Dry Skin Allergies – Cause , Symptoms and Treatment

Dry skin allergies as the name suggest are common for people whose skin has lost hydration. While the condition is not serious, it causes severe discomfort. As a result of the allergic reaction, you experience severe itching and inflammation. In some cases, it can escalate to infection. Several factors contribute to the dryness of your skin. You need to take steps to ensure your skin is healthy. Simple yet effective steps at home can improve the texture of your skin. Avoiding harsh chemicals and using moisturizers can keep your skin hydrated. But, some people may not see improvement with home remedies. In such cases, seeing a dermatologist is recommended to avoid complications. The skin specialist can determine the exact cause of the problem and offer a treatment plan to overcome the issue.

Symptoms Of Dry Skin Allergies

Some people suffer from dryness during the winter season while others are born with skin type. The allergic reaction can trigger different symptoms based on the underlying reason. You need to take action when you see the following:

  • Skin feeling tight
  • Rough textured skin
  • Severe itching
  • Mild to severe scaling, flaking, or peeling
  • Ashy or gray skin
  • Redness or inflammation
  • Deep cracks with blood oozing out

See A Doctor For Dry Skin Allergies

In most cases, dry skin allergies respond to home remedies. But, you need to see a dermatologist when such remedies fail to show results after two weeks. Some people suffer from skin disorders like psoriasis or eczema, which appear similar to allergic reactions. To rule out such conditions and get the necessary assistance, making an appointment with the doctor is essential. In some rare cases, severe underlying health conditions like liver disease or cancer can trigger persistent itching. So, getting medical advice is important. See a dermatologist immediately when you observe the following:

  • You see no improvement of your skin despite trying different remedies
  • Dryness of skin accompanies with redness or inflammation
  • You experience itching along with dryness that interferes with your routine and sleeping
  • Develop open sores on your skin or infection due to scratching
  • You observe peeling of skin or large areas of scaling

Causes Of Dry Skin Allergies

You suffer from dry skin allergies because your skin loses its hydration. When the skin becomes dry due to the loss of natural oils and hydration, it makes you susceptible to an allergic reaction. Dry skin, also known as xerosis can make your skin vulnerable to itching and infection. Here are some of the causes of the skin condition:


Your skin can suffer from extreme dryness due to low humidity, cold temperatures, and the use of a heating system to keep you warm. So, this condition is common during the winter season. Some people refer to the itching during the winter season as winter itch. So, this condition is common when the humidity and temperature levels plummet. But, winter season may not cause such issues when you live in desert regions.

Using Central Heat

When you use a central heating system, space heaters, wood-burning stoves, or fireplaces to reduce the cold, it can cause dryness of your skin. They reduce the humidity and can strip off moisture from your skin.

Take Hot Bath/Showers

Hot water can strip off natural oil and moisture from your skin. So, taking long baths or hot showers can result in dryness of the skin. Using a hot tub or swimming in a chlorinated pool for a long time can also trigger dryness.

Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals or irritants in soaps as well as the detergent can harm your skin. So, using popular soaps, shampoos, or detergents can strip moisture from your skin. It is because these products are formulated to remove oil, leading to dryness.

Other Skin Conditions

People with skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema (atopic dermatitis) can lead to dryness of the skin. It also causes

Risk Factors Associated With Dry Skin Allergies

Anyone can develop dry skin allergies. But, this skin condition is common due to the following factors:

  • People who are in their 40s or older (advanced age is the main reason for having a dry skin)
  • You live in a low-humidity, dry, or cold climate
  • Have a job requiring frequent immersing of skin in water like hairstyling or nursing
  • Spend time swimming in the pool or using a hot tub

Complication Associated With Dry Skin Allergies

Dry skin irritates as you feel like itching all the time. If you leave it untreated, it can cause the following complication:

Interrupt Regular Activities

Frequent itching and pain can result in an interruption of regular activities. You can complete your normal activities as itching ca get in the way. Similarly, severe itching can disrupt your sleep cycle. Without proper sleep, you can suffer from exhaustion and lack of focus.

