution While Shaving

If possible avoid shaving. Men who are prone to razor bumps while shaving need to consider stopping shaving. Such people with no necessity of having a clean-shaven face can think about growing a beard. If such a decision is not possible, then to prevent folliculitis hair loss, they need to follow the steps suggested below:

  • Always shave with utmost care. When you shave, adopt habits like reducing the closeness of shave. It will control the symptoms caused due to razor bumps and reduce the risk of damaging your skin.
  • Also, shave less frequently to avoid damage to the skin.
  • Before shaving, use warm water to wash your skin and use antibacterial soap to form a lather.
  • You need to use a cleansing pad or a washcloth to raise embedded hairs. Using gentle circular motion you can raise such hairs before shaving.
  • You need to apply a good amount of shaving lotion before shaving
  • Remember to shave in the direction of hair growth. Some studies indicate people who shaved against the hair strands have observed fewer skin bumps. So, you need to check what works best for you.
  • Avoid stretching the skin and also refrain from shaving too close to your skin using an electric razor or guarded blade.
  • When you use a sharp blade, then after every stroke, you need to rinse it with warm water.
  • Apply moisturizing lotion after you complete the shave.

Refrain From Waxing

Considering hair-removing products (depilatories) or other methods of hair removal. Though they, too, may irritate the skin. She advises that folliculitis can result from both shaving and waxing but is more common when the hair is completely removed from the follicle, as with waxing.

Maintain Good Personal Hygiene To Avoid Folliculitis Hair Loss

You need to bathe or shower daily. Use mild soap or cleanser for your body and mild shampoo to clean the scalp. It is important to bath or shower after exercise or performing physical work. Also, clean your body and scalp after working with chemicals. Sweat in your body or scalp provides an ideal breeding ground for the bacteria causing infection to grow.

Avoid Sharing Personal Items

Never share personal items with others as it increases the chances of infection spread. You need to avoid sharing washcloths, towels, or other personal items like razors with others, irrespective of how close the person is to you. Also, use clean washcloths and towels (after washing them with warm soapy water and drying in hot temperatures). Wash any items coming in contact with your scalp like beddings, pillow covers, combs, hat, and other hair accessories before using them.

Avoid Touching The Bumps

Touching or scratching the bumps on the skin or scalp can only worsen the infection. When hair follicles become infected, you feel itching along with swelling in the affected area. The urge to scratch is high, but you need to refrain from it. Scratching can increase the chance of spreading the infection to other areas or increase pain.

Choose Breathable Fabrics

You develop an infection of hair follicles on your scalp as well as other parts of your body. Wearing tight clothes can increase the friction between your skin and clothing. It only increases the chances of developing an infection of the hair follicle. Wear loose, breathable fabrics to avoid friction and subsequent infection.


Folliculitis hair loss occurs when you develop an infection of the hair follicles on the scalp. It is the most uncomfortable condition causing severe distress. You can manage the problem easily with proper care. Try home remedies for a few days. If you see the symptoms not improving or worsening, then you need to see a doctor for medical treatment. The prescription treatment using antibiotics or antifungal creams can manage the problem. People with a weakened immune system or suffering from a recurring infection of the hair follicles need to see a doctor immediately when they see the symptoms. With proper steps, it is possible to manage the problem without any complications.


Folliculitis Can Cause Permanent Hair Loss



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