Risk Of Infection

When you scratch your skin, it makes your skin vulnerable to cracking. Through the cracks, harmful bacteria can enter the blood and result in the infection. The infection needs immediate antibiotic treatment to prevent further complications.

Atopic dermatitis

The condition also known as eczema develops when you suffer from dryness of skin for a long time. When you experience excessive dryness, it results in the activation of the disease. So, you develop inflammation, cracking of skin, and redness.

Diagnosing Dry Skin Allergies

While dry skin allergies may not cause serious complications, you need a medical diagnosis to rule out the possibility of infections or other underlying medical issues. It is also necessary to see a dermatologist for your condition when home remedies or over-the-counter treatments fail. Get medical assistance when you experience your symptoms like pain worsening.

Physical Assessment

The doctor checks dry skin allergies by examining the skin carefully. During the examination, the medical professional also review your medical history to learn if you have some skin condition causing the problem. Visual inspection of the affected parts of the skin can offer the doctor an idea regarding your condition. Dryness of skin is more common people in older people as the skin loses hydration with age. During the physical assessment, your doctor also asks the following:

  • Your exposure to detergent, soaps, or other irritants triggering the problem
  • Medical history
  • Family history

The doctor can rule out or determine the exact cause of the condition. But, in some cases, additional tests are required to rule out other conditions.

Patch Testing

It is the diagnostic method used to determine the exact substance triggering the allergic inflammation. It can help detect any food or substance triggers the immune system reaction. This test is helpful to detect the exact substance causing a delayed-type allergic reaction in the affected person.

Genetic Testing

Some skin conditions are caused by genetic problems. So, genetic testing can detect genodermatoses (genetic skin disorders). It helps detect forty-four types of skin diseases. Some of them are psoriasis, lupus, acne, and others.

Skin Biopsy

This is a minor procedure used to detect skin conditions like dermatitis or eczema. The doctor performs the procedure to take a small part of the affected skin using a scalpel or a punch instrument. Before removing the small section of the rash, the doctor uses a local anesthetic. After the procedure, the doctor covers the biopsied area using a bandage. The wound heals within a week. This sample skin is examined under the microscope to detect the underlying problem triggering the allergic reaction. The skin biopsy is an effective method to detect the underlying cause of dry skin allergies.

Based on the diagnosis, your doctor suggests a treatment plan to manage the problem.

Treatment For Dry Skin Allergies

The treatment for dry skin allergies is suggested based on the severity and underlying cause. Here are some of the treatment suggested:

Lifestyle Measures

Healing allergies caused due to dry skin is possible with simple lifestyle measures like using a moisturizer after shower. Avoiding hot showers and prolonged exposure to water by taking baths can avoid allergic reactions caused due to dryness of the skin.

Over-The-Counter Creams

When you have dry as well as scaly skin, then it requires over-the-counter ointments or creams to manage the condition. Choose creams containing urea and lactic acid or only lactic acid.

Prescription Creams

When you suffer from skin diseases like psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, or ichthyosis, it requires prescription creams and ointments. These medications have a strong dose compared to over-the-counter medications. When you suffer from dermatitis, it causes itchy and red skin. So, the doctor suggests lotions containing hydrocortisone.

Manage Infections

Some people can suffer from skin infection as the condition progresses. When the skin cracks open, it can make harmful bacteria to enter the bloodstream. So, your doctor suggests wet dressings and antibiotics alleviate the condition.

Home Remedies For Dry Skin Allergies

If your allergic reaction is mild, then you can try some home remedies to get relief from the persistent itching. Some of the remedies suggested here are found commonly in most homes. These common yet inexpensive ingredients can offer you relief. Commercial products containing the same ingredients may cost higher. So, apart from avoiding irritants affecting your skin, you can try the following:

Place Cool Compress

It is one of the easiest and fastest option to get relief from itching and pain caused due to allergic rashes. You can place a cold compress, take a cool shower, use a damp cloth, or place ice on the affected area to get immediate relief. Never place ice cubes directly on your skin as it causes burn. So, place an ice pack, or wet cloth immersed in cold water on the affected area for at least ten to fifteen minutes to reduce swelling, slow progression of rash, and ease itching. Cooling helps reduce any inflammation triggering the rash.

If you suffer from dry skin related allergic reactions, then you can also place the moisturizing lotions or creams in the refrigerator and use it on your skin. This step ensures the moisturizing products you use have a cooling effect when you apply it on your skin. It relieves the itching and other discomfort associated with the allergic reaction.

Use Fresh Aloe Vera Gel

If you suffer from dry skin allergies, then you can use aloe vera gel to get relief. Fresh aloe vera gel is known for its healing properties. So,  people have used it for several centuries for skin and health care. Do you know it heals your skin when you suffer from small cuts? Apart from wound healing properties, fresh aloe vera gel also has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. So, it is highly effective in protecting your skin. You need to get the gel present inside the aloe vera leaf and apply it on your skin directly.

Baking Soda In Warm Bath

Baking soda is effective for several purposes like whitening of the teeth. It is also highly useful in healing skin problems. It is because baking soda has antifungal properties. So, it can ease fungal infection causing itching. People with dry skin are at high risk of developing jock itch caused by tinea. It looks like an allergic reaction. You can get relief from the condition by adding a quarter cup of baking soda to a warm (not hot) bath. Another method to use baking soda is to form a paste and apply it directly to the affected areas on your skin.

Apply Menthol

Menthol is obtained from mint family plants. It is effective in offering relief and providing cooling effects on your skin. It also manages pain as well as itching. According to different studies, peppermint oil contains menthol, which can treat itchy skin caused due to allergic reactions. It is also safe to use on pregnant women who suffer from dry and itchy skin.

Hydrocortisone Cream

If you see inflammation with dry skin allergies, then you can use over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or ointment. The product containing at least 1% of hydrocortisone will help alleviate the symptoms of inflammation.

All these home remedies can only offer relief from mild cases of an allergic reaction. But, if you see no improvement, see a dermatologist to detect the underlying reason for the skin problem.

Preventing Dry Skin Allergies

For a clear and healthy skin without any problems, you need to try some steps at home. These steps keep your skin from getting dry and prevent problems.

Moisturize Your Skin

People with dry skin need to hydrate their skin. To lock the moisture, you need to apply a good moisturizer right after the wash your hands, bathe, or shower. It offers the necessary hydration needed for your skin. If you can tolerate the greasy feeling, then you can choose a gooey, thick, and heavy moisturizer. Certain ointments, known as emollients are suggested by the skin experts to seal the moisture and keep your skin from drying out. Using petroleum jelly is the best option for people facing the risk of allergic reactions due to the dryness of the skin. But, the greasy feel can make some people shy away from the product. Also, moisturize immediately after you take bath for better hydrating effects. While choosing a product, opt for one containing petrolatum, lactic acid, glycerin, or urea for better results.

Creams and lotions are the better options available to overcome the dryness of your kin. When you choose lotions, opt for water-based ones. It is because water tends to evaporate quickly when you apply it on your skin. If you have no creams or lotions to hydrate your skin, then you can use oils like coconut oil, olive oil, or others. They work as effectively as commercial moisturizers but less expensive.

Use Moisturizer After Hand Washing

Due to coronavirus infection, you need to wash hands frequently. Using soap and water to wash your hands to eliminate harmful germs from the hands can lead to dryness. It can result in severe dryness in people who already suffer from dryness. Soap and water strip away the moisture from your skin. So, you need to use a hand moisturizer within reach. So, each time you can hydrate your hands and avoid allergies.

Limit Water Exposure

You need to limit water exposure as it can strip off natural oils from the skin. So, limit your bath or shower time to ten minutes or less. Exposing your skin to water for a long time can trigger an allergic reaction due to extreme dryness. Also, you need to use cool or lukewarm water and not hot water. Limit the times you take bath. Limiting bath to just once a day will avoid extreme dryness of the skin.

Oatmeal Bath For Overcoming Dry Skin Allergies

Dry skin allergies can trigger itching. To relieve itching, you can use oatmeal soaks. Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties along with antioxidants. So, it soothes irritation. It is effective in soothing irritation. But, you need to lock the hydration by using the moisturizer after taking an oatmeal bath. It will keep your skin moisturized. Oatmeal is easy to make at home. You can powder the oats using a mixer grinder. If you have no time for powdering oats, you have commercial products available on online platforms like Amazon.

Avoid Rigorous Rubbing

After a shower or bath, rubbing using a towel can irritate. Over the years, it affects your skin’s elasticity. Instead of vigorous rubbing, you need to gently pat your skin dry using a soft towel.

Skip the Scented Products

Deodorant soaps and other skin products containing fragrance can smell great. But, it causes more harm to your skin. It can trigger dry skin allergies as they strip off moisture from the skin. So, it increases your urge to itch. Therefore, you need to avoid the use of such products on the skin. Use scented products if necessary only on areas prone to body odor like armpits, groin region, and feet. Choose hypoallergenic products safe for your skin. Hypoallergenic means the products do not contain dyes, irritants, or fragrances causing allergic reactions.

Use Mild Cleanser

You need to choose the products for the skin with care. Therefore, for skin facing extreme dryness and risk of allergies, you need to opt for a mild cleanser. Find bath soaps or body washes with no fragrance and labeled ideal for sensitive skin. A skincare product containing fragrance can cause dryness and itchiness of the skin. So, you need to try cleansing creams, gentle cleanser, and products with added moisturizers for avoiding dryness.

Avoid Irritants

Irritants can cause skin discomfort. So, you must eliminate irritants from the products you use on the skin. This rule goes out for detergents you use to wash clothed and beddings. Avoid scented or perfumed detergents and fabric softeners. Check the ingredients list of the detergent or look for the label to indicate the products do not contain any dyes or perfumes.

Cover Your Skin

In cold and windy weather, you need to cover your skin. Winters can dry your skin. So, you need to wear dresses covering all the exposed areas of the body. You can also use scarves, gloves, and hats to protect your skin while going out.

Use Natural Fabrics

When you wear coarse, scratchy, or rough fabrics (for example wool), it can result in skin irritation. It is true for people who have less moisture in their skin. This itchiness can lead to cuts and injuries. Therefore, you need to choose softer and natural fabrics. Softer fabrics like silk or cotton allow your skin to breathe and keeps your skin safe. You need to opt for 100% natural fabrics while choose the bedding to avoid sores.

Use A Humidifier

People living in colder regions use heaters in the home to stay warm. But, the use of hot, dry, indoor air can strip the oil and moisture of the skin. It parches the sensitive skin. So, it worsens itching and flaking. You can use a humidifier to avoid such an issue. A humidifier can add moisture to the air inside the home. So, running a humidifier when you have the heat on can restore moisture in the air. You need to maintain the humidity levels of 44% to 55% to avoid dryness. Also, keep the humidifier clean for better results.

Avoid Scratching

You will always feel tempted to scratch the itchy skin. But, scratching can only cause more damage to your skin. It can increase the risk of your skin becoming infected. When you suffer from infection, it has the following signs:

  • Tenderness
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Pus

You need to contact the doctor when you see the above-mentioned symptoms. You need prescription antibiotics to heal the condition.

Wear Gloves

If you are immersing your hands in water for a long time as part of a job or using harsh cleansers for cleaning, then you can wear gloves to protect your skin. Harsh chemicals and exposure in water for a long time strips your skin off the oils, which increases the chances of allergies.


Dry skin allergies can cause severe discomfort. If you suffer from a mild form of the condition, then you try some steps at home to deal with it. But, for severe cases, you need treatment from a specialist like an allergist. The specialized doctor with training and expertise to deal with such issues can accurately diagnose the condition and suggest a treatment plan to offer relief.








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